932 resultados para transitional regime
This dissertation takes a step towards providing a better understanding of post-socialist welfare state development from a theoretical as well as an empirical perspective. The overall analytical goal of this thesis has been to critically assess the development of social policies in Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania using them as illustrative examples of post-socialist welfare state development in the light of the theories, approaches and typologies that have been developed to study affluent capitalist democracies. The four studies included in this dissertation aspire to a common aim in a number of specific ways. The first study tries to place the ideal-typical welfare state models of the Baltic States within the well-known welfare state typologies. At the same time, it provides a rich overview of the main social security institutions in the three countries by comparing them with each other and with the previous structures of the Soviet period. It examines the social insurance institutions of the Baltic States (old-age pensions, unemployment insurance, short-term benefits, sickness, maternity and parental insurance and family benefits) with respect to conditions of eligibility, replacement rates, financing and contributions. The findings of this study indicate that the Latvian social security system can generally be labelled as a mix of the basic security and corporatist models. The Estonian social security system can generally also be characterised as a mix of the basic security and corporatist models, even if there are some weak elements of the targeted model in it. It appears that the institutional changes developing in the social security system of Lithuania have led to a combination of the basic security and targeted models of the welfare state. Nevertheless, as the example of the three Baltic States shows, there is diversity in how these countries solve problems within the field of social policy. In studying the social security schemes in detail, some common features were found that could be attributed to all three countries. Therefore, the critical analysis of the main social security institutions of the Baltic States in this study gave strong supporting evidence in favour of identifying the post-socialist regime type that is already gaining acceptance within comparative welfare state research. Study Two compares the system of social maintenance and insurance in the Soviet Union, which was in force in the three Baltic countries before their independence, with the currently existing social security systems. The aim of the essay is to highlight the forces that have influenced the transformation of the social policy from its former highly universal, albeit authoritarian, form, to the less universal, social insurance-based systems of present-day Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania. This study demonstrates that the welfare–economy nexus is not the only important factor in the development of social programs. The results of this analysis revealed that people's attitudes towards distributive justice and the developmental level of civil society also play an important part in shaping social policies. The shift to individualism in people’s mentality and the decline of the labour movement, or, to be more precise, the decline in trade union membership and influence, does nothing to promote the development of social rights in the Baltic countries and hinders the expansion of social policies. The legacy of the past has been another important factor in shaping social programs. It can be concluded that social policy should be studied as if embedded not only in the welfare-economy nexus, but also in the societal, historical and cultural nexus of a given society. Study Three discusses the views of the state elites on family policy within a wider theoretical setting covering family policy and social policy in a broader sense and attempts to expand this analytical framework to include other post-socialist countries. The aim of this essay is to explore the various views of the state elites in the Baltics concerning family policy and, in particular, family benefits as one of the possible explanations for the observed policy differences. The qualitative analyses indicate that the Baltic States differ significantly with regard to the motives behind their family policies. Lithuanian decision-makers seek to reduce poverty among families with children and enhance the parents’ responsibility for bringing up their children. Latvian policy-makers act so as to increase the birth rate and create equal opportunities for children from all families. Estonian policy-makers seek to create equal opportunities for all children and the desire to enhance gender equality is more visible in the case of Estonia in comparison with the other two countries. It is strongly arguable that there is a link between the underlying motives and the kinds of family benefits in a given country. This study, thus, indicates how intimately the attitudes of the state bureaucrats, policy-makers, political elite and researchers shape social policy. It confirms that family policy is a product of the prevailing ideology within a country, while the potential influence of globalisation and Europeanisation is detectable too. The final essay takes into account the opinions of welfare users and examines the performances of the institutionalised family benefits by relying on the recipients’ opinions regarding these benefits. The opinions of the populations as a whole regarding government efforts to help families are compared with those of the welfare users. Various family benefits are evaluated according to the recipients' satisfaction with those benefits as well as the contemporaneous levels of subjective satisfaction with the welfare programs related to the absolute level of expenditure on each program. The findings of this paper indicate that, in Latvia, people experience a lower level of success regarding state-run family insurance institutions, as compared to those in Lithuania and Estonia. This is deemed to be because the cash benefits for families and children in Latvia are, on average, seen as marginally influencing the overall financial situation of the families concerned. In Lithuania and Estonia, the overwhelming majority think that the family benefit systems improve the financial situation of families. It appears that recipients evaluated universal family benefits as less positive than targeted benefits. Some universal benefits negatively influenced the level of general satisfaction with the family benefits system provided in the countries being researched. This study puts forward a discussion about whether universalism is always more legitimate than targeting. In transitional economies, in which resources are highly constrained, some forms of universal benefits could turn out to be very expensive in relative terms, without being seen as useful or legitimate forms of help to families. In sum, by closely examining the different aspects of social policy, this dissertation goes beyond the over-generalisation of Eastern European welfare state development and, instead, takes a more detailed look at what is really going on in these countries through the examples of Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia. In addition, another important contribution made by this study is that it revives ‘western’ theoretical knowledge through ‘eastern’ empirical evidence and provides the opportunity to expand the theoretical framework for post-socialist societies.
[EN] On 8-10 April 2007, several episodes of intense sea-breeze fronts were registered at the islands of Fuerteventura and Lanzarote (Canary Islands). The sea-breeze circulation was primary driven by daytime heating contrasts between land and the Atlantic Ocean during a period of weak trade winds. Numerical simulations of these events were carried out using the 3.1.1 version of the Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF-ARW) Model. Three different domains with 6.6-km, 2.2-km and 0.7-km horizontal grid spacing and two sets with 51 and 70 vertical sigma levels were defined. The simulation was performed using two-way interactive nesting between the first and the second domain, using different land surface model parameterizations (Thermal diffusion, Noah LSM and RUC) for comparison. Initial conditions were provided by the NCAR Dataset analysis from April 2007, which were improved using surface and upper-air observations. The poster is focused on the 10 April episode.
[EN] Habitats dominated by algal canopies are often altered by physical disturbances of varying severity, changing environmental conditions and biological processes. We used Artificial Seaweed Units (ASUs) to test whether severity of physical disturbances on algal canopies affects the post-disturbance colonization of gastropods on subtidal reefs. Specifically, we examined patterns of assemblage structure of gastropods to test the hypothesis that the extent and intensity of canopy removal affects the post-disturbance colonization of ASUs, testing the consistency of these effects among four regions encompassing a 68 latitudinal gradient in southwestern Australia. Because adjacent habitats can act as a source of new colonists (either as drifting migrants or as a source of propagules) from the perimeter surrounding perturbed areas, we also predicted that patterns of colonization (types and total abundances of colonizers) were influenced by the available pool of individuals at the scale of reefs. Three reefs were selected within each region. On each reef, ASUs were placed in the centre of circular canopy clearings of different size (0, 3, 13 and 50 m2) and intensity (50% vs 100%), and retrieved after 3 months. Resulting assemblages occupying the ASUs were quantitatively representative of the adjacent (undisturbed), algal-associated, assemblages at the scale of reef. Within reefs, recruited assemblages largely mimicked those associated with erect red algae. However, neither disturbance size nor intensity affected the colonization patterns across reefs and regions. These results suggest that algal-associated gastropods, regardless of the prevalent mode of dispersion, are resilient to physical disturbances to canopies across broad geographical regions as long as the pool of potential colonists is maintained. A high dispersal ability of gastropods likely ensures a quick colonization of recovering algal habitats.
L’elaborato è dedicato all’esame della forma di emanazione e del sistema d’impugnazione degli atti del CSM circa la carriera giuridica dei magistrati, con particolare attenzione alle numerose implicazioni di livello costituzionale ed amministrativo sollevate dalla problematica. I principali obiettivi perseguiti sono: a) la verifica della costituzionalità del sistema predisposto dalla legge 24 marzo 1958, n. 195, la quale stabilisce che i provvedimenti consiliari siano emanati con decreto presidenziale o ministeriale e che possano essere sindacati dai giudici amministrativi; b) l’individuazione e la risoluzione delle ambiguità interpretative e dei dubbi applicativi che sono emersi fin dall’introduzione della legge in parola e che tutt’ora continuano costantemente a riproporsi, non avendo trovato compiuta sistemazione né in dottrina né in giurisprudenza; c) la ricognizione e l’esame critico della prassi giurisprudenziale, specialmente in ordine alle decisioni più recenti, tenuto conto della mancanza di studi aggiornati in merito pur a fronte dell’ampio numero di pronunce. Sulla base dell’ipotesi di partenza dell’irrinunciabilità, per la piena comprensione della portata precettiva della legge sopra citata, di un’esaustiva analisi delle premesse teoriche necessarie per una piena comprensione dello stessa, lo svolgimento è sostanzialmente articolato in due parti fondamentali. La prima incentrata sulla ricostruzione del perimetro costituzionale dell’indagine, con specifico riferimento all’assetto costituzionale della Magistratura. La seconda, riconducibile nell’alveo proprio del “diritto amministrativo”, concernente a) il significato e la funzione da attribuire alla forma di emanazione degli atti consiliari; b) i poteri ministeriali e presidenziali nella fase di esternazione; c) la tipologia degli atti impugnabili e dei vizi sindacabili in sede giurisdizionale. Con la consapevolezza che lo sviluppo dell’argomento prescelto rappresenta un’angolazione di visuale privilegiata relativamente allo svolgersi dei rapporti tra Potere Esecutivo ed Ordine giudiziario, la tesi affronta complesse questioni di carattere generale quali il principio di separazione dei poteri, il concetto di organo costituzionale e quello di autodichìa, la nozione di autonomia pubblica, i princìpi di imparzialità ed uguaglianza. Il vaglio della giurisprudenza costituzionale ed amministrativa, ampiamente richiamata, è condotto trattando a fondo, sia aspetti connotati da un elevato tasso di tecnicità, come la disciplina del conferimento d’incarichi direttivi, sia interrogativi concernenti diversi aspetti problematici. Segnatamente, l’indagine ha riguardato – tra l’altro – l’ammissibilità del sindacato del giudice amministrativo sugli atti “amministrativi” delle autorità non incardinate nella P.A.; la compatibilità dell’interpretazione evolutiva con l’art. 138 Cost.; la definizione di atto amministrativo; la stessa nozione costituzionale di pubblica amministrazione. La presa d’atto della tendenza giurisprudenziale ad estendere il sindacato al vizio di eccesso di potere conduce infine ad alcune riflessioni conclusive in merito alla conciliabilità del ruolo assunto dal giudice amministrativo col quadro normativo delineato dai Costituenti.
Questo lavoro di tesi si propone di verificare la validità della nuova specifica tecnica UNI/TS 11300-Parte 3, riguardante i consumi energetici degli edifici nella stagione estiva. Pertanto tale specifica tecnica, ancora in fase d’inchiesta pubblica, è stata applicata ad un caso reale, quale un complesso di edifici ad uso terziario, con il duplice obiettivo di analizzarne lo specifico metodo di calcolo e di comprovarne l’efficacia. Nel corso dello studio, prendendo in esame nella parte introduttiva argomenti quali i consumi in edilizia, gli aspetti normativi e le modalità di produzione del freddo, si è giunti infine a calcolare il fabbisogno di energia primaria per il raffrescamento del complesso di riferimento, e nella parte conclusiva sono state fornite indicazioni su eventuali modifiche da apportare alla normativa per ridurre i consumi.
Nel presente lavoro di ricerca analizziamo, da una prospettiva tanto giuridica quanto metagiuridica (e, senz’ombra di dubbio, decisamente europeista), il regime giuridico-amministrativo dei farmaci di uso umano nella cui fabbricazione interviene un processo industriale e le nuove vicissitudini a cui il suddetto regime deve far fronte all’interno della cosiddetta società del rischio e dell’innovazione. In particolare, vogliamo fare luce sul regime giuridico del farmaco negli ordinamenti italiano e spagnolo, come trasposizione del Diritto farmaceutico europeo.
L’obiettivo di questa tesi è il progetto di un convertitore di potenza di tipo low power da applicare a sorgenti fotovoltaiche in regime di basso irraggiamento. Il convertitore implementa un controllo con inseguimento del punto di massima potenza (maximum power point tracking) della caratteristica della sorgente fotovoltaica. Una prima parte è dedicata allo studio delle possibilità esistenti in materia di convertitori e di algoritmi di MPPT. Successivamente, in base alle specifiche di progetto è stata selezionata una combinazione ottimale per l'architettura del convertitore di potenza in grado di bilanciare efficienza dell'algoritmo di controllo e requisiti intrinseci di potenza.
The objective of this thesis was to improve the commercial CFD software Ansys Fluent to obtain a tool able to perform accurate simulations of flow boiling in the slug flow regime. The achievement of a reliable numerical framework allows a better understanding of the bubble and flow dynamics induced by the evaporation and makes possible the prediction of the wall heat transfer trends. In order to save computational time, the flow is modeled with an axisymmetrical formulation. Vapor and liquid phases are treated as incompressible and in laminar flow. By means of a single fluid approach, the flow equations are written as for a single phase flow, but discontinuities at the interface and interfacial effects need to be accounted for and discretized properly. Ansys Fluent provides a Volume Of Fluid technique to advect the interface and to map the discontinuous fluid properties throughout the flow domain. The interfacial effects are dominant in the boiling slug flow and the accuracy of their estimation is fundamental for the reliability of the solver. Self-implemented functions, developed ad-hoc, are introduced within the numerical code to compute the surface tension force and the rates of mass and energy exchange at the interface related to the evaporation. Several validation benchmarks assess the better performances of the improved software. Various adiabatic configurations are simulated in order to test the capability of the numerical framework in modeling actual flows and the comparison with experimental results is very positive. The simulation of a single evaporating bubble underlines the dominant effect on the global heat transfer rate of the local transient heat convection in the liquid after the bubble transit. The simulation of multiple evaporating bubbles flowing in sequence shows that their mutual influence can strongly enhance the heat transfer coefficient, up to twice the single phase flow value.
Il lavoro svolto ha come scopo l’implementazione e la validazione di un modello di cambiamento di fase mediante l’utilizzo del codice commerciale Comsol Multiphysics, che permette la modellazione e la risoluzione di equazioni matematiche che governano ambienti multifisici. La validazione dei modelli sviluppati è stata effettuata mediante confronto sia con soluzioni analitiche di riferimento, sia con soluzioni numeriche ottenute utilizzando il codice commerciale ProCAST, sviluppato appositamente per simulazioni di processi fusori I problemi analizzati hanno riguardato lo scambio termico sia in regime di sola conduzione, sia in presenza di convezione naturale all’interno di un materiale in cambiamento di fase solido-liquido. È stato considerato sia il caso di sostanze pure, quindi con un’unica temperatura di cambiamento di fase, sia il caso di leghe metalliche, la cui transizione di fase avviene in un intervallo di temperatura.
The last decade has witnessed very fast development in microfabrication technologies. The increasing industrial applications of microfluidic systems call for more intensive and systematic knowledge on this newly emerging field. Especially for gaseous flow and heat transfer at microscale, the applicability of conventional theories developed at macro scale is not yet completely validated; this is mainly due to scarce experimental data available in literature for gas flows. The objective of this thesis is to investigate these unclear elements by analyzing forced convection for gaseous flows through microtubes and micro heat exchangers. Experimental tests have been performed with microtubes having various inner diameters, namely 750 m, 510 m and 170 m, over a wide range of Reynolds number covering the laminar region, the transitional zone and also the onset region of the turbulent regime. The results show that conventional theory is able to predict the flow friction factor when flow compressibility does not appear and the effect of fluid temperature-dependent properties is insignificant. A double-layered microchannel heat exchanger has been designed in order to study experimentally the efficiency of a gas-to-gas micro heat exchanger. This microdevice contains 133 parallel microchannels machined into polished PEEK plates for both the hot side and the cold side. The microchannels are 200 µm high, 200 µm wide and 39.8 mm long. The design of the micro device has been made in order to be able to test different materials as partition foil with flexible thickness. Experimental tests have been carried out for five different partition foils, with various mass flow rates and flow configurations. The experimental results indicate that the thermal performance of the countercurrent and cross flow micro heat exchanger can be strongly influenced by axial conduction in the partition foil separating the hot gas flow and cold gas flow.