880 resultados para thermoplastic extrusion


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In tight Na+-absorbing epithelial cells, the fate of Na+ entry through amiloride-sensitive apical membrane Na+ channels is matched to basolateral Na+ extrusion so that cell Na+ concentration and volume remain steady. Control of this process by regulation of apical Na+ channels has been attributed to changes in cytosolic Ca2+ concentration or pH, secondary to changes in cytosolic Na+ concentration, although cytosolic Cl- seems also to be involved. Using mouse mandibular gland duct cells, we now demonstrate that increasing cytosolic Na+ concentration inhibits apical Na+ channels independent of changes in cytosolic Ca2+, pH, or Cl-, and the effect is blocked by GDP-beta-S, pertussis toxin, and antibodies against the alpha-subunits of guanine nucleotide-binding regulatory proteins (Go). In contrast, the inhibitory effect of cytosolic anions is blocked by antibodies to inhibitory guanine nucleotide-binding regulatory proteins (Gi1/Gi2. It thus appears that apical Na+ channels are regulated by Go and Gi proteins, the activities of which are controlled, respectively, by cytosolic Na+ and Cl-.


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Membrane preparations enriched in plasma membrane vesicles prepared from promastigotes of Leishmania tarentolae were shown to accumulate thiolate derivatives of 73As(III). Free arsenite was transported at a low rate, but rapid accumulation was observed after reaction with reduced glutathione (GSH) conditions that favor the formation of As(GS)3. Accumulation required ATP but not electrochemical energy, indicating that As(GS)3 is transported by an ATP-coupled pump. Pentostam, a Sb(V)-containing drug that is one of the first-line therapeutic agents for treatment of leishmaniasis, inhibited uptake after reaction with GSH. Vesicles prepared from a strain in which both copies of the pgpA genes were disrupted accumulated As(GS)3 at wild-type levels, demonstrating that the PgpA protein is not the As(GS)3 pump. These results have important implications for the mechanism of drug resistance in the trypanosomatidae, suggesting that a plasma membrane As(GS)3 pump catalyzes active extrusion of metal thiolates, including the Pentostam-glutathione conjugate.


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Este trabalho está dividido em: obtenção e caracterização de amido termoplástico (TPS); estudo do envelhecimento do TPS e blendas de PP/TPS. O estudo do TPS, foi realizado utilizando amido de milho, 30% em massa de glicerol e outros componentes que variam entre as amostras. Primeiramente foi realizado um planejamento estatístico para obter a composição ótima de TPS. Foram escolhidos cinco parâmetros de entrada: 2 de composição (umidade e teor de ácido cítrico) e 3 de processamento (temperatura, velocidade dos rotores e tempo), visando obter um TPS com propriedades térmicas e mecânicas superiores. De acordo com os resultados de infravermelho, termogravimetria, microscopia ótica (MO) e microscopia eletrônica de varredura (MEV) foram escolhidas 2 composições. Estas foram calandradas e confeccionadas para obtenção dos corpos de prova de tração. Os resultados dos ensaios mecânicos mostraram que amostras com teor de ácido cítrico de aproximadamente 2% em massa apresentam os maiores valores de módulo de elasticidade e resistência à tração. Com estes resultados foram realizadas novas composições com outros ácidos carboxílicos: adípico, málico e tartárico e amostras sem ácidos. As curvas de torque indicaram que as amostras sem ácido carboxílico e com ácido adípico perdem água durante o processamento. Analisando os resultados verifica-se que o TPS com os ácidos málico e tartárico apresentam melhores propriedades mecânicas e térmicas. Também foi analisado o envelhecimento, e notou-se que com o tempo as amostras tendem a perder plastificante, modificando suas propriedades mecânicas e sua cristalinidade. Entretanto, durante o intervalo de um ano, as amostras de TPS com ácido málico e tartárico não sofreram perda significativa de plastificante. Por último, foram obtidas blendas de PP reciclado com TPS nas composições 50/50, 60/40 e 70/30 em massa, respectivamente, com e sem adição de ácidos: cítrico, málico e tartárico e anidrido maleico. As amostras foram caracterizadas por FTIR, DRX, reometria capilar, MEV e por teste de resistência à tração. Micrografias obtidas por MEV indicaram que todas as composições estudadas possuem morfologia predominantemente co-contínua. A presença dos ácidos, geralmente, reduz os valores das propriedades mecânicas da blenda de PP com TPS e a adição de PP-g-MA é mais efetiva nas blendas sem adição de ácido. Ao analisar o envelhecimento das blendas com adição de ácidos tartárico e málico, notou-se que as propriedades mecânicas não foram alteradas em função do tempo de estocagem.


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Nesta Tese foram preparados, em solução, filmes híbridos de argila e poliestireno provenientes de copos descartáveis comercializados no mercado brasileiro, com acetato de etila e glicerol. Posteriormente, foi adicionado o Hemi-hidrato de sulfato de cálcio como carga de reforço. Tanto a argila quanto o glicerol, assim como o hemihidrato de sulfato de cálcio, foram utilizados nos percentuais relativos à massa do poliestireno fragmentado correspondendo a 1%,2%, 3%,4%, 5% e 7%. Dos filmes, nos percentuais 3, 4, 5 e 7, exclui-se o percentual de 4% e os demais foram fragmentados e submetidos a extrusão, com resfriamento natural, à seco, produzindo-se grãos com os quais foi avaliado o índice de fluidez e injetados para a moldagem de corpos de prova rígidos. O desempenho dos corpos rígidos, foi comparado com os resultados do HIPS 484, e o GPPS comercializados no mercado brasileiro. Os filmes foram caracterizados por difração de raios X, microscopia eletrônica de varredura (MEV), calorimetria exploratória diferencial (DSC), além dos testes de resistência à tração, fluorescência de raios X, EDS e FTIR. Amostra do filme, ultrafino, obtido a partir da solução com o percentual de 5% foi observada ao microscópio ótico e no microscópio eletrônico de transmissão, assim como amostras de corpos rígidos microtomizadas. Nos corpos rígidos, além das análises instrumentais citadas, foram avaliadas a resistência à flexão, modulo de flexão, resistência à tração, alongamento e resistência ao impacto Izod. O desempenho sob chama foi avaliado em amostras de filme e também do corpo rígido. Resultados do DRX, e da MET foram coerentes com a bibliografia para nanocompósitos argila-polímero e, associado às respostas dos demais ensaios, indicaram um material de boa qualidade morfológica e boas propriedades mecânicas comparadas ao HIPS 484 e ao GPPS. Sob a chama o material produzido apresentou maior resistência à queima avaliado pela quantidade aparente de material residual para um mesmo tempo sob fogo. Constatou-se, também, uma boa dispersão das cargas na matriz polimérica, assim como uma adequada interação entre os elementos orgânicos e inorgânicos do material, a delaminação parcial da argila e quebra da estrutura do hemi-hidrato. Isto resultou em um bom desempenho mecânico e térmico do compósito que pode ser atribuído, tanto a uma forte influência dos íons metálicos presentes nas cargas inorgânicas, quanto às adições presentes na formulação dos copos descartáveis.


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Purpose – This research deals with a new kind of nanopigment, obtained from the combination of organic dyes and layered nanoclays, that the authors call nanoclay-colorant pigment (NCP). Whilst they have already been employed in inks and coatings, to date these nanopigments have not been used as pigments for polymers. The existing lack of knowledge surrounding them must be redressed in order to bridge the gap between current academic studies and commercial exploitation. Therefore, the main purpose of this paper is to examine the hitherto unknown aspects of the NCP, which relate specifically to their applicability as a new type of colorant for polymers. Design/methodology/approach – A blue NCP has been prepared at the laboratory according to the patented method of synthesis (patent WO0104216), using methylene blue and montmorillonite nanoclay. It has then been applied to a thermoplastic polymer (linear low-density polyethylene – LLDPE) to obtain a coloured sample. Furthermore, samples with the same polymer but using conventional blue colorants have been prepared under the same processing conditions. The mechanical, thermal and colorimetric properties of these materials have been compared. Findings – The thermal stability of the sample coloured with NCP is reduced to some extent, while the mechanical strength is slightly increased. Moreover, this sample has better colour performance than the conventionally pigmented samples. Originality/value – In this paper, a blue NCP has been synthesised and successfully employed with polyethylene and the obtained sample shows better colour performance than polyethylene with conventional pigments.


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Blends of poly(lactic acid) (PLA) and poly(3-hydroxybutyrate) (PHB) plasticized with a lactic acid oligomer (OLA) added at three different concentrations (15, 20 and 30 wt% by weight), were prepared by an optimized extrusion process to improve the processability and mechanical properties of these biopolymers for flexible film manufacturing. Morphological, chemical, thermal, mechanical, barrier and migration properties were investigated and formulations with desired performance in eco-friendly films were selected. The efficiency of OLA as plasticizer for PLA_PHB blends was demonstrated by the significant decrease of their glass transition temperatures and a considerable improvement of their ductile properties. The measured improvements in the barrier properties are related to the higher crystallinity of the plasticized PLA_PHB blends, while the overall migration test underlined that all the proposed formulations maintained migration levels below admitted levels. The PLA_PHB blend with 30 wt% OLA was selected as the optimum formulation for food packaging, since it offered the best compromise between ductility and oxygen and water vapor barrier properties with practically no migration.


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Mechanical treatments such as shredding or extrusion are applied to municipal solid wastes (MSW) to produce refuse-derived fuels (RDF). In this way, a waste fraction (mainly composed by food waste) is removed and the quality of the fuel is improved. In this research, simultaneous thermal analysis (STA) was used to investigate how different mechanical treatments applied to MSW influence the composition and combustion behaviour of fuel blends produced by combining MSW or RDF with wood in different ratios. Shredding and screening resulted in a more efficient mechanical treatment than extrusion to reduce the chlorine content in a fuel, which would improve its quality. This study revealed that when plastics and food waste are combined in the fuel matrix, the thermal decomposition of the fuels are accelerated. The combination of MSW or RDF and woody materials in a fuel blend has a positive impact on its decomposition.


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The Greater Himalayan leucogranites are a discontinuous suite of intrusions emplaced in a thickened crust during the Miocene southward ductile extrusion of the Himalayan metamorphic core. Melt-induced weakening is thought to have played a critical role in strain localization that facilitated the extrusion. Recent advancements in centrifuge analogue modelling techniques allow for the replication of a broader range of crustal deformation behaviors, enhancing our understanding of large hot orogens. Polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS) is commonly used in centrifuge experiments to model weak melt zones. Difficulties in handling PDMS had, until now, limited its emplacement in models prior to any deformation. A new modelling technique has been developed where PDMS is emplaced into models that have been subjected to some shortening. This technique aims to better understand the effects of melt on strain localization and potential decoupling between structural levels within an evolving orogenic system. Models are subjected to an early stage of shortening, followed by the introduction of PDMS, and then a final stage of shortening. Theoretical percentages of partial melt and their effect on rock strength are considered when adding a specific percentage of PDMS in each model. Due to the limited size of the models, only PDMS sheets of 3 mm thickness were used, which varied in length and width. Within undeformed packages, minimal surface and internal deformation occurred when PDMS is emplaced in the lower layer of the model, showing a vertical volume increase of ~20% within the package; whereas the emplacement of PDMS into the middle layer showed internal dragging of the middle laminations into the lower layer and a vertical volume increase ~30%. Emplacement of PDMS results in ~7% shortening for undeformed and deformed models. Deformed models undergo ~20% additional shortening after two rounds of deformation. Strain localization and decoupling between units occur in deformed models where the degree of deformation changes based on the amount of partial melt present. Surface deformation visible by the formation of a bulge, mode 1 extension cracks and varying surface strain ellipses varies depending if PDMS is present. Better control during emplacement is exhibited when PDMS is added into cooler models, resulting in reduced internal deformation within the middle layer.


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A extrusão de alimentos envolve transformações moleculares complexas que permitem grande diversidade nos produtos extrudidos existentes e nas suas propriedades físicas, químicas, sensoriais e nutricionais. Neste artigo são apresentadas aplicações atuais da extrusão na indústria alimentar, assim como as características dos produtos extrudidos.


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Centriole elimination is an essential process that occurs in female meiosis of metazoa to reset centriole number in the zygote at fertilization. How centrioles are eliminated remains poorly understood. Here we visualize the entire elimination process live in starfish oocytes. Using specific fluorescent markers, we demonstrate that the two older, mother centrioles are selectively removed from the oocyte by extrusion into polar bodies. We show that this requires specific positioning of the second meiotic spindle, achieved by dynein-driven transport, and anchorage of the mother centriole to the plasma membrane via mother-specific appendages. In contrast, the single daughter centriole remaining in the egg is eliminated before the first embryonic cleavage. We demonstrate that these distinct elimination mechanisms are necessary because if mother centrioles are artificially retained, they cannot be inactivated, resulting in multipolar zygotic spindles. Thus, our findings reveal a dual mechanism to eliminate centrioles: mothers are physically removed, whereas daughters are eliminated in the cytoplasm, preparing the egg for fertilization.


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Dissertação para obtenção do grau de Mestre no Instituto Superior de Ciências da Saúde Egas Moniz


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L’insuffisance cardiaque (IC) est associée à un taux de mortalité et d’hospitalisations élevé causant un fardeau économique important. Les deux causes majeures de décès de l’IC sont les arythmies ventriculaires létales et les sidérations myocardiques. Il est maintenant reconnu que l’angiotensine II (ANGII) est l'un des principaux médiateurs de l’IC. Ses effets délétères découlent de l’activation du récepteur de type 1 de l’ANGII (AT1) et entraînent le développement d’hypertrophie. Toutefois, son rôle dans la genèse d’arythmies demeure incompris. De ce fait, l'étude des mécanismes électriques et contractiles sous-jacents aux effets pathologiques de l’ANGII s’avère essentielle afin de mieux comprendre et soigner cette pathologie. Il est souvent perçu que les femmes sont protégées envers les maladies cardiovasculaires. Cependant, le nombre total de femmes décédant d’IC est plus grand que le nombre d’hommes. Également, l’impact des facteurs de risque diffère entre chaque sexe. Ces différences existent, mais les mécanismes sous-jacents sont encore peu connus. De plus, les femmes reçoivent fréquemment un diagnostic ou un traitement inapproprié en raison d’un manque d’information sur les différences entre les sexes dans la manifestation d’une pathologie. Ce manque de données peut découler du fait que les sujets de sexe féminin sont souvent sous-représentés dans les essais cliniques ou la recherche fondamentale ce qui a grandement limité l’avancement de nos connaissances sur ~50 % de la population. Ainsi, il semble plus que nécessaire d’approfondir notre compréhension des différences entre les sexes, notamment dans la progression de l’IC. L’utilisation d’un modèle de souris transgénique surexprimant le récepteur AT1 (souris AT1R) a permis d’étudier les changements électriques, structurels et contractiles avant et après le développement d’hypertrophie. Premièrement, chez les souris AT1R mâles, un ralentissement de la conduction ventriculaire a été observé indépendamment de l’hypertrophie. Ce résultat était expliqué par une réduction de la densité du courant Na+, mais pas de l’expression du canal. Ensuite, le rôle des protéines kinases C (PKC) dans la régulation du canal Na+ par l’ANGII a été exploré. Les évidences ont suggéré que la PKCα était responsable de la modulation de la diminution du courant Na+ chez les souris AT1R mâles et dans les cardiomyocytes humains dérivés de cellules souches induites pluripotentes (hiPSC-CM) en réponse à un traitement chronique à l’ANGII. Ensuite, les différences entre les sexes ont été comparées chez la souris AT1R. Une plus grande mortalité a été constatée chez les femelles AT1R suggérant qu’elles sont plus sensibles à la surexpression de AT1R. Le remodelage électrique ventriculaire a donc été comparé entre les souris AT1R des deux sexes. Les courants ioniques étaient altérés de façon similaire entre les sexes excluant ainsi leur implication dans la mortalité plus élevée chez les femelles. Ensuite, l’homéostasie calcique et la fonction cardiaque ont été étudiées. Il a été démontré que les femelles développaient une hypertrophie et une dilatation ventriculaire plus sévère que les mâles. De plus, les femelles AT1R avaient de petits transitoires calciques, une extrusion du Ca2+ plus lente ainsi qu’une augmentation de la fréquence des étincelles Ca2+ pouvant participer à des troubles contractiles et à la venue de post-dépolarisations précoces. En conclusion, l’ANGII est impliquée dans le remodelage électrique, structurel et calcique associé à l'émergence de l’IC. De surcroît, ces altérations affectent plus sévèrement les femelles soulignant la présence de différences entre les sexes dans le développement de l’IC.


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Paleomagnetic and rock magnetic measurements of basalt specimens from DSDP Hole 504B, associated with the Costa Rica Rift, have a mean natural remanence intensity (Jn) between 5 and 10 x 10**-3 gauss, consistent with the presence of a magnetized layer that is 0.5 to 1 km thick, which produces the observed magnetic anomalies. A mean Koenigsberger ratio (Qn) greater than 10 indicates that the remanence dominates the magnetic signal of the drilled section. The susceptibility (x) increases with depth, and the median demagnetizing field (MDF) decreases with increasing depth in Hole 504B, congruent with the downhole increase in the relative abundance of massive flow units. Hole 504B is composed of at least 12 units with distinct stable average inclinations (Is), which probably represent extrusion at times of different geomagnetic field directions and possibly also the effects of faulting. The thickness of basalt associated with these inclination units varies from less than 9 meters to possibly as much as 160 meters. Two relatively thick magnetic units (40 m and 45 m, separated by 100 m) have anomalously high Is values of -53° and -63°, in contrast with the near zero inclinations expected for the equatorial latitude of Site 504. For this reason and because the average inclination of all the magnetic units is skewed to a negative value, it might be that the entire section at Hole 504B was tilted by approximately 30°.


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It is demonstrated by K-Ar analyses that the age of reversely magnetized basalts, which immediately predate magnetic Anomaly 24B, is 53.5 ± 1.9 m.y. Samples from deep levels appear to be grossly contaminated by an extraneous argon component with a uniform argon-40/argon-36 ratio 440. This component is thought to have been derived from fluids circulating in the lava pile during burial. The age result corroborates the assignment previously made to Anomaly 24B by Hailwood et al. (1979) and Lowrie and Alvarez (1981). It additionally suggests that lava extrusion formed part of a much larger magmatic event, which affected wide areas of the North Atlantic margins around the Paleocene/Eocene boundary, and can therefore probably be considered a good estimate of the age of this boundary. Initial 143Nd/144Nd ratios lie in the very restricted range 0.512920 ± 19 to 0.513026 ± 24 and initial 8 7Sr/86Sr ratios from ca. 0.703 to ca. 0.705. Acid leaching reduces the latter range to 0.70264 ± 4 to 0.70384 ± 4, suggesting that the higher 87Sr/86Sr ratios resulted from interaction with seawater. The array of data for treated samples is closely conformable on a 143Nd/144Nd-87Sr/86Sr diagram with the main oceanic mantle array and with previously published fields for Atlantic Ocean basalts. No evidence for any continental crustal contamination has been found. This suggests, but does not prove, that continental crust played no part in the genesis of these rocks.


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In the extrusion manufacture of starch-based thermoplastics, such as biodegradable packaging materials, glycerol is an effective additive as a plasticiser, that is, to diminish the brittle nature of the product and provide the desired extent of flexibility. However, the addition of glycerol may also affect the gelatinisation behaviour of the starch-water mixture, and hence the required processing conditions for producing a homogeneously gelatinised starch-based material. The effect of glycerol on the gelatinisation of wheat starch was studied using differential scanning calorimetry (DSC). Mixtures of starch, water and glycerol were investigated with a water content ranging from 12 - 40% and a glycerol concentration up to 75%. Dependent on composition, the enthalpy of gelatinisation ranged from 1.7 - 12.6 J/g (on a dry starch basis), while the onset and peak temperatures varied from 54 to 86 degreesC and 60 to 90 degreesC, respectively. As expected, water acted as a plasticiser in that the onset temperature for gelatinisation (TO) decreased with increasing moisture content. Glycerol, however, increased To. It is shown that the T-0 of starch-glycerol-water mixtures may be predicted on the basis of the effective moisture content of the starch fraction of these mixtures resulting from the relative speed of moisture absorption by glycerol and starch, respectively. Moisture sorption kinetics of wheat starch and glycerol in 100% relative humidity were determined and used to predict the preferential water absorption by glycerol in starch-glycerol-water mixtures and hence the resulting T-0 of the system.