974 resultados para stamp duty
Eleanore Celested mentions that men have been returning from duty, but Arthur appears to be sad in a photo he has sent her. She writes a loving message to lift his spirits until he returns home. She signs the letter "Wifie to be". The letter is labelled number 268.
A postcard with an insect illustration wearing a top hat and suit. The handwritten note on the front reads "Don't you think that I look well and prosperous?". On the reverse of the postcard it reads "A Happy New Year", addressed to Miss M. Woodruff, 168 Ontario St., St. Catherines, Ontario, Canada. The stamp is U.S. postage and the postmark is for Grand Central Station N.Y.
The Introduction of the text reads: "After nearly forty-four years of silence, I consider it wise to present to the public the inner history of the Fenian Raid of 1866, where an incompetent military officer was entrusted with the lives of a small body of men, and, who by failure in the performance of a sacred duty, may prove a wholesome and useful lesson to commanders of troops in the field."
Various clippings and notes which were found tucked within the pages of the Woodruff books including: Ezekiel Woodruff’s birth date written on an envelope, a recipe for a rose jar, a note regarding Donald Fraser, an unsigned Christmas card, a verse entitled “Woodland friends” a list of names and a program for the New York State Historical Association and Ontario Historical Society. There are also clippings which include articles about: nutritional value of bread, a movie 45 on Hitler, Col. Merritt, stamp collecting, preparing boys to fly, a flying hero, an exhibition of antiques and pioneer days [these items are not particularly relevant to the collection, but offer an insight into daily life and interests], 1936-1937, 1943
Special Orders No. 18 of the Office U.S. Army Hospital, Camp Parole, near Annapolis, MD., March 14, 1865 to W.K. Cleveland assigning him to duty as pathologist and consulting surgeon for the hospital. This is signed by W. Stewart, Surgeon U.S. Vol’s, in charge, March 14, 1865.
Envelope with a laurel wreath containing the initials W.N. on the back side. The envelope has a 2 cent stamp on it, but it is not addressed, n.d.
List of prices (2 pages, handwritten) for items such as furniture, curtains, pictures, carpets and glassware. This is embossed with the Welland Canal stamp, Dec. 1855.
Receipt from Jas. D. Tait, St. Catharines for various items such as cab hire, duty on freight and beadle for flowers, Jan. 1888.
Envelope addressed to Mr. W.D. Woodruff with a St. Catharines postmark [stamp is missing], May 16, 1910.
Percy Carruthers Band was born on November 27, 1892 in Toronto, Ontario to Charles Walter Band, a grain merchant and Jessie Camp Shaw Band. He graduated from Upper Canada College and became a broker. He worked at the Dominion Bank and then at Maple Leaf Milling Company. He was stationed at Port Colborne for a while. Before leaving for the front, he was with Bankers Bond Company of Toronto and is also listed as working with the firm of Bailey, Wood and Cross. Lieutenant Band received a Certificate of Military Qualifications on Dec. 24th, 1914. He received his Certificate of Military Instruction on Nov. 30, 1915. He received these certificates while with the 48th Regiment (Highlanders). He enlisted in 1914 and went overseas in August of 1915 as an officer in the 35th Battalion. By August 26, 1915, he is listed as being with the 23rd Reserve Battalion. A year later, in August of 1916 Lieutenant Band arrived in France and was posted to the 2nd Battalion – “The Second Iron”. In 1916, Band was the victim of shell shock received during a charge. He was wounded in April of 1917 at Vimy Ridge yet he remained on duty. At this time he received a gunshot wound to his right jaw. He earned a promotion to Captain on September 16th, 1917. He was wounded again in November of 1917 at Passchendaele where he suffered a gunshot wound to the ear. For his courage and determination Percy Band received the Military Cross on February 18, 1918. He led his company under difficult circumstances even though he was wounded. He was awarded a bar to the Military Cross for gallantry during a successful attack on two villages on December 2nd, 1918. During this attack he led his company against enemy machine guns. It is said that he displayed exceptional leadership qualities and skill during this time. On the 30th of August in 1918, he made a daring reconnaissance to the front under heavy fire in an attack on Upton Wood. He was also commended on his gallantry during attacks on Cagnicourt and the Canal du Nord in September of 1918. He was awarded the second bar to the Military Cross on February 1, 1919. The award of the Croix de Guerre was conferred on Captain Percy Carruthers Band by the President of the French Republic on December 15th, 1918 for distinguished service rendered during the course of the campaign. His general demobilization took place on April 25, 1919. Percy Band married Margaret Julia Woodruff on November 25, 1919, and they had three children: Charles Woodruff Band (1921), Margaret Elizabeth Band (1924) and Robert DeVeaux Woodruff Band (1927). After the war, Mr. Band was a manager at Geo. Weston Bread and Cakes Limited, St. Catharines. Percy Band was also an avid collector. His collections included antique toys and art. He died suddenly on May 19, 1961. The Toronto Telegram published this about him: “Captain Percy Carruthers Band, M.C. with two Bars, Croix de Guerre with Palm – was an officer whose buoyant spirit and gallantry mirrored the vibrant soul of the Battalion. Blythe of heart, yet endowed with a fine sense of responsibility, he gave inspired leadership of No. 3 Company.”
Broadside, 47 cm. x 31 cm. with a coloured picture of a case engine and tender [steam engine] printed by Meyer-Rotier of Milwaukee. On the back is a sketch of a building. This has a stamp on the back which indicates that this is an exhibit in the High Court of Justice in Coburg in the case of Bigelow vs. Powers et al. This item has been torn down the middle and taped. This does not affect the text nor picture, Oct. 11, 1909.
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"Mémoire présenté à la Faculté des études supérieures en vue de l'obtention du grade de maîtrise, option droit des affaires"
"Mémoire présenté à la faculté des études supérieures en vue de l'obtention du grade de Maîtrise en droit des affaires (LL.M)"
Le présent mémoire est consacré à l'étude de l'obligation faite à l'État canadien de consulter les autochtones lorsqu'il envisage de prendre des mesures portant atteinte à leurs droits et intérêts. On s'y interroge sur le sens que peut avoir cette obligation, si elle n'inclut pas celle de s'entendre avec les autochtones. Notre étude retrace d'abord l'évolution de l'obligation de consulter dans la jurisprudence de la Cour suprême du Canada, pour se pencher ensuite sur l'élaboration d'un modèle théorique du processus consultatif. En observant la manière dont la jurisprudence relative aux droits ancestraux a donné naissance à l'obligation de consulter, on constate que c'est en s'approchant au plus près de l'idée d'autonomie gouvernementale autochtone - soit en définissant le titre ancestral, droit autochtone à la terre elle-même - que la Cour a senti le besoin de développer la consultation en tant que véritable outil de dialogue entre l'État et les Premières nations. Or, pour assurer la participation réelle des parties au processus de consultation, la Cour a ensuite dû balancer leur rapport de forces, ce qu'elle a fait en admettant le manque de légitimité du pouvoir étatique sur les autochtones. C'est ainsi qu'après avoir donné naissance au processus de consultation, la jurisprudence relative aux droits ancestraux pourrait à son tour être modifiée substantiellement par son entremise. En effet, l'égalité qu'il commande remet en question l'approche culturaliste de la Cour aux droits ancestraux, et pourrait l'amener à refonder ces droits dans le principe plus égalitaire de continuité des ordres juridiques autochtones. Contrairement à l'approche culturaliste actuelle, ce principe fait place à la reconnaissance juridique de l'autonomie gouvernementale autochtone. La logique interne égalitaire du processus de consultation ayant ainsi été exposée, elle fait ensuite l'objet d'une plus ample analyse. On se demande d'abord comment concevoir cette logique sur le plan théorique. Ceci exige d'ancrer la consultation, en tant qu'institution juridique, dans une certaine vision du droit. Nous adoptons ici celle de Lon Fuller, riche de sens pour nos fins. Puis, nous explicitons les principes structurants du processus consultatif. Il appert de cette réflexion que l'effectivité de la consultation dépend de la qualité du dialogue qu'elle engendre entre les parties. Si elle respecte sa morale inhérente, la consultation peut générer une relation morale unique entre les autochtones et l'État canadien. Cette relation de reconnaissance mutuelle est une relation de don.