981 resultados para total carbohydrate


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Demersal fisheries targeting a few high-value species often catch and discard other "non-target" species. It is difficult to quantify the impact of this incidental mortality when population biomass of a non-target species is unknown. We calculate biomass for 14 demersal fish species in ICES Area VIIg (Celtic Sea) by applying species-and length-based catchability corrections to catch records from the Irish Groundfish Survey (IGFS). We then combine these biomass estimates with records of commercial discards (and landings for marketable non-target species) to calculate annual harvesting rates (HR) for each study species. Uncertainty is incorporated into estimates of both biomass andHR. Our survey-based HR estimates for cod and whiting compared well with HR-converted fishing mortality (F) estimates from analytical assessments for these two stocks. Of the non-target species tested, red gurnard (Chelidonichthys cuculus) recorded some annual HRs greater than those for cod or whiting; challenging "Pope's postulate" that F on non-target stocks in an assemblage will not exceed that on target stocks. We relate HR for each species to two corresponding maximum sustainable yield (MSY) reference levels; six non-target species (including three ray species) show annual HRs >= HRMSY. This result suggests that it may not be possible to conserve vulnerable non-target species when F is coupled to that of target species. Based on biomass, HR, and HRMSY, we estimate "total allowable catch" for each non-target species.


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High-pressure processing (HPP) can produce tomato juice of high quality and safety with a short shelf life under refrigeration temperatures. Long-term higher temperature storage studies are rare and temperature tolerant products are challenging to develop. The effect of high-pressure processing (HPP) on the total quality (colour, microbial counts, phytochemical levels, antioxidant and enzymatic activities) and stability (retention over time) of tomato juice during long-term storage was investigated. Thermal processing (TP) was used as a control treatment, and overall, two different ambient conditions (20 °C and 28 °C) were tested. Immediately after processing, HPP products proved superior to TP ones (enhanced redness, total carotenoids and lycopene, stable total phenols and inactivation of pectin methyl esterase). During initial storage (30 d) most quality attributes of HPP juice remained stable. Prolonged storage, however, led to losses of most quality attributes, although HPP (20 °C) showed lower quality degradation rate constants comparison to TP and HPP (28 °C). Industrial Relevance: There is a demand for ambient stable tomato products, especially in some parts of the world, and current industrial practices (canning, pasteurisation) either compromise in product quality or require refrigeration conditions. High-pressure processing has been investigated as milder technology, with a potential to deliver superior quality. The drawback is that is also requires chill storage. The results of this study show how quality parameters behave in a high-pressured tomato product and pave the way for further development that could optimise this technology. This could be of economic importance for the tomato juice industry to develop new products stable in ambient temperatures and perhaps beneficial for cutting down the refrigeration costs under specific conditions.


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This work investigated the differences in the reactivity of Sarda (primiparous n= 18, multiparous n= 17) and Dorset (multiparous n= 8) breeds of sheep and their singleton lambs to two challenging test situations involving a mother-lamb partial separation test and an isolation test. Non-parametric analysis used single behavioural variables and fear scores to evaluate the effect of parity, sex of lambs, and the association between mother-lamb behaviour. Amongst ewes, Dorset were characterised by a more calm temperament while Sarda (especially primiparous ewes) were more active in their response to challenge (i.e. more attempts to escape). As with their dams, lambs reflected to a certain extent this divergence and overall during isolation lamb fear score was on average significantly higher than dams. Correlations between measures of behavioural reactivity across tests were carried out to search for predictive measures of fear. A very strong correlation emerged linking vocalisation to locomotor activity. Vocalisation could be a good candidate as predictor factor of an active reaction of sheep to a fearful situation.


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O vinho tinto é uma importante fonte de compostos fenólicos com atividade antioxidante e que estão relacionados com a prevenção de doenças cardiovasculares e cancro. Estes compostos são um sub-produto do processo de destilação vínica utilizado para produzir aguardente necessária para a produção de Vinho do Porto. Esta tese tem como objetivo valorizar os compostos fenólicos resultantes das destilarias de vinho, através do estudo da sua composição, das interações com o material polimérico do vinho, da sua estabilidade durante o armazenamento e avaliação dos seus potenciais efeitos biológicos in vitro. Isto irá permitir definir aplicações para estes compostos como ingredientes alimentares com propriedades funcionais. Dois vinhos tintos (RW1 e RW2) foram utilizados como fonte de compostos fenólicos. A fim de estudar estes compostos, cada vinho foi evaporado à pressão atmosférica, permitindo obter o respetivo vinho desalcolizado (DW1 e DW2). Os polissacarídeos e compostos fenólicos presentes nos vinhos desalcolizados foram fracionados por extração em fase sólida utilizando cartuchos C18 sep-pak. A fração hidrofóbica, rica em compostos fenólicos, foi separada em frações ricas em ácidos fenólicos, em procianidinas e em antocianinas, as quais foram usadas para avaliar a sua contribuição para a atividade antioxidante total e caracterização fenólica detalhada dos DW. Foram obtidas quantidades comparáveis de compostos fenólicos totais (1.3 g/L para RW1 e DW1, e 3.1 para RW2 e DW2), de taninos (1.2 g/L para RW1 e DW1 e 1.6 para RW2 e DW2) e de antocianinas (0.24 g/L para RW1 e DW1 e 0.41 para RW2 e DW2) para os vinhos e para os respetivos vinhos desalcolizados. A determinação da atividade antioxidante de RW e DW pelos métodos do DPPH e ABTS também originou valores semelhantes, permitindo inferir que o processo de destilação realizado não promoveu uma perda relevante de compostos fenólicos. A atividade antioxidante total de vinho deveu-se essencialmente à fração rica em antocianinas. Os dois DW foram dialisados para se obter o material polimérico dos vinhos (WPM1 e WPM2). O WPM1 e WPM2 apresentavam 1.1 e 1.3 g/L de material sólido, respetivamente. O WPM (WPM1 e WPM2) era composto por polissacarídeos (31 e 36%), proteínas (10 e 12%) e também por compostos fenólicos (32 e 43%). A análise de açúcares mostrou que as manoproteínas e as arabinogalactanas eram os principais polissacarídeos presentes. A extração do WPM com metanol deu origem a um material insolúvel em metanol (PMi) e a uma fração solúvel em metanol, que continuava a conter hidratos de carbono e compostos fenólicos, mostrando uma forte interação entre estes compostos. Para determinar a energia de ativação (Ea) da libertação dos compostos fenólicos de fracções de material polimérico do vinho, foram realizadas diálises do DW, WPM e PMi, utilizando-se quatro concentrações diferentes, a cinco temperaturas (5-40 °C). O valor da Ea foi 25 para o WPM e 61 kJ/mol para o PMi, mostrando que os compostos fenólicos do vinho podem estar associados de forma diferente à matriz polimérica e que uma fração pode estar, ainda, fortemente associada a esta matriz. A fim de avaliar a possível existência de interações seletivas com os compostos fenólicos, o WPM foi fracionado, permitindo a obtenção de uma fração rica em manoproteínas (MP), através de uma cromatografia de afinidade com concanavalina A e 3 frações ricas em arabinogalactanas (AG0, AG1 e AG2) obtidas por cromatografia de troca aniónica. Foi avaliada a difusão de nove antocianinas monoméricas através de uma membrana de diálise, em presença do WPM, e das frações ricas em MP e em AG. A diálise dos compostos fenólicos livres do vinho foi realizada como ensaio em branco. Todas as frações poliméricas mostraram capacidade para reter as antocianinas, embora em diferente extensão. Foi observada uma capacidade de retenção maior para as antocianinas acilglucosiladas do que para as antocianinas glucosiladas. A fração rica em AG teve uma maior contribuição para a capacidade de retenção das antocianinas pelo material polimérico vinho do que a fração rica em MP, principalmente quando as antocianinas estavam acetiladas. Com o objetivo de estudar formas para preservar, a longo prazo, as propriedades antioxidantes dos compostos fenólicos, o extrato de compostos fenólicos (PCE), em pó, foi armazenado em diferentes condições de luz e atmosfera, à temperatura ambiente durante 1 ano. Observou-se que o PCE armazenado no escuro, dentro de um exsicador sob atmosfera de azoto, preservou 95% da atividade antioxidante inicial. Também foram avaliadas as melhores condições para preservar as antocianinas quando em solução, armazenadas a duas temperaturas (5 e 30 ºC) durante 3 meses. A adição de 0.5 g/L de uma fração rica em polissacarídeos a um vinho armazenado a 30 ºC promoveu a proteção das antocianinas, especialmente das antocianinas cumaroiladas. Os potenciais efeitos biológicos dos compostos fenólicos foram avaliados em diferentes sistemas celulares in vitro utilizando as seguintes frações: WPM, WPS (polissacarídeos do vinho), WPC (compostos fenólicos do vinho), PA-E (fração rica em ácidos fenólicos), PR-E (fração rica em procianidinas) e APP-E (fração rica em antocianinas e procianidinas poliméricas). Foi observada uma maior viabilidade celular quando as células do carcinoma do cólon HT-29 foram expostas a dois agentes oxidantes (radiação UV e H2O2) em presença das frações PR-E e APP-E. Além disso, os extratos WPS, WPC, PR-E e APP-E mostraram propriedades anti-inflamatórias, avaliadas pela inibição da produção de NO por células de macrófagos RAW264.7, sendo o extrato APP-E (0.19 mg/mL) o que exibiu a maior capacidade anti-inflamatória. A fim de elucidar as propriedades antioxidantes dos extratos do vinho em células humanas, os glóbulos vermelhos (RBC) foram selecionados como um modelo metabolicamente simples. Os extratos WPM, WPS, WPC, PR-E, e APP-E mostraram efeito anti-hemolítico para a hemólise dos RBC provocada pelo peróxido de hidrogénio (H2O2) e pelo di-hidrocloreto de 2,2'-azo-bis(2-diaminopropano) (AAPH). Os resultados obtidos permitem concluir que o processo de desalcoolização dos vinhos à pressão atmosférica, preservou as principais características antioxidantes dos compostos fenólicos. Estes compostos podem contribuir para a defesa das células contra agentes oxidantes, nomeadamente por terem um potencial de atividades anti-inflamatória e anti-hemolítica, promovendo a viabilidade celular. A interação dos compostos fenólicos do vinho com o material polimérico permite inferir uma dosagem contínua e gradual das antocianinas vinho tinto após a sua ingestão, contribuindo para um período mais longo da sua exposição e, como consequência, dos seus potenciais benefícios para a saúde.


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O presente trabalho descreve um projeto de implementação da metodologia de Manutenção Produtiva Total (TPM) desenvolvido na Simoldes Plásticos, unidade industrial de injeção de plásticos que opera no setor automóvel. A metodologia TPM salienta o papel fundamental que o trabalho em equipa e, em particular, a participação do pessoal, podem desempenhar na identificação de oportunidades de melhoria e na sua implementação. A sua aplicação visa a diminuição dos desperdícios, acidentes, defeitos, paragens e falhas ao longo de um processo produtivo. De uma forma geral, a TPM utiliza uma ideia base elementar que passa pela sensibilização, formação e treino dos operadores para que estes consigam realizar a manutenção autónoma dos equipamentos e melhorar continuamente o seu desempenho. Este trabalho apresenta em primeiro lugar uma revisão dos conceitos de Gestão da Qualidade Total, particularmente da Melhoria Contínua e da Metodologia TPM. De seguida, é descrita a aplicação da TPM na empresa Simoldes Plásticos, que inclui uma descrição dos principais problemas encontrados e das medidas aplicadas para a sua correção. Finalmente é feita uma análise do impacto das melhorias implementadas, a partir da análise de um indicador de eficiência específico, desenvolvido na empresa - o RUTPM - Rendimento de Utilização TPM.


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Delivered at The Physiological Society's Biomedical Basis of Elite Performance conference, Nottingham, 6-8 March 2016


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The aim of this study was to examine the effect of carbohydrate mouth rinse on 30-min arm cranking performance. Twelve healthy, active males (age 21.6, standard deviation (SD)=3.1 years; mass 76.2, SD=12.2 kg) volunteered in a single-blind, randomised crossover design. Firstly they completed an incremental exercise test to exhaustion (VO2max test) on an arm crank (50W for 2 min, increasing by 10W every min). During visit 2 and 3 they arm cranked for maximal distance over 30 min at a resistance equivalent to 50% of their peak power, mouth rinsing for 5 s with either 25 ml of a tasteless 6.4% maltodextrin solution (CHO) or 25 ml of water (placebo) every 6 min. A letter cancellation test was performed pre and post exercise to measure cognitive function. The result showed that cognitive function was not significantly different between trials (P=0.874). There was no significant difference in distance arm cranked between trials (P=0.164) even though 9 out of 12 participants had improved performance on the CHO trial. In conclusion, further research is needed to determine the ergogenic effect of CHO mouth rinsing on upper body exercise performance.


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The grooved carpet shell clam, Ruditapes decussatus (L. 1758), is one of the most popular and profitable molluscs exploited in rearing plots in the Mediterranean. However, annual catch has been declining steadily since the early nineties. In order to understand the seasonality of its nutritional value, thus providing an improved basis for economical valuation of the resource, gross biochemical composition, percentage edibility and condition index were investigated during a year with monthly periodicity in a commercially exploited population of the clam Ruditapes decussatus in the Ria Formosa, a temperate mesotidal coastal lagoon located in the south of Portugal. Our results show that total and non-protein nitrogen co-varied during the year, resulting in a protein content that peaked in the warmest months. Although complementary in summer, carbohydrate and lipid contents showed irregular annual trends. The observed seasonality was comparable to that shown by studies elsewhere at similar latitudes, and are underpinned by the reproductive cycle of the species. Our results show the clams to be at their prime nutritional value at the beginning of summer, when protein content peaks.


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Objective: To evaluate the feasibility of conducting a randomized controlled trial comparing group-based outpatient physiotherapy with usual care in patients following total knee replacement. Design: A feasibility study for a randomized controlled trial. Setting: One secondary-care hospital orthopaedic centre, Bristol, UK. Participants: A total of 46 participants undergoing primary total knee replacement. Interventions: The intervention group were offered six group-based exercise sessions after surgery. The usual care group received standard postoperative care. Participants were not blinded to group allocation. Outcome measures: Feasibility was assessed by recruitment, reasons for non-participation, attendance, and completion rates of study questionnaires that included the Lower Extremity Functional Scale and Knee Injury and Osteoarthritis Outcome Score. Results: Recruitment rate was 37%. Five patients withdrew or were no longer eligible to participate. Intervention attendance was high (73%) and 84% of group participants reported they were ‘very satisfied’ with the exercises. Return of study questionnaires at six months was lower in the usual care (75%) than in the intervention group (100%). Mean (standard deviation) Lower Extremity Functional Scale scores at six months were 45.0 (20.8) in the usual care and 57.8 (15.2) in the intervention groups. Conclusion: Recruitment and retention of participants in this feasibility study was good. Group-based physiotherapy was acceptable to participants. Questionnaire return rates were lower in the usual care group, but might be enhanced by telephone follow-up. The Lower Extremity Functional Scale had high responsiveness and completion rates. Using this outcome measure, 256 participants would be required in a full-scale randomized controlled trial.


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This paper describes the impact of cloud computing and the use of GPUs on the performance of Autodock and Gromacs respectively. Cloud computing was applicable to reducing the ‘‘tail’’ seen in running Autodock on desktop grids and the GPU version of Gromacs showed significant improvement over the CPU version. A large (200,000 compounds) library of small molecules, seven sialic acid analogues of the putative substrate and 8000 sugar molecules were converted into pdbqt format and used to interrogate the Trichomonas vaginalis neuraminidase using Autodock Vina. Good binding energy was noted for some of the small molecules (~-9 kcal/mol), but the sugars bound with affinity of less than -7.6 kcal/mol. The screening of the sugar library resulted in a ‘‘top hit’’ with a-2,3-sialyllacto-N-fucopentaose III, a derivative of the sialyl Lewisx structure and a known substrate of the enzyme. Indeed in the top 100 hits 8 were related to this structure. A comparison of Autodock Vina and Autodock 4.2 was made for the high affinity small molecules and in some cases the results were superimposable whereas in others, the match was less good. The validation of this work will require extensive ‘‘wet lab’’ work to determine the utility of the workflow in the prediction of potential enzyme inhibitors.


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To what extent are democratic institutions resilient when nation states mobilise for war? Normative and empirical political theorists have long argued that wars strengthen the executive and threaten constitutional politics. In modern democracies, national assemblies are supposed to hold the executive to account by demanding explanations for events and policies; and by scrutinising, reviewing and, if necessary, revising legislative proposals intended to be binding on the host society or policies that have been implemented already. This article examines the extent to which the British and Australian parliaments and the United States Congress held their wartime executives to account during World War II. The research finds that under conditions approaching those of total war, these democratic institutions not only continued to exist, but also proved to be resilient in representing public concerns and holding their executives to account, however imperfectly and notwithstanding delegating huge powers. In consequence, executives—more so British and Australian ministers than President Roosevelt—were required to be placatory as institutional and political tensions within national assemblies and between assemblies and executives continued, and assemblies often asserted themselves. In short, even under the most onerous wartime conditions, democratic politics mattered and democratic institutions were resilient.


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We used1H-magnetic resonance spectroscopy to noninvasively determine total creatine (TCr), choline-containing compounds (Cho), and intracellular (IT) and extracellular (between-muscle fibers) triglycerides (ET) in three human skeletal muscles. Subjects' (n = 15 men) TCr concentrations in soleus [Sol; 100.2 ± 8.3 (SE) mmol/kg dry wt] were lower (P < 0.05) than those in gastrocnemius (Gast; 125.3 ± 9.2 mmol/kg dry wt) and tibialis anterior (TA; 123.7 ± 8.8 mmol/kg dry wt). The Cho levels in Sol (35.8 ± 3.6 mmol/kg dry wt) and Gast (28.5 ± 3.5 mmol/kg dry wt) were higher (P < 0.001 andP < 0.01, respectively) compared with TA (13.6 ± 2.4 mmol/kg dry wt). The IT values were found to be 44.8 ± 4.6 and 36.5 ± 4.2 mmol/kg dry wt in Sol and Gast, respectively. The IT values of TA (24.5 ± 4.5 mmol/kg dry wt) were lower than those of Sol (P < 0.01) and Gast (P < 0.05). There were no differences in ET [116.0 ± 11.2 (Sol), 119.1 ± 18.5 (Gast), and 91.4 ± 19.2 mmol/kg dry wt (TA)]. It is proposed that the differences in metabolite levels may be due to the differences in fiber-type composition and deposition of metabolites due to the adaptation of different muscles during locomotion.


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Objective: To describe (1) the relationship between nutrition and the preterm-at-term infant phenotype, (2) phenotypic differences between preterm-at-term infants and healthy term born infants and (3) relationships between somatic and brain MRI outcomes. Design: Prospective observational study. Setting: UK tertiary neonatal unit. Participants: Preterm infants (<32 weeks gestation) (n=22) and healthy term infants (n=39) Main outcome measures: Preterm nutrient intake; total and regional adipose tissue (AT) depot volumes; brain volume and proximal cerebral arterial vessel tortuosity (CAVT) in preterm infants and in term infants. Results: Preterm nutrition was deficient in protein and high in carbohydrate and fat. Preterm nutrition was not related to AT volumes, brain volume or proximal CAVT score; a positive association was noted between human milk intake and proximal CAVT score (r=0.44, p=0.05). In comparison to term infants, preterm infants had increased total adiposity, comparable brain volumes and reduced proximal CAVT scores. There was a significant negative correlation between deep subcutaneous abdominal AT volume and brain volume in preterm infants (r=−0.58, p=0.01). Conclusions: Though there are significant phenotypic differences between preterm infants at term and term infants, preterm macronutrient intake does not appear to be a determinant. Our preliminary data suggest that (1) human milk may exert a beneficial effect on cerebral arterial vessel tortuosity and (2) there is a negative correlation between adiposity and brain volume in preterm infants at term. Further work is warranted to see if our findings can be replicated and to understand the causal mechanisms.


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In this paper, it was evaluated the total antioxidant capacity (TAC) of beverages using an electrochemical biosensor. The biosensor consisted on the purine base (guanine or adenine) electro-immobilization on a glassy carbon electrode surface (GCE). Purine base damage was induced by the hydroxyl radical generated by Fenton-type reaction. Five antioxidants were applied to counteract the deleterious effects of the hydroxyl radical. The antioxidants used were ascorbic acid, gallic acid, caffeic acid, coumaric acid and resveratrol. These antioxidants have the ability to scavenger the hydroxyl radical and protect the guanine and adenine immobilized on the GCE surface. The interaction carried out between the purinebase immobilized and the free radical in the absence and presence of antioxidants was evaluated by means of changes in the guanine and adenine anodic peak obtained by square wave voltammetry (SWV). The results demonstrated that the purine-biosensors are suitable for rapid assessment of TAC in beverages.