947 resultados para rietveld refinement
Several authors have proposed algorithms for approximate explicit MPC [1],[2],[3]. These algorithms have in common that they develop a stability criterion for approximate explicit MPC that require the approximate cost function to be within a certain distance from the optimal cost function. In this paper, stability is instead ascertained by considering only the cost function of the approximate MPC. If a region of the state space is found where the cost function is not decreasing, this indicates that an improved approximation (to the optimal control) is required in that region. If the approximate cost function is decreasing everywhere, no further refinement of the approximate MPC is necessary, since stability is guaranteed. ©2009 IEEE.
We present a novel filtering algorithm for tracking multiple clusters of coordinated objects. Based on a Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) mechanism, the new algorithm propagates a discrete approximation of the underlying filtering density. A dynamic Gaussian mixture model is utilized for representing the time-varying clustering structure. This involves point process formulations of typical behavioral moves such as birth and death of clusters as well as merging and splitting. For handling complex, possibly large scale scenarios, the sampling efficiency of the basic MCMC scheme is enhanced via the use of a Metropolis within Gibbs particle refinement step. As the proposed methodology essentially involves random set representations, a new type of estimator, termed the probability hypothesis density surface (PHDS), is derived for computing point estimates. It is further proved that this estimator is optimal in the sense of the mean relative entropy. Finally, the algorithm's performance is assessed and demonstrated in both synthetic and realistic tracking scenarios. © 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Inflatable aerodynamic decelerators present potential advantages for planetary entry in missions of robotic and human exploration. The design of these structures face many engineering challenges, including complex deformable geometries, anisotropic material response, and coupled shockturbulence interactions. In this paper, we describe a comprehensive computational fluid-structure interaction study of an inflation cycle of a tension cone decelerator in supersonic flow and compare the simulations with earlier published experimental results. The aeroshell design and flow conditions closely match recent experiments conducted at Mach 2.5. The structural model is a 16-sided polygonal tension cone with seams between each segment. The computational model utilizes adaptive mesh refinement, large-eddy simulation, and shell mechanics with self-contact modeling to represent the flow and structure interaction. This study focuses on the dynamics of the structure as the inflation pressure varies gradually, and the behavior of forces experienced by the flexible and rigid (the payload capsule) structures. © 2011 by the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Inc. All rights reserved.
An achievable rate is given for discrete memoryless channels with a given (possibly suboptimal) decoding rule. The result is obtained using a refinement of the superposition coding ensemble. The rate is tight with respect to the ensemble average, and can be weakened to the LM rate of Hui and Csiszár-Körner, and to Lapidoth's rate based on parallel codebooks. © 2013 IEEE.
We present a method for producing dense Active Appearance Models (AAMs), suitable for video-realistic synthesis. To this end we estimate a joint alignment of all training images using a set of pairwise registrations and ensure that these pairwise registrations are only calculated between similar images. This is achieved by defining a graph on the image set whose edge weights correspond to registration errors and computing a bounded diameter minimum spanning tree (BDMST). Dense optical flow is used to compute pairwise registration and we introduce a flow refinement method to align small scale texture. Once registration between training images has been established we propose a method to add vertices to the AAM in a way that minimises error between the observed flow fields and a flow field interpolated between the AAM mesh points. We demonstrate a significant improvement in model compactness using the proposed method and show it dealing with cases that are problematic for current state-of-the-art approaches.
This paper studies the subexponential prefactor to the random-coding bound for a given rate. Using a refinement of Gallager's bounding techniques, an alternative proof of a recent result by Altuǧ and Wagner is given, and the result is extended to the setting of mismatched decoding. © 2013 IEEE.
The assessment of settlement induced damage on buildings during the preliminary phase of tunnel excavation projects, is nowadays receiving greater attention. Analyses at different levels of detail are performed on the surface building in proximity to the tunnel, to evaluate the risk of structural damage and the need of mitigation measures. In this paper, the possibility to define a correlation between the main parameters that influence the structural response to settlement and the potential damage is investigated through numerical analysis. The adopted 3D finite element model allows to take into account important features that are neglected in more simplified approaches, like the soil-structure interaction, the nonlinear behaviour of the building, the three dimensional effect of the tunnelling induced settlement trough and the influence of openings in the structure. Aim of this approach is the development of an improved classification system taking into account the intrinsic vulnerability of the structure, which could have a relevant effect on the final damage assessment. Parametric analyses are performed, focusing on the effect of the orientation and the position of the structure with respect to the tunnel. The obtained results in terms of damage are compared with the Building Risk Assessment (BRA) procedure. This method was developed by Geodata Engineering (GDE) on the basis of empirical observations and building monitoring and applied during the construction of different metro lines in urban environment. The comparison shows a substantial agreement between the two procedures on the influence of the analysed parameters. The finite element analyses suggest a refinement of the BRA procedure for pure sagging conditions.
A computer program, QtUCP, has been developed based on several well-established algorithms using GCC 4.0 and Qt (R) 4.0 (Open Source Edition) under Debian GNU/Linux 4.0r0. it can determine the unit-cell parameters from an electron diffraction tilt series obtained from both double-tilt and rotation-tilt holders. In this approach, two or more primitive cells of the reciprocal lattice are determined from experimental data, in the meantime, the measurement errors of the tilt angles are checked and minimized. Subsequently, the derived primitive cells are converted into the reduced form and then transformed into the reduced direct primitive cell. Finally all the patterns are indexed and the least-squares refinement is employed to obtain the optimized results of the lattice parameters. Finally, two examples are given to show the application of the program, one is based on the experiment, the other is from the simulation. (C) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
The structure and magnetic properties of the RCo5Ga7 (R = Y, Tb, Dy, Ho and Er) compounds with the ScFe6Ga6-type structure have been studied. The stability of RCo5Ga7 is closely related with the ratio of the metal radii R-RE/R-(Co,R-Ga). With R-RE/R-(Co,R-Ga) less than or equal to 1.36, the compounds can be stabilized in the ScFe6Ga6-type structure. The lattice of RCo5Ga7 shrinks as the atomic order of R increases, and it is consistent with the lanthanide contraction. The structure analysis based on X-ray diffraction patterns reveals that in the orthorhombic RCo5Ga7 (Immm), R occupies the 2a site, and Co enters into the 8k and the 4h sites, and Ga is at the 4e, 4f, 4g, 4h and 8k sites. The interatomic distances and the coordination numbers of RCo5Ga7 are provided from the refinement results. The short interatomic distance (less than 2.480 Angstrom) between the Co ions results in the negative magnetic interaction, which does not favor ferromagnetic ordering. The magnetic moment of YCo5Ga7 is absent, and RCo5Ga7 (R = Tb, Dy, Ho and Er) may have long-range magnetic ordering with the paramagnetic Curie temperature lower than 5 K. (C) 2004 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
随着软件对社会各领域、各层次的渗透,软件逐渐转变为一种对社会团体、 甚至对社会公众的服务,软件的规模越来越大、用户需求越来越多、功能和性能 要求也越来越复杂。因此,对软件的可用性、可靠性、可信性等质量要求不断提 高。伴随着软件业的逐渐发展,软件过程技术逐渐被应用于软件产品的开发当中。 “质量形成于产品的生产过程”这一理念逐渐被软件组织所接受。其核心思想体 现在通过对软件过程的策划、控制和改进来保证软件产品的质量,进而提高软件 组织的经营业绩。软件过程度量作为软件过程管理和过程改进的关键活动,越来 越为软件组织所重视。 通过实施过程管理,能够刻画项目或过程目标的满足程度,找到造成过程 或产品重大偏差的根本原因,进而实施过程改进。然而,在软件过程度量实施期 间,软件组织面对不同的软件开发过程、众多的过程性能度量指标、复杂的统计 分析方法,既要考虑量化管理方法的合理性和复杂程度,又要权衡量化管理的实 施成本,这使得实施有效的过程度量充满挑战。本文基于经验软件工程方法,提 出一种多粒度多维度软件过程度量框架,以及实现该框架的关键技术:软件过程 性能基线的建立和维护方法;同时介绍了该框架下的软件项目进度量化控制模 型,支持软件组织实施有效的过程管理和改进。 本文的主要贡献包括: 提出了一种多粒度多维度软件过程度量框架(Multi-granularity Multi-dimensional software Process Measurement Framework,M2-PMF),该框架通 过综合考虑软件过程管理和改进的必要信息所属的特征维度和软件组织的过程 管理粒度,自底向上的通过实体层、度量分析层和目标层指导软件组织建立一套 可以覆盖软件全生命周期的、开放的、支持过程改进的综合指标体系和模型。支 持软件组织裁减和定制确定环境下的度量体系,清晰了解其软件过程能力和性 能,提高软件组织对软件过程的控制能力,保障软件开发过程和软件产品的质量。 提出了基于统计分析的过程性能基线的建立和改进方法(Baseline – Statistic - Refinement, BSR),该方法可以有效地建立和维护过程性能基线,支持软件 组织从定性管理提升到定量管理。该方法应用波动图,在过程尚不稳定、数据样 本不足的情况下尽可能多的获得过程改进信息,识别过程改进机会,确定过程改 进途径,帮助软件组织高效地改进其过程中明显的弱项。在过程逐步稳定之后, 利用控制图、排列图、因果图、散点图等统计工具,分析过程性能,建立过程性 多粒度多维度软件过程度量和改进方法研究 ii 能基线,并不断精化。 在M2-PMF 框架下,提出了基于统计过程控制(Statitical Process Control, SPC)和挣值管理(Earned Value Management,EVM)的项目进度量化控制模型 SEVM,该方法通过对项目进度指数的统计控制,分析其稳定性,并通过估算模 型,根据项目当前挣值数据推算项目总进度偏差,并加以控制。支持软件组织对 项目进度进行量化控制,提高了项目按期交付的可能性。 最后,介绍了本文提出的过程度量框架和量化管理方法在国内多家软件组 织中的实际应用。应用案例表明,本文的方法和模型具有广泛的适应性和高度的 可操作性。应用本文方法能够对项目进行有效的估算、度量和控制,进而提高产 品质量并改善客户满意度。