926 resultados para scientific visualization
The authors tested an autoclavable external ring retractor, fixed to the operation table, for the endoscopic reconstruction of anterior column injuries of the thoracolumbar junction. It served as a retractor for the diaphragm, and offered a stable support for the scope and other instruments, making an assistant superfluous. Moreover, it allowed bimanual manipulation. Of course, the two-dimensional image, provided by the scope, necessitated proper eye-hand coordination. Twenty-eight consecutive patients underwent either a monosegmental (n = 10) or a bisegmental (n = 18) anterior stabilization in the area Th11L1. Three portals were necessary, but an assistant was not needed. The overall (mean +/- SD) operating time was 196 +/- 56 min, the blood loss was 804 +/- 719 mL. Intraoperatively, one epidural bleeding and a single screw cut-out occurred. All complications were managed endoscopically. Postoperatively, evacuation of a haemothorax (n = 1) was necessary. In all patients, wounds and fractures healed uneventfully. The combination of the endoscopic technique and the retractor system was feasible, successful, safe, and time efficient. Moreover, it allowed for anterior instrumentation of thoracolumbar fractures by a single surgeon. It became the standard approach in the authors' department.
The MQN-mapplet is a Java application giving access to the structure of small molecules in large databases via color-coded maps of their chemical space. These maps are projections from a 42-dimensional property space defined by 42 integer value descriptors called molecular quantum numbers (MQN), which count different categories of atoms, bonds, polar groups, and topological features and categorize molecules by size, rigidity, and polarity. Despite its simplicity, MQN-space is relevant to biological activities. The MQN-mapplet allows localization of any molecule on the color-coded images, visualization of the molecules, and identification of analogs as neighbors on the MQN-map or in the original 42-dimensional MQN-space. No query molecule is necessary to start the exploration, which may be particularly attractive for nonchemists. To our knowledge, this type of interactive exploration tool is unprecedented for very large databases such as PubChem and GDB-13 (almost one billion molecules). The application is freely available for download at www.gdb.unibe.ch.
Over the past few years, archaeology has experienced a rapid development in geophysical prospection and remote sensing techniques. At the same time, the focus of archaeological research has shifted to landscape evelopment and human interaction. To impart the results, new methods and techniques are necessary. Virtual globes such as Google Earth offer fascinating methods of giving interested amateurs the possibility to interactively explore ancient cities and landscapes. Thanks to the increasing usage of GIS in cultural heritage, the implementation of interactive three dimensional learning opportunities becomes less and less tedious, but the non-linear narrative story telling medium demands for a special adaption of the content. This paper summarizes the experience gained during the realization of the “Virtual Cilicia Project” and outlines the future potential of virtual globes in the field of cultural heritage.
OBJECTIVES: This study aimed to investigate post-mortem magnetic resonance imaging (pmMRI) for the assessment of myocardial infarction and hypointensities on post-mortem T2-weighted images as a possible method for visualizing the myocardial origin of arrhythmic sudden cardiac death. BACKGROUND: Sudden cardiac death has challenged clinical and forensic pathologists for decades because verification on post-mortem autopsy is not possible. pmMRI as an autopsy-supporting examination technique has been shown to visualize different stages of myocardial infarction. METHODS: In 136 human forensic corpses, a post-mortem cardiac MR examination was carried out prior to forensic autopsy. Short-axis and horizontal long-axis Images were acquired in situ on a 3-T system. RESULTS: In 76 cases, myocardial findings could be documented and correlated to the autopsy findings. Within these 76 study cases, a total of 124 myocardial lesions were detected on pmMRI (chronic: 25; subacute: 16; acute: 30; and peracute: 53). Chronic, subacute, and acute infarction cases correlated excellently to the myocardial findings on autopsy. Peracute infarctions (age range: minutes to approximately 1 h) were not visible on macroscopic autopsy or histological examination. Peracute infarction areas detected on pmMRI could be verified in targeted histological investigations in 62.3% of cases and could be related to a matching coronary finding in 84.9%. A total of 15.1% of peracute lesions on pmMRI lacked a matching coronary finding but presented with severe myocardial hypertrophy or cocaine intoxication facilitating a cardiac death without verifiable coronary stenosis. CONCLUSIONS: 3-T pmMRI visualizes chronic, subacute, and acute myocardial infarction in situ. In peracute infarction as a possible cause of sudden cardiac death, it demonstrates affected myocardial areas not visible on autopsy. pmMRI should be considered as a feasible post-mortem investigation technique for the deceased patient if no consent for a clinical autopsy is obtained.
We present postmortem computed tomography (pmCT) as well as postmortem magnetic resonance (pmMR) imaging findings in a case of type II DeBakey aortic dissection with a complete rupture of the ascending aorta compared to the findings obtained at forensic autopsy. PmCT only allowed a presumptive diagnosis of aortic dissection based on an anterior mediastinal enlargement. However, at pmMR the dissection including the aortic rupture was clearly visible. Visualization was realized in an unenhanced manner without the need for postmortem angiography.
This document describes a possible use for the YouReputation API. A mashup combining the YouReputation and the Flickr APIs attempts to improve the visualization of reputation. First, this paper gives an introduction to Web services and APIs and further explains the developed prototype. This paper introduces an API that can be easily combined with other APIs to improve the representation of reputation terms and therefore enhance usability and design.
The structure of the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) and some of its components have been difficult to study in three-dimensions (3D) primarily because of their intrinsic structural variability. Recent advances in cryoelectron tomography (cryo-ET) have provided a new approach for determining the 3D structures of the intact virus, the HIV capsid, and the envelope glycoproteins located on the viral surface. A number of cryo-ET procedures related to specimen preservation, data collection, and image processing are presented in this chapter. The techniques described herein are well suited for determining the ultrastructure of bacterial and viral pathogens and their associated molecular machines in situ at nanometer resolution.
Genetic and biochemical studies have suggested the existence of a bacteriophage-like, DNA-packaging/ejecting portal complex in herpesviruses capsids, but its arrangement remained unknown. Here, we report the first visualization of a unique vertex in the Kaposi's sarcoma-associated herpesvirus (KSHV) capsid by cryoelectron tomography, thus providing direct structural evidence for the existence of a portal complex in a gammaherpesvirus. This putative KSHV portal is an internally localized, umbilicated structure and lacks all of the external machineries characteristic of portals in DNA bacteriophages.
From its original formulation in 1990 the International Trans-Antarctic Scientific Expedition (ITASE) has had as its primary aim the collection and interpretation of a continent-wide array of environmental parameters assembled through the coordinated efforts of scientists from several nations. ITASE offers the ground-based opportunities of traditional-style traverse travel coupled with the modern technology of CPS, crevasse detecting radar, satellite communications and multidisciplinary research. By operating predominantly in the mode of an oversnow traverse, ITASE offers scientists the opportunity to experience the dynamic range of the Antarctic environment. ITASE also offers an important interactive venue for research similar to that afforded by oceanographic research vessels and large polar field camps, without the cost of the former or the lack of mobility of the latter. More importantly, the combination of disciplines represented by ITASE provides a unique, multidimensional (space and time) view of the ice sheet and its history. ITASE has now collected > 20 000 km of snow radar, recovered more than 240 firn/ice cores (total length 7000m), remotely penetrated to similar to 4000m into the ice sheet, and sampled the atmosphere to heights of > 20 km.
Cerebrovascular diseases are significant causes of death and disability in humans. Improvements in diagnostic and therapeutic approaches strongly rely on adequate gyrencephalic, large animal models being demanded for translational research. Ovine stroke models may represent a promising approach but are currently limited by insufficient knowledge regarding the venous system of the cerebral angioarchitecture. The present study was intended to provide a comprehensive anatomical analysis of the intracranial venous system in sheep as a reliable basis for the interpretation of experimental results in such ovine models. We used corrosion casts as well as contrast-enhanced magnetic resonance venography to scrutinize blood drainage from the brain. This combined approach yielded detailed and, to some extent, novel findings. In particular, we provide evidence for chordae Willisii and lateral venous lacunae, and report on connections between the dorsal and ventral sinuses in this species. For the first time, we also describe venous confluences in the deep cerebral venous system and an 'anterior condylar confluent' as seen in humans. This report provides a detailed reference for the interpretation of venous diagnostic imaging findings in sheep, including an assessment of structure detectability by in vivo (imaging) versus ex vivo (corrosion cast) visualization methods. Moreover, it features a comprehensive interspecies-comparison of the venous cerebral angioarchitecture in man, rodents, canines and sheep as a relevant large animal model species, and describes possible implications for translational cerebrovascular research.
Is numerical mimicry a third way of establishing truth? Kevin Heng received his M.S. and Ph.D. in astrophysics from the Joint Institute for Laboratory Astrophysics (JILA) and the University of Colorado at Boulder. He joined the Institute for Advanced Study in Princeton from 2007 to 2010, first as a Member and later as the Frank & Peggy Taplin Member. From 2010 to 2012 he was a Zwicky Prize Fellow at ETH Z¨urich (the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology). In 2013, he joined the Center for Space and Habitability (CSH) at the University of Bern, Switzerland, as a tenure-track assistant professor, where he leads the Exoplanets and Exoclimes Group. He has worked on, and maintains, a broad range of interests in astrophysics: shocks, extrasolar asteroid belts, planet formation, fluid dynamics, brown dwarfs and exoplanets. He coordinates the Exoclimes Simulation Platform (ESP), an open-source set of theoretical tools designed for studying the basic physics and chemistry of exoplanetary atmospheres and climates (www.exoclime.org). He is involved in the CHEOPS (Characterizing Exoplanet Satellite) space telescope, a mission approved by the European Space Agency (ESA) and led by Switzerland. He spends a fair amount of time humbly learning the lessons gleaned from studying the Earth and Solar System planets, as related to him by atmospheric, climate and planetary scientists. He received a Sigma Xi Grant-in-Aid of Research in 2006