977 resultados para time-resolved fast spectroscopy


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In this paper. we present the results of quantum dynamical simulations of the S (D-1) + H-2 insertion reaction on a newly developed potential energy surface (J. Chem. Phys. 2001, 114, 320). State-to-state reaction probabilities. product state distributions, and initial-state resolved cumulative reaction probabilities from a given incoming reactant channel are obtained from a time-independent wave packet analysis, performed within a single Lanczos subspace. Integral reaction cross sections are then estimated by J-shifting method and compared with the results from molecular beam experiment and QCT calculations.


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The influence of change in land-use from native vegetation to pasture (20-71 yr after conversion), and subsequent change from pasture to eucalypt plantation (7-10 yr after conversion) on soil organic matter quality was investigated using C-13 CP/MAS NMR spectroscopy. We studied surface soil (0-10 cm) from six sites representing a range of soil, and climate types from south-western Australia. Total C in the samples ranged from 1.6 to 5.5%, but the relative proportions of the four primary spectral regions (alkyl, O-alkyl, aromatic and carboxylic) were similar across the sites, and changes due to land-use at each site were relatively minor. Main impacts of changed land-use were higher O-alkyl (carbohydrate) material under pasture than under native vegetation and plantation (P = 0.048), and lower aromatic C under pasture than under native vegetation (P = 0.027). The decrease in aromatic C in pasture soils was related to time since clearing. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.


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We describe for the first time the application of fast neutron mutagenesis to the genetic dissection of root nodulation in legumes. We demonstrate the utility of chromosomal deletion mutations through production of a soybean supernodulation mutant FN37 that lacks the internal autoregulation of nodulation mechanism. After inoculation with microsymbiont Bradyrhizobium japonicum, FN37 forms at least 10 times more nodules than the wild type G. soja parent and has a phenotype identical to that of chemically induced allelic mutants nts382 and nts1007 (NTS-1 locus). Reciprocal grafting of shoots and roots confirmed systemic shoot control of the FN37 nodulation phenotype. RFLP/PCR marker pUTG132a and AFLP marker UQC-IS1 which are tightly linked to NTS-1 allowed the isolation of BAC contigs delineating both ends of the deletion. The genetic/physical distance ratio in the NTS-1 region is 279 kb/cM. The deletion is estimated to be about 460 kb based on the absence of markers and bacterial artificial chromosomes (BAC) ends as well as genetic and physical mapping. Deletion break points were determined physically and placed within flanking BAC contigs.


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Quantitative analysis of cine cardiac magnetic resonance (CMR) images for the assessment of global left ventricular morphology and function remains a routine task in clinical cardiology practice. To date, this process requires user interaction and therefore prolongs the examination (i.e. cost) and introduces observer variability. In this study, we sought to validate the feasibility, accuracy, and time efficiency of a novel framework for automatic quantification of left ventricular global function in a clinical setting.


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Tese de Doutoramento em Biologia apresentada à Faculdade de Ciências da Universidade do Porto, 2015.


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The increasing importance given by environmental policies to the dissemination and use of wind power has led to its fast and large integration in power systems. In most cases, this integration has been done in an intensive way, causing several impacts and challenges in current and future power systems operation and planning. One of these challenges is dealing with the system conditions in which the available wind power is higher than the system demand. This is one of the possible applications of demand response, which is a very promising resource in the context of competitive environments that integrates even more amounts of distributed energy resources, as well as new players. The methodology proposed aims the maximization of the social welfare in a smart grid operated by a virtual power player that manages the available energy resources. When facing excessive wind power generation availability, real time pricing is applied in order to induce the increase of consumption so that wind curtailment is minimized. The proposed method is especially useful when actual and day-ahead wind forecast differ significantly. The proposed method has been computationally implemented in GAMS optimization tool and its application is illustrated in this paper using a real 937-bus distribution network with 20310 consumers and 548 distributed generators, some of them with must take contracts.


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Ethernet is the most popular LAN technology. Its low price and robustness, resulting from its wide acceptance and deployment, has created an eagerness to expand its responsibilities to the factory-floor, where real-time requirements are to be fulfilled. However, it is difficult to build a real-time control network using Ethernet, because its MAC protocol, the 1-persistent CSMA/CD protocol with the BEB collision resolution algorithm, has unpredictable delay characteristics. Many anticipate that the recent technological advances in Ethernet such as the emerging Fast/Gigabit Ethernet, micro-segmentation and full-duplex operation using switches will also enable it to support time-critical applications. This technical report provides a comprehensive look at the unpredictability inherent to Ethernet and at recent technological advances towards real-time operation.


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A preliminary version of this paper appeared in Proceedings of the 31st IEEE Real-Time Systems Symposium, 2010, pp. 239–248.


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Consider the problem of scheduling a set of implicit-deadline sporadic tasks to meet all deadlines on a uniform multiprocessor platform where each task may access at most one of |R| shared resources and at most once by each job of that task. The resources have to be accessed in a mutually exclusive manner. We propose an algorithm, GIS-vpr, which offers the guarantee that if a task set is schedulable to meet deadlines by an optimal task assignment scheme that allows a task to migrate only when it accesses or releases a resource, then our algorithm also meets the deadlines with the same restriction on the task migration, if given processors 4 + 6|R| times as fast. The proposed algorithm, by design, limits the number of migrations per job to at most two. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first result for resource sharing on uniform multiprocessors with proven performance guarantee.


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Consider the problem of scheduling a set of implicitdeadline sporadic tasks on a heterogeneous multiprocessor so as to meet all deadlines. Tasks cannot migrate and the platform is restricted in that each processor is either of type-1 or type-2 (with each task characterized by a different speed of execution upon each type of processor). We present an algorithm for this problem with a timecomplexity of O(n·m), where n is the number of tasks and m is the number of processors. It offers the guarantee that if a task set can be scheduled by any non-migrative algorithm to meet deadlines then our algorithm meets deadlines as well if given processors twice as fast. Although this result is proven for only a restricted heterogeneous multiprocessor, we consider it significant for being the first realtime scheduling algorithm to use a low-complexity binpacking approach to schedule tasks on a heterogeneous multiprocessor with provably good performance.


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Replication is a proven concept for increasing the availability of distributed systems. However, actively replicating every software component in distributed embedded systems may not be a feasible approach. Not only the available resources are often limited, but also the imposed overhead could significantly degrade the system’s performance. This paper proposes heuristics to dynamically determine which components to replicate based on their significance to the system as a whole, its consequent number of passive replicas, and where to place those replicas in the network. The activation of passive replicas is coordinated through a fast convergence protocol that reduces the complexity of the needed interactions among nodes until a new collective global service solution is determined.


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This paper analyzes the signals captured during impacts and vibrations of a mechanical manipulator. In order to acquire and study the signals an experimental setup is implemented. The signals are treated through signal processing tools such as the fast Fourier transform and the short time Fourier transform. The results show that the Fourier spectrum of several signals presents a non integer behavior. The experimental study provides valuable results that can assist in the design of a control system to deal with the unwanted effects of vibrations.


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A study of chemical transformations of cork during heat treatments was made using colour variation and FTIR analysis. The cork enriched fractions from Quercus cerris bark were subjected to isothermal heating in the temperature range 150–400 ◦C and treatment time from 5 to 90 min. Mass loss ranged from 3% (90 min at 150 ◦C) to 71% (60 min at 350 ◦C). FTIR showed that hemicelluloses were thermally degraded first while suberin remained as the most heat resistant component. The change of CIE-Lab parameters was rapid for low intensity treatments where no significant mass loss occurred (at 150 ◦C L* decreased from the initial 51.5 to 37.3 after 20 min). The decrease in all colour parameters continued with temperature until they remained substantially constant with over 40% mass loss. Modelling of the thermally induced mass loss could be made using colour analysis. This is applicable to monitoring the production of heat expanded insulation agglomerates.


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Reconfigurable computing experienced a considerable expansion in the last few years, due in part to the fast run-time partial reconfiguration features offered by recent SRAM-based Field Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGAs), which allowed the implementation in real-time of dynamic resource allocation strategies, with multiple independent functions from different applications sharing the same logic resources in the space and temporal domains. However, when the sequence of reconfigurations to be performed is not predictable, the efficient management of the logic space available becomes the greatest challenge posed to these systems. Resource allocation decisions have to be made concurrently with system operation, taking into account function priorities and optimizing the space currently available. As a consequence of the unpredictability of this allocation procedure, the logic space becomes fragmented, with many small areas of free resources failing to satisfy most requests and so remaining unused. A rearrangement of the currently running functions is therefore necessary, so as to obtain enough contiguous space to implement incoming functions, avoiding the spreading of their components and the resulting degradation of system performance. A novel active relocation procedure for Configurable Logic Blocks (CLBs) is herein presented, able to carry out online rearrangements, defragmenting the available FPGA resources without disturbing functions currently running.