999 resultados para seleção de clones
The application of assisted reproduction techniques has provided help to many men seeking to father a child, although the current success of these procedures remains suboptimal. Today some protocols allow sperm to be selected according to their ultrastructural morphology or surface molecular characteristics. On the other hand, successful human reproduction relies partly on the inherent integrity of sperm DNA. Therefore, it is now necessary to improve the safety of the sperm selection method. It is urgent to optimize procedures to isolate spermatozoa for ICSI with low risk of DNA damage. In recent years, two technologies have attracted the attention of specialists as methods capable of identifying a spermatozoon with low risk of DNA damage: Ultrastructural morphology sperm selection at high magnification and sperm head birefringence selection. This review analyses these two technologies. © Todos os direitos reservados a SBRA - Sociedade Brasileira de Reprodução Assistida.
This study aimed to evaluate the guinea grass effect (Panicum maximum) on the initial growth of different Eucalyptus × urograndis clones. Two assays were established with eucalyptus clones and guinea grass seedlings. The plants were grown in plots with cement borders filled with soil. Each plot received a eucalyptus seedling. The first assay had a completely randomized experimental design, with three replications, and treatments in a 5x2 factorial scheme (five eucalyptus clones and the absence or presence of two guinea grass plants at 10 cm distance from eucalyptus seedling). The second assay was similar to the first, however with three eucalyptus clones. The experimental design was completely randomized, with five replications, and a 3x2 factorial scheme (three eucalyptus clones and the absence or presence of two guinea grass plants). The presence of eucalyptus clones did not affect guinea grass development. The eucalyptus clones that coexisted with guinea grass plants did not show differences in their development, making the clones equal when under competition. The most susceptible characteristics of eucalyptus clones to guinea grass were foliar area, shoot and stem dry matter. Clone 3 showed the most sensitivity to guinea grass, and clone 1 was the most tolerant, but all clones studied suffered a negative interference from guinea grass.
In Brazil, as in other sugar cane (Saccharum spp.) producing countries, varieties and clones have been continuously developed and tested in order to obtain varieties better adapted to changes in climate, soils and management, seeking a better performance in soils and climates of low agricultural suitability for the culture. In this study, the initial vegetative growth and performance of five sugar cane clones (CT96-3095, CT95-3079, CT95-1425, CT96-3024, CT92-1882) and two varieties (SP81-3250 and SP91-1049) were evaluated in an environment characterized by soils of low fertility and sandy texture. The experiment was carried out in a randomized design with seven treatments, consisting of the two sugar cane varieties and five clones. The plots contained six 15 meters sugar cane rows with a line spacing of 1.50 m. The average tiller number, tiller leaf area, vegetative cover, shoot biomass and rate of cover between rows of sugarcane were determined through six assessments in the first half of 2008. At the end of the evaluation (116 days after planting) the results showed that the clones (CT96-3095, CT95-3079, CT95-1425, CT96-3024, CT92-1882) were not significantly superior to the two considered varieties (SP81-3250 and SP91-1049).
The metabolic effects caused by hydric deficiency (HD) on Eucalyptus grandis clones were assessed by an experiment where plants were cultivated in four blocks. The first was the control block, normally irrigated, whereas the other three blocks were submitted to cycles of hydric deficiency. Analysis of photosynthetic efficiency, enzymatic activity of antioxidant response system, level of pigments and L-proline concentration were performed to evaluate the HD effects. Results showed that HD altered some parameters related to photosynthetic activity, pigments accumulation, proline and enzymatic activity. Clone 433 of E. grandis presented higher response ability to HD.
This work was conducted to verity the possibility to identify adult sheep that are resistant to parasites by using a parasitological marker (direct), immunological markers (indirect) or by the association of both types of markers. Twenty ewes were sampled monthly for blood and faeces, from July of 1998 to June of 1999. Faecal egg counts (FEC) was chosen as parasitological marker. The number of peripheral eosinophils, IgE and IgG anti-Haemonchus contortus were used as immunological markers. Sheep could be classified as resistant or susceptible by FEC. Both peripheral eosinophils and specific IgE data could be joined to FEC in order to identify resistant or susceptible animals. The number of peripheral eosinophils was the only immunological maker that was able to classify high and low FEC ewes in two different groups.
Sitophilus zeamais (Mots.) (Coleoptera: Curculionidae) is considered a major pest of maize, responsible for reducing grain quality and making the corn inappropriate for industrial use and human consumption. S. zeamais has been controlled exclusively with chemical products. The objective of this research was to select isolates of Beauveria bassiana (Bals.) Vuill. to control S. zeamais. Beetles were immersed in conidia suspensions of each isolate for five seconds and placed in a gerbox container with maize grains. In pathogenicity tests, the isolates that caused the highest mortality to the maize weevil were ESALQ-447 (68.0%), CCA-UFES/ Bb-36 (57.3%) and CCA-UFES/Bb-31 (51.3%). ESALQ-447 was the most virulent, with an LC50 of 1.7 × 107 conidia/ml and shows promise for controlling maize weevils. These isolates of B. bassiana can be used as effective substitutes for conventional chemical control, normally carried out with phosphine. Further tests should be performed under field and semi-field conditions to develop an appropriate strategy for the use of this entomopathogen to manage S. zeamais.
The reproductive efficiency of Nellore females was described on the basis of sexual precocity, staying productive in the herd (NP), maternal productivity (PM) and estimated cost for maintenance (CM). The combination of these traits resulted in the bioeconomic maternal revenue index (RMat) ensures reproductive efficiency. The index estimates the return in kilograms of live weight produced per cow per year. In addition, the composition of calf weight produced was considered, adding to the PM the information on the scores of conformation, muscling and early finishing at weaning, in order to input the calf biotype. The females considered precocious had their age at first calving before 30 months. The NP was expressed by the number of calving till 53 months of age. The CM was calculated according to the estimated feed intake of dry matter. The estimated average RMat was 62.02±24.12 kg/ cow/year. Estimates of additive genetic and residual variances for RMat, using restricted maximum likelihood under a single trait animal model was equal to 195.35 and 242.96, respectively. The heritability estimated was 0.45±0.02, indicating that RMat is inheritable and can be applied in the breeding program to improve reproductive efficiency. The NP was the main component of variation for RMat. Sires selected based on RMat tended to have more efficient daughters.
The aim of this study was to evaluate the in vitro growth of Cattleya loddigesii in alternative agents to agar with starch and physical matrix with acclimatization of regenerated plants. Protocorms with 90 days after sowing (0.5 cm of length) were subcultured in 1/2 MS culture medium among the treatments consisting of: agar 7 g L-1 (T1, which corresponds the control), agar 3,5 g L-1 with cassava starch 30 g L-1 (T2), cassava starch 60 g L-1 (T3), cotton fiber (T4) and chopped polyurethane foam (T5). Plantlets were retained in these treatments for over 150 days, and at the end of in vitro culture, were analyzed by their biometric data and acclimatized in a greenhouse during 120 days and evaluated the survival and relative growth rate (RGR). The substrate comprising of chopped polyurethane foam (T5) showed greater efficiency for growth in vitro and also increased survival rate, while substrate cassava starch (T3) provided delay for plantlet growth. Therefore, chopped polyurethane foam is recommended because of low cost and suitable characteristics for the propagation of Cattleya loddigesii.
This article aims to understand how the participation and performance of the state of Bahia at the I Campeonato Brasileiro de Seleções (I Brazilian Soccer Championship), also known as the Torneio do Centenário (Centenary Championship) in 1922 represented an opportunity for the state to claim a centrality in the formation of a national identity associated with soccer. The tournament was conceived as a draft for the formation of a national soccer team that would participate in the VI Campeonato Sul Americano (VI South American Championship) in Brazil. In addition, the event also came to be regarded as a celebration of the fi rst centenary of the Independence, a date that has encouraged the country to refl ect upon its national identity, as well as to reconsider its insertion in modernity. Bahia did well in the tournament, ensuring the second position. As a result, the local press went on to claim the participation of their athletes in the national team and to criticize the disregard of the states of Rio de Janeiro and São Paulo towards the Northern region of the country. The local press would also challenge the policies of the Confederação Brasileira de Desportos (Brazilian Sports Confederation), the CBD, claiming that they favored the Southern states. Moreover, for the local elites the success of Bahia in the tournament represented the strength and greatness of the state, which gave them the right to claim a greater space and role in the destiny of the country. Finally, the performance of Bahia and its consequences have allowed us to question the limits and peculiarities of the formation of a national identity through the sport, at a moment when the country sought to rethink their identity historically marked by disputes and regional tensions.
Our aim was to investigate the population fluctuation and the damage caused by the phytophagous mites Calacarus heveae Feres, Tenuipalpus heveae Baker, and Eutetranychus banksi (McGregor) on clones FX 2784, FX 3864, and MDF 180 in rubber tree crops from southeastern Bahia, Brazil. Moreover, we tested for the influence of climatic variables on occurrence patterns of these species throughout weekly samples performed from October to April. The infestation peaks was between mid-January and late February. The clones FX 2784 and FX 3864 had the highest infestations and more severe damage possibly caused by C. heveae, which was the most frequent and abundant species in all clones. We found that sunlight duration and rainfall were the most important factors for C. heveae while T. heveae was affected by rainfall and temperature. Eutetranychus banksi was only affected by sunlight duration. However, the best models had low goodness of fit. We concluded that the clones FX 2784 and FX 3864 had a higher susceptibility to mite attack, and the association between climatic variables and favorable physiological conditions were determinant for the population increase of the species from January to April. © 2012 Sociedade Entomológica do Brasil.
Two experiments were conducted in southern Brazil in no-tillage system, in order to estimate genetic parameters and the direct and indirect effects of components for achene yield as a selection criterion in sunflower. We analyzed eight sunflower hybrids at two locations, in a randomized complete block design with four replicates, determined through quantitative descriptors: insertion height of the head, and head stem diameter, weight of 1000 achenes, number of achenes per head, mass by achene head and yield achene. Estimates of genetic parameters were based on combined analysis, decomposing interactions in genetic and environmental components. Considering the coefficient of genetic variation, indirect effects of components and heritability, there are higher possibilities for responses to selection in sunflower achenes by descriptors mass and mass of achenes per head, with its indirect association interrelated pathways for the increase in the achenes of yield.
Influência da seleção dos estágios incrementais sobre a intensidade de lactato mínimo: Estudo piloto
The purposes of this study were to assess the influence of stage selection from the incremental phase and the use of peak lactate after hyperlactatemia induction on the determination of the lactate minimum intensity (iLACmin). Twelve moderately active university students (23±5 years, 78.3±14.1 kg, 175.3±5.1 cm) performed a maximal incremental test to determine the respiratory compensation point (RCP) (initial intensity at 70 W and increments of 17.5 W every 2 minutes) and a lactate minimum test (induction with the Wingate test, the incremental test started at 30 W below RCP with increments of 10 W every 3 minutes) on a cycle ergometer. The iLACmin was determined using second order polynomial adjustment applying five exercise stage selection: 1) using all stages (iLACmin P); 2) using all stages below and two stages above iLACminP(iLACminA); 3) using two stages below and all stages above iLACminP(iLACminB); 4) using the largest and same possible number of stages below and above the iLACminP(iLACminI); 5) using all stages and peak lactate after hyperlactatemia induction (iLACminD). No differences were found between the iLACminP(138.2±30.2 W), iLACminA(139.1±29.1 W), iLACminB(135.3±14.2 W), iLACminI(138.6±20.5 W) and iLACmiD(136.7±28.5 W) protocols, and a high level of agreement between these intensities and iLACminPwas observed. Oxygen uptake, heart rate, rating of perceived exertion and lactate corresponding to these intensities was not different and was strongly correlated. However, the iLACminBpresented the lowest success rate (66.7%). In conclusion, stage selection did not influence the determination of iLACmin but modified the success rate. © Creative Commom.
The rubber tree [Hevea brasiliensis (Willd. ex Adr. Of Juss.) Muell. Arg.] can be affected by the occurrence of the fungus Oidium heveae, which causes one of the most important diseases of rubber trees, powdery mildew. This work meet changes in photosynthetic pigments, an indicator of oxidative stress, in seedlings of three Hevea brasiliensis clones, RRIM 600, GT1 and PR255, under infection in Oidium heveae. The experiment was conducted in an open environment under natural photoperiod conditions and at the beginning of the trial, the rubber plants that would be inoculated were sprayed with an aqueous suspension containing Oidium heveae at a concentration of 16 x 104conidia mL-1. On the day of inoculation and after 48, 96, 144 and 192 h leaf samples were collected for the determination of photosynthetic pigments. Degradation in photosynthetic pigments in the period of infection was observed in rubber tree clones studied; thus, there is oxidative stress in clones of rubber trees. No promising genetic material for genetic improvement work stress tolerance by Oidium heveae was identified.
Oxacillin is an alternative for the treatment of Staphylococcus spp. infections; however, resistance to this drug has become a major problem over recent decades. The main objective of this study was to epidemiologically characterize coagulase-negative staphylococci (CoNS) strains recovered from blood of patients hospitalized in a Brazilian teaching hospital. Oxacillin resistance was analyzed in 160 strains isolated from blood culture samples by phenotypic methods, detection of the mecA gene, and determination of intermediate sensitivity to vancomycin on brain heart infusion agar supplemented with 4 and 6 μg/mL vancomycin. In addition, characterization of the epidemiological profile by staphylococcal cassette chromosome mec (SCC. mec) typing and clonal analysis by pulsed-field gel electrophoresis (PFGE) were performed. The mecA gene was detected in 72.5% of the isolates. Methicillin-resistant CoNS isolates exhibited the highest minimum inhibitory concentrations and multiresistance when compared to methicillin-susceptible CoNS strains. Typing classified 32.8% of the isolates as SCC. mec I and 50% as SCC. mec III. PFGE typing of the SCC. mec III Staphylococcus epidermidis isolates identified 6 clones disseminated in different wards that persisted from 2002 to 2009. The high oxacillin resistance rates found in this study and clonal dissemination in different wards highlight the importance of good practices in nosocomial infection control and of the rational use of antibiotic therapy in order to prevent the dissemination of these clones. © 2013 Elsevier Inc.
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