962 resultados para shape and surface modeling


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Chitosan nanoparticles fabricated via different preparation protocols have been in recent years widely studied as carriers for therapeutic proteins and genes with varying degree of effectiveness and drawbacks. This work seeks to further explore the polyionic coacervation fabrication process, and associated processing conditions under which protein encapsulation and subsequent release can be systematically and predictably manipulated so as to obtain desired effectiveness. BSA was used as a model protein which was encapsulated by either incorporation or incubation method, using the polyanion tripolyphosphate (TPP) as the coacervation crosslink agent to form chitosan-BSA-TPP nanoparticles. The BSA-loaded chitosan-TPP nanoparticles were characterized for particle size, morphology, zeta potential, BSA encapsulation efficiency, and subsequent release kinetics, which were found predominantly dependent on the factors of chitosan molecular weight, chitosan concentration, BSA loading concentration, and chitosan/TPP mass ratio. The BSA loaded nanoparticles prepared under varying conditions were in the size range of 200-580 nm, and exhibit a high positive zeta potential. Detailed sequential time frame TEM imaging of morphological change of the BSA loaded particles showed a swelling and particle degradation process. Initial burst released due to surface protein desorption and diffusion from sublayers did not relate directly to change of particle size and shape, which was eminently apparent only after 6 h. It is also notable that later stage particle degradation and disintegration did not yield a substantial follow-on release, as the remaining protein molecules, with adaptable 3-D conformation, could be tightly bound and entangled with the cationic chitosan chains. In general, this study demonstrated that the polyionic coacervation process for fabricating protein loaded chitosan nanoparticles offers simple preparation conditions and a clear processing window for manipulation of physiochemical properties of the nanoparticles (e.g., size and surface charge), which can be conditioned to exert control over protein encapsulation efficiency and subsequent release profile. The weakness of the chitosan nanoparticle system lies typically with difficulties in controlling initial burst effect in releasing large quantities of protein molecules. (C) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Survival, growth, above ground biomass accumulation, soil surface elevation dynamics and nitrogen accumulation in accreted sediments were studied in experimental treatments planted with four different densities (6.96, 3.26, 1.93 and 0.95 seedlings m-2) of the mangrove Rhizophora mucronata in Puttalam Lagoon, Sri Lanka. Measurements were taken over a period of 1171 days and were compared with those from unplanted controls. Trees at the lowest density showed significantly reduced survival, whilst measures of individual tree growth did not differ significantly among treatments. Rates of surface sediment accretion (means ± S.E.) were 13.0 (±1.3), 10.5 (±0.9), 8.4 (±0.3), 6.9 (±0.5) and 5.7 (±0.3) mm yr-1 at planting densities of 6.96, 3.26, 1.93, 0.95, and 0 (unplanted control) seedlings m-2, respectively, showing highly significant differences among treatments. Mean (± S.E.) rates of surface elevation change were much lower than rates of accretion at 2.8 (±0.2), 1.6 (±0.1), 1.1 (±0.2), 0.6 (±0.2) and -0.3 (±0.1) mm yr-1 for 6.96, 3.26, 1.93, 0.95, and 0 seedlings m-2, respectively. All planted treatments appeared to accumulate greater nitrogen concentrations in the sediment compared to the unplanted control, and suggests one potential causal mechanism for the facilitatory effects observed; high densities of plants potentially contribute to the accretion of greater amounts of nutrient rich sediment. While this potential process needs further study, this study demonstrated how higher densities of mangroves enhance rates of sediment accretion and surface elevation, processes that may be crucial in mangrove ecosystem adaptation to sea level rise. There was no evidence that increasing plant density evoked a trade-off with growth and survival of the planted trees. Rather facilitatory effects enhanced survival at high densities, suggesting that local land managers may be able to take advantage of plantation densities to help mitigate sea-level rise effects by encouraging positive soil surface elevation increment, and perhaps even greater nutrient retention to promote mangrove growth and ameliorate nearshore eutrophication in tropical island environments.


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A molecular model for the P450 enzyme cytochrome P450 C17 (CYP17) is presented based on sequence alignments of multiple template structures and homology modeling. This enzyme plays a central role in the biosynthesis of testosterone and is emerging as a major target in prostate cancer, with the recently developed inhibitor abiraterone currently in advanced clinical trials. The model is described in detail, together with its validation, by providing structural explanations to available site-directed mutagenesis data. The CYP17 molecule in this model is in the form of a triangular prism, with an edge of similar to 55 angstrom and a thickness of similar to 37 angstrom. It is predominantly helical, comprising 13 alpha helices interspersed by six 3(10) helices and 11 beta-sheets. Multinanosecond molecular dynamics simulations in explicit solvent have been carried out, and principal components analysis has been used to reveal the details of dynamics around the active site. Coarse-grained methods have also been used to verify low-frequency motions, which have been correlated with active-site gating. The work also describes the results of docking synthetic inhibitors, including the drug abiraterone and the natural substrate pregnenolone, in the CYP17 active site together with molecular dynamics simulations on the complexes. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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A controlled-atmosphere chamber, combined with a CCTV system, is used to monitor continuously the change in shape of water droplets on the self-cleaning commercial glass, Activ, and a sol-gel TiO2 substrate during their irradiation with either UVA or UVC light. This system allows the photoinduced superhydrophilic effect (PSH) exhibited by these materials to be studied in real time under a variety of different conditions. UVA was less effective than UVC in terms of PSH for both titania-coated glasses, and plain glass was unaffected by either form of UV irradiation and so showed no PSH activity. With UVA, ozone increased significantly the rate of PSH for both substrates, but had no effect on the wettability of plain glass. For both titania substrates and plain glass, no PSH activity was observed under an O-2-free atmosphere. A more detailed study of the PSH effect exhibited by Activ revealed that doping the water droplet with either an electron acceptor (Na2S2O8), electron donor (Na2S2O4), or simple electrolyte (KCl) in the absence of oxygen did not promote PSH. However, when Activ was UV irradiated, while immersed in a deoxygenated KCl solution, prior to testing for PSH activity, only a small change in contact angle was observed, whereas under the same conditions, but using a deoxygenated persulfate-containing immersion solution, it was rendered superhydrophilic. The correlation between organic contaminant removal and surface wetting was also investigated by using thick sol-gel films coated with stearic acid; the destruction of SA was monitored by FTIR and sudden wetting of the surface was seen to coincide with the substantial removal of the organic layer. The results of this work are discussed in the context of the current debate on the underlying cause of PSH.


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This paper considers the separation and recognition of overlapped speech sentences assuming single-channel observation. A system based on a combination of several different techniques is proposed. The system uses a missing-feature approach for improving crosstalk/noise robustness, a Wiener filter for speech enhancement, hidden Markov models for speech reconstruction, and speaker-dependent/-independent modeling for speaker and speech recognition. We develop the system on the Speech Separation Challenge database, involving a task of separating and recognizing two mixing sentences without assuming advanced knowledge about the identity of the speakers nor about the signal-to-noise ratio. The paper is an extended version of a previous conference paper submitted for the challenge.


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Time-resolved DRIFTS, MS, and resistance measurements were used to study the interaction of undoped and Pd-doped SnO2 with H-2 in air and argon at 300 degrees C. Using first-order kinetics, we compare the time constants for the resistance drop and its partial recovery with those of the surface hydroxyl evolution and water formation in the gas phase upon exposure to hydrogen. In the case of the undoped oxide, resistance and bridging hydroxyls (BOHs) evolve similarly, manifesting a fast main drop followed by recovery at a similar rate. The rate of water formation for this material was found to be much slower than that of the main drop in both the resistance and BOHs. In contrast, the resistance change for SnO2-Pd appeared to be similar to that of water formation, and no correlation was found between the evolution of resistance and surface OHs. Isotopic exchange on both materials revealed that water formation occurs via fast and slow hydrogen transfer to surface oxygen species. While the former originates from just-adsorbed hydrogen, the latter appears to proceed from the preadsorbed OHs. Both surfaces exhibit close interaction between chemisorbed oxygen and existing bridging OH groups, indicating that the latter is an intermediate in the hydrogen oxidation and generation of donor states on the surface.


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The modern stereologic method of vertical sections was applied to the retina as a means of generating unbiased estimates of three-dimensional structure. The method is illustrated with real data on the volume and surface area of the capillary basement membrane from the central retina of the rat. Novel methods of estimating the volume of retina sampled and of creating accurate vertical sections are described. The advantages of using stereologic methods to generate quantitative information on the three-dimensional structure of the retina are discussed and compared to those of previous quantitative methods that provide data on two-dimensional structure only.


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Near-Earth asteroid (25143) Itokawa was visited by the Hayabusa spacecraft in 2005, resulting in a highly detailed surface shape and topography model. This model has led to several predictions for the expected radiative torques on this asteroid, suggesting that its spin rate should be decelerating. Through an observational survey spanning 2001 to 2013 we have successfully measured an acceleration in its spin rate of dω/dt = 3.54 (± 0.38) × 10^(-8) rad day^(-2), equivalent to a decrease of its rotation period of ~ 45 ms year^(-1). Using the shape model determined from the Hayabusa spacecraft, we applied a detailed thermophysical analysis, to reconcile the predicted YORP strength with that observed. We find that the center-of-mass for Itokawa must be shifted by ~20 m along the long-axis of the asteroid to reconcile observations with theory. This can be explained if Itokawa is composed of two separate bodies with very different bulk densities of 1740 ± 110 kg m^(-3) and 2730 ± 440 kg m^(-3), and was formed from the merger of two separate bodies, consistent with the collapse of a binary system or the re-accumulation of material from a catastrophic collisional disruption. We demonstrate that an observational measurement of radiative torques, when combined with a detailed shape model, can provide insight into the interior structure of an asteroid.


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In this paper, we probed surface-enhanced Raman scattering (SERS) and surface-enhanced fluorescence (SEF) from probe molecule Rhodamine 6G (R6G) on self-standing Au nanorod array substrates made using a combination of anodization and potentiostatic electrodeposition. The initial substrates were embedded within a porous alumina template (AAO). By controlling the thickness of the AAO matrix, SEF and SERS were observed exhibiting an inverse relationship. SERS and SEF showed a non-linear response to the removal of AAO matrix due to an inhomogeneous plasmon activity across the nanorod which was supported by FDTD calculations. We showed that by optimizing the level of AAO thickness, we could obtain either maximized SERS, SEF or simultaneously observe both SERS and SEF together.


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Despite the extensive geographical range of palaeolimnological studies designed to assess the extent of surface water acidification in the United Kingdom during the 1980s, little attention was paid to the status of surface waters in the North York Moors (NYM). In this paper, we present sediment core data from a moorland pool in the NYM that provide a record of air pollution contamination and surface water acidification. The 41-cm-long core was divided into three lithostratigraphic units. The lower two comprise peaty soils and peats, respectively, that date to between approximately 8080 and 6740 cal. BP. The uppermost unit comprises peaty lake muds dating from between approximately ad 1790 and the present day (ad 2006). The lower two units contain pollen dominated by forest taxa, whereas the uppermost unit contains pollen indicative of open landscape conditions similar to those of the present. Heavy metal, spheroidal carbonaceous particle, mineral magnetics and stable isotope analysis of the upper sediments show clear evidence of contamination by air pollutants derived from fossil-fuel combustion over the last c. 150years, and diatom analysis indicates that the naturally acidic pool became more acidic during the 20th century. We conclude that the exceptionally acidic surface waters of the pool at present (pH=c. 4.1) are the result of a long history of air pollution and not because of naturally acidic local conditions. We argue that the highly acidic surface waters elsewhere in the NYM are similarly acidified and that the lack of evidence of significant recovery from acidification, despite major reductions in the emissions of acidic gases that have taken place over the last c. 30years, indicates the continuing influence of pollutant sulphur stored in catchment peats, a legacy of over 150years of acid deposition.


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Stone surfaces are sensitive to their environment. This means that they will often respond to exposure conditions by manifesting a change in surface characteristics. Such changes can be more than simply aesthetic, creating surface/subsurface heterogeneity in stone at the block scale, promoting stress gradients to be set up as surface response to, for example, temperature fluctuations, can diverge from subsurface response. This paper reports preliminary experiments investigating the potential of biofilms and iron precipitation as surface-modifiers on stone, exploring the idea of block-scale surface-to-depth heterogeneity, and investigating how physical alteration in the surface and near-surface zone can have implications for subsurface response and potentially for long-term decay patterns. Salt weathering simulations on fresh and surface-modified stone suggest that even subtle surface modification can have significant implications for moisture uptake and retention, salt concentration and distribution from surface to depth, over the period of the experimental run. The accumulation of salt may increase the retention of moisture, by modifying vapour pressure differentials and the rate of evaporation.
Temperature fluctuation experiments suggest that the presence of a biofilm can have an impact on energy transfer processes that occur at the stone surface (for example, buffering against temperature fluctuation), affecting surface-to-depth stress gradients. Ultimately, fresh and surface-modified blocks mask different kinds of system, which respond to inputs differently because of different storage mechanisms, encouraging divergent behaviour between fresh and surface modified stone over time.


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Corrosion fatigue is a fracture process as a consequence of synergistic interactions between the material structure, corrosive environment and cyclic loads/strains. It is difficult to be detected and can cause unexpected failure of engineering components in use. This study reveals a comparison of corrosion fatigue behaviour of laser-welded and bare NiTi wires using bending rotation fatigue (BRF) test coupled with a specifically-designed corrosion cell. The testing medium was Hanks’ solution (simulated body fluid) at 37.5 oC. Electrochemical impedance spectroscopic (EIS) measurement was carried out to monitor the change of corrosion resistance of sample during the BRF test at different periods of time. Experiments indicate that the laser-welded NiTi wire would be more susceptible to the corrosion fatigue attack than the bare NiTi wire. This study can serve as a benchmark for the product designers and engineers to understand the corrosion fatigue behaviour of the NiTi laser weld joint and determine the fatigue life safety factor for NiTi medical devices/implants involving laser welding in the fabrication process.


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La réponse mécanique d’une cellule à une force externe permet d’inférer sa structure et fonction. Les pinces optiques s’avèrent une approche particulièrement attrayante pour la manipulation et caractérisation biophysique sophistiquée des cellules de façon non invasive. Cette thèse explore l’utilisation de trois types de pinces optiques couramment utilisées : 1) statiques (static), 2) à exposition partagée (time-sharing) et 3) oscillantes (oscillating). L’utilisation d’un code basé sur la méthode des éléments finis en trois dimensions (3DFEM) nous permet de modéliser ces trois types de piégeage optique afin d’extraire les propriétés mécaniques cellulaires à partir des expériences. La combinaison des pinces optiques avec la mécanique des cellules requiert des compétences interdisciplinaires. Une revue des approches expérimentales sur le piégeage optique et les tests unicellulaires est présentée. Les bases théoriques liant l’interaction entre la force radiative optique et la réponse mécanique de la cellule aussi. Pour la première fois, une simulation adaptée (3DFEM) incluant la diffusion lumineuse et la distribution du stress radiatif permet de prédire la déformation d’une cellule biconcave –analogue aux globules rouges—dans un piège statique double (static dual-trap). À l’équilibre, on observe que la déformation finale est donnée par l’espacement entre les deux faisceaux lasers: la cellule peut être étirée ou même comprimée. L’exposition partagée (time-sharing) est la technique qui permet de maintenir plusieurs sites de piégeage simultanément à partir du même faisceau laser. Notre analyse quantitative montre que, même oscillantes, la force optique et la déformation sont omniprésentes dans la cellule : la déformation viscoélastique et la dissipation de l’énergie sont analysées. Une autre cellule-type, la tige cubique, est étudiée : cela nous permet d’élucider de nouvelles propriétés sur la symétrie de la réponse mécanique. Enfin, l’analyse de la déformation résolue en temps dans un piége statique ou à exposition partagée montre que la déformation dépend simultanément de la viscoélasticité, la force externe et sa forme tridimensionnelle. La technique à force oscillante (oscillating tweezers) montre toutefois un décalage temporel, entre la force et la déformation, indépendant de la forme 3D; cette approche donnerait directement accès au tenseur viscoélastique complexe de la cellule.