947 resultados para smoothing by spectral dispersion


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The paper develops the basis for a self-consistent, operationally useful, reactive pollutant dispersion model, for application in urban environments. The model addresses the multi-scale nature of the physical and chemical processes and the interaction between the different scales. The methodology builds on existing techniques of source apportionment in pollutant dispersion and on reduction techniques of detailed chemical mechanisms. © 2005 Published by Elsevier Ltd.


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A popular method used to reduce vibration transmitted from underground railways into nearby buildings is floating-slab track, whereby a concrete slab supporting the two rails is mounted on rubber bearings or steel springs to isolate it from the tunnel invert. This paper adds a track model to a previously developed three-dimensional tunnel model in order to assess the effectiveness of floating-slab track. A slab beam coupled to the tunnel in the wavenumber domain, with the slab bearings represented by an elastic layer, is examined first. A second beam representing the two rails together is then coupled to the slab, and axle masses representing a train are added to the rail beam. Power-spectral densities and RMS levels of soil vibration due to random roughness-displacement excitation between the masses and the rail beam are calculated. Analytical techniques are used to minimise the computational requirements of the model. The results demonstrate the inadequacy of simple mass-spring and Winkler-beam models with rigid foundations for the assessment of the vibration-isolation performance of railway track. They suggest that the achievable insertion loss is modest and that floating the track slab may in fact cause increased transmission of vibration under certain conditions. © 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The paper reports the results of a high-quality pulse source incorporating a gain-switched laser diode followed by a novel compact two-cascade fibre compression scheme. The pulse compression scheme incorporates a dispersive delay line and a nonlinear pulse compressor based on a dispersion-imbalanced fibre loop mirror (DILM). We analyse and demonstrate for the first time significant improvement of the loop performance by means of the chirped pulse switching. As a result, the DILM provides high-quality nonlinear pulse compression as well as rejection of the nonsoliton component. In the experiment, 20ps pulses from a gain switched laser diode are compressed to a duration of 300fs at a repetition rate in range 70MHz-10GHz. The pulses are pedestal free and transform-limited. Spectral filtering of the output signal by means of a bandpass filter results in generation of wavelength-tuneable picosecond pulses with a duration defined by the filter bandwidth. Alternatively, signal filtering by an arrayed waveguide grating (AWG) results in multichannel picosecond pulse generation for WDM and OTDM applications. The pulse source is built of standard components and is of compact and potentially robust design.


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A semiconductor optical amplifier monolithically integrated with a distributed feedback pump laser is used for non-degenerate four wave mixing applications. Experimental results are presented which illustrate the use of this compact device for both wavelength conversion and dispersion compensation applications at high data rates.


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Rubrifloradilactone C (4), a novel bioactive nortriterpenoid, along with four other nortriterpenoids (1-3, 5) were isolated from Schisandra rubriflora. The structure of 4 was determined by extensive NMR spectral analysis, computational evidence by using t


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Detailed investigations are undertaken, for the first time, of the transmission performance of recently proposed novel Adaptively Modulated Optical OFDM (AMOOFDM) modems using Subcarrier Modulation (AMOOFDM-SCM) in single-channel, SMF-based IMDD links without optical amplification and chromatic dispersion compensation. The cross-talk effect induced by beatings among subcarriers of various types is a crucial factor limiting the maximum achievable AMOOFDM-SCM performance. By applying single sideband modulation and/or spectral gapping to AMOOFDM-SCM, three AMOOFDM-SCM designs of varying complexity are proposed, which achieve >60Gb/s signal transmission over 20 km, 40 km and 60 km. Such performances are >1.5 times higher than those supported by conventional AMOOFDM modems.


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Purpose: The purpose of this paper is to explore the key influential factors and their implications on food supply chain (FSC) location decisions from a Thailand-based manufacturer's view. Design/methodology/approach: In total, 21 case studies were conducted with eight Thailand-based food manufacturers. In each case, key influential factors were observed along with their implications on upstream and downstream FSC location decisions. Data were collected through semi-structured interviews and documentations. Data reduction and data display in tables were used to help data analysis of the case studies. Findings: This exploratory research found that, in the food industry, FSC geographical dispersion pattern could be determined by four factors: perishability, value density, economic-political forces, and technological forces. Technological forces were found as an enabler for FSC geographical dispersion whereas the other three factors could be both barriers and enablers. The implications of these four influential factors drive FSC towards four key patterns of FSC geographical dispersion: local supply chain (SC), supply-proximity SC, market-proximity SC, and international SC. Additionally, the strategy of the firm was found to also be an influential factor in determining FSC geographical dispersion. Research limitations/implications: Despite conducting 21 cases, the findings in this research are based on a relatively small sample, given the large size of the industry. More case evidence from a broader range of food product market and supply items, particularly ones that have significantly different patterns of FSC geographical dispersions would have been insightful. The consideration of additional influential factors such as labour movement between developing countries, currency fluctuations and labour costs, would also enrich the framework as well as improve the quality and validity of the research findings. The different strategies employed by the case companies and their implications on FSC location decisions should also be further investigated along with cases outside Thailand, to provide a more comprehensive view of FSC geographical location decisions. Practical implications: This paper provides insights how FSC is geographically located in both supply-side and demand-side from a manufacturing firm's view. The findings can also provide SC managers and researchers a better understanding of their FSCs. Originality/value: This research bridges the existing gap in the literature, explaining the geographical dispersion of SC particularly in the food industry where the characteristics are very specific, by exploring the internationalization ability of Thailand-based FSC and generalizing the key influential factors - perishability (lead time), value density, economic-political forces, market opportunities, and technological advancements. Four key patterns of FSC internationalization emerged from the case studies. © Emerald Group Publishing Limited.


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Each mode of a multimode fibre is excited using binary phase patterns on a Spatial Light Modulator and verified by observation of the near-field leaving the fibre and analysis of the step response. © 2011 OSA.


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Aspects of the behaviour of three groups of Yunnan snub-nosed langurs, Rhinopithecus bieti, were observed over the course of three field seasons from 1986 to 1988. The major findings of the study were: (1) The habitats of R. bieti were mainly at heights of 3,600-4,150 m above sea level. (2) Groups were very large, with group sizes ranging from more than 100 to 269 individuals. (3) Spatial dispersion densities ranged from about 27 to 106 m2/individual during sleeping and resting, to feeding dispersions as large as 5,000-15,000 m2. (4) The locomotor repertoire of R. bieti consisted largely of walking, jumping and climbing. On very rare occasions, semibrachiation was observed, but true brachiation was never observed. The locomotor repertoires of juveniles were more diverse than those of subadults or adults. (5) Communication consisted mainly of eye-to-eye contact accompanied by murmurs; while loud calls were heard only rarely. (6) Groups moved between sleeping and feeding sites in single file. It is concluded that R. bieti is a mainly terrestrial species.


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Each mode of a 2 km 50 μ OM2 grade multimode fiber is precisely excited at multiple orientations using a binary phase spatial light modulator (SLM) to generate a detailed modal description of the fiber and minimize modal dispersion over 4.5 THz of optical bandwidth. © 2012 IEEE.


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Advances in functionality and reliability of carbon nanotube (CNT) composite materials require careful formulation of processing methods to ultimately realize the desired properties. To date, controlled dispersion of CNTs in a solution or a composite matrix remains a challenge, due to the strong van der Waals binding energies associated with the CNT aggregates. There is also insufficiently defined correlation between the microstructure and the physical properties of the composite. Here, we offer a review of the dispersion processes of pristine (non-covalently functionalized) CNTs in a solvent or a polymer solution. We summarize and adapt relevant theoretical analysis to guide the dispersion design and selection, from the processes of mixing/sonication, to the application of surfactants for stabilization, to the final testing of composite properties. The same approaches are expected to be also applicable to the fabrication of other composite materials involving homogeneously dispersed nanoparticles. © 2012 by the authors; licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland.


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A binary grating on a Spatial Light Modulator generates twin antiphase spots with adjustable positions across the core of a multimode fibre allowing adaptive excitation of antisymmetric mode-groups for improving modal dispersion or modal multiplexing. © 2011 IEEE.


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We propose a principled algorithm for robust Bayesian filtering and smoothing in nonlinear stochastic dynamic systems when both the transition function and the measurement function are described by non-parametric Gaussian process (GP) models. GPs are gaining increasing importance in signal processing, machine learning, robotics, and control for representing unknown system functions by posterior probability distributions. This modern way of system identification is more robust than finding point estimates of a parametric function representation. Our principled filtering/smoothing approach for GP dynamic systems is based on analytic moment matching in the context of the forward-backward algorithm. Our numerical evaluations demonstrate the robustness of the proposed approach in situations where other state-of-the-art Gaussian filters and smoothers can fail. © 2011 IEEE.


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We report a 2 μm ultrafast solid-state Tm: Lu2O3 laser, mode-locked by single-layer graphene, generating transform-limited ∼ 410 fs pulses, with a spectral width ∼ 11.1 nm at 2067 nm. The maximum average output power is 270 mW, at a pulse repetition frequency of 110 MHz. This is a convenient high-power transform-limited ultrafast laser at 2 μm for various applications, such as laser surgery and material processing. © 2013 American Institute of Physics.


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Breakdown of the optical spectrum of a train of picosecond pulses into components with a distance which exceeds kT (200 cm-1 at λ = 955 nm and T = 300 K) is discovered for the first time in an injection laser. The effect may be caused by combined interaction between photons and phonons, with collective excitations in the degraded electron-hole GaAs plasma, and with the stream of drifting carriers in the active medium of the laser.