971 resultados para soft tissue lesions


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Changes in temperature and carbon dioxide during glacial cycles recorded in Antarctic ice cores are tightly coupled. However, this relationship does not hold for interglacials. While climate cooled towards the end of both the last (Eemian) and present (Holocene) interglacials, CO₂ remained stable during the Eemian while rising in the Holocene. We identify and review twelve biogeochemical mechanisms of terrestrial (vegetation dynamics and CO₂ fertilization, land use, wild fire, accumulation of peat, changes in permafrost carbon, subaerial volcanic outgassing) and marine origin (changes in sea surface temperature, carbonate compensation to deglaciation and terrestrial biosphere regrowth, shallow-water carbonate sedimentation, changes in the soft tissue pump, and methane hydrates), which potentially may have contributed to the CO₂ dynamics during interglacials but which remain not well quantified. We use three Earth System Models (ESMs) of intermediate complexity to compare effects of selected mechanisms on the interglacial CO₂ and δ¹³ CO₂ changes, focusing on those with substantial potential impacts: namely carbonate sedimentation in shallow waters, peat growth, and (in the case of the Holocene) human land use. A set of specified carbon cycle forcings could qualitatively explain atmospheric CO₂ dynamics from 8ka BP to the pre-industrial. However, when applied to Eemian boundary conditions from 126 to 115 ka BP, the same set of forcings led to disagreement with the observed direction of CO₂ changes after 122 ka BP. This failure to simulate late-Eemian CO₂ dynamics could be a result of the imposed forcings such as prescribed CaCO₃ accumulation and/or an incorrect response of simulated terrestrial carbon to the surface cooling at the end of the interglacial. These experiments also reveal that key natural processes of interglacial CO₂ dynamics eshallow water CaCO₃ accumulation, peat and permafrost carbon dynamics are not well represented in the current ESMs. Global-scale modeling of these long-term carbon cycle components started only in the last decade, and uncertainty in parameterization of these mechanisms is a main limitation in the successful modeling of interglacial CO₂ dynamics.


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BACKGROUND Symptoms associated with pes planovalgus or flatfeet occur frequently, even though some people with a flatfoot deformity remain asymptomatic. Pes planovalgus is proposed to be associated with foot/ankle pain and poor function. Concurrently, the multifactorial weakness of the tibialis posterior muscle and its tendon can lead to a flattening of the longitudinal arch of the foot. Those affected can experience functional impairment and pain. Less severe cases at an early stage are eligible for non-surgical treatment and foot orthoses are considered to be the first line approach. Furthermore, strengthening of arch and ankle stabilising muscles are thought to contribute to active compensation of the deformity leading to stress relief of soft tissue structures. There is only limited evidence concerning the numerous therapy approaches, and so far, no data are available showing functional benefits that accompany these interventions. METHODS After clinical diagnosis and clarification of inclusion criteria (e.g., age 40-70, current complaint of foot and ankle pain more than three months, posterior tibial tendon dysfunction stage I & II, longitudinal arch flattening verified by radiography), sixty participants with posterior tibial tendon dysfunction associated complaints will be included in the study and will be randomly assigned to one of three different intervention groups: (i) foot orthoses only (FOO), (ii) foot orthoses and eccentric exercise (FOE), or (iii) sham foot orthoses only (FOS). Participants in the FOO and FOE groups will be allocated individualised foot orthoses, the latter combined with eccentric exercise for ankle stabilisation and strengthening of the tibialis posterior muscle. Participants in the FOS group will be allocated sham foot orthoses only. During the intervention period of 12 weeks, all participants will be encouraged to follow an educational program for dosed foot load management (e.g., to stop activity if they experience increasing pain). Functional impairment will be evaluated pre- and post-intervention by the Foot Function Index. Further outcome measures include the Pain Disability Index, Visual Analogue Scale for pain, SF-12, kinematic data from 3D-movement analysis and neuromuscular activity during level and downstairs walking. Measuring outcomes pre- and post-intervention will allow the calculation of intervention effects by 3×3 Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) with repeated measures. DISCUSSION The purpose of this randomised trial is to evaluate the therapeutic benefit of three different non-surgical treatment regimens in participants with posterior tibial tendon dysfunction and accompanying pes planovalgus. Furthermore, the analysis of changes in gait mechanics and neuromuscular control will contribute to an enhanced understanding of functional changes and eventually optimise conservative management strategies for these patients. TRIAL REGISTRATION ClinicalTrials.gov Protocol Registration System: ClinicalTrials.gov ID NCT01839669.


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An 8-yr-old male leopard (Panthera pardus) was presented with a 4-day history of lethargy, vomiting, and anorexia. Thoracic and abdominal radiographs revealed a soft-tissue mass cranial to the diaphragm and atypical appearance of the gastric fundus. Esophagoscopy revealed gastric mucosa in the lumen of the esophagus, which confirmed gastroesophageal intussusception. An exploratory celiotomy with manual reduction of the intussusception was performed. Reduction was verified by intraoperative esophagoscopy and gastroscopy. An incisional fundic gastropexy to the left abdominal wall was performed to reduce the chance of a recurrence of the intussusception. No postoperative complications related to the surgery were observed, and the animal resumed eating within 48 hr of surgery. A subsequent recurrence of clinical signs was not noted by the owner.


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Hiatal hernia was diagnosed in three exotic felines-lynx (Lynx lynx), cougar (Puma concolore), and lion (Panthera leo). All cats had a history of anorexia. Thoracic and abdominal radiographs showed evidence of a soft tissue mass within the caudal mediastinum suggestive of a hiatal hernia in all animals. A barium esophagram was performed in one case. All animals underwent thoracic or abdominal surgery for hernia reduction. Surgical procedures included: intercostal thoracotomy with herniorrhaphy and esophagopexy (lynx and cougar), and incisional gastropexy (lion). Concurrent surgical procedures performed were gastrotomy for gastric foreign body removal and jejunostomy tube placement. Clinical signs related to the hiatal hernia disappeared after surgery and recurrence of signs was not reported for the time of follow-up.


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PURPOSE Digital developments have led to the opportunity to compose simulated patient models based on three-dimensional (3D) skeletal, facial, and dental imaging. The aim of this systematic review is to provide an update on the current knowledge, to report on the technical progress in the field of 3D virtual patient science, and to identify further research needs to accomplish clinical translation. MATERIALS AND METHODS Searches were performed electronically (MEDLINE and OVID) and manually up to March 2014 for studies of 3D fusion imaging to create a virtual dental patient. Inclusion criteria were limited to human studies reporting on the technical protocol for superimposition of at least two different 3D data sets and medical field of interest. RESULTS Of the 403 titles originally retrieved, 51 abstracts and, subsequently, 21 full texts were selected for review. Of the 21 full texts, 18 studies were included in the systematic review. Most of the investigations were designed as feasibility studies. Three different types of 3D data were identified for simulation: facial skeleton, extraoral soft tissue, and dentition. A total of 112 patients were investigated in the development of 3D virtual models. CONCLUSION Superimposition of data on the facial skeleton, soft tissue, and/or dentition is a feasible technique to create a virtual patient under static conditions. Three-dimensional image fusion is of interest and importance in all fields of dental medicine. Future research should focus on the real-time replication of a human head, including dynamic movements, capturing data in a single step.


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PURPOSE The aim of this short communication was to analyze time-dependent changes of the supraimplant mucosa architecture in the esthetic zone. MATERIALS AND METHODS Five patients underwent single-tooth replacement with implant crowns in the anterior maxilla. The supraimplant soft tissue was conditioned with fixed provisional crowns. Quadrantlike digital impressions were taken with an intraoral optical scanning device at three time points: t0, immediately after removal of the provisional (baseline); t1, after 5 minutes; and t2, after 10 minutes. To analyze time-dependent mucosal changes, the corresponding digital files were superimposed for each patient, and baseline (t0) scans were compared with t1 and t2 scans, respectively. Wilcoxon rank sum tests were used for statistical calculations with a strict level of significance at P < .01. RESULTS Mean values for supraimplant soft tissue changes were statistically significantly different after 5 minutes (5.5%; standard deviation ± 0.3%) in comparison to the results after 10 minutes (21.7%; standard deviation ± 1.8%). The direction of mucosa shrinkage showed a trend toward palatal sites. CONCLUSION Based on the findings of this analysis, changes in supraimplant mucosa architecture seem to be affected only slightly during the first 5 minutes after removal of soft tissue support.


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AIM To associate the dimension of the facial bone wall with clinical, radiological, and patient-centered outcomes at least 10 years after immediate implant placement with simultaneous guided bone regeneration in a retrospective study. MATERIAL AND METHODS Primary endpoint was the distance from the implant shoulder (IS) to the first bone-to-implant contact (IS-BIC10y ). Secondary endpoints included the facial bone thickness (BT10y ) 2, 4, and 6 mm apical to the IS, and the implant position. At baseline, the horizontal defect width (HDWBL ) from the implant surface to the alveolar wall was recorded. At recall, distance from the IS to the mucosal margin (IS-MM10y ), degree of soft tissue coverage of the mesial and distal aspects of the implants (PISm10y , PISd10y ; Papilla Index), pocket probing depth (PPD10y ), and patient-centered outcomes were determined. Width of the keratinized mucosa (KM), Full-Mouth Plaque and Bleeding Score (FMPS, FMBS) were available for both time points. RESULTS Of the 20 patients who underwent immediate implant placement with simultaneous guided bone regeneration and transmucosal healing, nine males and eight females with a median age of 62 years (42 min, 84 max) were followed up for a median period of 10.5 y (min 10.1 max 11.5). The 10-year implant survival rate was 100%. Multivariate regression analysis revealed a correlation of the IS-BIC10y , controlled for age and gender, with four parameters: HDWBL (P = 0.03), KMBL -10 (P = 0.02), BT10 4 mm (P = 0.01), and BT10 6 mm (P = 0.01). CONCLUSION Within the conditions of the present study, the horizontal defect width was the main indicator for the vertical dimension of the facial bone. The facial bone dimension was further associated with a reduction in the width of the keratinized mucosa and the dimension of the buccal bone.


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The aetiology of childhood cancers remains largely unknown. It has been hypothesized that infections may be involved and that mini-epidemics thereof could result in space-time clustering of incident cases. Most previous studies support spatio-temporal clustering for leukaemia, while results for other diagnostic groups remain mixed. Few studies have corrected for uneven regional population shifts which can lead to spurious detection of clustering. We examined whether there is space-time clustering of childhood cancers in Switzerland identifying cases diagnosed at age <16 years between 1985 and 2010 from the Swiss Childhood Cancer Registry. Knox tests were performed on geocoded residence at birth and diagnosis separately for leukaemia, acute lymphoid leukaemia (ALL), lymphomas, tumours of the central nervous system, neuroblastomas and soft tissue sarcomas. We used Baker's Max statistic to correct for multiple testing and randomly sampled time-, sex- and age-matched controls from the resident population to correct for uneven regional population shifts. We observed space-time clustering of childhood leukaemia at birth (Baker's Max p = 0.045) but not at diagnosis (p = 0.98). Clustering was strongest for a spatial lag of <1 km and a temporal lag of <2 years (Observed/expected close pairs: 124/98; p Knox test = 0.003). A similar clustering pattern was observed for ALL though overall evidence was weaker (Baker's Max p = 0.13). Little evidence of clustering was found for other diagnostic groups (p > 0.2). Our study suggests that childhood leukaemia tends to cluster in space-time due to an etiologic factor present in early life.


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OBJECTIVE The aim of this study was to compare crestal bone-level changes, soft tissue parameters and implant success and survival between small-diameter implants made of titanium/zirconium (TiZr) alloy or of Grade IV titanium (Ti) in edentulous mandibles restored with removable overdentures. MATERIALS AND METHODS This was a randomized, controlled, double-blind, split-mouth multicenter clinical trial. Patients with edentulous mandibles received two Straumann bone-level implants (diameter 3.3 mm), one of Ti Grade IV (control) and one of TiZr (test), in the interforaminal region. Implants were loaded after 6-8 weeks and removable Locator-retained overdentures were placed within 2 weeks of loading. Modified plaque and sulcus bleeding indices, radiographic bone level, and implant survival and success were evaluated up to 36 months. RESULTS Of 91 treated patients, 75 completed the three-year follow-up. Three implants were lost (two control and one test implant). The survival rates were 98.7% and 97.3%, and the mean marginal bone level change was -0.78 ± 0.75 and -0.60 ± 0.71 mm for TiZr and Ti Grade IV implants. Most patients had a plaque score of 0 or 1 (54% for test and 51.7% for control), and a sulcus bleeding score of 0 (46.1% for test and 44.9% for control). No significant differences were found between the two implant types for bone-level change, soft tissue parameters, survival and success. CONCLUSIONS After 36 months, similar outcomes were found between Ti Grade IV and TiZr implants. The results confirm that the results seen at 12 months continue over time.


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The objective of this retrospective study is to follow up on a previous Dynamic Smile Analysis and videographically analyze and develop averages for soft tissue norms with respect to the display of dentition during speech. These values would then be compared cross-sectionally across different age groups to see whether changes attributable to the aging process could be seen. A secondary objective was to compare averages for soft tissue norms in the display of dentition during speech to averages for soft tissue norms in the display of dentition during the smile. Materials and Method: Records from a previous study in which video equipment was used to capture video for 26 1 subjects were re-evaluated to find appropriate frames to analyze for speech. Two frames for each subject were selected; one frame representing the maximal display of maxillary incisors during speech and the second representing the widest transverse display of dentition during speech. After excluding 40 subjects the data for the remaining 221 subjects was analyzed. These averages were then compared to averages attained in the previous study to compare the display of the dentition during speech to the display of the dentition during smile. Results: On average, a difference in 1.29 mm was seen in the display of the maxillary incisors during speech at maximal display and during the smile. An average of 7.23 mm of maxillary incisors is readily visible during maximum display of maxillary incisors during speech, as compared to 8.52 mm during the smile. The constructed smile index was also smaller when measured during the speech when compared to the smile index by an average of 2.58 units. Conclusion: This study helps to establish age-related dynamic norms for the display of dentition during speech. The dynamic measures indicate that the display of dectition is greater, on average, during the smile than at speech.


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The tumor suppressor p16 is a negative regulator of the cell cycle, and acts by preventing the phosphorylation of RB, which in turn prevents the progression from G1 to S phase of the cell cycle. In addition to its role in the cell cycle, p16 may also be able to induce apoptosis in some tumors. Ewing's sarcoma, a pediatric cancer of the bone and soft tissue, was used to study the ability of p16 to induce apoptosis due to the fact that p16 is often deleted in Ewing's sarcoma tumors and may play a role in the oncogenesis or progression of this disease. The purpose of these studies was to determine whether introduction of p16 into Ewing's sarcoma cells would induce apoptosis. We infected the Ewing's sarcoma cell line TC71, which does not express p16, with adenovirus- p16 (Ad-p16). Ad-p16 infection led to the production of functional p16 as measured by the induction of G1 arrest. Ad-p16 infection induced as much as a 100% increase in G1 arrest compared to untreated cells. As measured by propidium iodide (PI) and Annexin V staining, Ad-p16 was able to induce apoptosis to levels 20–30 fold higher than controls. Furthermore, Ad-p16 infection led to loss of RB protein before apoptosis could be detected. The loss of RB protein was due to post-translational degradation of RB, which was inhibited by the addition of the proteasome inhibitors PS-341 and NPI-0052. Downregulation of RB with si-RNA sensitized cells to Ad-p16-induced apoptosis, indicating that RB protects from apoptosis in this model. This study shows that p16 leads to the degradation of RB by the ubiquitin/proteasome pathway, and that this degradation may be important for the induction of apoptosis. Given that RB may protect from apoptosis in some tumors, apoptosis-inducing therapies may be enhanced in tumors which have lost RB expression, or in which RB is artificially inactivated. ^


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Purpose. To evaluate the presence of Community Associated–Methicillin Resistant Staphylococcus Aureus, CA-MRSA, in abscesses and skin and soft tissue infections presenting at 9 urgent care clinics in San Antonio, TX. ^ Methods. During the 40-month retrospective study (April 2006 to August 2009), wound cultures collected in 9 urgent care centers were evaluated for MRSA growth, antibiotics prescribed, follow up wound care, and antibiotic prescribing habits by physicians for all patients presenting with abscesses and skin/soft tissue infections. ^ Results. Across 9 urgent care centers in San Antonio, TX, 36,797 abscesses and cases of skin and soft tissue infections were treated during 40 months. Of the 36,797 cases, 9290 patients had wound cultures sent with 5,630 cultures sent to Texas MedClinic’s primary lab. Of the 5630 cultures sent to their primary lab, this reflected a prevalence of 4727 (84 %) cultures were positive for MRSA. Of the 9290 patients who had a wound culture sent (April 10th, 2006 to August 31st, 2009), a total of 4,307 antibiotics were prescribed. The top five antibiotics prescribed for CA-MRSA were Bactrim (55.5%), Clindamycin (18.4%), Bactroban (5%), Amoxicillin (3.5%), and Doxycycline (3%) representing 85.4% of the antibiotics prescribed. 8809/9290 (94.8%) of patients required no more than 3 follow up visits. Of the 33 physicians working full time during the entire study period, 29/33 (87.8%) of the physicians were family medicine physicians and represented varied prescribing rates of antibiotics between 11-76% with 26/33 (78.8%) of physicians prescribing antibiotics greater than 40% of the time.^ Conclusions. Abscesses and soft tissue infections are a common presenting complaint to urgent care centers. This study reveals that antibiotic-prescribing practices can be improved with physician education since this high prevalence was not known previously. Also, treating abscesses with limited packing has been shown to be a viable option in this particular circumstance and would be open field for additional clinical research. Due to the high prevalence of CA-MRSA skin and soft tissue infections among patients presenting to urgent care centers presumptive treatment for MRSA is indicated. Increasing levels of resistance to penicillin antibiotics is concerning and warrants alternative antibiotic management strategies.^


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Background. The objective of this retrospective cohort study is to examine the presentation and outcomes for a contemporary series of cancer patients with anorectal infection. In addition, we seek to identify factors which are associated with surgical intervention. ^ Methods. The study cohort was identified from ICD-9 codes for diagnosis of infection of the anal and rectal region and patients who underwent a surgical oncology consultation between 1/2000 and 12/2006. Clinical presentation, treatment rendered, and outcomes were retrospectively recorded. ^ Results. Of the 100 patients evaluated by the surgical oncology service for anorectal infection, 42 were treated non-operatively and 58 underwent surgical intervention. Factors associated with surgical intervention based on logistic multivariable analysis included the diagnosis of an abscess (odds ratio [OR] 10.5; 95% confidence interval [CI] 2.9-38.5) and the documentation of erythema on physical examination (OR 3.1; 95% CI 1.1-8.4). Thrombocytopenia (platelets < 50,000) was associated with non-operative management (OR 0.3; 95% CI 0.1-0.7). Incision and drainage was the most common surgical procedure (79%) while a wide debridement for a necrotizing soft tissue infection was required in 2 patients. Infection-specific 90-day mortality was only 1% (N=1). However, the median overall survival for the entire cohort was only 14.4 months (95% CI 7.9-19.5). ^ Conclusions. Non-operative management is a reasonable treatment option for anorectal infection in patients with cancer. Identification of an abscess, erythema on physical exam, and thrombocytopenia were associated with management strategy. Although rare, necrotizing soft tissue infections are associated with significant mortality. ^


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Purpose. To evaluate the prognostic factors in desmoid tumors in the light of its possible use in standardizing the treatment strategy of an individual patient. ^ Patients and methods. A retrospective review of 189 consecutive patients who were treated at MD Anderson Cancer Center (MDACC) from January 1995 to December 2005 was done. Univariate and multivariate analysis of different prognostic factors was done on all patients, patients treated with surgery alone, subset of patients who came to MDACC with primary tumor. The median follow up was 63 months. Also the analysis of 189 desmoid patients treated at MDACC between 1995 and 2005 was compared to results of 189 desmoid patients treated at MDACC from 1965-1994 using data retrieved from a 150 field prospective relational soft tissue tumor database. ^ Results. 5-, and 10-year overall survival rate were 0.976 (95%CI 0.952, 0.999), and 0.966 (95% CI 0.935, 0.996), respectively. 5-, and 10-year recurrence free rate were 0.803 (95%CI 0.738, 0.868), and 0.793 (95% CI 0.726, 0.860), respectively. 5 year recurrence free survival for surgery alone, radiotherapy alone, chemotherapy alone and combination regimen were 0.759, 0.625, 0.933, and 0.802 respectively. Age (>30 vs. <=30) and primary tumor site (extremity vs visceral) were two prognostic factors significantly associated with local recurrence in all of the patients. ^ Conclusion. An increased awareness of the complex multidisciplinary management needed for successful control of desmoid tumor may underlie a significantly increased number of desmoid referrals, especially primary untreated desmoids, to UTMDACC. The careful prospective integration of multiple therapies has led to a significant recent improvement in desmoid patient outcome. These trends should be supported, particularly if personalized molecular-based therapies are to be rapidly and effectively deployed for the benefit of those afflicted by this rare and potentially devastating disease.^


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Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is a non-invasive technique that offers excellent soft tissue contrast for characterizing soft tissue pathologies. Diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) is an MRI technique that has shown to have the sensitivity to detect subtle pathology that is not evident on conventional MRI. ^ Rats are commonly used as animal models in characterizing the spinal cord pathologies including spinal cord injury (SCI), cancer, multiple sclerosis, etc. These pathologies could affect both thoracic and cervical regions and complete characterization of these pathologies using MRI requires DTI characterization in both the thoracic and cervical regions. Prior to the application of DTI for investigating the pathologic changes in the spinal cord, it is essential to establish DTI metrics in normal animals. ^ To date, in-vivo DTI studies of rat spinal cord have used implantable coils for high signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) and spin-echo pulse sequences for reduced geometric distortions. Implantable coils have several disadvantages including: (1) the invasive nature of implantation, (2) loss of SNR due to frequency shift with time in the longitudinal studies, and (3) difficulty in imaging the cervical region. While echo planar imaging (EPI) offers much shorter acquisition times compared to spin-echo imaging, EPI is very sensitive to static magnetic field inhomogeneities and the existing shimming techniques implemented on the MRI scanner do not perform well on spinal cord because of its geometry. ^ In this work, an integrated approach has been implemented for in-vivo DTI characterization of rat spinal cord in the thoracic and cervical regions. A three element phased array coil was developed for improved SNR and extended spatial coverage. A field-map shimming technique was developed for minimizing the geometric distortions in EPI images. Using these techniques, EPI based DWI images were acquired with optimized diffusion encoding scheme from 6 normal rats and the DTI-derived metrics were quantified. ^ The phantom studies indicated higher SNR and smaller bias in the estimated DTI metrics than the previous studies in the cervical region. In-vivo results indicated no statistical difference in the DTI characteristics of either gray matter or white matter between the thoracic and cervical regions. ^