978 resultados para pulp drying
Trehalose is a well known protector of biostructures like liposomes and proteins during freeze-drying, but still today there is a big debate regarding its mechanism of action. In previous experiments we have shown that trehalose is able to protect a non-phospholipid-based liposomal adjuvant (designated CAF01) composed of the cationic dimethyldioctadecylammonium (DDA) and trehalose 6,6-dibehenate (TDB) during freeze-drying [D. Christensen, C. Foged, I. Rosenkrands, H.M. Nielsen, P. Andersen, E.M. Agger, Trehalose preserves DDA/TDB liposomes and their adjuvant effect during freeze-drying, Biochim. Biophys. Acta, Biomembr. 1768 (2007) 2120-2129]. Furthermore it was seen that TDB is required for the stabilizing effect of trehalose. Herein, we show using the Langmuir-Blodgett technique that a high concentration of TDB present at the water-lipid interface results in a surface pressure around 67 mN/m as compared to that of pure DDA which is approximately 47 mN/m in the compressed state. This indicates that the attractive forces between the trehalose head group of TDB and water are greater than those between the quaternary ammonium head group of DDA and water. Furthermore, addition of trehalose to a DDA monolayer containing small amounts of TDB also increases the surface pressure, which is not observed in the absence of TDB. This suggests that even small amounts of trehalose groups on TDB present at the water-lipid interface associate free trehalose to the liposome surface, presumably by hydrogen bonding between the trehalose head groups of TDB and the free trehalose molecules. Hence, for CAF01 the TDB component not only stabilizes the cationic liposomes and enhances the immune response but also facilitates the cryo-/lyoprotection by trehalose through direct interaction with the head group of TDB. Furthermore the results indicate that direct interaction with liposome surfaces is necessary for trehalose to enable protection during freeze-drying.
An extensive review of literature has been carried out concerning the drying of single drops, sprays of droplets and the prediction of spray drier performances. The experimental investigation has been divided into two broad parts mainly: (1) Single Drop Experiments, and (2) Spray Drying and Residence Time Distribution Experiments. The thermal conductivity of slurry cakes from five different sources have been experimentally determined using a modified Lee's Disc Apparatus and the data collected was correlated by the polynominal... Good agreement was observed between the experimental thermal conductivity values and the predicted ones. The fit gave a variance ... for the various samples experimented on. A mathematical model for estimating crust mass transfer coefficient at high drying temperatures was derived.
The literature on the evaporation of drops of pure liquids, drops containing solids and droplet sprays has been critically reviewed. An experimental study was undertaken on the drying of suspended drops of pure water and aqueous sodium sulphate decahydrate with concentrations varying from 5 to 54. 1 wt. %. Individual drops were suspended from a glass filament balance in a 26 mm I.D. vertical wind tunnel, designed and constructed to supply hot de-humidified air, to simulate conditions encountered in commercial spray driers. A novel thin film thermocouple was developed to facilitate the simultaneous measurement of drop weight and core temperature. The heat conduction through the thermocouple was reduced because of its unique design; using essentially a single 50μ diameter nickel wire. For pure water drops, the Nusselt number was found to be a function of the Reynolds, Prandtl and Transfer numbers for a temperature range between 19 to 79°C. Nu = 2 + 0.19 (1/B)0.24 Re0.5 Pr0.33 Two distinct periods were observed during the drying of aqueous sodium sulphate decahydrate. The first period was characterised by the evaporation from a free liquid surface, whilst drying in the second period was controlled by the crust resistance. Fracturing of the crust occurred randomly but was more frequent at higher concentrations and temperatures. A model was proposed for the drying of slurry drops, based on a receding evaporation interface. The model was solved numerically for the variation of core temperature, drop weight and crust thickness as a function of time. Experimental results were in excellent agreement with the model predictions although at higher temperatures modifications to the model had to be made to accommodate the unusual behaviour of sodium sulphate slurries, i.e. the formation of hydrates.
The literature relating to the drying characteristics of pure liquid drops and particulate slurry drops has been reviewed. The experimental investigation was, therefore, divided into three parts: Pure water drops, Aqueous sodium sulphate decahydrate drops, and, Slurry drops from nine detergent formulations. The value of the constant,'Ψ, reported by Ranz and Marshall, was found to be temperature dependent. In the temperature range o 26.5≤T≤118.5°C,Ψ , for pure water drops, varied between 0.38 and 0.47. A revised correlation of the mass transfer coefficients is therefore proposed. A mathematical model for estimating the variation of crust thickness, for aqueous sodium sulphate drops, with time is proposed: β = R _ {R3 - ( 1.5G/πCo ) ( ΔHD - ΔHU) Δ} 1/3 Experimental crust thickness evaluated from stereoscan micrographs showed good agreement with theoretical prediction. It has been shown that drying characteristics of detergent drops can be evaluated from the porosity:thickness ratio, {ε/\β}. Formulations having large {ε/β I-ratios dry better than those with smaller values. The agreement between the experimental and theoretical mass transfer coefficients shows, in addition to the above correlation, that the overall mass transfer coefficient can be predicted from the expression1/K = 1/K + β/DMε 1.5 The crust is the controlling resistance to transfer in particulate slurry drops. For aqueous sodium sulphate drops, the crust provides 64.2% of the total resistance while for detergents with thicker, but less porous crusts, the value is 97.5%.
Three lichen species were wetted with distilled water at different frequencies during August 1973 to July 1974. The radial growth rates of Parmelia glabratula ssp. fuliginosa and Physcia orbicularis thalli declined with increased wetting while the radial growth rate of Parmelia conspersa thalli increased with wetting frequency until ten experimental wettings per month but at fifteen wettings per month fell to a value near to the control. In the summer months, wetting resulted in a decline in the radial growth of P. glabratula ssp fuliginosa compared with the control but had little influence on the growth of P. conspersa and Physcia orbicularis. In the winter months, wetting had no significant influence on the radial growth of Parmelia glabratula ssp. fuliginosa, while the radial growth of P. conspersa increased and Physcia orbicularis declined compared with controls. These results are interpreted physiologically and in relation to the aspect distribution of the three lichens on rock surfaces.
The literature on heat and mass transfer mechanisms in the convective drying of thick beds of solids has been critically reviewed. Related mathematical models of heat transfer are also considered. Experimental and theoretical studies were made of the temperature distribution within beds, and of drying rates, with various materials undergoing convective drying. The experimental work covered thick beds of hygroscopic and non-hygroscopic materials (glass beads of different diameters, polystyrene pellets, activated alumina and wood powder) at air temperatures of 54°C to 84°C. Tests were carried out in a laboratory drying apparatus comprising a wind tunnel through which the air, of controlled temperature and humidity, was passed over a sample suspended from a balance. Thermocouples were inserted at different depths within the sample bed. The temperature distribution profiles for both hygroscopic and non-hygroscopic beds exhibited a clear difference between the temperatures at the surface and bottom during the constant rate period. An effective method was introduced for predicting the critical moisture content. During the falling rate the profiles showed the existence of a receding evaporation plane; this divided the system into a hotter dry zone in the upper section and a wet zone near the bottom. A graphical procedure was established to predict accurately the position of the receding evaporation front at any time. A new mathematical model, based on the receding evaporation front phenomenon, was proposed to predict temperature distributions throughout a bed during drying. Good agreement was obtained when the model was validated by comparing its predictions with experimental data. The model was also able to predict the duration of each drying stage. In experiments using sample trays of different diameters, the drying rate was found to increase with a decrease in the effective length of the bed surface. During the constant rate period with trays of a small effective length, i.e. less than 0.08 m, an 'inversion' in temperature distribution occurred in the bed; the bottom temperature increased and became greater than that of the surface. Experimental measurements were verified in several ways to ensure this phenomenon was real. Theoretical explanations are given for both the effective length and temperature inversion phenomena.
The literature relating to evaporation from single droplets of pure liquids, and to the drying of droplets containing solids and of droplet sprays has been reviewed. The heat and mass transfer rates for a single droplet suspended from a nozzle were studied within a 42mm I.D. horizontal wind tunnel designed to supply hot dry air, to simulate conditions encountered in a practical spray dryer. A novel rotating glass nozzle was developed to facilitate direct measurements of droplet weight and core temperature. This design minimised heat conduction through the nozzle. Revised correlations were obtained for heat and mass transfer coefficients, for evaporation from pure water droplets suspended from a rotating nozzle. Nu = 2.0 + 0.27 (l/B)°-18Re°-5Pr°-83 Sh = 2.0 + 0.575 ((T0-T.)/Tomfc) -o.o4Reo.5 ^0.33 Experimental drying studies were carried out on single droplets of different types of skin-forming materials, namely, custard, gelatin, skim milk and fructose at air temperatures ranging from 19°C to 198°C. Dried crusts were recovered and examined by Scanning Electron Microscopy. Skin-forming materials were classified into three types according to the mechanisms of skin formation. In the first type (typified by droplets of custard and starch) skin formed due to gelatinisation at high temperatures. Increasing the drying temperature resulted in increased crust resistance to mass transfer due to increased granule swelling and the crust resistance was completely transferred to a skin resistance at drying temperatures > 150°C. In the second type e.g. gelatin droplets the skin formed immediately drying had taken place at any drying temperature. At drying temperature > 60° C a more resistant skin was formed. In the third type (typified by droplets of skim milk and fructose) the skin appeared on the droplet surface at a certain stage of the drying process under any drying conditions. As the drying temperature was increased the resistance of the skin to mass transfer increased. The drying rate history of any material depended upon the nature of the skin formed which, in turn, depended upon the drying conditions. A mathematical model was proposed for the drying of the first type of skin-forming material. This was based on the assumption that, once all the granules gelatinised at the gelatinisation temperature, a skin appeared instantaneously on the droplet surface. The experimentally-observed times at which the skin appeared on the droplets surfaces were in excellent agreement with those predicted from the model. The work should assist in understanding the fundamentals of paniculate drying processes, particularly when skin-formation occurs and may be a crucial factor in volatiles retention.
The literature relating to the principles and practice of drying of materials, particularly those susceptible to thermal degradation or undesirable loss of volatile components, has been reviewed. Single droplets of heat-sensitive materials were dried whilst suspended in a horizontal wind tunnel from a specially-designed, rotating thermocouple which enabled direct observation of drying behaviour and continuous measurement of droplet temperature as drying progressed. The effects of drying air temperature and initial solids concentration on the potency of various antibiotics, viz. ampicillin, chloramphenicol, oxytetracycline, streptomycin and tetracycline, were assessed using a modified Drug Sensitivity Testing technique. Only ampicillin was heat-sensitive at temperatures above 100°C, e.g. at an air temperature of 115°C its zone diameter was reduced from 100% to 45%. Selected enzymes, viz. dextran sucrase and invertase, were also dried and their residual activities determined by High Performance Liquid Chromatography. The residual activity of dextran sucrase was rapidly reduced at temperatures above 65°C, and the residual activity of invertase reduced rapidly at temperatures above 65°C; but drying with short residence times will retain most of its activity. The performance of various skin-forming encapsulants, viz. rice and wheat starch, dextrin, coffee, skim milk, fructose, gelatine 60 and 150 Bloom, and gum arabic, was evaluated to determine their capabilities for retention of ethanol as a model volatile, under different operating conditions. The effects of initial solids concentration, air velocity and temperature were monitored for each material tested. Ethanol content was analysed by Gas Liquid Chromatography and in some cases dried crusts were removed for examination. Volatiles retention was concluded to depend in all cases upon the rate and nature of the skin formation and selective diffusion phenomena. The results provided further insight into the inter-relationship between temperature, residence time and thermal degradation of heat-sensitive materials. They should also assist in selection of the preferred dryer for such materials, and of the operating parameter to enable maximum retention of the required physico-chemical characteristics in the dried materials.