928 resultados para seed removal


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Seeds of Mimosa bimucronata are heavily infested (pre-dispersal predation) by the bruchid beetle Acanthoscelides schrankiae in Brazil. In this study, firstly we set up experiments to assess seed germination under seven and six different light and temperature regimes, respectively, and then we evaluated the ability of seeds to germinate after predation. We tested the hypothesis that the non-predated seeds from infested fruits may respond differently when set for germination than those seeds of non-infested fruits. We also hypothesized that predation may increase the production of unviable seeds. Seeds under 18 hours of light presented the highest percentage of germination, and the alternating temperature 20-30 degrees C was considered as optimum for germination (abnormal seedlings were not considered as a successful germination). Germination of seeds from non-infested fruits was significantly higher than germination of non-predated seeds from infested fruits, and predation also caused a significant increase in the proportion of dead seeds. Our results also show a positive correlation between proportions of unviable seeds and predated seeds. These results demonstrated that seeds of M. bimucronata are strongly affected by predation because predated seeds did not germinate and non-predated seeds had their viability reduced when located in infested fruits, supporting our hypothesis.


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Seed germination of Raphanus sativus is inhibited by light only under low water potential of the medium. Curves of fluence response to white, red and far-red lights demonstrated that the inhibition of seed germination is dependent on light irradiance being far-red light the more effective than the formers and the germination being inhibited by intermitent light indicates phytochrome involvement through the high irradiance reactions in the control of seed germination in radish seeds under water stress conditions.


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The establishment of plants depends crucially on where seeds are deposited in the environment. Some authors suggest that in forest understory seed predation is lower than in gaps, and higher than at the forest edge. However, most studies have been carried out in large forest patches and very little is known about the effects of microhabitat conditions on seed predation in forest fragments. We evaluated the effects of three microhabitats (gaps, forest edge, and understory) on seed predation of two palm species (Euterpe edulis and Syagrus romanzoffiana) in two semi-deciduous forest fragments (230 and 2100 hat in southeast Brazil. Our objective was to test two hypotheses: (1) Low rodent abundance in small fragments as a result of meso-predator action levels leads to lower seed predation in small fragments. (2) Most mammal species in small fragments are generalists with respect to diet and habitat, so that seed predation is similar in different microhabitats (gaps, forest edge and understory) in the small fragment, but not in the larger one. The study community of small fragments is usually composed of generalist species (in diet and habitat aspects), so we expected the same rate of seed predation among microhabitats (gaps, forest edge and understory) in the tested smaller fragment. The experiment was carried out in the dry season (for E. edulis) and in the wet season (for S. romanzoffiana) in 1999. We conclude that post-dispersal seed predation in forest fragments can be directly connected with mammal communities, reflecting their historical and ecological aspects. (C) 2004 Elsevier SAS. All rights reserved.


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We have studied a new type of end-to-side nerve repair in rats. The healthy (donor) nerve was not divided but an epineural window was created. In our experiment, a nerve graft bridged the tibial nerve to the distal end of the divided peroneal nerve. Electrophysiological studies showed electrical impulses conducted through both end-to-side nerve junctions. Histological studies demonstrated axons leaving the lateral surface of the healthy (donor) nerve. Based on these observations, we suggest that end-to-side neurorrhaphy from a healthy nerve may bridge a neural deficit.


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Syagrus schizophylla (Mart.) Glass. belongs to the Arecaccae family. This palm is native of Brazil and presents great potential for use in gardens and cultivation in pot. Palms species, with relatively few exceptions, can only be propagated from seeds; even so, there are no reports in the literature about the germination of this palm seeds. The seed maturity is a factor that interferes in the success of the germination process. For some species, studies showed that palm seeds germinated better when the fruits were completely ripe (showing full color) and for other, when they were with green coloration. Several species of the Arecaccae family presents physical dormancy of seeds in varied degrees, demanding treatments for improve germination. The objective of this work was to study the effects of maturation and of the scarification on seed germination of S. schizophylla. The experimental design used was a factorial 3 x 2 (3 maturation stadiums: green, half-ripe - yellow and completely ripe - red; and mechanical scarification: with and without), entirely casualized, with four replications of 15 seeds per plot. The seeds (with 32,43% of humidity) were placed in plastic boxes with sand (60% of humidity, placing water according to weight in each three days), under controlled conditions of alternated temperature of 25-35 degrees C, photoperiod of 12 hours. The percentage of germination and the speed germination index (SGI) were evaluated until 79 days. It was observed that, so much for germination percentage as for SGI, there was not significant difference for the interaction among the two factors, maturation stadium and scarification, however, there were significant differences among the maturation stadiums and between seeds scarified or not. The seeds from green fruits presented lower germination percentage and slower germination when compared with seeds from yellow or red fruits; the seeds from yellow or red fruits didn't differ statistically to each other. To seeds scarificated, independently of the maturation stadium, presented germination percentage significantly larger and the germination was significantly faster when compared with the seeds without scarification.


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The staining pattern of peanut (Arachis hypogaea L.) seeds with a tetrazolium solution was evaluated to determine the adequate conditions of seed quality evaluations. Three seed lots with different vigour levels and similar moisture content were pre-conditioned using the combination of five periods of time (4, 8, 12, 16 and 20 hours) and four temperatures (20, 25, 30 and 35 degrees C) and then exposed to a 1.0% tetrazolium solution for three hours. The moisture content levels of seeds conditioned for 8 hours at the temperatures of 25, 30 or 35 degrees C, for 12 hours at 20 or 25 degrees C and for 16 hours at 20 degrees C, were above 30%. In this range of moisture level, the staining in tetrazolium was clear and uniform, reflecting an appropriate conditioning of the seeds. However, under a practical point of view, the period of 16 hours at 20 degrees C showed to be the best option, since it allows to start the pre-conditioning an late afternoon of one day and submit the seeds for staining in the following morning.


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Citrate solution was employed in preparing Pb(Mg1/3Nb1/3)O-3 (PMN) powder from polymeric precursors. BaTiO3 particles of 600 nm average size were used as seed for growing PMN. X-ray diffraction (XRD) indicated the presence of both, pyrochlore Pb6Nb6MgO22 (P6N) and perovskite phases. Transmission electron microscopy (TEM) observations indicated that only the PMN phase has hetero-epitaxially grown on the BaTiO3 seed particles. (C) 2002 Elsevier B.V. B.V. All rights reserved.


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This study proposes a method for decontamination of acid drainage water from a uranium mine, as an alternative process to lime treatment. The research embodied the recovery of uranium with an ion-exchange resin, treatment of effluent resin with lime, or with inorganic adsorbents and biosorbents. The uranium decontamination level using the resin process was 94% and allowed the recovery of this element as a commercial product. Among the inorganic adsorbents studied, phosphogypsum was effective for Ra-226, Ra-228, and Pb-210 removal. Among the biosorbents, Sargassum sp.was superior in relation to its specific capacity to accumulate and remove Ra-226.


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Water, compared with plasma at a pH of 7.4, is a weak acid. The addition of free water to a patient should have an acidifying effect (dilutional acidosis) and the removal of it, an alkalinizing effect (concentrational alkalosis). The specific effects of free water loss or gain in a relatively complex fluid such as plasma has, to the authors' knowledge, not been reported. This information would be useful in the interpretation of the effect of changes in free water in patients. Plasma samples from goats were either evaporated in a tonometer to 80% of baseline volume or hydrated by the addition of distilled water to 120% of baseline volume. The pH and partial pressure of carbon dioxide, sodium, potassium, ionized calcium, chloride, lactate, phosphorous, albumin, and total protein concentrations were measured. Actual base excess (ABE), standard bicarbonate, anion gap, strong ion difference, strong ion gap, unmeasured anions, and the effects of sodium, chloride, phosphate, and albumin changes on ABE were calculated. Most parameters changed 20% in proportion to the magnitude of dehydration or hydration. Bicarbonate concentration, however, increased only 11% in the evaporation trial and decreased only -2% in the dehydration trial. The evaporation trial was associated with a mild, but significant, metabolic alkalotic effect (ABE increased 3.2 mM/L), whereas the hydration trial was associated with a slight, insignificant metabolic acidotic effect (ABE decreased only 0.6 mM/L). The calculated free water ABE effect (change in sodium concentration) was offset by opposite changes in calculated chloride, lactate, phosphate, and albumin ABE effects.


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The germination of seeds of Emilia sonchifolia (2n) and E. fosgerbii (4n) was analysed and our results indicate that the former present light insensitive seeds and the latter germinated only under continuous white light. The germination of seeds under shade light presented no differences between both species, However under continuous white light, which maintain 70% of Pfr, the velocity of germination was greater in Emilia sonchifolia when compared to Emilia fosbergii, indicating that the threshold of 4n seeds were greater than 2n seeds. The analysis of the fluence response curves for etiolating process indicated that the process presented no differences between both species. The same was observed for the effect of the shade light in the etiolating process.


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Data of seed dispersal and germination of the studied species are presented, comparing both observations from the wild and nursery. Fruits were collected from Carlos Botelho State Park (24 degrees 44' to 24 degrees 03'S, 47 degrees 46' to 48 degrees 10'W), south of São Paulo State, Brazil. O. catharinensis had low germination percentage, both in the wild and in nursery, and did not tolerate seed storage at low temperature. In nursery, diaspores with removed mesocarp of E. paniculata presented greater germination than those in entire fruits. The high levels of seedling mortality beneath mother-trees of C. moschata, when in comparison to those observed to established seedlings from diaspores dispersed by muriquis (Brachyteles arachnoides E. Geoffroy 1806, Cebidae, Primates), allied to the absence of juveniles in the understory, are in accord with the escape model of Janzen-Connel. In nursery, diaspores of C. moschata dispersed by the primates had greater germination, in smaller time, than those collected from mother-trees.


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Final plant population in maize crop was used as a basis to identify the technology level of a given farmer. Final population of 50,000 plants/hectare was considered as an indication of a high technology level farmer; 35,000 of a medium, and 20,000 of a low technology level farmer. These populations were artificially obtained for the hybrids HT-2X, BR-201, and BR-205 from small, medium and large seeds. The results showed the triple cross hybrid HT-2X to be the most indicated for low technology level regions, due to its lesser sensitivity to variations in seed size and also to its significant outyielding of the other two hybrids. The double cross hybrids BR-201 and BR-205 exhibited much higher sensitivity to variations in seed size so that if they have to be used in a low technology region, the most recommended procedure would be to make use of the largest possible seeds. In conclusion, genotype and seed size seem to be factors capable of compensating for plant population reductions in maize crops. The more prolific hybrids and the largess seeds are more indicated for low technology level regions.


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The feasibility of the photobleaching of a textile azo dye, reactive orange 16 (C.I. 17757), in aqueous solution using titanium dioxide thin-film electrodes prepared by the sol-gel method was investigated. The best conditions for maximum photoelectrocatalytic degradation were found to be pH > 10 for Na2SO4 medium and pH < 6 for NaCl. In both situations, an applied potential of +1.0 V and low dye concentration are recommended, when 100% of color removal is obtained after 20 min of photoelectrocatalysis. The effects of side reaction pathway on the degradation rate of dye in sulfate and chloride medium were presented and the best performance are optimized to situations closed to that verified in the textile effluent. The influence of variables as applied potential, pH, supporting electrolyte and dye concentration on the kinetics of photoelectrochemical degradation also were investigated. Oxalic acid is identified by HPLC and UV-Vis spectrophotometric methods as the main degradation product generated after 180 min of photoelectrocatalysis of 4 x 10(-5) mol l(-1) dye in sodium sulphate pH 12 and NaCl pH 4.0 and a maximum reduction of 56 and 62% TOC was obtained, respectively. (C) 2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.