831 resultados para the Journals of Mathew Ricci
Abstract: In the mid-1990s when I worked for a telecommunications giant I struggled to gain access to basic geodemographic data. It cost hundreds of thousands of dollars at the time to simply purchase a tile of satellite imagery from Marconi, and it was often cheaper to create my own maps using a digitizer and A0 paper maps. Everything from granular administrative boundaries to right-of-ways to points of interest and geocoding capabilities were either unavailable for the places I was working in throughout Asia or very limited. The control of this data was either in a government’s census and statistical bureau or was created by a handful of forward thinking corporations. Twenty years on we find ourselves inundated with data (location and other) that we are challenged to amalgamate, and much of it still “dirty” in nature. Open data initiatives such as ODI give us great hope for how we might be able to share information together and capitalize not only in the crowdsourcing behavior but in the implications for positive usage for the environment and for the advancement of humanity. We are already gathering and amassing a great deal of data and insight through excellent citizen science participatory projects across the globe. In early 2015, I delivered a keynote at the Data Made Me Do It conference at UC Berkeley, and in the preceding year an invited talk at the inaugural QSymposium. In gathering research for these presentations, I began to ponder on the effect that social machines (in effect, autonomous data collection subjects and objects) might have on social behaviors. I focused on studying the problem of data from various veillance perspectives, with an emphasis on the shortcomings of uberveillance which included the potential for misinformation, misinterpretation, and information manipulation when context was entirely missing. As we build advanced systems that rely almost entirely on social machines, we need to ponder on the risks associated with following a purely technocratic approach where machines devoid of intelligence may one day dictate what humans do at the fundamental praxis level. What might be the fallout of uberveillance? Bio: Dr Katina Michael is a professor in the School of Computing and Information Technology at the University of Wollongong. She presently holds the position of Associate Dean – International in the Faculty of Engineering and Information Sciences. Katina is the IEEE Technology and Society Magazine editor-in-chief, and IEEE Consumer Electronics Magazine senior editor. Since 2008 she has been a board member of the Australian Privacy Foundation, and until recently was the Vice-Chair. Michael researches on the socio-ethical implications of emerging technologies with an emphasis on an all-hazards approach to national security. She has written and edited six books, guest edited numerous special issue journals on themes related to radio-frequency identification (RFID) tags, supply chain management, location-based services, innovation and surveillance/ uberveillance for Proceedings of the IEEE, Computer and IEEE Potentials. Prior to academia, Katina worked for Nortel Networks as a senior network engineer in Asia, and also in information systems for OTIS and Andersen Consulting. She holds cross-disciplinary qualifications in technology and law.
Research into fathers’ unique contributions to the physical, emotional, social and cognitive wellbeing of their offspring has been ongoing for several decades. Health and family care policy has focused increasingly on the imperative to include fathers in services and to see them as a vital resource for mothers and children. The author identified papers from 2000 onwards that illuminate health visitors’ level of engagement with fathers of young families. The review covers policy relating to health and family services for fathers, the nature of fathering in the 21st century, the influence of involved fathers on their partners and babies, what fathers say they want from family services, and future directions for research into fathering.
This study aims to determine whether the British Heart Foundation (BHF) PocketCPR application can improve the depth and rate of chest compression, and therefore be confidently recommended for bystander use. 118 candidates were recruited into a randomised crossover manikin trial. Each candidate performed CPR for two-minutes without instruction, or performed chest compressions using the PocketCPR application. Candidates then performed a further two minutes of CPR within the opposite arm. The number of chest compressions performed improved when PocketCPR was used compared to chest compressions when it was not (44.28% v40.57, P<0.001). The number of chest compressions performed to the required depth was higher in the PocketCPR group (90.86 v 66.26). The BHF PocketCPR application improved the percentage of chest compressions that were performed to the required depth. Despite this, more work is required in order to develop a feedback device that can improve bystander CPR without creating delay.
Inclusive and equitable processes are important to the development of sports coaching. The aim of this study was to explore how well UK coach education meets the needs of women sports coaches in order to make recommendations to further enhance the engagement of, and support for, aspiring and existing women coaches. The national governing bodies (NGBs) of four sports (Cycling, Equestrian, Gymnastics and Rowing) volunteered to participate and semi-structured interviews using the tenants of Appreciative Inquiry (AI) within a Self Determination Theory (SDT) framework were undertaken with 23 coaches, eight coach educators and five NGB officers. The data themed into an analytic structure derived from SDT comprising ‘Autonomy: Freedom to coach’, ‘Coaching competence’, and ‘Relatedness and belonging’. The coaches perceived potential benefit from enhanced relatedness and belonging within their sport with the findings suggesting that NGBs should embrace coach-led decision making in terms of the developmental topics which are important and should adopt the development of competence, rather than assessing technical understanding, as the foundational principle of more inclusive coach education. Future research should investigate the impact of the inclusive practices which are recommended within this investigation such as the softening of the technocratic focus of formal coach education.
Two further key aspects of prosociality as a sexual signal are explored here. Firstly, the context in which it is used (in particular relationship length), and, second, also the different types of prosocial behaviors that exist in social interactions. Therefore, this commentary can show why prosocial behaviors are biased towards physically attractive individuals, as they can gain valuable information from them.
Considerable attention has been paid to the potentially confounding effects of geological and seasonal variation on outputs from bioassessments in temperate streams, but our understanding about these influences is limited for many tropical systems. We explored variation in macroinvertebrate assemblage composition and the environmental characteristics of 3rd- to 5th-order streams in a geologically heterogeneous tropical landscape in the wet and dry seasons. Study streams drained catchments with land cover ranging from predominantly forested to agricultural land, but data indicated that distinct water-chemistry and substratum conditions associated with predominantly calcareous and silicate geologies were key determinants of macroinvertebrate assemblage composition. Most notably, calcareous streams were characterized by a relatively abundant noninsect fauna, particularly a pachychilid gastropod snail. The association between geological variation and assemblage composition was apparent during both seasons, but significant temporal variation in compositional characteristics was detected only in calcareous streams, possibly because of limited statistical power to detect change at silicate sites, or the limited extent of our temporal data. We discuss the implications of our findings for tropical bioassessment programs. Our key findings suggest that geology can be an important determinant of macroinvertebrate assemblages in tropical streams and that geological heterogeneity may influence the scale of temporal response in characteristic macroinvertebrate assemblages.
Aim: To explore the experiences of community children’s nurses (CCNs) and children’s palliative care nurses (CPCNs) who provide end-stage palliative care to children with cancer in the family home. Method: A qualitative approach was adopted. One-to-one interviews and facilitated case discussions were undertaken with 30 community nurses who had provided palliative care to a child or young person with cancer. A grounded theory approachwas used for data analysis. Findings: Because of the relative rarity of childhood cancer many CCNs and CPCNs engage infrequently in the palliative care of children or young people. This makes it difficult for them to develop and maintain knowledge and skills. There is a variation in the out-of-hours service provision available to families. Conclusion: Further funding is needed to develop teams of trained, experienced CCNs and CPCNs who can provide palliative care for children and young people 24 hours a day and 365 days a year. Keywords Community nursing, oncology, out-of-hours services, palliative care
Recognising the deteriorating patient is an essential nursing skill, and structured frameworks should be in place to assist effective patient assessment. The aim of this article is to encourage nurses to consider how to promote the 6Cs of nursing within such assessment. The article provides an overview of the Patient Assessment and Clinical reasoning Tool designed to facilitate the development of clinical reasoning skills and effective communication with other healthcare professionals, therebyenhancing patientcentred care.
L. Vinicius issue a coin series in the late fifties of the first century BC, shortly before the outbreak of war between Julio Caesar (cos. I 59 BC) and the Senate, led by Cn. Pompey Magnus (cos. I 70 BC), that tries, by its iconography, seek harmony bet-ween the two leaders.
This paper tries to show the reality of one of the trades more important for historians, the officials of the notaries. The work of these officials has allowed us to have great historical sources; we refer to the notarial documentation and documenta-tion of the City Council. They were the executive arm of the pub-lic notaries. Nevertheless, the approach to this figure seems diffi-cult, since we do not find lavish allusions of them or any of their obligations in the documentation preserved. However, we have one of the most important historical sources by middle of Eight-eenth century; this is known as the Cadastre of Ensenada. We have been able to approach this type of job through analysis and study of the Cadastre, so we know who were those men who did this huge undertaking and what was his salary for performing their tasks. In addition, we proceeded to the consultation of doc-umentation kept in local files to have a more accurate understand-ing of the real situation of those officials.
The work of cataloging and digitizing the Historical Ar-chive of the Prelature of Humahuaca, presents us with documen-tary mass, almost unused for historical research. Due to organiza-tional reasons, this documentary heritage was limited to consulta-tion of researchers. The development of “Documenta” project will allow us to know the contents of that file, get closer to these do-cuments for consultation and scientific production.
The identification of archival records depends on description, being this last process summed up in designation. The title given to dif-ferent groups of documents will have a great incidence in archival func-tions. Taking this premise as our starting point, this paper presents theo-retical contributions made in Spain related to designation of documen-tary types, series and units. The status of the issue presented here tries to delimitate the concept of “documentary typology”, essential for Ar-chival Science.
The Chancellery of Alfonso X represents one of the most signi-ficant milestones for the study of the configuration of the future Spanish Administration. One of the least known subjects of his reign is the pro-cess followed to draft his documents —the genesis of the documents—. Having disappeared the records of the Castilian Chancellery, the use of the legal sources of Alfonso X like: Speculum, Fuero Real, Partidas and the Monarch´s documents have become essential to develop this work. This work approaches the different stages of construction of the docu-ment, from its “actio” to its “conscriptio” which we have divided into “documental” and “cancilleresca”, respectively. This division is due to, on one hand, to the different places in which documents were created and on the other hand, to the strengthening of the belief that the Chan-cellery was the place where the documents were validated and can-celled.
Major depressive disorder (MDD) is a common and disabling condition with well-established heritability and environmental risk factors. Gene–environment interaction studies in MDD have typically investigated candidate genes, though the disorder is known to be highly polygenic. This study aims to test for interaction between polygenic risk and stressful life events (SLEs) or childhood trauma (CT) in the aetiology of MDD. The RADIANT UK sample consists of 1605 MDD cases and 1064 controls with SLE data, and a subset of 240 cases and 272 controls with CT data. Polygenic risk scores (PRS) were constructed using results from a mega-analysis on MDD by the Psychiatric Genomics Consortium. PRS and environmental factors were tested for association with case/control status and for interaction between them. PRS significantly predicted depression, explaining 1.1% of variance in phenotype (p = 1.9 × 10−6). SLEs and CT were also associated with MDD status (p = 2.19 × 10−4 and p = 5.12 × 10−20, respectively). No interactions were found between PRS and SLEs. Significant PRSxCT interactions were found (p = 0.002), but showed an inverse association with MDD status, as cases who experienced more severe CT tended to have a lower PRS than other cases or controls. This relationship between PRS and CT was not observed in independent replication samples. CT is a strong risk factor for MDD but may have greater effect in individuals with lower genetic liability for the disorder. Including environmental risk along with genetics is important in studying the aetiology of MDD and PRS provide a useful approach to investigating gene–environment interactions in complex traits.
The composition and condition of membrane lipids, the morphology of erythrocytes, and hemoglobin distribution were explored with the help of laser interference microscopy (LIM) and Raman spectroscopy. It is shown that patients with cardiovascular diseases (CVD) have significant changes in the composition of their phospholipids and the fatty acids of membrane lipids. Furthermore, the microviscosity of the membranes and morphology of the erythrocytes are altered causing disordered oxygen transport by hemoglobin. Basic therapy carried out with the use of antiaggregants, statins, antianginals, beta-blockers, and calcium antagonists does not help to recover themorphofunctional properties of erythrocytes. Based on the results the authors assume that, for the relief of the ischemic crisis and further therapeutic treatment, it is necessary to include, in addition to cardiovascular disease medicines, medication that increases the ability of erythrocytes’ hemoglobin to transport oxygen to the tissues. We assume that the use of LIM and Raman spectroscopy is advisable for early diagnosis of changes in the structure and functional state of erythrocytes when cardiovascular diseases develop.