931 resultados para water and wastewater services
Environmental sustainability is an area of increasing importance for third party logistics (3PL) companies. As the design and implementation of services requires interaction between buyer and 3PL, the 3PLs are in a critical position to support the efforts towards greening operations of different supply chain participants. However the literature in this field reflects a gap between the perspectives of buyers and 3PLs. This chapter attempts to fill this void through an explorative case study analysis on the environmental attitude of 3PLs in order to derive implications for buyers’ behavior. The results indicate that the buyer’s role is critical in different ways in the development of green initiatives among 3PLs. An increased orientation towards longer-term contracts and joint development would likely enhance the level of green initiatives. Indirectly, the buyer has the opportunity to influence its 3PLs through interaction with employees on different levels in the company, including top management.
Considering its strong environmental impact, logistics plays a critical role in green supply chain management. It provides strategic links in the supply chain and is an essential function in the delivery of green products to the consumer. There is a general consensus on the fact that more environmentally sustainable companies may be achieved only if transport and logistics activities also become greener. To achieve this objective, buyer companies need to incorporate green considerations in the purchasing of transport and logistics services. This appears particularly challenging for small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs) because of their traditional lack of managerial, organisational and financial resources that often result in failure to adopt an environmental perspective. In the extant literature, green purchasing has received increased attention over the past decade and the strategic importance of introducing green aspects into purchasing practices has been recognised. However, little has been written in relation to purchasing green transport and logistics services. The aim of this paper is to explore practices in the buying of green transport and logistics services and to derive implications for small buyer companies. The paper analyses how general environmental company ambitions and environmental purchasing practices are reflected when green transport and logistics services are purchased in three different European countries (Italy, Ireland and Sweden) using a multiple case study research approach. The results of the paper indicate that while the case companies show a relatively high concern for green issues at corporate level, a lower importance is attributed to green issues at the purchasing function level. When green concerns in the purchasing of transport and logistics services are analysed the level of importance decreases further. Thus, a conflicting attitude is evident between the overall corporate level and the purchasing of transport and logistics services specifically. This suggests that there is potential for improvement especially in the area of green collaboration in buyer and supplier relationships.
The knowledge of insulation debris generation and transport gains in importance regarding reactor safety research for PWR and BWR. The insulation debris released near the break consists of a mixture of very different fibres and particles concerning size, shape, consistence and other properties. Some fraction of the released insulation debris will be transported into the reactor sump where it may affect emergency core cooling. Experiments are performed to blast original samples of mineral wool insulation material by steam under original thermal-hydraulic break conditions of BWR. The gained fragments are used as initial specimen for further experiments at acrylic glass test facilities. The quasi ID-sinking behaviour of the insulation fragments are investigated in a water column by optical high speed video techniques and methods of image processing. Drag properties are derived from the measured sinking velocities of the fibres and observed geometric parameters for an adequate CFD modelling. In the test rig "Ring line-II" the influence of the insulation material on the head loss is investigated for debris loaded strainers. Correlations from the filter bed theory are adapted with experimental results and are used to model the flow resistance depending on particle load, filter bed porosity and parameters of the coolant flow. This concept also enables the simulation of a particular blocked strainer with CFDcodes. During the ongoing work further results of separate effect and integral experiments and the application and validation of the CFD-models for integral test facilities and original containment sump conditions are expected.
Activated sludge basins (ASBs) are a key-step in wastewater treatment processes that are used to eliminate biodegradable pollution from the water discharged to the natural environment. Bacteria found in the activated sludge consume and assimilate nutrients such as carbon, nitrogen and phosphorous under specific environmental conditions. However, applying the appropriate agitation and aeration regimes to supply the environmental conditions to promote the growth of the bacteria is not easy. The agitation and aeration regimes that are applied to activated sludge basins have a strong influence on the efficacy of wastewater treatment processes. The major aims of agitation by submersible mixers are to improve the contact between biomass and wastewater and the prevention of biomass settling. They induce a horizontal flow in the oxidation ditch, which can be quantified by the mean horizontal velocity. Mean values of 0.3-0.35 m s-1 are recommended as a design criteria to ensure best conditions for mixing and aeration (Da Silva, 1994). To give circulation velocities of this order of magnitude, the positioning and types of mixers are chosen from the plant constructors' experience and the suppliers' data for the impellers. Some case studies of existing plants have shown that measured velocities were not in the range that was specified in the plant design. This illustrates that there is still a need for design and diagnosis approach to improve process reliability by eliminating or reducing the number of short circuits, dead zones, zones of inefficient mixing and poor aeration. The objective of the aeration is to facilitate the quick degradation of pollutants by bacterial growth. To achieve these objectives a wastewater treatment plant must be adequately aerated; thus resulting in 60-80% of all energetic consummation being dedicated to the aeration alone (Juspin and Vasel, 2000). An earlier study (Gillot et al., 1997) has illustrated the influence that hydrodynamics have on the aeration performance as measure by the oxygen transfer coefficient. Therefore, optimising the agitation and aeration systems can enhance the oxygen transfer coefficient and consequently reduce the operating costs of the wastewater treatment plant. It is critically important to correctly estimate the mass transfer coefficient as any errors could result in the simulations of biological activity not being physically representative. Therefore, the transfer process was rigorously examined in several different types of process equipment to determine the impact that different hydrodynamic regimes and liquid-side film transfer coefficients have on the gas phase and the mass transfer of oxygen. To model the biological activity occurring in ASBs, several generic biochemical reaction models have been developed to characterise different biochemical reaction processes that are known as Activated Sludge Models, ASM (Henze et al., 2000). The ASM1 protocol was selected to characterise the impact of aeration on the bacteria consuming and assimilating ammonia and nitrate in the wastewater. However, one drawback of ASM protocols is that the hydrodynamics are assumed to be uniform by the use of perfectly mixed, plug flow reactors or as a number of perfectly mixed reactors in series. This makes it very difficult to identify the influence of mixing and aeration on oxygen mass transfer and biological activity. Therefore, to account for the impact of local gas-liquid mixing regime on the biochemical activity Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) was used by applying the individual ASM1 reaction equations as the source terms to a number of scalar equations. Thus, the application of ASM1 to CFD (FLUENT) enabled the investigation of the oxygen transfer efficiency and the carbon & nitrogen biological removal in pilot (7.5 cubic metres) and plant scale (6000 cubic metres) ASBs. Both studies have been used to validate the effect that the hydrodynamic regime has on oxygen mass transfer (the circulation velocity and mass transfer coefficient) and the effect that this had on the biological activity on pollutants such as ammonia and nitrate (Cartland Glover et al., 2005). The work presented here is one part to of an overall approach for improving the understanding of ASBs and the impact that they have in terms of the hydraulic and biological performance on the overall wastewater treatment process. References CARTLAND GLOVER G., PRINTEMPS C., ESSEMIANI K., MEINHOLD J., (2005) Modelling of wastewater treatment plants ? How far shall we go with sophisticated modelling tools? 3rd IWA Leading-Edge Conference & Exhibition on Water and Wastewater Treatment Technologies, 6-8 June 2005, Sapporo, Japan DA SILVA G. (1994). Eléments d'optimisation du transfert d'oxygène par fines bulles et agitateur séparé en chenal d'oxydation. PhD Thesis. CEMAGREF Antony ? France. GILLOT S., DERONZIER G., HEDUIT A. (1997). Oxygen transfer under process conditions in an oxidation ditch equipped with fine bubble diffusers and slow speed mixers. WEFTEC, Chicago, USA. HENZE M., GUJER W., MINO T., van LOOSDRECHT M., (2000). Activated Sludge Models ASM1, ASM2, ASM2D and ASM3, Scientific and Technical Report No. 9. IWA Publishing, London, UK. JUSPIN H., VASEL J.-L. (2000). Influence of hydrodynamics on oxygen transfer in the activated sludge process. IWA, Paris - France.
Environmental sustainability is an area of increasing importance for third party logistics (3PL) companies. As the design and implementation of services requires interaction between buyer and 3PL, the 3PLs are in a critical position to support the efforts towards greening operations of different supply chain participants. However the literature in this field reflects a gap between the perspectives of buyers and 3PLs. This chapter attempts to fill this void through an explorative case study analysis on the environmental attitude of 3PLs in order to derive implications for buyers’ behavior. The results indicate that the buyer’s role is critical in different ways in the development of green initiatives among 3PLs. An increased orientation towards longer-term contracts and joint development would likely enhance the level of green initiatives. Indirectly, the buyer has the opportunity to influence its 3PLs through interaction with employees on different levels in the company, including top management.
Professionalism in law degrees:chartering the territory between liberal education and legal services
This paper aims to analyse the impact of regulation in the financial performance of the Water and Sewerage companies (WaSCs) in England and Wales over the period 1991–2008. In doing so, a panel index approach is applied across WaSCs over time to decompose unit-specific index number-based profitability growth as a function of the profitability, productivity and price performance growth achieved by benchmark firms, and the catch up to the benchmark firm achieved by less productive firms. The results indicated that after 2000 there is a steady decline in average price performance, while productivity improves resulting in a relatively stable economic profitability. It is suggested that the English and Welsh water regulator is now more focused on passing productivity benefits to consumers, and maintaining stable profitability than it was in earlier regulatory periods. This technique is of great interest for regulators to evaluate the effectiveness of regulation and companies to identify the determinants of profit change and improve future performance, even if sample sizes are limited.
This study explores differences between men and women entrepreneurs and social entrepreneurs. It explores the barriers and discriminatory effects that hinder women’s entrepreneurship, including access to finance in the European Union. The study includes four case studies covering the situation in the Czech Republic, Italy, Sweden, and the United Kingdom.
A Világbank az 1990-es évek végén egy nagyszabású, nemzetközi teljesítmény-értékelési programot indított a víz- és szennyvíz-szolgáltató vállalatok körében. Az International Benchmarking Network for Water and Sanitation Utilities (IBNET) elnevezésű kezdeményezés keretében a szolgáltatók egy szabványosított kérdőíven információt adnak meg működésükről. Az egyedi, cégszintű adatokból egy adatbázis készül, mely lehetővé teszi a vállalatok működésének összehasonlító elemzését, amit teljesítmény-értékelésnek (benchmarking) is szokás nevezni. A programról és eddigi eredményeiről angol nyelvű információ a www.ib-net.org honlapon található. A felmérést eddig több, mint 70 országban végezték el, köztük Magyarországon is. Itthon a REKK kapott megbízást a feladat végrehajtására. Az adatgyűjtésen túl az adatbázisra alapozva Közép és Kelet-Európa országainak víziközmű cégeiről statisztikai elemzést végeztünk az alap adottságok és a költségek összefüggésének feltárására.
Az utóbbi évtizedek nemzetközi trendjei azt mutatják, hogy a civil szervezetek és a nonprofit szolgáltatók számottevő hatást gyakorolnak a versenyképesség alakulására. Ez a tanulmány azokat a formális és informális mechanizmusokat tekinti át, amelyeken keresztül a civil társadalom befolyásolja a közintézményi döntéseket és azok gyakorlati megvalósítását, hozzájárul a „government”-tôl a „governance” irányába való elmozduláshoz. Szintén képet ad arról az átalakulási folyamatról, amely a közszolgáltatások területén zajlik, s amelyből egyre markánsabban rajzolódik ki a közösségi kezdeményezésen alapuló, társadalmi ellenőrzés alatt működő nonprofit szolgáltatók és az állami szereplők közötti partneri viszony kialakulásának tendenciája. ____________ The international trends of the last decades have revealed that civil society organisations and nonprofit service providers have a significant impact on competitiveness. This paper gives an overview of the formal and informal mechanisms operated by civil society in order to keep public administration accountable, to influence public decisions and their implementation, thus moving from “government” towards “governance”. It also analyses the transition of public services, the more and more noticeable signs of an emerging partnership between the grassroots, community controlled service providing nonprofit organisations and the government actors.
This study is an exploratory analysis of an operational measure for resource development strategies, and an exploratory analysis of internal organizational contingencies influencing choices of these strategies in charitable nonprofit organizations. The study provides conceptual guidance for advancing understanding about resource development in the nonprofit sector. The statistical findings are, however, inconclusive without further rigorous examination. A three category typology based on organization technology is initially presented to define the strategies. Three dimensions of internal organizational contingencies explored represent organization identity, professional staff, and boards of directors. Based on relevant literature and key informant interviews, an original survey was administered by mail to a national sample of nonprofit organizations. The survey collected data on indicators of the proposed strategy types and selected contingencies. Factor analysis extracted two of the initial categories in the typology. The Building Resource Development Infrastructure Strategy encompasses information technology, personnel, legal structures, and policies facilitating fund development. The Building Resource Development Infrastructure Strategy encompasses the mission, service niche, and type of service delivery forming the basis for seeking financial support. Linear regressions with each strategy type as the dependent variable identified distinct and common contingencies which may partly explain choices of strategies. Discriminant analysis suggests the potential predictive accuracy of the contingencies. Follow-up case studies with survey respondents provide additional criteria for operationalizing future measures of resource development strategies, and support and expand the analysis on contingencies. The typology offers a beginning framework for defining alternative approaches to resource development, and for exploring organization capacity specific to each approach. Contingencies that may be integral components of organization capacity are funding, leadership frame, background and experience, staff and volunteer effort, board member support, and relationships in the external environment. Based on these findings, management questions are offered for nonprofit organization stakeholders to consider in planning for resource development. Lessons learned in designing and conducting this study are also provided to enhance future related research. ^
Historically, some grandparents have had to assume the responsibility for raising their grandchildren. More recently, with increasing frequency grandparents are serving as full-time surrogate parents to their grandchildren.^ The term "grandfamily" was coined by this researcher to identify families where children are raised by grandparents. "Supergrands" are the grandparents and "grandkin" are children in these families.^ Supergrands who raise their grandkin tend to have elevated levels of stress that negatively impact their well-being. Grandkin tend to develop problems with attachment and establishing social networks, which can lead to poor psychological adjustment. School personnel believe grandkin evidence behavioral problems and occupy disproportionate amounts of their time each day. However, there is a dearth of data to support this belief.^ This study empirically investigated the impact of grandfamilies on students and school services. The results revealed grandkin experienced significantly greater levels of emotional and behavior problems than similar schoolmates. However, they were not referred for discipline problems in substantially larger numbers.^ These results indicate the practice of education should change to allow for the development and provision of social support procedures in schools. Social support will serve to buffer the stress, manifested in emotional and behavioral problems, encountered by children living with surrogate parents. A case study was presented along with a proposed intervention project that has potential to ameliorate the problems experienced by grandfamilies. ^
Despite the frequency with which fevers occur in children ages 1–3 years, lack of knowledge and understanding about the implications of fever and methods of fever management often results in anxiety among caretakers, sometimes prompting them to seek help at nearby emergency departments. Caretakers often look to health care professionals for advice and guidance over the telephone. The purpose of this study was to investigate caretakers' knowledge of the implications of fever, methods of fever management, perceptions of pediatric telephone triage and advice services regarding fever, and the effectiveness of after hour telephone triage directed toward improving the caretakers' ability to manage their child's fever at home. Pre-triage questionnaires were completed by 72 caretakers over the telephone before the triage encounter. Twenty-two of those same caretakers whose children were triaged using the fever guideline completed and returned the mailed post-triage questionnaire. Descriptive statistics were used to analyze responses for the larger pre-intervention group and describe comparisons for the pre and post-triage responses in the smaller sample subset (n = 22). ^