963 resultados para suspended concrete floors, floor vibration, vibration serviceability


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· Evaluate the effect of different curing materials and techniques on concrete pavement properties. · Better understand the relationships between various concrete test measurements and concrete properties affected by curing.


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A new, state-of-the-art mobile lab has recently been launched from the PCC Center at Iowa State University to bring high-tech concrete materials and concrete pavement testing capabilities to the field. The Mobile Concrete Research Lab has been custom built and fully outfitted with equipment capable of performing a comprehensive suite of tests.


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The concrete paving industry has spent large amounts of time working to provide safe, quiet, and smooth pavements for the traveling public as their needs and driving habits have changed since the advent of the automobile. During that time, the efforts of research, design, and construction were directed at one of the problems at a time. Current public surveys indicate that the traveling public wishes to have safe, quiet, and smooth pavements. This report identifies the problems remaining in the areas of developing smooth, quiet, and safe portland cement concrete pavement in each pavement we build. It develops the research framework that can be used to bring the existing information together with additional research in each area. The resulting answers can be used in each pavement design for a quiet, safe, and smooth pavement that is also long lasting.


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The report reviews the past work in the United States and internationally in the development of two-lift pavements. It points out the strengths and limitations in the construction of such portland cement concrete pavements. Certain cost, mix design, and construction problems are inhibiting the growth of this product. Changes in the availability of aggregates, knowledge of materials and new construction equipment, and the desire for specific surfaces to meet noise, durability, and safety are prompting the need to reconsider this type of construction.


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In this day of the mature highway systems, a new set of problems is facing the highway engineer. The existing infrastructure has aged to or past the design life of the original pavement design. In many cases, increased commercial traffic is creating the need for additional load carrying capacity, causing state highway engineers to consider new alternatives for rehabilitation of existing surfaces. Alternative surface materials, thicknesses, and methods of installation must be identified to meet the needs of individual pavements and budgets. With overlays being one of the most frequently used rehabilitation alternatives, it is important to learn more about the limitations and potential performance of thin bonded portland cement overlays and subsequent rehabilitation. The Iowa ultra-thin project demonstrated the application of thin portland cement concrete overlays as a rehabilitation technique. It combined the variables of base preparation, overlay thickness, slab size, and fiber enhancement into a series of test sections over a 7.2-mile length. This report identifies the performance of the overlays in terms of deflection reduction, reduced cracking, and improved bonding between the portland cement concrete (PCC) and asphalt cement concrete (ACC) base layers. The original research project was designed to evaluate the variables over a 5-year period of time. A second project provided the opportunity to test overlay rehabilitation techniques and continue measurement of the original overlay performance for 5 additional years. All performance indicators identified exceptional performance over the 10-year evaluation period for each of the variable combinations considered. The report summarizes the research methods, results, and identifies future research ideas to aid the pavement overlay designer in the successful implementation of ultra-thin portland cement concrete overlays as an lternative pavement rehabilitation technique.


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State Highway Departments and local street and road agencies are currently faced with aging highway systems and a need to extend the life of some of the pavements. The agency engineer should have the opportunity to explore the use of multiple surface types in the selection of a preferred rehabilitation strategy. This study was designed to look at the portland cement concrete overlay alternative and especially the design of overlays for existing composite (portland cement and asphaltic cement concrete) pavements. Existing design procedures for portland cement concrete overlays deal primarily with an existing asphaltic concrete pavement with an underlying granular base or stabilized base. This study reviewed those design methods and moved to the development of a design for overlays of composite pavements. It deals directly with existing portland cement concrete pavements that have been overlaid with successive asphaltic concrete overlays and are in need of another overlay due to poor performance of the existing surface. The results of this study provide the engineer with a way to use existing deflection technology coupled with materials testing and a combination of existing overlay design methods to determine the design thickness of the portland cement concrete overlay. The design methodology provides guidance for the engineer, from the evaluation of the existing pavement condition through the construction of the overlay. It also provides a structural analysis of various joint and widening patterns on the performance of such designs. This work provides the engineer with a portland cement concrete overlay solution to composite pavements or conventional asphaltic concrete pavements that are in need of surface rehabilitation.


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Tämän insinöörityön tarkoituksena on kehittää avaruusinstrumentti, joka on osa Euroopan avaruusjärjestön ESA:n ja Japanin avaruusjärjestön JAXA:n BepiColombo-yhteistyöhanketta. Satelliitti lähetetään Merkurius-planeetan kiertoradalle vuonna 2013. Avaruusaluksen matka Merkuriukseen kestää yhteensä kuusi vuotta ja on perillä vuonna 2019. Yksi BepiColombo-satelliitin tieteellisistä instrumenteista on Oxford Instruments Analytical Oy:n kehittämä SIXS-instrumentti (Solar Intensity X-ray and particle Spectrometer). Instrumentin tarkoituksena on mitata auringosta tulevaa röntgen- ja partikkelisäteilyä. Se toimii yhteistyössä Merkuriuksen pintaa mittaavan MIXS-instrumentin (Mercury Imaging X-ray Spectrometer) kanssa. Tuloksista pystytään analysoimaan ne alkuaineet, joista Merkuriuksen pinta koostuu. Työn alussa esitellään teoriataustaa alkuaineiden mittauksesta niiltä osin, kuin se tämän työn kannalta on tarpeellista. Työssä syvennytään tarkemmin auringosta tulevan säteilyn mittauksesta vastaavan instrumentin tekniikkaan ja mekaniikkasuunnitteluun. Instrumentin lämpöteknisestä suunnittelusta, värähtelymittauksista ja lujuusanalyysista on työhön sisällytetty pääasiat. Työn tuloksena on kehitetty instrumenttiin tulevan partikkelidetektorin prototyyppi sekä instrumenttikotelon malli. Lopullisen koon instrumenttikotelolle määrittää vaadittavan elektroniikan viemä tila. Mittalaitteen kehitystyö jatkuu Oxford Instruments Analytical Oy:ssä vuoteen 2011 saakka.


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One of the most important issues in portland cement concrete pavement research today is surface characteristics. The issue is one of balancing surface texture construction with the need for durability, skid resistance, and noise reduction. The National Concrete Pavement Technology Center at Iowa State University, in conjunction with the Federal Highway Administration, American Concrete Pavement Association, International Grinding and Grooving Association, Iowa Highway Research Board, and other states, have entered into a three-part National Surface Characteristics Program to resolve the balancing problem. As a portion of Part 2, this report documents the construction of 18 separate pavement surfaces for use in the first level of testing for the national project. It identifies the testing to be done and the limitations observed in the construction process. The results of the actual tests will be included in the subsequent national study reports.


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Ratahallintokeskuksella (RHK) on ympäristöstrategia, joka toimii vuosittain päivitettävän ympäristöohjelman lähtökohtana. Ympäristöstrategia koostuu osastrategioista, joita ovat muun muassa melun ja tärinän osastrategiat. Ympäristöohjelman keskeisiä tavoitteita ovat esimerkiksi uusien ympäristöhaittojen ehkäiseminen, ympäristökuormituksen vähentäminen ja haittojen poistaminen. Ympäristöohjelmassa painotetaan muun muassa rautatieliikenteen melu- ja tärinäongelmien vähentämistä. Tässä työssä tehty tärinäkohteiden kartoitus on olennainen osa ympäristöohjelman toimeenpanoa. Työn päätavoite oli koota Ratahallintokeskuksessa oleva tärinäkohteisiin liittyvä materiaali ja viedä se paikkatieto-ohjelmaan sekä luoda tärinäkohteista digitaalinen paikkatietokartta ArcView-ohjelman avulla. Työ voidaan jakaa neljään osaan. Teoriaosuuden ensimmäisessä osassa paneudutaan tärinän kokemiseen ja sen haittavaikutuksiin sekä tärinän fysikaalisiin perusteisiin ja maaperän vaikutuksiin tärinän leviämisessä ja siirtymisessä. Toisessa osassa selvitetään raideliikennetärinän erityispiirteitä sekä sitä, miten raideliikennetärinän leviämistä tutkitaan matemaattisesti. Toisessa osassa käsitellään myös tärinän mittaamiseen liittyvät ja siinä vaadittavat erityispiirteet. Työn kolmannessa osassa kerrotaan, miten työn päätavoite toteutettiin eli tärinäkohteiden nykytila kartoitettiin. Neljännessä osassa tarkastellaan liikennetärinän kansainvälisiä standardeja ja ohjeita. Työn tuloksena syntynyt paikkatietoaineisto on Ratahallintokeskukselle tärkeä työkalu tärinäkohteiden tiedonhallintaan. Tietokanta luotiin sellaiseksi, että uusien tärinäkohteiden vieminen järjestelmään on mahdollista. Paikkatietomuotoinen aineisto on yleistymässä tärkeänä tiedonhallinnan välineenä RHK:ssa. Tärinäkohteisiin liittyvä paikkatietoaineisto tulee olemaan osa Ratahallintokeskuksen laajempaa tietojärjestelmää. Raideliikennetärinän tiedonhallinnan parantamiseksi voidaan paikkatietoaineistoon esimerkiksi yhdistää pehmeikkörekisteritiedot ja asukasmäärät. Näiden tietojen avulla uusia asuinalueita kaavoitettaessa voidaan paremmin tunnistaa, mitkä alueet ovat tärinän kannalta mahdolliset riskialueet. Tässä työssä RHK:n kanssa määritetyt ominaisuustiedot ja tietojen kuvaukset tulisi jatkossa ottaa käyttöön uusissa tärinään liittyvissä selvityksissä. Ominaisuustietojen avulla tullaan tekemään ohjeet jossa määritetään uusissa tärinään liittyvissä raporteissa esitettävät tiedot.


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This study evaluated the acceptability, ceiling/floor effects, and the reliability of the instrument for measuring the Impact of the Disease on the Daily Life of Patients with Valvular Disease (IDCV) when applied to 135 patients with heart failure (HF). Acceptability was evaluated by the percentage of unanswered items and by the proportion of patients who responded to all items; the ceiling/floor effects by the percentage of patients who scored in the top of 10% best and worst results of the scale, respectively. Reliability was estimated by internal consistency (Cronbach's alpha coefficient) and stability of the measure (intraclass correlation coefficient - ICC). All patients responded to all items. Ceiling/floor effects evidenced were of moderate magnitude. The Cronbach's alpha was satisfactory for the majority of the domains and ICC> 0.90 in all the domains. The IDCV proved to be an easy to understand questionnaire, with evidence of reliability in patients with HF.


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A panel of 15 single alanine substitutions on the floor of the peptide binding groove of the murine class I histocompatibility molecule H-2Kd has been analyzed. All but two mutant molecules were expressed on the cell surface, and were tested for peptide binding and presentation to specific cytotoxic T lymphocytes. Eleven out of 13 mutant molecules appeared to be functionally altered. Five of the substituted residues were involved in the presentation of all peptides tested. Three participated in the presentation of certain peptides but not others. Three other residues participated in epitope formation through indirect interactions. Only two mutations had no detectable effect.


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Highway noise is one of the most pressing of the surface characteristics issues facing the concrete paving industry. This is particularly true in urban areas, where not only is there a higher population density near major thoroughfares, but also a greater volume of commuter traffic (Sandberg and Ejsmont 2002; van Keulen 2004). To help address this issue, the National Concrete Pavement Technology Center (CP Tech Center) at Iowa State University (ISU), Federal Highway Administration (FHWA), American Concrete Pavement Association (ACPA), and other organizations have partnered to conduct a multi-part, seven-year Concrete Pavement Surface Characteristics Project. This document contains the results of Part 1, Task 2, of the ISU-FHWA project, addressing the noise issue by evaluating conventional and innovative concrete pavement noise reduction methods. The first objective of this task was to determine what if any concrete surface textures currently constructed in the United States or Europe were considered quiet, had long-term friction characteristics, could be consistently built, and were cost effective. Any specifications of such concrete textures would be included in this report. The second objective was to determine whether any promising new concrete pavement surfaces to control tire-pavement noise and friction were in the development stage and, if so, what further research was necessary. The final objective was to identify measurement techniques used in the evaluation.


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Surface characteristics represent a critical issue facing pavement owners and the concrete paving industry. The traveling public has come to expect smoother, quieter, and better drained pavements, all without compromising safety. The overall surface characteristics issues is extremely complex since all pavement surface characteristics properties, including texture, noise, friction, splash/spray, rolling resistance, reflectivity/illuminance, and smoothness, are complexly related. The following needs and gaps related to achieving desired pavement surface characteristics need to be addressed: determined how changes in one surface characteristic affect, either beneficially or detrimentally, other characteristics of the pavement, determine the long-term surface and acoustic durability of different textures, and develop, evaluate, and standardize new data collection and analysis tools. It is clear that an overall strategic and coordinated research approach to the problem must be developed and pursued to address these needs and gaps.


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To ensure that high-quality materials are used in concrete mixing, all materials delivered to the site should be inspected to ensure that they meet specification requirements. All materials should be delivered with the proper certifications, invoices, or bill of lading. These records should indicate when the shipment arrived, the amount and identification of material delivered, and the laboratory report certification number, invoice number, and ticket number.


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At the heart of all concrete pavement projects is the concrete itself. This manual is intended as both a training tool and a reference to help concrete paving engineers, quality control personnel, specifiers, contractors, suppliers, technicians, and tradespeople bridge the gap between recent research and practice regarding optimizing the performance of concrete for pavements. Specifically, it will help readers do the following: