875 resultados para vegetal taxonomy


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We present the complete mitochondrial genome (accession number: LK995454) of an iconic Australian species, the eastern grey kangaroo (Macropus giganteus). The mitogenomic organization is consistent with other marsupials, encoding 13 protein-coding genes, 22 tRNA genes, 2 ribosomal RNA genes, an origin of light strand replication and a control region or Dloop. No repetitive sequences were detected in the control region. The M. giganteus mitogenome exemplifies a combination of tRNA gene order and structural peculiarities that appear to be unique to marsupials. We present a maximum likelihood phylogeny based on complete mitochondrial protein and RNA coding sequences that confirms the phylogenetic position of the grey kangaroo among macropodids.


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Product success is substantially influenced by satisfaction of knowledge needs of designers, and many tools and methods have been proposed to support these needs. However, adoption of these methods in industry is minimal. This may be due to an inadequate understanding of the knowledge needs of designers in industry. This research attempts to develop a better understanding of these needs by undertaking descriptive studies in an industry. We propose a taxonomy of knowledge, and evaluate this by analyzing the questions asked by the designers involved in the study during their interactions. Using the taxonomy, we converted the questions asked into a generic form. The generic questions provide an understanding about what knowledge must be captured during design, and what its structure should be.


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Do SMEs cluster around different types of innovation activities? Are there patterns of SME innovation activities? To investigate we develop a taxonomy of innovation activities in SMEs using a qualitative study, followed by a survey. First, based upon our qualitative research and literature review we develop a comprehensive list of innovation activities SMEs typically engage in. We then conduct a factor analysis to determine if these activities can be combined into factors. We identify three innovation activity factors: R&D activities, incremental innovation activities and cost innovation activities. We use these factors to identify three clusters of firms engaging in similar innovation activities: active innovators, incremental innovators and opportunistic innovators. The clusters are enriched by validating that they also exhibit significant internal similarities and external differences in their innovation skills, demographics, industry segments and family business ownership. This research contributes to innovation and SME theory and practice by identifying SME clusters based upon their innovation activities.


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This poster describes a pilot case study, which aim is to study how future chemistry teachers use knowledge dimensions and high-order cognitive skills (HOCS) in their pre-laboratory concept maps to support chemistry laboratory work. The research data consisted of 168 pre-laboratory concept maps that 29 students constructed as a part of their chemistry laboratory studies. Concept maps were analyzed by using a theory based content analysis through Anderson & Krathwohls' learning taxonomy (2001). This study implicates that novice concept mapper students use all knowledge dimensions and applying, analyzing and evaluating HOCS to support the pre-laboratory work.


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Background: Butterflies of the subtribe Mycalesina (Nymphalidae: Satyrinae) are important model organisms in ecology and evolution. This group has radiated spectacularly in the Old World tropics and presents an exciting opportunity to better understand processes of invertebrate rapid radiations. However, the generic-level taxonomy of the subtribe has been in a constant state of flux, and relationships among genera are unknown. There are six currently recognized genera in the group. Mycalesis, Lohora and Nirvanopsis are found in the Oriental region, the first of which is the most speciose genus among mycalesines, and extends into the Australasian region. Hallelesis and Bicyclus are found in mainland Africa, while Heteropsis is primarily Madagascan, with a few species in Africa. We infer the phylogeny of the group with data from three genes (total of 3139 bp) and use these data to reconstruct events in the biogeographic history of the group.,Results: The results indicate that the group Mycalesina radiated rapidly around the Oligocene-Miocene boundary. Basal relationships are unresolved, but we recover six well-supported clades. Some species of Mycalesis are nested within a primarily Madagascan clade of Heteropsis,while Nirvanopsis is nested within Lohora. The phylogeny suggests that the group had its origin either in Asia or Africa, and diversified through dispersals between the two regions, during the late Oligocene and early Miocene. The current dataset tentatively suggests that the Madagascan fauna comprises two independent radiations. The Australasian radiation shares a common ancestor derived from Asia. We discuss factors that are likely to have played a key role in the diversification of the group. Conclusions: We propose a significantly revised classification scheme for Mycalesina. We conclude that the group originated and radiated from an ancestor that was found either in Asia or Africa, with dispersals between the two regions and to Australasia. Our phylogeny paves the way for further comparative studies on this group that will help us understand the processes underlying diversification in rapid radiations of invertebrates.


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Suomessa metsänomistajille on tarjolla neljäntyyppisiä eri palveluita metsänhoidossa, puukaupassa, omaisuudenhoidossa ja informaatiopalveluissa. Palveluita tarjoaa joukko hyvin erikokoisia organisaatioita, joista osa toimii markkinalähtöisesti toisten tarjotessa palveluitaan lakiperusteisesti. Metsäalan palvelumarkkinat ovat nyt murrosvaiheessa, ja muutoksia on tapahtumassa sekä tarjonta- että kysyntäkentässä. Metsänomistajille tarjottavien palveluiden markkinoita ei tarjoajanäkökulmasta ole aiemmin tutkittu kattavasti. Tutkimukset ovat usein keskittyneet suppeasti johonkin palvelulajiin, eikä kokonaiskuvausta palvelumarkkinoista omaisuudenhoitopalvelut mukaan lukien ole ollut tarjolla. Tarjoajakenttään on odotettavissa muutoksia, sillä metsäalan palvelumarkkinoiden rahoituspohjaa ollaan muuttamassa, jolloin markkinoiden kilpailu vapautuu nykytilanteeseen verrattuna. Muutokset koskevat etenkin lakisääteisten organisaatioiden toimintaa, mutta ne tulevat vaikuttamaan koko toimialaan. Kysyntäkentässä aiempi tutkimus on ollut kattavampaa. Etenkin metsänomistajarakenteen muutosta, joka johtuu pääasiassa metsätilojen siirtymisestä kaupungistuneelle sukupolvelle, on tutkittu runsaasti. Lisäksi palveluiden kysyntään vaikuttavia tekijöitä ja palvelun eri laatu-ulottuvuuksia on tutkittu. Voidaan kuitenkin epäillä, kyetäänkö markkinoilla tarjoamaan sellaisia palveluita, jotka todella kattavasti tyydyttävät metsänomistajien tarpeita ja pystyvät tarjoamaan sellaisia hyötyjä, joista ollaan valmiita maksamaan. Tässä tutkimuksessa on tarkasteltu nykyisiä metsäpalvelumarkkinoita, sillä kokonaiskuvan luominen nykytilanteesta tarjoaa pohjan tulevien muutoksien ennakoimiselle. Tutkimusmenetelmänä on käytetty kvalitatiivista sisällönanalyysiä, ja tarkastelun kohteena on ollut palveluntarjoajien metsänomistajille suuntaama markkinointimateriaali – pääasiassa tarjoajien internetissä oleva materiaali. Markkinointimateriaalien tukena on käytetty palveluorganisaatioiden edustajien ja alan asiantuntijoiden teemahaastatteluita. Palveluita ja organisaatioita on tarkasteltu niiden asiakkaan kokemien hyötyjen pohjalta, joita markkinoinnissa palveluihin ja palveluntarjoajiin on pyritty liittämään. Teoreettisesti taustalla on käytetty mallia kuluttajan valintakriteereistä hankintapäätöstä tehtäessä. Tulosten perusteella on löydettävissä kysynnän kannalta kriittisiä palveluita, joiden ympärille palvelukokonaisuuksia on rakennettu. Metsänomistamisen odotetaan olevan kannattavaa, joten eräs palveluntarjonnan haasteista syntyy alan tarpeesta rahoittaa itsensä mielekkäällä aikajänteellä. Tämä luo tarpeen tuloja synnyttävien palveluiden yhdistämiseen kokonaisuuksiksi kustannuksia aiheuttavien, mutta muita hyötyjä tuottavien palveluiden kanssa. Tarjoajien kannalta tärkeää on kyetä luomaan asiakkaita hyödyttäviä palvelukokonaisuuksia muuttuville markkinoille.