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In a world that is increasingly working with software, the need arises for effective approaches that encourage software reuse. The reuse practice must be aligned to a set of practices, procedures and methodologies that create a stable and high quality product. These questions produce new styles and approaches in the software engineering. In this way, this thesis aims to address concepts related to development and model-driven architecture. The model-driven approach provides significant aspects of the automated development, which helps it with produced models built in the specification phase. The definition of terms such as model, architecture and platform makes the focus becomes clearer, because for MDA and MDD is important to split between technical and business issues. Important processes are covered, so you can highlight the artifacts that are built into each stage of model-driven development. The stages of development: CSM, PIM, PSM and ISM, detailing the purpose of each phase in oriented models, making the end of each stage are gradually produced artifacts that may be specialized. The models are handled by different prospects for modeling, abstracting the concepts and building a set of details that portrays a specific scenario. This retraction can be a graphical or textual representation, however, in most cases is chosen a language modeling, for example, UML. In order to provide a practical view, this dissertation shows some tools that improve the construction of models and the code generate that assists in the development, keeping the documentation systemic. Finally, the paper presents a case study that refers to the theoretical aspects discussed throughout the dissertation, therefore it is expected that the architecture and the model-driven development may be able to explain important features to consider in software engineering


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Millennia ago, through the myths of greeks gods and demi-gods, comes a series of celebrations called Pan-Hellenic Games. Among these festivals, the most famous was certainly the Olympic Games - the Olympics. Forbidden by Rome in the third century AD, they are considered to worship the pagan gods, were rescued in 1894 by Pierre de Coubertin. Over 113 years and 29 Olympiads, the event took gigantic proportions and the right to host the Games has become one of the closest racing of the modern world. Catalyst for urban development, the Olympic Games were the subject of dream for the city of Sao Paulo in the 2000s, and an internal dispute was fought with Rio de Janeiro to get the right to host the 2012 Games. A team of Paulo Mendes da Rocha and associates was responsible for designing the plan. Eliminated from contention, Sao Paulo forgot the Olympic dream, and in October 2009 the city of Rio was finally chosen to host the Olympics in 2016. This project aims to rescue the look of architectural and urban plan Sao Paulo 2012 and with a critical and poetic eye create a visual identity for a fictitious victory in the election of So Paulo in 2003. Not aiming to create a corporate identity program - because this is not the mission of the architect - but look at Sao Paulo and the Olympics with poetry and criticism in the true Olympic spirit of peace and hope.


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O sculo passado foi marcado por grandes avanos tecnolgicos na agricultura que culminaram com a chamada Revoluo Verde, a qual hoje, comprovadamente, considerada como um modelo insustentvel. Tal fato tem motivado instituies cientficas e agricultores a buscarem por novos paradigmas para a produo. A agroecologia tem se destacado por abordar o manejo de agroecossistemas dentro de uma viso holstica, sistmica e participativa, subsidiando a recuperao das suas funes e a autonomia durante a transio agroecolgica. Nesse contexto, a utilizao de ferramentas para avaliao e monitoramento do processo, como a anlise de indicadores de sustentabilidade, fundamental. O presente estudo teve como objetivo monitorar participativamente o grau de sustentabilidade de duas unidades de produo orgnica em Jaguarina-SP, aps cinco anos de uma primeira avaliao. Foram analisados 81 indicadores, abordando quatro dimenses da sustentabilidade: ambiental, social, econmica e poltica. Os resultados foram obtidos de forma consensual e participativa entre pesquisadores e agricultores, enriquecendo o estudo. Do ponto de vista global, houve um leve avano no grau de sustentabilidade das duas propriedades. No entanto, ambas continuam no mesmo nvel de transio agroecolgica apresentado em pesquisa realizada em 2005.


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This study aimed to survey and analyze the geomorphological aspects of watershed stream Wenzel in Rio Claro, as well as anthropogenic incidents about which he eventually causing serious environmental impacts. All these changes in the natural environment are generated from the constant development of the urban environment, which ends up leaving aside factors relevant to the natural order and that over time they become problems to humans. As various forms of environmental degradation occurring on some form of relief, geomorphology can make a major contribution in this field, since the analysis of the hydrographic network can lead to understanding and explanation of numerous geomorphological issues because the waterways are process morphogenetic the most active in the terrestrial landscape sculpture. The research with a systems approach and vision interrelated aspects in question may even serve as a basis for practical planning and urban management, in addition to detailed study of the area, which is of paramount importance to the local society


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In the information society, the use of Technologies has been incorporated to our quotidian. The use of personal computers and internet, however, does not reach to all the individuals, creating the problem of digital exclusion. Nowadays, many inclusion politics are being developed to diminish the digital abyss in society, in a way to enable a plural access to the internet. Between these initiatives, we highlight the projects of digital inclusion among the elderly, slice of the population that grows more each day and seek quality of life, social reinclusion and health. In this context, the open universities for the elderly bring to the aged courses and workshops, in order to encourage the activity in this age group. An example of this idea is the Unati of UNESP Bauru, that develops the project Terceira Idade Digital. This work aims to analyze the relation between the elderly with certain technologies, apart from showing the digital inclusion scenario, with its delays and progresses


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Nos dias de hoje, com o grande interesse da populao sobre esportes e lazer, a Educao Fsica vem se propagando e se desenvolvendo de diversas formas, entre elas a Escolar e a Acadmica. Em funo disso, surgiu o interesse de descobrir como so as aulas de Educao Fsica no Ensino Mdio. Para tanto, procuramos averiguar, a partir da viso dos professores, quais so os principais pontos negativos da Proposta Curricular do Estado de So Paulo de Educao Fsica rede Pblica Estadual de Ensino. Tendo por base os professores da rede Estadual de Ensino demos incio a esta investigao. Para tanto, foi aplicado um questionrio, contendo 6 questes, em 9 professores da rede. Aps as anlises, os resultados mostraram que grande partes dos entrevistados apiam a iniciativa do Governo Estadual em criar a Propostas Curricular. Tais professores dizem tambm que o ensino melhorou, porm necessrio que melhore e que tanto o profissional de Educao Fsica como a disciplina escolar devem ser mais valorizadas.


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Este trabalho teve como objetivo principal analisar a dinmica geomorfolgica, bem como a apropriao humana do relevo, mediante a interpretao de forma integrada dos documentos cartogrficos elaborados a partir de tcnicas da cartografia morfomtrica, geomorfolgica e de uso da terra, de forma a subsidiar aes vinculadas ao planejamento ambiental da Bacia do Ribeiro Tijuco Preto (SP). Sob os auspcios da abordagem sistmica, a partir de uma viso integrada e complexa dos sistemas geomorfolgicos, props-se a quantificar os atributos das formas de relevo, representando-os cartogrficamente com a elaborao das Cartas Morfomtricas de Declividade ou Clinogrfica (De Biase, 1970 e 1992), de Dissecao Horizontal (Spiridonov, 1981 e adaptaes de Mauro et. al.,1991), de Dissecao Vertical (Spiridonov, 1981) e de Energia do Relevo (Mendes, 1993). Tambm, contemplou-se a cartografia geomorfolgica de detalhe, com a elaborao da Carta Geomorfolgica (Tricart, 1965), bem como o mapeamento do uso da terra, expresso na Carta de Uso da Terra (Ceron e Diniz, 1966). De forma geral, a anlise dos Produtos Cartogrficos elaborados, permitiu constatar que a Bacia do Ribeiro Tijuco Preto vem sofrendo o desencadeamento de processos erosivos variados. Tais processos esto associados a uma conjuno de condicionantes, que podem ser apontados pelas variadas condies morfomtricas do terreno, o clima quente e mido reinante, as diferentes litologias aflorantes, a tipologia dos solos, bem como, e, de maneira veemente, a interveno humana. O condicionante antrpico est majoritariamente representado pela monocultura canavieira e pela urbanizao, sendo agentes cruciais no desencadeamento dos processos erosivos existentes e na interferncia direta na dinmica do escoamento fluvial da Bacia do Ribeiro Tijuco Preto.


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Atualmente, a sociedade vive em uma poca na qual o consumismo exacerbado e isso desencadeia diversas conseqncias negativas para o meio ambiente. No ambiente escolar, existem vrios objetivos a serem alcanados, dentre estes preciso dar uma ateno especial formao de valores dos alunos, auxiliando e ampliando o conhecimento e vivificando os que forem trazidos do ambiente familiar. Sendo assim o objetivo deste trabalho analisar a utilizao das Atividades Fsicas de Aventura na Natureza nas escolas do municpio de Rio Claro, na viso dos profissionais de Educao Fsica. Este estudo de natureza qualitativa e consiste na aplicao de um questionrio em uma amostra aleatria composta por 20 sujeitos que possuam graduao em Licenciatura em Educao Fsica e atuavam, nas redes pblicas e privadas, nessa rea. Os dados provenientes da aplicao dos instrumentos propostos foram analisados descritivamente, por meio da utilizao da Tcnica de Anlise de Contedo Temtico. Foi possvel verificar que existe a vontade dos professores em aplicar esse tema e o reconhecimento dos mesmos sobre a importncia das AFAN para seus alunos. Porm um obstculo encontrado por eles est na falta de preparao para poder trabalhar com estas atividades. interessante notar que eles atribuem esta falta formao acadmica dos professores, na qual esse tema no vem sendo abordado como deveria. H esperana que de este estudo tenha na comprovao de que as AFAN so um tema vivel dentro do ambiente escolar, principalmente no que se diz respeito aos benefcios para os alunos


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Ps-graduao em Medicina Veterinria - FCAV


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Coordenao de Aperfeioamento de Pessoal de Nvel Superior (CAPES)


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Ps-graduao em Psicologia - FCLAS


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Ps-graduao em Odontologia Preventiva e Social - FOA


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Cientfico e Tecnolgico (CNPq)


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A culture of resistance in the semi-arid, expressed by mentalities and values, goes against the economic potential of sheep and goat raising, considered as an inferior activity when compared to the cattle raising, historically linked to social status and prestige. This paper attempts to shed light on aspects that make possible to clarify the roots of the cognitive apparatus that supports this view, resorting to it to the production of relevant authors dealing with the issue of displacement of colonizer and livestock in the hinterlands. Ultimately, it seeks evidence of the influence of the historical process of economic and social organization of space on the present.


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As an alternative to improve the adaptation of prefabricated posts in flared canals and weakened roots, the option is for relining prefabricated pin, known as a technique of anatomical post. This technique, which can be made with composite resin increases the adjustment post to the walls of the canal and reduces the cementing line, causing the retaining post is less dependent on the mechanical properties of the cementing agent. This article aims to provide an overview of anatomical posts, specifically in the last two decades, based on studies extracted from Scielo, Scopus and Pubmed, referring to the following terms of MeSH Data Base: custom made fiber post, indirect fiber glass posts, root canal therapy and post and core tecnique. According to the literature review in this article, it can be concluded that this technique has been used by several authors and has been shown effective and promising, it creates an individualized retainer with better adaptation and decreased mechanical imbrication cementing line .