928 resultados para radius of starlikeness


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Directly imaged exoplanets are unexplored laboratories for the application of the spectral and temperature retrieval method, where the chemistry and composition of their atmospheres are inferred from inverse modeling of the available data. As a pilot study, we focus on the extrasolar gas giant HR 8799b, for which more than 50 data points are available. We upgrade our non-linear optimal estimation retrieval method to include a phenomenological model of clouds that requires the cloud optical depth and monodisperse particle size to be specified. Previous studies have focused on forward models with assumed values of the exoplanetary properties; there is no consensus on the best-fit values of the radius, mass, surface gravity, and effective temperature of HR 8799b. We show that cloud-free models produce reasonable fits to the data if the atmosphere is of super-solar metallicity and non-solar elemental abundances. Intermediate cloudy models with moderate values of the cloud optical depth and micron-sized particles provide an equally reasonable fit to the data and require a lower mean molecular weight. We report our best-fit values for the radius, mass, surface gravity, and effective temperature of HR 8799b. The mean molecular weight is about 3.8, while the carbon-to-oxygen ratio is about unity due to the prevalence of carbon monoxide. Our study emphasizes the need for robust claims about the nature of an exoplanetary atmosphere to be based on analyses involving both photometry and spectroscopy and inferred from beyond a few photometric data points, such as are typically reported for hot Jupiters.


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We investigate the stability of super-Earth atmospheres around M stars using a seven-parameter, analytical framework. We construct stability diagrams in the parameter space of exoplanetary radius versus semimajor axis and elucidate the regions in which the atmospheres are stable against the condensation of their major constituents, out of the gas phase, on their permanent nightside hemispheres. We find that super-Earth atmospheres that are nitrogen-dominated (Earth-like) occupy a smaller region of allowed parameter space, compared to hydrogen-dominated atmospheres, because of the dual effects of diminished advection and enhanced radiative cooling. Furthermore, some super-Earths which reside within the habitable zones of M stars may not possess stable atmospheres, depending on the mean molecular weight and infrared photospheric pressure of their atmospheres. We apply our stability diagrams to GJ 436b and GJ 1214b, and demonstrate that atmospheric compositions with high mean molecular weights are disfavored if these exoplanets possess solid surfaces and shallow atmospheres. Finally, we construct stability diagrams tailored to the Kepler data set, for G and K stars, and predict that about half of the exoplanet candidates are expected to harbor stable atmospheres if Earth-like conditions are assumed. We include 55 Cancri e and CoRoT-7b in our stability diagram for G stars


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Hot Jupiters, due to the proximity to their parent stars, are subjected to a strong irradiating flux that governs their radiative and dynamical properties. We compute a suite of three-dimensional circulation models with dual-band radiative transfer, exploring a relevant range of irradiation temperatures, both with and without temperature inversions. We find that, for irradiation temperatures T irr lsim 2000 K, heat redistribution is very efficient, producing comparable dayside and nightside fluxes. For T irr ≈ 2200-2400 K, the redistribution starts to break down, resulting in a high day-night flux contrast. Our simulations indicate that the efficiency of redistribution is primarily governed by the ratio of advective to radiative timescales. Models with temperature inversions display a higher day-night contrast due to the deposition of starlight at higher altitudes, but we find this opacity-driven effect to be secondary compared to the effects of irradiation. The hotspot offset from the substellar point is large when insolation is weak and redistribution is efficient, and decreases as redistribution breaks down. The atmospheric flow can be potentially subjected to the Kelvin-Helmholtz instability (as indicated by the Richardson number) only in the uppermost layers, with a depth that penetrates down to pressures of a few millibars at most. Shocks penetrate deeper, down to several bars in the hottest model. Ohmic dissipation generally occurs down to deeper levels than shock dissipation (to tens of bars), but the penetration depth varies with the atmospheric opacity. The total dissipated Ohmic power increases steeply with the strength of the irradiating flux and the dissipation depth recedes into the atmosphere, favoring radius inflation in the most irradiated objects. A survey of the existing data, as well as the inferences made from them, reveals that our results are broadly consistent with the observational trends.


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Liquid–vapour homogenisation temperatures of fluid inclusions in stalagmites are used for quantitative temperature reconstructions in paleoclimate research. Specifically for this application, we have developed a novel heating/cooling stage that can be operated with large stalagmite sections of up to 17 × 35 mm2 to simplify and improve the chronological reconstruction of paleotemperature time-series. The stage is designed for use of an oil immersion objective and a high-NA condenser front lens to obtain high-resolution images for bubble radius measurements. The temperature accuracy of the stage is better than ± 0.1 °C with a precision (reproducibility) of ± 0.02 °C.


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As our population ages, more individuals suffer from osteoporosis. This disease leads to impaired trabecular architecture and increased fracture risk. It is essential to understand how morphological and mechanical properties of the cancellous bone are related. Morphologyelasticity relationships based on bone volume fraction (BV/TV) and fabric anisotropy explain up to 98% of the variation in elastic properties. Yet, other morphological variables such as individual trabeculae segmentation (ITS) and trabecular bone score (TBS) could improve the stiffness predictions. A total of 743 micro-computed tomography reconstructions of cubic trabecular bone samples extracted from femur, radius, vertebrae and iliac crest were analysed. Their morphology was assessed via 25 variables and their stiffness tensor (inline image) was computed from six independent load cases using micro finite element analyses. Variance inflation factors were calculated to evaluate collinearity between morphological variables and decide upon their inclusion in morphology-elasticity relationships. The statistically admissible morphological variables were included in a multi-linear regression modelling the dependent variable inline image. The contribution of each independent variable was evaluated (ANOVA). Our results show that BV/TV is the best determinant of inline image (inline image=0.889), especially in combination with fabric (inline image=0.968). Including the other independent predictors hardly affected the amount of variance explained by the model (inline image=0.975). Across all anatomical sites, BV/TV explained 87% of the variance of the bone elastic properties. Fabric further described 10% of the bone stiffness, but the improvement in variance explanation by adding other independent factors was marginal (<1%). These findings confirm that BV/TV and fabric are the best determinants of trabecular bone stiffness and show, against common belief, that other morphological variables do not bring any further contribution. These overall conclusions remain to be confirmed for specific bone diseases and post-elastic properties.


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An acute injury to the triangular fibrocartilage complex (TFCC) with avulsion of the foveal attachment can produce distal radioulnar joint (DRUJ) instability. The avulsed TFCC is translated distally so the footprint will be bathed in synovial fluid from the DRUJ and will become covered in synovitis. If the TFCC fails to heal to the footprint, then persistent instability can occur. The authors describe a surgical technique indicated for the treatment of persistent instability of the DRUJ due to foveal detachment of the TFCC. The procedure utilizes a loop of palmaris longus tendon graft passed through the ulnar aspect of the TFCC and into an osseous tunnel in the distal ulna to reconstruct the foveal attachment. This technique provides stability of the distal ulna to the radius and carpus. We recommend this procedure for chronic instability of the DRUJ due to TFCC avulsion, but recommend that suture repair remain the treatment of choice for acute instability. An arthroscopic assessment includes the trampoline test, hook test, and reverse hook test. DRUJ ballottement under arthroscopic vision details the direction of instability, the functional tear pattern, and unmasks concealed tears. If the reverse hook test demonstrates a functional instability between the TFCC and the radius, then a foveal reconstruction is contraindicated, and a reconstruction that stabilizes the radial and ulnar aspects of the TFCC is required. The foveal reconstruction technique has the advantage of providing a robust anatomically based reconstruction of the TFCC to the fovea, which stabilizes the DRUJ and the ulnocarpal sag.


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Reduced bone stock can result in fractures that mostly occur in the spine, distal radius, and proximal femur. In case of operative treatment, osteoporosis is associated with an increased failure rate. To estimate implant anchorage, mechanical methods seem to be promising to measure bone strength intraoperatively. It has been shown that the mechanical peak torque correlates with the local bone mineral density and screw failure load in hip, hindfoot, humerus, and spine in vitro. One device to measure mechanical peak torque is the DensiProbe (AO Research Institute, Davos, Switzerland). The device has shown its effectiveness in mechanical peak torque measurement in mechanical testing setups for the use in hip, hindfoot, and spine. In all studies, the correlation of mechanical torque measurement and local bone mineral density and screw failure load could be shown. It allows the surgeon to judge local bone strength intraoperatively directly at the region of interest and gives valuable information if additional augmentation is needed. We summarize methods of this new technique, its advantages and limitations, and give an overview of actual and possible future applications.


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This paper analyses local geographical contexts targeted by transnational large-scale land acquisitions (>200 ha per deal) in order to understand how emerging patterns of socio-ecological characteristics can be related to processes of large-scale foreign investment in land. Using a sample of 139 land deals georeferenced with high spatial accuracy, we first analyse their target contexts in terms of land cover, population density, accessibility, and indicators for agricultural potential. Three distinct patterns emerge from the analysis: densely populated and easily accessible croplands (35% of land deals); remote forestlands with lower population densities (34% of land deals); and moderately populated and moderately accessible shrub- or grasslands (26% of land deals). These patterns are consistent with processes described in the relevant case study literature, and they each involve distinct types of stakeholders and associated competition over land. We then repeat the often-cited analysis that postulates a link between land investments and target countries with abundant so-called “idle” or “marginal” lands as measured by yield gap and available suitable but uncultivated land; our methods differ from the earlier approach, however, in that we examine local context (10-km radius) rather than countries as a whole. The results show that earlier findings are disputable in terms of concepts, methods, and contents. Further, we reflect on methodologies for exploring linkages between socioecological patterns and land investment processes. Improving and enhancing large datasets of georeferenced land deals is an important next step; at the same time, careful choice of the spatial scale of analysis is crucial for ensuring compatibility between the spatial accuracy of land deal locations and the resolution of available geospatial data layers. Finally, we argue that new approaches and methods must be developed to empirically link socio-ecological patterns in target contexts to key determinants of land investment processes. This would help to improve the validity and the reach of our findings as an input for evidence-informed policy debates.


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OBJECTIVES Low levels of oxygen has been shown to be involved in the induction of osteogenesis, particularly in bone repair. It is unknown whether hypoxia leads to osteogenesis at the hypoxia prone skeletal sites in limited systemic sclerosis. This study determined the total and trabecular volumetric bone mineral density (vBMD) at the hypoxia prone site of the juxta-articular metacarpal bone. METHODS In this cross-sectional study, female patients with limited systemic sclerosis were included and compared to healthy controls. Peripheral quantitative computed tomography was used to measure cross-sectional area, total vBMD, and trabecular vBMD at the radius, the tibia and the third metacarpal bone. Disease severity was assessed by the modified Rodnan Skin Score. RESULTS Twenty consecutive patients were included in the sclerosis group and 20 in the control group. Mean age was 60 years (range 52-68 years), and mean disease duration was 45 months (range 4-156 months). Age, height, and weight were comparable between the groups. The mean modified Rodnan Skin Score was 1.78 (range 0 to 8). The sclerosis group showed both higher total and trabecular vBMD at the distal metacarpal bone (p=0.05 and 0.04, respectively). vBMD of the tibia and radius did not differ in both groups. CONCLUSIONS vBMD at the juxta-articular metacarpal bone in patients with limited systemic sclerosis is increased, possibly due to an alteration in local bone metabolism and hypoxia induced local osteogenesis.


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BACKGROUND Children and adolescents are at high risk of sustaining fractures during growth. Therefore, epidemiological assessment is crucial for fracture prevention. The AO Comprehensive Injury Automatic Classifier (AO COIAC) was used to evaluate epidemiological data of pediatric long bone fractures in a large cohort. METHODS Data from children and adolescents with long bone fractures sustained between 2009 and 2011, treated at either of two tertiary pediatric surgery hospitals in Switzerland, were retrospectively collected. Fractures were classified according to the AO Pediatric Comprehensive Classification of Long Bone Fractures (PCCF). RESULTS For a total of 2716 patients (60% boys), 2807 accidents with 2840 long bone fractures (59% radius/ulna; 21% humerus; 15% tibia/fibula; 5% femur) were documented. Children's mean age (SD) was 8.2 (4.0) years (6% infants; 26% preschool children; 40% school children; 28% adolescents). Adolescent boys sustained more fractures than girls (p < 0.001). The leading cause of fractures was falls (27%), followed by accidents occurring during leisure activities (25%), at home (14%), on playgrounds (11%), and traffic (11%) and school accidents (8%). There was boy predominance for all accident types except for playground and at home accidents. The distribution of accident types differed according to age classes (p < 0.001). Twenty-six percent of patients were classed as overweight or obese - higher than data published by the WHO for the corresponding ages - with a higher proportion of overweight and obese boys than in the Swiss population (p < 0.0001). CONCLUSION Overall, differences in the fracture distribution were sex and age related. Overweight and obese patients seemed to be at increased risk of sustaining fractures. Our data give valuable input into future development of prevention strategies. The AO PCCF proved to be useful in epidemiological reporting and analysis of pediatric long bone fractures.


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Falling on the outstretched hand is a common trauma mechanism. In contrast to fractures of the distal radius, which usually are diagnosed on plain film radiographs, identifying wrist injuries requires further diagnostic methods, e.g., MRI or CT. This article provides a review of the use of MRI in the most common traumatic wrist injuries, including scaphoid fractures, TFCC lesions, and tears of the scapholunate ligament. Early and selective use of MRI as a further diagnostic method in cases of adequate clinical suspicion helps to initiate the correct treatment and, thus, prevents long-term arthrotic injuries and reduces unnecessary absence due to illness. MRI shows a high reliability in the diagnosis of scaphoid fractures and the America College of Radiology recommends MRI as method of choice after X-ray images have been made. In the diagnosis of ligament and discoid lesions, MR arthrography (MRA) using intraarticular contrast agent has considerably higher accuracy than i.v.-enhanced and especially unenhanced MRI.


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Additional jet activity in dijet events is measured using pp collisions at ATLAS at a centre-of-mass energy of 7 TeV, for jets reconstructed using the anti-kt algorithm with radius parameter R=0.6. This is done using variables such as the fraction of dijet events without an additional jet in the rapidity interval bounded by the dijet subsystem and correlations between the azimuthal angles of the dijets. They are presented, both with and without a veto on additional jet activity in the rapidity interval, as a function of the mean transverse momentum of the dijets and of the rapidity interval size. The double differential dijet cross section is also measured as a function of the interval size and the azimuthal angle between the dijets. These variables probe differences in the approach to resummation of large logarithms when performing QCD calculations. The data are compared to POWHEG, interfaced to the PYTHIA 8 and HERWIG parton shower generators, as well as to HEJ with and without interfacing it to the ARIADNE parton shower generator. None of the theoretical predictions agree with the data across the full phase-space considered; however, POWHEG+PYTHIA 8 and HEJ+ARIADNE are found to provide the best agreement with the data.These measurements use the full data sample collected with the ATLAS detector in 7 TeV pp collisions at the LHC and correspond to integrated luminosities of 36.1 pb−1 and 4.5 fb−1 for data collected during 2010 and 2011 respectively.


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Double-differential dijet cross-sections measured in pp collisions at the LHC with a 7TeV centre-of-mass energy are presented as functions of dijet mass and half the rapidity separation of the two highest-pT jets. These measurements are obtained using data corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 4.5 fb−1, recorded by the ATLAS detector in 2011. The data are corrected for detector effects so that cross-sections are presented at the particle level. Cross-sections are measured up to 5TeV dijet mass using jets reconstructed with the anti-kt algorithm for values of the jet radius parameter of 0.4 and 0.6. The cross-sections are compared with next-to-leading-order perturbative QCD calculations by NLOJet++ corrected to account for non-perturbative effects. Comparisons with POWHEG predictions, using a next-to-leading-order matrix element calculation interfaced to a partonshower Monte Carlo simulation, are also shown. Electroweak effects are accounted for in both cases. The quantitative comparison of data and theoretical predictions obtained using various parameterizations of the parton distribution functions is performed using a frequentist method. In general, good agreement with data is observed for the NLOJet++ theoretical predictions when using the CT10, NNPDF2.1 and MSTW 2008 PDF sets. Disagreement is observed when using the ABM11 and HERAPDF1.5 PDF sets for some ranges of dijet mass and half the rapidity separation. An example setting a lower limit on the compositeness scale for a model of contact interactions is presented, showing that the unfolded results can be used to constrain contributions to dijet production beyond that predicted by the Standard Model.


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Fermion boundary conditions play a relevant role in revealing the confinement mechanism of N=1 supersymmetric Yang-Mills theory with one compactified space-time dimension. A deconfinement phase transition occurs for a sufficiently small compactification radius, equivalent to a high temperature in the thermal theory where antiperiodic fermion boundary conditions are applied. Periodic fermion boundary conditions, on the other hand, are related to the Witten index and confinement is expected to persist independently of the length of the compactified dimension. We study this aspect with lattice Monte Carlo simulations for different values of the fermion mass parameter that breaks supersymmetry softly. We find a deconfined region that shrinks when the fermion mass is lowered. Deconfinement takes place between two confined regions at large and small compactification radii, that would correspond to low and high temperatures in the thermal theory. At the smallest fermion masses we find no indication of a deconfinement transition. These results are a first signal for the predicted continuity in the compactification of supersymmetric Yang-Mills theory.