963 resultados para queer-tutkimus


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This study had the goal of make a dialogue between queer theory and the thoughts of the French philosopher Maurice Merleau-Ponty in the categories of body and sexuality. From this dialogue, other goals were designed, namely: identify possible recurrences of the experience of bodies and queer sexualities, designed under Merleau-Ponty’s perspective, to the knowledge of Physical Education and reflect on this domain of knowledge using the notions of queer epistemology and esthesia. The study had as methodology the phenomenological attitude proposed by Merleau-Ponty and use the reduction as technic of research. Trying linking these thoughts we used the cinema of the Spanish director Pedro Almodóvar as perceptive strategy, an exercise of look as possibility of reading the world and new ways of perceiving the human being. We appreciate three films, namely: All About My Mother (1999), The Skin I Live In (2011) and Bad Education (2004), which put us in touch with bodies and queer sexualities, with the body of esthesia, of the ecstasy, sensations and lived experiences, un type of art whose contours are not fixed or determinable, postulate by Merleau-Ponty. The philosopher, provide a rich conceptual view of the body and their sexual experience, extends and opens horizons of thought and reflection about queer experience, one experience indeterminate and contingent as a singular way of inhabiting the world. Those horizons opened by the philosopher and added to the queer perspective contribute to put in question the modes of knowledge production and the knowledge about body and sexuality in Physical Education. Finally, we point that this theoretical conversation give us clues to reflect about the reverberations of a queer epistemology for Physical Education usiging one type of knowledge guided by esthesia and sensitivity as marks of another scientific rationality.


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This thesis examines the gaps between health care services aimed at Aboriginal queer individuals living in St. John’s, Newfoundland and their health care needs. I used a multi-methods research design that includes interviews and demographic surveys, unobtrusive observation and qualitative content analysis. I conducted semi-structured interviews with institutional representatives from selected health related organizations – Eastern Health, Planned Parenthood Newfoundland and Labrador, the AIDS Committee of Newfoundland and Labrador, and St. John’s Native Friendship Center; as well as a transgender activist and three people who identify as Aboriginal and queer. I conducted observational research at two public seminars on Aboriginal people and health. Finally, I carried out qualitative content analysis of organizational reports and webpages of the selected community organizations. Using a postcolonial queer framework that analyzes how Newfoundland and Labrador’s colonial history is reflected in current health care realities I argue that the lack of appropriate services and culturally insensitive delivery of services reproduce the historical marginalization of an already vulnerable group.


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Depiction of homoerotic relationships among women in commercial costumed films was a unique phenomenon in 1970s - 1980s Hong Kong cinema. What are the possible cinematic meanings of lesbian images that we can perceive in these films? How should we evaluate the exact representation of a sexuality that had been perceived as deviant in that society? In this essay, I close-read homoerotic scenes and trace through the trajectories of cultural and industrial changes enabling the emergence of two representative films: Intimate Confessions of A Chinese Courtesan (1972) and An Amorous Woman of Tang Dynasty (1984). I do this with a continuous concern for historical context in order to provide an in-depth understanding of how lesbian images are constructed in cinema.


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Problem: Gay, bisexual, and queer (GBQ) adolescent males are disproportionately affected by negative sexual health outcomes compared to their heterosexual counterparts. Their sex education needs are not sufficiently addressed in the home and the larger ecological systems. The omission of their sex education needs at a time when they are forming a sexual identity during adolescence compels GBQ males to seek information in unsupervised settings. Evidence-based interventions aimed at ensuring positive sexual health outcomes through sex communication cannot be carried out with these youth as research on how parents and GBQ males discuss sex in the home has been largely uninvestigated.

Methods: This naturalistic qualitative study focused on the interpretive reports of 15- to 20-year-old GBQ males’ discussions about sex-related topics with their parents. From a purposive sample of 30 male adolescents who self-identified as GBQ, participants who could recall at least one conversation about sex with their parents were recruited for one-time interviews and card sorts. This strategy revealed, using Bronfenbrenners’ Bioecological Theory, their perceptions about sex communication in the context of their reciprocal relationship and the ecological systems that GBQ males and their parents navigate.

Results: Parents received poor ratings as sex educators, were generally viewed as not confident in their communication approach, and lacked knowledge about issues pertinent to GBQ sons. Nevertheless, participants viewed parents as their preferred source of sex information and recognized multiple functions of sex communication. The value placed by GBQ youth on sex communication underscores their desire to ensure an uninterrupted parent-child relationship in spite of their GBQ sexual orientation. For GBQ children, inclusive sex communication is a proxy for parental acceptance.

Results show that the timing, prompts, teaching aids, and setting of sex communication for this population are similar to what has been reported with heterosexual samples. However, most GBQ sons rarely had inclusive guidance about sex and sexuality that matched their attraction, behavior, and identities. Furthermore, the assumption of heterosexuality resulted in the early awareness of being different from their peers which led them to covertly search for sex information. The combination of assumed heterosexuality and their early reliance on themselves for applicable information is a missed parental opportunity to positively impact the health of GBQ sons. More importantly, due to the powerful reach of new media, there is a critical period of maximum receptiveness that has been identified which makes inclusive sex communication paramount in the pre-sexual stage for this population. Our findings also indicate that there are plenty of opportunities for systemic improvements to meet this population’s sexual education needs.


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Fil: Amícola, José. Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educación. Instituto de Investigaciones en Humanidades y Ciencias Sociales (UNLP-CONICET); Argentina.


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Fil: Abel, Santiago. Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educación; Argentina.


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Fil: Giordano, Walda. Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educación; Argentina.


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Fil: Amícola, José. Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educación. Instituto de Investigaciones en Humanidades y Ciencias Sociales (UNLP-CONICET); Argentina.


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Fil: Abel, Santiago. Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educación; Argentina.


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Fil: Giordano, Walda. Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educación; Argentina.


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Fil: Amícola, José. Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educación. Instituto de Investigaciones en Humanidades y Ciencias Sociales (UNLP-CONICET); Argentina.


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Fil: Abel, Santiago. Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educación; Argentina.


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Fil: Giordano, Walda. Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educación; Argentina.


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This article addresses the negotiation of ‘queer religious’ student identities in UK higher education. The ‘university experience’ has generally been characterised as a period of intense transformation and self-exploration, with complex and overlapping personal and social influences significantly shaping educational spaces, subjects and subjectivities. Engaging with ideas about progressive tolerance and becoming, often contrasted against ‘backwards’ religious homophobia as a sentiment/space/subject ‘outside’ education, this article follows the experiences and expectations of queer Christian students. In asking whether notions of ‘queering higher education’ (Rumens 2014 Rumens, N. 2014. “Queer Business: Towards Queering the Purpose of the Business School.” In The Entrepreneurial University: Public Engagements, Intersecting Impacts, edited by Y. Taylor, 82–104. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan.) ‘fit’ with queer-identifying religious youth, the article explores how educational experiences are narrated and made sense of as ‘progressive’. Educational transitions allow (some) sexual-religious subjects to negotiate identities more freely, albeit with ongoing constraints. Yet perceptions of what, where and who is deemed ‘progressive’ and ‘backwards’ with regard to sexuality and religion need to be met with caution, where the ‘university experience’ can shape and shake sexual-religious identity.


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Työhyvinvoinnilla voidaan parantaa työtyytyväisyyttä, motivaatiota, työyhteisön ilmapiiriä ja organisaation oppimista sekä tukea innostuksen ja sitoutumisen syntymistä. Työhyvinvoinnin kautta koettun onnellisuuden vuoksi työhyvinvoinnilla on myönteisiä yhteyksiä työhön ja yleiseen toimintakykyyn. Suurin osa työhyvinvointitutkimuksista käsittelevät työhyvinvointia pääosin hyvin yleisellä tasolla, eikä niissä välttämättä tunnisteta tai keskitytä riittävästi eri työhyvinvointitoimenpiteiden vaikutuksiin tietyissä erityisryhmissä. Tämän tutkimuksen tarkoituksena oli avata tapausesimerkkien avulla ylemmän johdon näkemyksiä työhyvinvoinnista sekä kuvata niitä tekijöitä, joita johtajat kokevat olennaisiksi omassa työhyvinvoissaan. Tutkimus tehtiin laadullisena tutkimuksena haastattelemalla johtotehtävissä toimivia tai toimineita henkilöitä. Haastattelut suoritettiin puolistrukturoituina teemahaastatteluina, joiden tarkoitus oli saada syvällisiä näkemyksiä työhyvinvointiin liittyviin teemoihin. Tutkimuksessa haastateltiin viitta eri johtotehtävissä työskentelevää tai työskennellyttä henkilöä. Aineiston analyysi toteutettiin laadullisella tutkimusotteella ja empiiristen aineistojen analyysimetodina toimi Grounded teoria eli aineistolähtöinen teoria. Aineistolähtöisen teorian mallin mukaisesti empiirisestä aineistosta muodostettiin koodauksen avulla kategorioita, jotka kuvastivat esiintymismääränsä ja sisältönsä puolesta johtajien työhyvinvointiin liittyvää aihepiiriä. Aineistosta tehdyn tutkijan tulkinnan avulla muodostettiin teoreettinen viitekehys, jota verrattiin aikaisempien tutkimusten vastaavaan viitekehykseen. Vertailemalla empiirisestä aineistosta esille nousseita löydöksiä aikaisempiin työhyvinvointimalleihin ja muihin tutkimustuloksiin, tässä tutkimuksessa pystyttiin muodostamaan uutta, johtajien työhyvinvointiin liittyvää teoriaa. Aineistosta nousseiden kategorioiden esiintymismäärän ja sisällön sekä tutkijan muodostaman analyysin yhdistelmän avulla päädyttiin seitsemään tekijään, jotka joko edistävät johtajien työhyvinvointia tai merkittävästi vaikuttavat siihen. Nämä tekijät ovat: työtehtävät, vapaa-aika, johtaminen, työilmapiiri, liikunta, asenne ja yksityiselämä. Aikaisempaan tutkimukseen nähden työtehtävät, liikunta, työilmapiiri, yksityiselämä ja asenne saivat selkeätä tukea aikaisemmista tutkimuksista.