951 resultados para transparent ceramic
In dye-sensitized solar cells a blocking layer between the transparent electrode and the mesoporous titanium dioxide film is used to prevent short-circuits between the hole-conductor and the front electrode. The conventional approach is to use a compact layer of titanium dioxide prepared by spin coating or spray pyrolysis. The thickness of the blocking layer is critical. On one hand, the layer has to be thick enough to cover the rough substrate completely. On the other hand, the serial resistance increases with increasing film thickness, because the layer acts as an ohmic resistance itself. In this thesis an amphiphilic diblock copolymer is used as a functional template to produce an alternative, hybrid blocking layer. The hybrid blocking layer is thinner than the conventional, compact titanium dioxide film and thereby possesses a higher conductivity. Still, this type of blocking layer covers the rough electrode material completely and avoids current loss through charge recombination. The novel blocking layer is prepared using a tailored, amphiphilic block copolymer in combination with sol-gel chemistry. While the hydrophilic poly(ethylene oxide) part of the polymer coordinates a titanium dioxide precursor to form a percolating network of titania particles, the hydrophobic poly(dimethylsiloxane) part turns into an insulating ceramic layer. With this technique, crack-free films with a thickness down to 24 nm are obtained. The presence of a conductive titanium dioxide network for current flow, which is embedded in an insulating ceramic material, is validated by conductive scanning force microscopy. This is the first time that such a hybrid blocking layer is implemented in a solar cell. With this approach the efficiency could be increased up to 27 % compared to the conventional blocking layer. Thus, it is demonstrated that the hybrid blocking layer represents a competitive alternative to the classical approach.
Thermoelektrizität beschreibt die reversible Beeinflussung und Wechselwirkung von Elektrizität und Temperatur T in Systemen abseits des thermischen Gleichgewichtes. In diesen führt ein Temperaturgradient entlang eines thermoelektrischen Materials zu einem kontinuierlichen Ungleichgewicht in der Energieverteilung der Ladungsträger. Dies hat einen Diffusionsstrom der energiereichen Ladungsträger zum kalten Ende und der energiearmen Ladungsträger zum heißen Ende zur Folge. Da in offenen Stromkreisen kein Strom fließt, wird ein Ungleichgewicht der Ströme über das Ausbilden eines elektrischen Feldes kompensiert. Die dadurch entstehende Spannung wird als Seebeck Spannung bezeichnet. Über einen geeigneten Verbraucher, folgend aus dem Ohm'schen Gesetz, kann nun ein Strom fließen und elektrische Energie gewonnen werden. Den umgekehrten Fall beschreibt der sogenannte Peltier Effekt, bei dem ein Stromfluss durch zwei unterschiedliche miteinander verbundene Materialien ein Erwärmen oder Abkühlen der Kontaktstelle zur Folge hat. Die Effizienz eines thermoelektrischen Materials kann über die dimensionslose Größe ZT=S^2*sigma/kappa*T charakterisiert werden. Diese setzt sich zusammen aus den materialspezifischen Größen der elektrischen Leitfähigkeit sigma, der thermischen Leitfähigkeit kappa und dem Seebeck Koeffizienten S als Maß der erzeugten Spannung bei gegebener Temperaturdifferenz. Diese Arbeit verfolgt den Ansatz glaskeramische Materialien mit thermoelektrischen Kristallphasen zu synthetisieren, sie strukturell zu charakterisieren und ihre thermoelektrischen Eigenschaften zu messen, um eine Struktur-Eigenschaft Korrelation zu erarbeiten. Hierbei werden im Detail eine elektronenleitende (Hauptphase SrTi_xNb_{1-x}O_3) sowie eine löcherleitende Glaskeramik (Hauptphase Bi_2Sr_2Co_2O_y) untersucht. Unter dem Begriff Glaskeramiken sind teilkristalline Materialien zu verstehen, die aus Glasschmelzen durch gesteuerte Kristallisation hergestellt werden können. Über den Grad der Kristallisation und die Art der ausgeschiedenen Spezies an Kristallen lassen sich die physikalischen Eigenschaften dieser Systeme gezielt beeinflussen. Glaskeramiken bieten, verursacht durch ihre Restglasphase, eine niedrige thermische Leitfähigkeit und die Fermi Energie lässt sich durch Dotierungen in Richtung des Leitungs- oder Valenzbands verschieben. Ebenso besitzen glaskeramische Materialien durch ihre Porenfreiheit verbesserte mechanische Eigenschaften gegenüber Keramiken und sind weniger anfällig für den Einfluss des Sauerstoffpartialdruckes p_{O_2} auf die Parameter. Ein glaskeramisches und ein gemischt keramisch/glaskeramisches thermoelektrisches Modul aus den entwickelten Materialien werden konzipiert, präpariert, kontaktiert und bezüglich ihrer Leistung vermessen.
La scoperta dei semiconduttori amorfi ha segnato l’era della microelettronica su larga scala rendendo possibile il loro impiego nelle celle solari o nei display a matrice attiva. Infatti, mentre i semiconduttori a cristalli singoli non sono consoni a questo tipo di applicazioni e i s. policristallini presentano il problema dei bordi di grano, i film amorfi possono essere creati su larga scala (>1 m^2) a basse temperature (ad es. <400 °C) ottenendo performance soddisfacenti sia su substrati rigidi che flessibili. Di recente la ricerca sta compiendo un grande sforzo per estendere l’utilizzo di questa nuova elettronica flessibile e su larga scala ad ambienti soggetti a radiazioni ionizzanti, come lo sono i detector di radiazioni o l’elettronica usata in applicazioni spaziali (satelliti). A questa ricerca volge anche la mia tesi, che si confronta con la fabbricazione e la caratterizzazione di transistor a film sottili basati su ossidi semiconduttori ad alta mobilità e lo studio della loro resistenza ai raggi X. La micro-fabbricazione, ottimizzazione e caratterizzazione dei dispositivi è stata realizzata nei laboratori CENIMAT e CEMOP dell’Università Nova di Lisbona durante quattro mesi di permanenza. Tutti i dispositivi sono stati creati con un canale n di ossido di Indio-Gallio-Zinco (IGZO). Durante questo periodo è stato realizzato un dispositivo dalle ottime performance e con interessanti caratteristiche, una delle quali è la non variazione del comportamento capacitivo in funzione della frequenza e la formidabile resistenza alle radiazioni. Questo dispositivo presenta 114 nm di dielettrico, realizzato con sette strati alternati di SiO2/ Ta2O5. L’attività di ricerca svolta al Dipartimento di Fisica e Astronomia di Bologna riguarda prevalentemente lo studio degli effetti delle radiazioni ionizzanti su TFTs. Gli esperimenti hanno rivelato che i dispositivi godono di una buona stabilità anche se soggetti alle radiazioni. Infatti hanno mostrato performance pressoché inalterate anche dopo un’esposizione a 1 kGy di dose cumulativa di raggi X mantenendo circa costanti parametri fondamentali come la mobilità, il threshold voltage e la sub-threshold slope. Inoltre gli effetti dei raggi X sui dispositivi, così come parametri fondamentali quali la mobilità, si sono rivelati essere notevolmente influenzati dallo spessore del dielettrico.
L'elaborato tratta dell'ottimizzazione del processo di riduzione termica dell'ossido di grafene in termini di conduttività e trasmittanza ottica. Definiti gli standard di deposizione tramite spin-coating e riduzione termica, i film prodotti vengono caratterizzati tramite XPS, AFM, UPS, TGA, ne vengono testate la conducibilità, con e senza effetto di gate, e la trasmittanza ottica, ne si misura l'elasticità tramite spettroscopia di forza, tutto al fine di comprendere l'evoluzione del processo termico di riduzione e di individuare i parametri migliori al fine di progredire verso la produzione di elettrodi flessibili e trasparenti a base di grafen ossido ridotto.
This in vitro study evaluated the performance of three ceramic and two commonly used polishing methods on two CAD/CAM ceramics. Surface roughness and quality were compared. A glazed group (GLGR) of each ceramic material served as reference. One-hundred and twenty specimens of VITABLOCS Mark II (VITA) and 120 specimens of IPS Empress CAD (IPS) were roughened in a standardized manner. Twenty VITA and 20 IPS specimens were glazed (VITA Akzent Glaze/Empress Universal Glaze). Five polishing methods were investigated (n=20/group): 1) EVE Diacera W11DC-Set (EVE), 2) JOTA 9812-Set (JOTA), 3) OptraFine-System (OFI), 4) Sof-Lex 2382 discs (SOF) and 5) Brownie/Greenie/Occlubrush (BGO). Polishing quality was measured with a surface roughness meter (Ra and Rz values). The significance level was set at alpha=0.05. Kruskal Wallis tests and pairwise Wilcoxon rank sum tests with Bonferroni-Holm adjustment were used. Qualitative surface evaluation of representative specimens was done with SEM. On VITA ceramics, SOF produced lower Ra (p<0.00001) but higher Rz values than GLGR (p=0.003); EVE, JOTA, OFI and BGO yielded significantly higher Ra and Rz values than GLGR. On IPS ceramics, SOF and JOTA exhibited lower Ra values than GLGR (p<0.0001). Equivalent Ra but significantly higher Rz values occurred between GLGR and EVE, OFI or BGO. VITA and IPS exhibited the smoothest surfaces when polished with SOF. Nevertheless, ceramic polishing systems are still of interest to clinicians using CAD/CAM, as these methods are universally applicable and showed an increased durability compared to the investigated silicon polishers.
OBJECTIVES: This study evaluated the initial and the artificially aged push-out bond strength between ceramic and dentin produced by one of five resin cements. METHODS: Two-hundred direct ceramic restorations (IPS Empress CAD) were luted to standardized Class I cavities in extracted human molars using one of four self-adhesive cements (SpeedCEM, RelyX Unicem Aplicap, SmartCem2 and iCEM) or a reference etch-and-rinse resin cement (Syntac/Variolink II) (n=40/cement). Push-out bond strength (PBS) was measured (1) after 24h water storage (non-aged group; n=20/cement) or (2) after artificial ageing with 5000 thermal cycles followed by 6 months humid storage (aged group; n=20/cement). Nonparametrical ANOVA and pairwise Wilcoxon rank-sum tests with Bonferroni-Holm adjustment were applied for statistical analysis. The significance level was set at alpha=0.05. In addition, failure mode and fracture pattern were analyzed by stereomicroscope and scanning electron microscopy. RESULTS: Whereas no statistically significant effect of storage condition was found (p=0.441), there was a significant effect of resin cement (p<0.0001): RelyX Unicem showed significantly higher PBS than the other cements. Syntac/Variolink II showed significantly higher PBS than SmartCEM2 (p<0.001). No significant differences were found between SpeedCEM, SmartCem2, and iCEM. The predominant failure mode was adhesive failure of cements at the dentin interface except for RelyX Unicem which in most cases showed cohesive failure in ceramic. SIGNIFICANCE: The resin cements showed marked differences in push-out bond strength when used for luting ceramic restorations to dentin. Variolink II with the etch-and-rinse adhesive Syntac did not perform better than three of the four self-adhesive resin cements tested.
We present a multistage strategy to define the scale and geographic distribution of 'local' ceramic production at Lydian Sardis based on geochemical analysis (NAA) of a large diverse ceramic sample (n = 281). Within the sphere of local ceramic production, our results demonstrate an unusual pattern of reliance on a single resource relative to other contemporary Iron Age centers. When our NAA results are combined with legacy NAA provenience data for production centers in Western Anatolia, we can differentiate ceramic emulation from exchange, establish probable proveniences for the non-local component of the dataset, and define new non-local groups with as yet no known provenience. (C) 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Changes in resource use over time can provide insight into technological choice and the extent of long-term stability in cultural practices. In this paper we re-evaluate the evidence for a marked demographic shift at the inception of the Early Iron Age at Troy by applying a robust macroscale analysis of changing ceramic resource use over the Late Bronze and Iron Age. We use a combination of new and legacy analytical datasets (NAA and XRF), from excavated ceramics, to evaluate the potential compositional range of local resources (based on comparisons with sediments from within a 10 km site radius). Results show a clear distinction between sediment-defined local and non-local ceramic compositional groups. Two discrete local ceramic resources have been previously identified and we confirm a third local resource for a major class of EIA handmade wares and cooking pots. This third source appears to derive from a residual resource on the Troy peninsula (rather than adjacent alluvial valleys). The presence of a group of large and heavy pithoi among the non-local groups raises questions about their regional or maritime origin. (C) 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
SUMMARY The aim of this study was to evaluate the influence of surface roughness on surface hardness (Vickers; VHN), elastic modulus (EM), and flexural strength (FLS) of two computer-aided design/computer-aided manufacturing (CAD/CAM) ceramic materials. One hundred sixty-two samples of VITABLOCS Mark II (VMII) and 162 samples of IPS Empress CAD (IPS) were ground according to six standardized protocols producing decreasing surface roughnesses (n=27/group): grinding with 1) silicon carbide (SiC) paper #80, 2) SiC paper #120, 3) SiC paper #220, 4) SiC paper #320, 5) SiC paper #500, and 6) SiC paper #1000. Surface roughness (Ra/Rz) was measured with a surface roughness meter, VHN and EM with a hardness indentation device, and FLS with a three-point bending test. To test for a correlation between surface roughness (Ra/Rz) and VHN, EM, or FLS, Spearman rank correlation coefficients were calculated. The decrease in surface roughness led to an increase in VHN from (VMII/IPS; medians) 263.7/256.5 VHN to 646.8/601.5 VHN, an increase in EM from 45.4/41.0 GPa to 66.8/58.4 GPa, and an increase in FLS from 49.5/44.3 MPa to 73.0/97.2 MPa. For both ceramic materials, Spearman rank correlation coefficients showed a strong negative correlation between surface roughness (Ra/Rz) and VHN or EM and a moderate negative correlation between Ra/Rz and FLS. In conclusion, a decrease in surface roughness generally improved the mechanical properties of the CAD/CAM ceramic materials tested. However, FLS was less influenced by surface roughness than expected.
Conducted work with two potential alternatives to Ni, La0.8Sr0.2Cr0.5Mn0.5 (LSCM) and Sr doped LaVO3 (LSV) to serve as the electron conductor in the anode of solid oxide fuel cells SOFCs.