934 resultados para zooplankton abundance
1. The crabeater seal Lobodon carcinophaga is considered to be a key species in the krill-based food web of the Southern Ocean. Reliable estimates of the abundance of this species are necessary to allow the development of multispecies, predator–prey models as a basis for management of the krill fishery in the Southern Ocean. 2. A survey of crabeater seal abundance was undertaken in 1500 000 km2 of pack-ice off east Antarctica between longitudes 64–150° E during the austral summer of 1999/2000. Sighting surveys, using double observer line transect methods, were conducted from an icebreaker and two helicopters to estimate the density of seals hauled out on the ice in survey strips. Satellite-linked dive recorders were deployed on a sample of seals to estimate the probability of seals being hauled out on the ice at the times of day when sighting surveys were conducted. Model-based inference, involving fitting a density surface, was used to infer densities in the entire survey region from estimates in the surveyed areas. 3. Crabeater seal abundance was estimated to be between 0.7 and 1.4 million animals (with 95% confidence), with the most likely estimate slightly less than 1 million. 4. Synthesis and applications. The estimation of crabeater seal abundance in Convention for the Conservation of Antarctic Marine Living Resources (CCAMLR) management areas off east Antarctic where krill biomass has also been estimated recently provides the data necessary to begin extending from single-species to multispecies management of the krill fishery. Incorporation of all major sources of uncertainty allows a precautionary interpretation of crabeater abundance and demand for krill in keeping with CCAMLR’s precautionary approach to management. While this study focuses on the crabeater seal and management of living resources in the Southern Ocean, it has also led to technical and theoretical developments in survey methodology that have widespread potential application in ecological and resource management studies, and will contribute to a more fundamental understanding of the structure and function of the Southern Ocean ecosystem.
Killer whale (Orcinus orca Linnaeus, 1758) abundance in the North Pacific is known only for a few populations for which extensive longitudinal data are available, with little quantitative data from more remote regions. Line-transect ship surveys were conducted in July and August of 2001–2003 in coastal waters of the western Gulf of Alaska and the Aleutian Islands. Conventional and Multiple Covariate Distance Sampling methods were used to estimate the abundance of different killer whale ecotypes, which were distinguished based upon morphological and genetic data. Abundance was calculated separately for two data sets that differed in the method by which killer whale group size data were obtained. Initial group size (IGS) data corresponded to estimates of group size at the time of first sighting, and post-encounter group size (PEGS) corresponded to estimates made after closely approaching sighted groups.
Between 1991 and 1993, Alaska harbor porpoise (Phocoena phocoena) abundance was investigated during aerial surveys throughout much of the coastal and offshore waters from Bristol Bay in the eastern Bering Sea to Dixon Entrance in Southeast Alaska. Line-transect methodology was used, and only those observations made during optimal conditions were analyzed. Survey data indicated densities of 4.48 groups/100 km2, or approximately 3,531 harbor porpoises (95% C.I. 2,206-5,651) in Bristol Bay and 0.54 groups/100 km2, or 136 harbor porpoises (95% C.I. 11-1,645) for Cook Inlet. Efforts off Kodiak Island resulted in densities of 1.85 groups/100 km2, or an abundance estimate of 740 (95% C.I. 259-2,115). Surveys off the south side of the Alaska Peninsula found densities of 2.03 groups/100 km2 and an abundance estimate of 551 (95% C.I. 423-719). Surveys of offshore waters from Prince William Sound to Dixon Entrance yielded densities of 4.02 groups/100 km’ and an abundance estimate of 3,982 (95% C.I. 2,567-6,177). Combining all years and areas yielded an uncorrected density estimate of 3.82 porpoises per 100 km2, resulting in an abundance estimate of 8,940 porpoises (CV = 13.8%) with a 95% confidence interval of 6,746-11,848. Using correction factors from other studies to adjust for animals missed by observers, the total number of Alaska harbor porpoises is probably three times this number.
Insect pollination is an essential ecosystem service, and bees are the principal pollinators of wild and cultivated plants. Habitat management and enhancement are a proven way to encourage wild bee populations, providing them with food and nesting resources. I examined bee diversity and abundance in plots managed by The Nature Conservancy near Wood River, NE. The plots were seeded with 2 seed mixes at 2 seeding rates: high diversity mix at the recommended rate, high diversity mix double the recommended rate, Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) conservation planting (CP) 25 mix at one-half the recommended rate, and NRCS CP25 mix at the recommended rate. I measured wild bee abundance and diversity, and established a database of wild bees associated with the plots. I also compared genus richness and abundance among the plots using and aerial net and blue vane traps to collect bees. Significant differences were not observed in genus richness and diversity among the plots; however, plot size and the ability of blue vane traps to draw bees from a long distance may have influenced my results. In 2008, 15 genera and 95 individual bees were collected using an aerial net and in 2009, 32 genera and 6,103 individual bees were collected using blue vane traps. I also studied the beneficial insects associated with native Nebraska flora. Seventeen species of native, perennial flora were established in 3 separate plots located in eastern Nebraska. I transplanted four plants of each species in randomized 0.61 m x 0.61 m squares of a 3.05 m x 9.14 m plot. Arthropods were sampled using a modified leaf blower/vacuum. Insects and other arthropods were identified to family and organized into groups of predators, parasites, pollinators, herbivores, and miscellaneous. Associations between plant species and families of beneficial arthropods (predators, parasites, and pollinators) were made. Pycnanthemum flexuosum Walter attracted significantly more beneficial arthropod families than 7 other species of plants tested. Dalea purpurea Vent and Liatris punctata Hook also attracted significantly fewer beneficial arthropod families than 4 other species of plants tested. In total, 31 predator, 11 parasitic, 4 pollinator, 31 herbivore, and 10 miscellaneous families of arthropods were recorded.
In 1984 and 1985 seasonal changes in phytoplankton were studied in a system of three lakes in Loch Vale, Rocky Mountain National Park, Colorado. Three periods were evident: (1) A spring bloom, during snowmelt, of the planktonic diatom Asterionella Formosa, (2) a mid- summer period of minimal algal abundance, and (3) a fall bloom of the blue-green alga Oscillatoria limnetica. Seasonal phytoplankton dynamics in these lakes are controlled partially by the rapid flushing rate during snowmelt and the transport of phytoplankton from the highest lake to the lower lakes by the stream, Icy Brook. During snowmelt, the A. formosa population in the most downstream lake has a net rate of increase of 0.34 d-1, which is calculated from the flushing rate and from the A. formosa abundance in the inflow from the upstream lake and in the downstream lake. Measurement of photosynthetic rates at different depths during the three periods confirmed the rapid growth of A. formosa during the spring. The decline in A. formosa after snowmelt may be related to grazing by developing zooplankton populations. The possible importance of the seasonal variations in nitrate concentrations were evaluated in situ enrichment experiments. For A. formosa and O. limnetica populations, growth stimulation resulted from 8- or 16-micromolar amendments of calcium nitrate and sulfuric acid, but the reason for this stimulation could not be determined from these experiments.
Vibrio cholerae is an autochthonous marine bacterium, and its association with diverse planktonic crustaceans has been extensively investigated; however, the presence of V. cholerae on individuals of most phyla of planktonic animals is still incompletely understood. The objective of this study was to analyze the distribution of V. cholerae serogroup O1 associated with specific zooplankton taxa in an estuary and the adjacent continental shelf of the southeastern Brazilian coast. The occurrence of the bacterium was assessed in zooplankton samples, specifically on the most abundant taxa, using direct fluorescence assay (DFA) and direct viable count-direct fluorescence assay (DVC-DFA) methods. Vibrio cholerae O1 was detected in 88% of samples collected from the Santos-Bertioga estuary and in 67% of samples from the shelf. The salinity of the estuarine water ranged from 21.8 to 34.6, significantly lower than the shelf water which was 32.1-36.1. Salinity was the only environmental variable measured that displayed a significant correlation with the presence of V. cholerae (P < 0.05). Vibrio cholerae O1 was detected in chaetognaths, pluteus larvae of echinoderms and planktonic fish eggs (Engraulidae), all new sites for this bacterium.
We studied the population dynamics and the reproductive biology of Penilia avirostris during three consecutive years on the inner shelf off Ubatuba, Brazil. Penilia avirostris individuals and its eggs and embryos were counted, measured, and classified into stages. The species occurred throughout the studied period, in a wide temperature range (14.8-28.2A degrees C). Cladoceran densities were usually higher (> 2,000 ind m(-3)) in warm seasons, when the water column was stratified as a consequence of bottom intrusions of the cold- and nutrient-rich South Atlantic Central Water. Juveniles, non-reproducing females, and parthenogenic females were the dominant developmental stages. Males and gamogenic females were rare and only occurred when females reached peak abundances. This suggests that in tropical and subtropical coastal seas gamogenesis in P. avirostris is not as common as in temperate seas, but may play a significant role in the density-dependent control of the population preceding unfavourable periods.
Temporal, spatial and diel variation in the distribution and abundance of organisms is an inherent property of ecological systems. The present study describes these variations and the composition of decapod larvae from the surface waters of St Paul`s Rocks. The expeditions to the archipelago were carried out in April, August and November 2003, March 2004 and May 2005. Surface plankton samples were collected during the morning and dusk periods, inside the inlet and in increasing distances around the archipelago (similar to 150, 700 and 1500 m). The identification resulted in 51 taxa. Seven species, six genera and larvae of the families Pandalidae and Portunidae were identified for the first time in the area. The mean larval density varied from zero to 150.2 +/- 69.6 individuals 100 m(-3) in the waters surrounding the archipelago and from 1.7 +/- 3.0 to 12,827 +/- 15,073 individuals 100 m(-3) inside the inlet. Significant differences on larval density were verified between months and period of the day, but not among the three sites around the archipelago. Cluster and non-metric multidimensional scaling analysis indicated that the decapod larvae community was divided into benthic and pelagic assemblages. Indicator species analysis (ISA) showed that six Brachyura taxa were good indicators for the inlet, while three sergestids were the main species from the waters around the archipelago. These results suggest that St Paul`s Rocks can be divided into two habitats, based on larval composition, density and diversity values: the inlet and the waters surrounding the archipelago.
Abundance and composition of marine benthic communities have been relatively well studied in the SE Brazilian coast, but little is known on patterns controlling the distribution of their planktonic larval stages. A survey of larval abundance in the continental margin, using a Multi-Plankton Sampler, was conducted in a cross-shelf transect off Cabo Frio (23 degrees S and 42 degrees W) during a costal upwelling event. Hydrographic conditions were monitored through discrete CDT casts. Chlorophyll-a in the top 100 m of the water column was determined and changes in surface chlorophyll-a was estimated using SeaWiFS images. Based on the larval abundances and the meso-scale hydrodynamics scenario, our results suggest two different processes affecting larval distributions. High larval densities were found nearshore due to the upwelling event associated with high chlorophyll a and strong along shore current. On the continental slope, high larval abundance was associated with a clockwise rotating meander, which may have entrapped larvae from a region located further north (Cabo de Sao Tome, 22 degrees S and 41 degrees W). In mid-shelf areas, our data suggests that vertical migration may likely occur as a response to avoid offshore transport by upwelling plumes and/or cyclonic meanders. The hydrodynamic scenario observed in the study area has two distinct yet extremely important consequences: larval retention on food-rich upwelling areas and the broadening of the tropical domain to southernmost subtropical areas. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
To assess the impact and fate of the summer phytoplankton bloom on Antarctic benthos, we evaluated temporal and spatial patterns in macrofaunal abundance and taxonomic composition along a transect crossing the West Antarctic Peninsula (WAP) continental shelf As part of the FOODBANCS project, we sampled three sites at 550-625 m depths during five cruises occurring in November 1999, February-March 2000, June 2000, October 2000 and March 2001. We used a combination of megacore and box-core samplers to take 81 samples, and collected over 30,000 macrofaunal individuals, one of the largest sampling efforts on the Antarctic shelf to date. Comparison of the two sampling methodologies (box core and megacore) indicates similar macrofaunal densities, but with significant differences in taxonomic composition, a reflection of the different spatial scales of sampling. Macrorfaunal abundances on the WAP shelf were relatively high compared to other Antarctic shelf settings. At two of the three sampling sites, macrofaunal abundance remained constant throughout the year, which is consistent with the presence of a sediment `food bank`. Differences were observed in taxonomic composition at the site closest to the coast (Station A), driven by higher abundances of subsurface-deposit feeders. A significant temporal response was observed in the ampharetid polychaetes at Station A, with an abundance peak in the late fall post-bloom period; this may have resulted from juvenile recruitment during the summer bloom. Familial composition of macrofaunal polychaetes on the WAP shelf is more closely related to deep-sea abyssal fauna than to other shelf regions, and we hypothesize that this is a result of both local ecological conditions (low temperatures) and a reflection of historical processes such as extinctions on the Antarctic shelf during previous glacial maxima followed by recolonization from the deep sea. (C) 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
The coastal upwelling off Cabo Frio (SE Brazilian coast, SEBC) represents an exception to the world`s oceans since the majority of the upwelling areas are located in eastern boundary current systems. Cabo Frio represents an interesting area for investigation due to its tight physical-biological interaction and the importance of the region as a major fishery area in the SEBC. We analyzed a suite of lipid biomarkers to apportion the main sources of organic matter in surface sediments of the continental shelf off Cabo Frio, comparing the area to non-upwelling regions off the SEBC (shelf break off Cabo Frio and continental shelf off Ubatuba). During spring and summer (the upwelling period), diatoms are probably the major sources of polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs) and C-28 sterols in surface sediments from Cabo Frio continental shelf. Sediments sampled in winter showed, in contrast, lower relative abundance of PUFAs and higher stanol/stenol ratio values. In deeper regions off Cabo Frio, elevated concentrations of alkenones, 24-methylcholest-5,22E-dien-3 beta-ol and 24-ethylcholest-5-en-3 beta-ol during the spring may be produced by prymnesiophytes or cryptophytes and cyanobacteria, respectively. In Ubatuba, the C-27 and C-28 sterols are likely derived from omnivorous salps and nanoflagellates. At non-upwelling areas, despite the increase in biomarker concentrations during spring and summer, lower concentrations of PUFAs, phytol and algal sterols than in shelf areas off Cabo Frio suggest the importance of the upwelling system to the rapid transfer of organic carbon to surface sediments. Our results suggest that spatial and temporal variability in organic matter production and deposition merits consideration for constraining the carbon budgets in the coastal region off Cabo Frio. (C) 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
We studied the temporal and vertical variability in larvacean abundance and secondary production on a fixed station off southeast Brazil, from January 2007 to December 2008. Larvacean biomass was derived from length weight regressions, and growth rates were estimated from an empirical model. We identified eleven larvacean species. Oikopleura longicauda occurred throughout the studied period and was the most abundant species, followed by Oikopleura fusiformis. Fritillaria haplostoma, O. fusiformis and O. longicauda were found mainly above the thermocline, whereas Oikopleura dioica and Fritillaria pellucida preferred bottom layers. Higher abundance and biomass were observed in warmer months, when the water column was stratified as a result of the bottom intrusions of the cold and nutrient-rich South Atlantic Central Water. Secondary production mirrored the biomass seasonal pattern. Larvacean biomass equaled to less than 10% of copepod biomass during the same period, but larvacean production comprised on average 77% that of copepods, whereas the production of discarded houses and fecal pellets comprised up to 2800% of larvaceans secondary production. This confirms the potential significance of larvaceans in the carbon flux in tropical and subtropical coastal regions. (C) 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
The physical aspects of the Subtropical Shelf Front (STSF) for the Southwest Atlantic Continental Shelf were previously described. However, only scarce data on the biology of the front is available in the literature. The main goal of this paper is to describe the physical, chemical and biological properties of the STSF found in winter 2003 and summer 2004. A cross-section was established at the historically determined location of the STSF. Nine stations were sampled in winter and seven in summer. Each section included a series of conductivity-temperature-depth (CTD) stations where water samples from selected depths were filtered for nutrient determination. Surface samples were taken for chlorophyll a (Chl-a) determination and plankton net tows carried out above and below the pycnocline. Results revealed that winter was marked by an inner-shelf salinity front and that the STSF was located on the mid-shelf The low salinity waters in the inner-shelf indicated a strong influence of freshwater, with high silicate (72 mu M), suspended matter (45 mg l(-1)), phosphate (2.70 mu M) and low nitrate (1.0 mu M) levels. Total dissolved nitrogen was relatively high (22.98 mu M), probably due to the elevated levels of organic compound contribution close to the continental margin. Surface Chl-a concentration decreased from coastal well-mixed waters, where values up to 8.0 mg m(-3) were registered, to offshore waters. Towards the open ocean, high subsurface nutrients values were observed, probably associated to South Atlantic Central Waters (SACW). Zooplankton and ichthyoplankton abundance followed the same trend; three different groups associated to the inner-, mid- and outer-shelf region were identified. During summer, diluted waters extended over the shelf to join the STSF in the upper layer; the concentration of inorganic nutrients decreased in shallow waters; however, high values were observed between 40 and 60 m and in deep offshore waters. Surface Chl-a ranged 0.07-1.5 mg m(-3); winter levels were higher. Three groups of zoo and ichthyoplankton, separated by the STSF, were also identified. Results of the study performed suggest that the influence of freshwater was stronger during winter and that abundance distribution of Chl-a, copepods and ichthyoplankton was related to the Plata Plume Waters (PPW), rather than to the presence of the STSF. During summer, when the presence of freshwater decreases, plankton interactions seem to take place in the STSF. (C) 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
The occurrence, distribution and abundance of ichthyoplankton in Todos os Santos and Camamu Bays were analyzed based on four samplings (winter 2003, summer 2003, winter 2004 and summer 2005). Samples were obtained by surface horizontal hauls, using a 200-mu m mesh conical-cylinder plankton net. The distribution and abundance of eggs indicate a remarkable seasonal and annual variation of spawning activity in the region, especially when the two summer campaigns are compared. In summer 2003 the highest quantitative values were recorded, especially for Camamu, where the maximum reached 106.56 eggs.m(-3), with an overall average of 43.46 eggs.m(-3) for the two areas. In summer 2005 values were relatively low, the overall average being 3.49 eggs.m(-3). The larval taxonomic composition is characterized by the predominance of gobiids, with small variation from summer to winter. Considering all the campaigns and samplings undertaken in both areas, larvae of 11 families were identified: Engraulidae, Clupeidae, Mugilidae, Atherinopsidae, Hemiramphidae, Syngnathidae, Blenniidae, Carangidae, Gobiidae, Achiridae and Tetraodontidae.
The West Antarctic Peninsula (WAP) shelf experiences intense seasonal and interannual variability in phytoplankton production and particulate-organic-carbon flux to the seafloor. To explore the response of the megabenthic community to this production variability, we conducted video surveys of epibenthic megafauna at three stations on the WAP shelf in Nov-Dec 1999, Mar 2000, Jun 2000, Oct-Nov 2000, and Feb-Mar 2001. The epibenthic megafauna was dominated (>90%) by elasipod holothurians, irregular urchins and anthozoans, with total abundances ranging from 19 to 152 ind. 1 00 m(-2). The abundance of three of the dominant taxa (Protelpidia murrayi, Peniagone vignomi, and Amphipneustes spp.) varied significantly across seasons (p <0.05), although variations were not tightly correlated with the summer bloom cycle. The irregular urchins in the genus Amphipneustes varied 5-fold in abundance at single stations, with maximum densities (an average of 10.1 ind. 100 m(-2)) attained in Jun 2000. Abundances of the elasipod holothurians P. murrayi (1-121 ind. 100 m(-2)) and P. vignoni (0.7-27.5 ind. 100 m(-2)) fell within the range for elasipod holothurians from other bathyal regions measured using image analysis. The abundance of P. murrayi increased up to 6-fold from a single Jun-Oct recruitment pulse, while changes in the abundance of P. vignoni (over 2-fold higher in Feb-Mar 2001) apparently resulted from immigration during the presence of a 1-2 cm thick carpet of fresh phytocletritus. Based on the ratio of the number of fecal casts per individual, elasipod holothurians increased surface-deposit feeding rates by >= 2-fold while phytocletritus was present at the seafloor. Nonetheless, these surface-deposit feeders appeared to feed and egest sediments throughout the winter, which is consistent with year-round persistence of a labile food bank in surficial sediments on the deep WAP shelf.