955 resultados para structure from motion


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1. Prochilodus lineatus (Prochilodontidae, Characiformes) is a migratory species of great economic importance both in fisheries and aquaculture that is found throughout the Jacui, Paraiba do Sul, Parana, Paraguay and Uruguay river basins in South America. Earlier population studies of P. lineatus in the rio Grande basin (Parana basin) indicated the existence of a single population; however, the range of this species has been fragmented by the construction of several dams. Such dams modified the environmental conditions and could have constrained the reproductive migration of P. lineatus, possibly leading to changes in the population genetic structure. 2. In order to evaluate how genetic diversity is allocated in the rio Grande basin, 141 specimens of P. lineatus from eight collection sites were analysed using polymerase chain reaction-restriction fragment length polymorphism (PCR-RFLP) with 15 restriction enzymes. 3. Forty-six haplotypes were detected, and 70% of them are restricted. The mean genetic variability indexes (h = 0.7721 and pi = 1.6%) were similar to those found in natural populations with a large effective size. Fst and Exact Test values indicated a lack of structuring among the samples, and the model of isolation by distance was tested and rejected. 4. The haplotype network indicated that this population of P. lineatus has been maintained as a single variable stock with some differences in the genetic composition (haplotypes) between samples. Indications of population expansion were detected, and this finding was supported by neutrality tests and mismatch distribution analyses. 5. The present study focused on regions between dams to serve as a parameter for further evaluations of genetic variability and the putative impact of dams and repopulation programmes in natural populations of P. lineatus. Copyright (C) 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.


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In many mammals social organization promotes genetic structuring, which can be influenced by the dispersal pattern of the species. We analyzed the population genetic structure and dispersal of white-lipped peccaries (Tayassu pecan) from the Pantanal, Brazil. We genotyped 100 individuals at 7 microsatellite loci from 2 adjacent locations with no obvious geographic barrier between them. We found a significant but low F(ST) value, and the Bayesian analysis indicated a unique cluster. No significant differences were observed between mean assignment indices of resident males and females from both locations, and the probability of being born at the location sampled of > 30% of the individuals analyzed was lower than average. Mean relatedness between resident female, male, and opposite-sex pairs was not statistically different in both locations. These results suggest a low degree of genetic differentiation between the locations analyzed, and dispersal by both sexes (contrary to the predicted male-biased dispersal of most mammalian species).


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Calyptommatus and Nothobachia genera of gymnophthalmid lizards are restricted to sandy open habitats on Sao Francisco River margins, northeastern Brazil. Phylogenetic relationships and geographic distribution of the four recognized species of Calyptommatus were analyzed from partial mitochondrial cyt b, 12S, and 16S rRNA genes sequencing, taking allopatric populations of the monotypic Nothobachia ablephara as the outgroup. In Calyptommatus a basal split separated C. sinebrachiatus, a species restricted to the eastern bank of the river, from the three other species. In this clade, C. confusionibus, found on western margin, was recovered as the sister group of the two other species, C. leiolepis and C. nicterus, from opposite margins. According to approximate date estimations, C. sinebrachiatus would have separated from the other congeneric species by 4.4-6.5 my, and C. nicterus, also from eastern bank, would be diverging by 1.8-2.6 my from C. leiolepis, the sister species on the opposite margin. C. confusionibus and C. leiolepis, both from western sandy areas, would be differentiating by 2.8-5.0 my. Divergence times of about 3.0-4.0 my were estimated for allopatric populations of Nothobachia restricted to western margin. Significant differences in 16S rRNA secondary structure relatively to other vertebrates are reported. Distinct evolutionary patterns are proposed for different taxa in those sandy areas, probably related to historical changes in the course of Sao Francisco River. (C) 2010 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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Stingless bees of the genus Partamona are distributed from southern Mexico to southern Brazil. This genus has been subject to different approaches to solve questions concerning general biology, taxonomy, systematics and biogeography, but population studies applying molecular techniques are inexistent. We analyzed the genetic structure of P. helleri across its geographic distribution along the coastal Atlantic tropical rainforest in Brazil. Ten mtDNA haplotypes were observed in 47 colonies of P. helleri of which some were exclusive and others shared among geographic sub-groups. Statistical analysis showed high genetic differentiation between geographic areas sampled. Fragmentation of the Atlantic forest during Pleistocene glaciations is discussed as a possible cause of the present haplotype distribution and frequency.


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Genetic diversity and population structure of Plasmodium viva-V parasites call predict the origin and Spread of novel Variants Within a population enabling Population specific malaria control measures. We analyzed the genetic diversity and population Structure of 425 P. vivax isolates from Sri Lanka, Myanmar, and Ethiopia using 12 trinucleotide and tetranucleotide microsatellite markers. All three parasite populations were highly polymorphic with 3-44 alleles per locus. Approximately 65% were multiple-clone infections. Mean genetic diversity (H(E)) was 0.7517 in Ethiopia, 0.8450 in Myanmar, and 0.8610 in Sri Lanka. Significant linkage disequilibrium Was maintained. Population structure showed two clusters (Asian and African) according to geography and ancestry Strong clustering of outbreak isolates from Sri Lanka and Ethiopia was observed. Predictive power of ancestry using two-thirds of the isolates as a model identified 78.2% of isolates accurately as being African or Asian. Microsatellite analysis is a useful tool for mapping short-term outbreaks of malaria and for predicting ancestry.


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Microplusin, a Rhipicephalus (Boophilus) microplus antimicrobial peptide (AMP) is the first fully characterized member of a new family of cysteine-rich AMPs with histidine-rich regions at the N and C termini. In the tick, microplusin belongs to the arsenal of innate defense molecules active against bacteria and fungi. Here we describe the NMR solution structure of microplusin and demonstrate that the protein binds copper II and iron II. Structured as a single alpha-helical globular domain, microplusin consists of five alpha-helices: alpha 1 (residues Gly-9 to Arg-21), alpha 2 (residues Glu-27 to Asn-40), alpha 3 (residues Arg-44 to Thr-54), alpha 4 (residues Leu-57 to Tyr-64), and alpha 5 (residues Asn-67 to Cys-80). The N and C termini are disordered. This structure is unlike any other AMP structures described to date. We also used NMR spectroscopy to map the copper binding region on microplusin. Finally, using the Gram-positive bacteria Micrococcus luteus as a model, we studied of mode of action of microplusin. Microplusin has a bacteriostatic effect and does not permeabilize the bacterial membrane. Because microplusin binds metals, we tested whether this was related to its antimicrobial activity. We found that the bacteriostatic effect of microplusin was fully reversed by supplementation of culture media with copper II but not iron II. We also demonstrated that microplusin affects M. luteus respiration, a copper-dependent process. Thus, we conclude that the antibacterial effect of microplusin is due to its ability to bind and sequester copper II.


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Human parasitic diseases are the foremost threat to human health and welfare around the world. Trypanosomiasis is a very serious infectious disease against which the currently available drugs are limited and not effective. Therefore, there is an urgent need for new chemotherapeutic agents. One attractive drug target is the major cysteine protease from Trypanosoma cruzi, cruzain. In the present work, comparative molecular field analysis (CoMFA) and comparative molecular similarity indices analysis (CoMSIA) studies were conducted on a series of thiosemicarbazone and semicarbazone derivatives as inhibitors of cruzain. Molecular modeling studies were performed in order to identify the preferred binding mode of the inhibitors into the enzyme active site, and to generate structural alignments for the three-dimensional quantitative structure-activity relationship (3D QSAR) investigations. Statistically significant models were obtained (CoMFA. r(2) = 0.96 and q(2) = 0.78; CoMSIA, r(2) = 0.91 and q(2) = 0.73), indicating their predictive ability for untested compounds. The models were externally validated employing a test set, and the predicted values were in good agreement with the experimental results. The final QSAR models and the information gathered from the 3D CoMFA and CoMSIA contour maps provided important insights into the chemical and structural basis involved in the molecular recognition process of this family of cruzain inhibitors, and should be useful for the design of new structurally related analogs with improved potency. (C) 2009 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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Bothropasin is a 48 kDa hemorrhagic PIII snake venom metalloprotease (SVMP) isolated from Bothrops jararaca, containing disintegrin/cysteine-rich adhesive domains. Here we present the crystal structure of bothropasin complexed with the inhibitor POL647. The catalytic domain consists of a scaffold of two subdomains organized similarly to those described for other SVMPs, including the zinc and calcium-binding sites. The free cysteine residue Cys(189) is located within a hydrophobic core and it is not available for disulfide bonding or other interactions. There is no identifiable secondary structure for the disintegrin domain, but instead it is composed mostly of loops stabilized by seven disulfide bonds and by two calcium ions. The ECD region is in a loop and is structurally related to the RGD region of RGD disintegrins, which are derived from I`ll SVMPs. The ECD motif is stabilized by the Cys(117)_Cys(310) disulfide bond (between the disintegrin and cysteine-rich domains) and by one calcium ion. The side chain of Glu(276) of the ECD motif is exposed to solvent and free to make interactions. In bothropasin, the HVR (hyper-variable region) described for other Pill SVMPs in the cysteine-rich domain, presents a well-conserved sequence with respect to several other Pill members from different species. We propose that this subset be referred to as PIII-HCR (highly conserved region) SVMPs. The differences in the disintegrin-like, cysteine-rich or disintegrin-like cysteine-rich domains may be involved in selecting target binding, which in turn could generate substrate diversity or specificity for the catalytic domain. (C) 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Phosphofructokinase-1 and -2 (Pfk-1 and Pfk-2, respectively) from Escherichia coli belong to different homologous superfamilies. However, in spite of the lack of a common ancestor, they share the ability to catalyze the same reaction and are inhibited by the substrate MgATP. Pfk-2, an ATP-dependent 6-phosphofructokinase member of the ribokinase-like superfamily, is a homodimer of 66 kDa subunits whose oligomerization state is necessary for catalysis and stability. The presence of MgATP favors the tetrameric form of the enzyme. In this work, we describe the structure of Pfk-2 in its inhibited tetrameric form, with each subunit bound to two ATP molecules and two Mg ions. The present structure indicates that substrate inhibition occurs due to the sequential binding of two MgATP molecules per subunit, the first at the usual site occupied by the nucleotide in homologous enzymes and the second at the allosteric site, making a number of direct and Mg-mediated interactions with the first. Two configurations are observed for the second MgATP, one of which involves interactions with Tyr23 from the adjacent subunit in the dimer and the other making an unusual non-Watson-Crick base pairing with the adenine in the substrate ATP. The oligomeric state observed in the crystal is tetrameric, and some of the structural elements involved in the binding of the Substrate and allosteric ATPs are also participating in the dimer-dimer interface. This structure also provides the grounds to compare analogous features of the nonhomologous phosphofructokinases from E. coli. (C) 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The crystalline structure of mangiferin (= 2-beta-D-glucopyranosyl-1,3,6,7-tetrahydroxy-9H-xanthen-9-one; 1), a biologically active xanthenone C-glycoside, isolated from the stem bark of Mangifera indica (Anacardiaceae), was unambiguously determined by single-crystal X-ray diffraction (XRD). The crystal structure is summarized as follows: triclinic, P1, a = 7.6575(5), b = 11.2094(8), c = 11.8749(8) angstrom, alpha = 79.967(5), beta = 87.988(4), gamma = 72.164(4)degrees, V = 955.3(1) angstrom(3), and Z = 2. The structure also shows two molecules in the asymmetric unit cell and five crystallization H2O molecules. The packing is stabilized by several intermolecular H-bonds involving either the two symmetry-independent mangiferin molecules 1a and 1b, or the H2O ones.


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Chagas` disease is a parasitic infection widely distributed throughout Latin America, with devastating consequences in terms of human morbidity and mortality. Cruzain, the major cysteine protease from Trypanosoma cruzi, is an attractive target for antitrypanosomal chemotherapy. In the present work, classical two-dimensional quantitative structure-activity relationships (2D QSAR) and hologram QSAR (HQSAR) studies were performed on a training set of 45 thiosemicarbazone and semicarbazone derivatives as inhibitors of T. cruzi cruzain. Significant statistical models (HQSAR, q2=0.75 and r2=0.96; classical QSAR, q2=0.72 and r2=0.83) were obtained, indicating their consistency for untested compounds. The models were then used to evaluate an external test set containing 10 compounds which were not included in the training set, and the predicted values were in good agreement with the experimental results (HQSAR, [image omitted]=0.95; classical QSAR, [image omitted]=0.91), indicating the existence of complementary between the two ligand-based drug design techniques.


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This study aimed at investigating the structural properties and mechanisms of the antifungal action of CpOsm, a purified osmotin from Calotropis procera latex. Fluorescence and CD assays revealed that the CpOsm structure is highly stable, regardless of pH levels. Accordingly, CpOsm inhibited the spore germination of Fusarium solani in all pH ranges tested. The content of the secondary structure of CpOsm was estimated as follows: alpha-helix (20%), beta-sheet (33%), turned (19%) and unordered (28%). RMSD 1%. CpOsm was stable at up to 75 degrees C, and thermal denaturation (T(m)) was calculated to be 77.8 degrees C. This osmotin interacted with the negatively charged large unilamellar vesicles (LUVs) of 1-palmitoyl-2-oleoyl-sn-glycero-3-phospho-rac-1-glycerol (POPG), inducing vesicle permeabilization by the leakage of calcein. CpOsm induced the membrane permeabilization of spores and hyphae from Fusarium solani, allowing for propidium iodide uptake. These results show that CpOsm is a stable protein, and its antifungal activity involves membrane permeabilization, as property reported earlier for other osmotins and thaumatin-like proteins. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Royal palm tree peroxidase (RPTP) is a very stable enzyme in regards to acidity, temperature, H(2)O(2), and organic solvents. Thus, RPTP is a promising candidate for developing H(2)O(2)-sensitive biosensors for diverse applications in industry and analytical chemistry. RPTP belongs to the family of class III secretory plant peroxidases, which include horseradish peroxidase isozyme C, soybean and peanut peroxidases. Here we report the X-ray structure of native RPTP isolated from royal palm tree (Roystonea regia) refined to a resolution of 1.85 angstrom. RPTP has the same overall folding pattern of the plant peroxidase superfamily, and it contains one heme group and two calcium-binding sites in similar locations. The three-dimensional structure of RPTP was solved for a hydroperoxide complex state, and it revealed a bound 2-(N-morpholino) ethanesulfonic acid molecule (MES) positioned at a putative substrate-binding secondary site. Nine N-glycosylation sites are clearly defined in the RPTP electron-density maps, revealing for the first time conformations of the glycan chains of this highly glycosylated enzyme. Furthermore, statistical coupling analysis (SCA) of the plant peroxidase superfamily was performed. This sequence-based method identified a set of evolutionarily conserved sites that mapped to regions surrounding the heme prosthetic group. The SCA matrix also predicted a set of energetically coupled residues that are involved in the maintenance of the structural folding of plant peroxidases. The combination of crystallographic data and SCA analysis provides information about the key structural elements that could contribute to explaining the unique stability of RPTP. (C) 2009 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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Glycosyl hydrolases are enzymes capable of breaking the glycosidic linkage of polysaccharides and have considerable industrial and biotechnological applications. Driven by the later applications, it is frequently desirable that glycosyl hydrolases display stability and activity under extreme environment conditions, such as high temperatures and extreme pHs. Here, we present X-ray structure of the hyperthermophilic laminarinase from Rhodothermus marinus (RmLamR) determined at 1.95 angstrom resolution and molecular dynamics simulation studies aimed to comprehend the molecular basis, for the thermal stability of this class of enzymes. As most thermostable proteins, RmLamR contains a relatively large number of salt bridges, which are not randomly distributed on the structure. On the contrary, they form clusters interconnecting beta-sheets of the catalytic domain. Not all salt bridges, however, are beneficial for the protein thermostability: the existence of charge-charge interactions permeating the hydrophobic core of the enzymes actually contributes to destabilize the structure by facilitating water penetration into hydrophobic cavities, as can be seen in the case of mesophilic enzymes. Furthermore, we demonstrate that the mobility of the side-chains is perturbed differently in each class of enzymes. The side-chains of loop residues surrounding the catalytic cleft in the mesophilic laminarinase gain mobility and obstruct the active site at high temperature. By contrast, thermophilic laminarinases preserve their active site flexibility, and the active-site cleft remains accessible for recognition of polysaccharide substrates even at high temperatures. The present results provide structural insights into the role played by salt-bridges and active site flexibility on protein thermal stability and may be relevant for other classes of proteins, particularly glycosyl hydrolases.