915 resultados para pseudomonas aeruginosa


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As infeções do trato urinário (ITU), depois das infeções respiratórias, são as mais comuns na comunidade, sendo a Escherichia coli o principal agente etiológico. Afeta predominantemente o sexo feminino e, anualmente, estima-se que ocorram em todo o Mundo cerca de 150 milhões de episódios de ITU, sendo responsável por 15% dos antibióticos prescritos em ambulatório. Os objetivos deste estudo foram caracterizar os agentes etiológicos das ITU e determinar o seu padrão de resistência aos antimicrobianos na região litoral norte de Portugal, de modo a contribuir para o uso racional na terapêutica empírica. Foi realizado um estudo observacional, descritivo e transversal, sendo obtidos 80 967 resultados de uroculturas de um Laboratório de Análises Clínicas de prestação de serviços à comunidade, relativos ao período entre Abril de 2007 e Março de 2015. Registaram-se 13 541 bacteriúrias positivas (16,72%). Escherichia coli foi o microrganismo mais isolado (71,62%), seguida de Klebsiella pneumoniae (12,41%), Proteus mirabilis (7,84%), Enterococcus. faecalis (3,97%) e Pseudomonas aeruginosa (1,42%), tendo-se observado diferenças estatisticamente significativas entre sexos e idades. Verificou-se uma diminuição da resistência aos antimicrobianos a partir do ano de 2012. E. coli apresentou em 2015 a menor taxa de resistência respetivamente de 4,46% e 12,37% para a fosfomicina e nitrofurantoína. A combinação de amoxicilina+ácido clavulânico registou uma taxa de resistência superior a 20% (22,03%). O baixo nível de resistência à fosfomicina permite que este antibiótico se apresente como a opção terapêutica de primeira linha no tratamento empírico de ITU não complicada na mulher em ambulatório, pelo que, estes resultados permitem corroborar as indicações de 2011 da Direção Geral de Saúde sobre a substituição de fluoroquinolonas por fosfomicina.


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In order to study caudal fin rot with emphasis on Aeromonas hydrophila and Pseudomonas fluorescens in Salmo trutta caspius from the salmonids propagation and breeding center of Shahid Bahonar of kelardasht region, One hundred and eighty brood stocks having fin damage symptoms were chosen. Two bacterial samples from each fish were cultured on Aeromonas and Pseudomonas specific media. Biochemical tests, API2OE identification system and antibiogram test using six antibiotic disks were performed for diagnosing isolates bacteria and finding suitable antibiotic. Thirty samples from caudal fin of damaged fishes were fixed in 10% formalin and 51.tm microscopic sections were prepared using standard scatological methods and then stained by Haematoxylin-Eosin staining method to observe the pathological changes and also Maccallum-Goodpasture staining method to observe the bacterial colonies. In second stage of the study, bacterial samples were taken from thirty brood stocks using similar method at the first stage of sampling. For isolation and biochemical diagnosis of Aeromonas and Pseudormonas genus, the samples were analyzed by molecular research included PCR amplification (using 16S rDNA genes of the genus pseudomonas and 16S-23S rDNA intergenic spacer of the genus Aeromonas) and restriction analysis by four restriction enzymes for each genus. The results of biochemical tests showed that isolated bacteria were belonged to Aeromonas caviae and Aeromonas hydrophila (subspecies anaerogenes), Pseudomonas fluorescens, Pseudomonas putida and Pseudomonas alcaligenes while the results of API2OE identification system showed that the isolated bacteria belonged to Aeromonas hydrophila, Pseudomonas fluorescens, Pseudomonas putida and Pseudomonas aeruginosa. Restriction analysis of Aeromonas samples with Hin6l, Csp6I, Taql, and Tasl revealed three samples were different from others while restriction analysis of Pseudomonas samples with Alul, Hinfl, Rsal, and Trull showed at least five species or biovars. The results of antibiogram test showed all Aeromonas samples were sensitive to Trimethoprim, Chloramphenicol and Nitrofurazone, mostly to Nalidixic acid and Chloramphenicol, while most of samples were resistant to Erythromycin and Oxytetracycline. Pseudomonas samples were only sensitive to Nitrofurazone and mostly resistant to Oxytetracycline, Nalidixic acid, Erythromycin, Trimethoprim and Chloramphenicol. The results of light microscope study showed hyperplasia and spongiosis of the malpigian cells of epidermis, increasing of melanin pigments underlying epidermis; sever necrosis in both epidermis and dermis and also sloughing the epidermis in some cases. Occurrence of clefts through the epithelium, neovascularization, hyperemia and mild inflammatory response in dermis and separation of the fin rays also were observed. No bacterial colonies were found in the sections.


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Trabalho Final de Mestrado para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Engenharia Química e Biológica


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Bis-(3´-5´)-cyclic dimeric guanosine monophosphate, or cyclic di-GMP (c-di-GMP) is a ubiquitous bacterial second messenger that regulates processes such biofilm formation, motility, and virulence. C-di-GMP is synthesized by diguanylate cyclases (DGCs), while phosphodiesterases (PDE-As) end signaling by linearizing c-di-GMP to 5ʹ-phosphoguanylyl-(3ʹ,5ʹ)-guanosine (pGpG), which is then hydrolyzed to two GMPs by previously unidentified enzymes termed PDE-Bs. To identify the PDE-B responsible for pGpG turnover, a screen for pGpG binding proteins in a Vibrio cholerae open reading frame library was conducted to identify potential pGpG binding proteins. This screen led to identification of oligoribonuclease (Orn). Purified Orn binds to pGpG and can cleave pGpG to GMP in vitro. A deletion mutant of orn in Pseudomonas aeruginosa was highly defective in pGpG turnover and accumulated pGpG. Deletion of orn also resulted in accumulation c-di-GMP, likely through pGpG-mediated inhibition of the PDE-As, causing an increase in c-di-GMP-governed auto-aggregation and biofilm. Thus, we found that Orn serves as the primary PDE-B enzyme in P. aeruginosa that removes pGpG, which is necessary to complete the final step in the c-di-GMP degradation pathway. However, not all bacteria that utilize c-di-GMP signaling also have an ortholog of orn, suggesting that other PDE-Bs must be present. Therefore, we asked whether RNases that cleave small oligoribonucleotides in other species could also act as PDE-Bs. NrnA, NrnB, and NrnC can rapidly degrade pGpG to GMP. Furthermore, they can reduce the elevated aggregation and biofilm formation in P. aeruginosa ∆orn. Together, these results indicate that rather than having a single dedicated PDE-B, different bacteria utilize distinct RNases to cleave pGpG and complete c-di-GMP signaling. The ∆orn strain also has a growth defect, indicating changes in other regulatory processes that could be due to pGpG accumulation, c-di-GMP accumulation, or another effect due to loss of Orn. We sought to investigate the genetic pathways responsible for these growth defect phenotypes by use of a transposon suppressor screen, and also investigated transcriptional changes using RNA-Seq. This work identifies that c-di-GMP degradation intersects with RNA degradation at the point of the Orn and the functionally related RNases.


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Malignant otitis externa (MOE) is an aggressive but benign entity which evolves into skull base osteomyelitis. An 81-year-old female patient was admitted for left hemiparesis and homonymous hemianopia. She complained of headache radiating to the right cervical area. A recent history of recurrent otitis media was present. Head and neck imaging showed an ischemic infarction (right temporo-occipital) and a parapharyngeal soft tissue mass originating in an external and medial ear infection. Culture samples revealed Pseudomonas aeruginosa infection leading to the diagnosis of Malignant otitis externa (MOE). Parenteral antibacterial therapy and hyperbaric oxygen therapy resulted in improvement.


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Sponges are the most primitive of the multicellular, These organisms don’t have any mechanical defense system, so their early appearance in evolution has given them a lot of time for the development of advanced secondary metabolites as chemical defense system. Sponges have the potential to provide drugs from chemical components against diseases. In this investigation the sponge samples, which it is Ircina spp., were collected at depth of 15- 24 meter, from locations on the coastline of Island Kish in Persian Gulf of Iran. For identifying natural components, methanolic and diethyletter were used as extraction solvents, after removal of the solvents, the GC/MS spectra of the fraction were obtained. Then in vitro cytotoxic, antimicrobial and antifungal were identified. In vitro cytotoxity screening, by XTT assay, against KB/ C359 and HUT-56/ C365 cell line, was conducted in this study in 1 - 544 μg/ml. IC54 for winter diethyletter extract was 325 μg/ml, winter methanolic extract was 364 μg/ml, IC54 for summer diethyletter extract was 544 μg/ml, and summer methanolic extract was 454 μg/ml in HUT-56. IC54 for winter diethyletter extract was 454 μg/ml, winter methanolic extract was 444 μg/ml, IC54 for summer diethyletter extract was 344 μg/ml, and summer methanolic extract was 424 μg/ml in KB. In vitro antimicrobial activity by Broth Dilution Methods against clinical gram-positives and gram negatives (Escherichia coli, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Staphylococcus aureus and Bacillus subtilis). The results conducted that the MIC values of winter diethyletter extract for Escherichia coli 24mg/ml, the MIC values of winter diethyletter extract for Escherichia coli 24mg/ml, the MIC and MBC values of winter diethyletter extract for Staphylococcus aureus was 2mg/ml and 24mg/ml. The MIC and MBC values of winter diethyletter extract for Bacillus subtilis was 1.5 mg/ml and 2mg/ml. In vitro antifungal activity by Broth Dilution Methods against clinical pathogens; Candida albicans and Aspergillus fumigatus. The results conducted that the aqueous extracts didn’t have any antifungal activities on pathogens, the MFC of the summer and winter diethyletter extract was 30 mg/ml and 2 mg/ml A. fumigates, the summer and winter methanolic extract was 0722 mg/ml and 2 mg/ml A. fumigates, the summer and winter methanolic was 4/75mg/ml, MFC 5 mg/ml on C. albicans.


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Borututu ( Cochlospermum angolensis Welw.) is a widespread tree in Angola used since antiquity by traditional healers for the prevention and treatment of hepatic diseases and for the prophylaxis of malaria [1]. This plant is mostly consumed as infusions but is also available as dietary supplements, such as piiis, capsules, and syrups, among others. In the present study, the aim was to evaluate the proximate composition and energetic contribution of borututu as weii as its composition in hydrophilic (sugars and organic acids) and lipophilic (fatty acids and tocopherols) compounds, given the fact that this plant is directly introduced in some dietary supplements. Furthermore, the bioactivity (antioxidant, hepatoprotective and antimicrobial activities) of three different formulations of borututu (infusion, pills, and syrup) was assessed and compared, and since plant beneficial properties are often ascribed to phenolic compounds [2], the phenolic profile of the formulations was also analysed. Carbohydrates (88 g/100 g) and fat (2.5 g/100 g) were the major and tl1e minor components of the studied borututu dry barks, respectively, with an energetic contribution of 384 kcal/100 g. Fructose was the most abundant sugar (1.3 g/100 g), foilowed by sucrose, trehalose and glucose (1.1, 0.98 and 0.79 g/100 g, respectively). Oxalic (0.70 g/100 g), malic (0.63 g/100 g) and citric (0.57 g/100 g) acids were present in higher amounts but shikimic and fumaric acids were also detected. Among the fatty acids found in borututu, a prevalence of saturated fatty acids (SF A; 48.2%) was observed, whereas polyunsaturated (PUFA) and monounsaturated (MUFA) fatty acids were detected in relative percentages of 30.9% and 20.8%, respectively. P-tocopherol was the most abundant of the four isoforms found in the sample, foiiowed by o-, a- and y-tocopherol, present in concentrations of 597,43, 3.7 and 2.0 g/100 g, respectively. Borututu infusion revealed the highest antioxidant activity, with EC50 values ranging from 20 to 600 J.lg/mL and was the only formulation inhibiting the growth of an HepG2 ceii line, with a Gl5o value of 146 J.lg/mL. This formulation.also revealed the best antimicrobial capacity and proved to be able to inhibit the growth of Escherichia coli, E. coli ESBL, Staphylococcus aureus and Pseudomonas aeruginosa, with MIC values of 50, 6.2, 1.6 and 25 mg!mL, respectively. Pills revealed activity against some of the studied bacterial strains and the syrup did not reveal antimicrobial activity at the studied concentration. Eilagic acids, methyl ellagic acids, eucaglobulinlglobulusin B and (epi)gaiiocatechin-0-gallate were the compounds present in all the different formulations. The highest concentration of phenolic compounds was found in the infusion extract. Protocatechuic acid was the most abundant phenolic compound in the infusions, the only preparation where it was detected, whereas ( epi)gaiiocatechin- 0-gallate was the main phenolic in the pills and eucaglobulinlglobulusin in the syrup. In a general way, borututu proved to be a good source of phytochemicals such as phenolic compounds, with the infusions revealing the best bioactive properties.


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Wild strawberry, Fragaria vesca L., belongs to Rosaceae family and is commonly found in roadsides and slopes [1]. The most consumed parts of this plant are its sweet small fruits, which constitute a source of vitamins and phenolic compounds, being also used in infusions due to their organoleptic properties and for the treatment of some intestinal disorders [2, 3]. In the present work, F. vesca fruits were evaluated for their nutritional value and further used in the preparation of infusions. The chemical composition of the fruits and corresponding infusions was determined in terms of soluble sugars, organic acids, tocopherols, folates (by HPLC coupled to different detectors), phenolic compounds (by HPLC-DAD/ESI-MS) and mineral elements (atomic absorption spectroscopy). Some of these bioactive compounds were correlated with antioxidant and antibacterial properties evaluated either in infusions as also in hydromethanolic extracts. Carbohydrates were the main macronutrients in the fruits, followed by fat and proteins. Regarding the fatty acids, polyunsaturated fatty acids showed higher prevalence, mainly due to the presence of D-linolenic (Cl8:3n3) and y-linolenic (Cl8:3n6) acids. Sucrose and citric acid were, respectively, the main sugar and organic acid found in the fruits and in its infusions. The microelement found in higher amounts in both samples was manganese, while potassium and calcium were the macroelements present in higher levels in the fruits and infusions, respectively. Both samples presented folates and tocopherols, being ytocopherol the main isoform detected in the fruits, while a-tocopherol was the only isoform quantified in the infusion. The hydromethanolic extract prepared from the fruits gave higher antioxidant and antibacterial activities, namely against Escherichia coli and Pseudomonas aeruginosa, than the infusion; it also showed capacity to inhibit the formation of bacterial biofilm. Both bioactivities are highly correlated with the presence of phenolic compounds, in which the major are ellagic acid derivatives (sanguiin hlO) followed by tlavan 3-ols ((+)catechin) and anthocyanin compounds (pelargonidin-3-glucoside). Although fruits of wild F. vesca are mainly consumed in fresh, this study also proves the potentiality of their infusions as a source of bioactive molecules and properties.


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Cynara scolymus L. (artichoke) and Silybum marianum (L.) Gaertn (milk thistle), belonging to the Asteraceae family, are medicinal plants vo.ith well-reported antioxidant and hepatoprotective effects. Widely consumed as infusions, these plants can also be found in several formulations to allow an easier consumption. The bioactivity of infusions, pills, and syrups based on artichoke and milk thistle was previously reported by our research group [1 ,2] and among the various phytochemicals present in these dietary supplements, phenolic compounds are pointed out as the most responsible for their beneficial properties. With the aim of studying the antimicrobial activity and possible relation vo.ith the phenolic composition, two different formulations of each plant were assessed (pills and syrups). The phenolic profiles were obtained by HPLC-DAD-ESIIMS, and the antimicrobial activity was performed with clinical isolates from hospitalized patients, namely Escherichia coli, Escherichia coli spectrum extended producer of P-lactarnases (ESBL), Proteus mirabilis, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, and methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA). Vanillic acid (5.58 J.tg/g) and luteolin-7-0-glucoside (2.2 J.tg/g) were the most abundant compounds in artichoke syrup, that did not reveal antimicrobial activity against the studied strains, which could be due to their low concentrations. On the other hand, artichoke pills presented a prevalence of 5-0-caffeoylquinic (28.2 J.tg/g), 1,3-dicaffeoylquinic (24 J.tg/g), and 4-0-Caffeoylquinic acids (13.3 J.tg/g); revealing the capacity to inhibit MRSA vo.ith a MIC value of 1.9 mg!g. Regarding milk thistle, isorhamnetin-0-deoxyhexoside-0-hexoside, isorhamnetin-3-0-rutinoside, and isorhamnetin-0-deoxyhexoside-0-dihexoside were the major compounds detected in the syrup, in concentrations of 7.26, 5. 75, and 3.64 J.tg/g, respectively. This formulation proved to be able to inhibit the growth of E. coli, ESBL, MRSA and P. aeruginosa, with MIC values ranging from 0.2 to 1.3 mg!mL. Hydroxylated silibinin (1.565 J.!g/g) was the major flavonoid found in the pills, that revealed antimicrobial activity against ESBL, with a MIC value of 15 mg!mL, but did not inhibit the growth of the remaining bacteria None of the studied samples was able to inhibit P. mirabilis at the studied concentrations (1000 and 26.4 mg!mL for the syrups of artichoke and milk thistle, respectively; 150 mg/mL for both pills). Overall, the studied syrups and pills of artichoke and milk thistle revealed to be a good source of phenolic compounds, with some of these formulations revealing antimicrobial activity.


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La neumonía nosocomial es una infección frecuente en pacientes hospitalizados, representa el 40% de las infecciones nosocomiales. El incremento en su incidencia por microorganismos multirresistentes causa un incremento en el tratamiento antibiótico empírico inapropiado asociándose a un incremento en el riesgo de mortalidad. Es importante conocer los microorganismos frecuentemente responsables de estas infecciones en cada hospital y los patrones de sensibilidad antimicrobiana para reducir la incidencia de tratamiento antibiótico inapropiado. Materiales y métodos: se realizó un estudio observacional descriptivo, longitudinal de eventos retrospectivos; fuentes documentales (expedientes clínicos) con egreso por neumonía nosocomial de los servicios del Departamento de Medicina Interna del Hospital Nacional Rosales(HNR), de enero a diciembre del año 2013. Se excluyeron pacientes trasladados de otro centro hospitalario, los que iniciaron tratamiento antibiótico empírico en unidad de cuidados intensivos y pacientes con asociación a una segunda infección nosocomial. Resultados: se incluyeron 124 pacientes, edad media de 57.91 años (desviación estándar + 20.46) 62.1% hombres y 37.9% mujeres, relación masculino/femenino 1.63:1. El antibiótico empírico de inicio más frecuente fue la monoterapia con Ceftazidima. Se reportó microorganismos de cultivo bacteriológico de esputo o secreción bronquial con sensibilidad únicamente en 30 casos (24.2%) y la toma de cultivo antes del inicio de antibióticos solamente a 11 (8.9%). Los agentes más frecuentes fueron Pseudomonas aeruginosa (con sensibilidad a Ciprofloxacina, Imipenen, Gentamicina y Linzolid) y Acinetobacter baumanni (en su mayoría multiresistente). La mortalidad reportada fue del 64.52% Conclusión: en el HNR se encontró divergencia en cuanto al cumplimiento de los lineamientos internacionales en el antibiótico empírico de inicio, se encontró una baja proporción de reporte de cultivos.


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Cochlospermum angolensis Welw. (borututu) is a widespread tree in Angola that belongs to the Cochlospermaceae family. Its bark infusion is used in the traditional medicine of Angola for the treatment of jaundice, hepatic diseases and for the prophylaxis of malaria [1]. In the present work, three formulations based on this plant (infusion, pills, and syrup) were characterized by HPLC-DAD-ESI/MS regarding phenolic composition, and evaluated by their in vitro antimicrobial activity against isolates of multiresistant bacteria (Escherichia coli, Escherichia coli spectrum extended producer of β-lactamases (ESBL), Proteus mirabilis, methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) and Pseudomonas aeruginosa). The infusion and pills revealed the highest variety of phenolic compounds, with eleven compounds identified. Protocatechuic acid was only present in infusions, being the most abundant compound, while (epi)gallocatechin-O-gallate and eucaglobulin/globulusin were the main molecules identified in pills and syrup, respectively. Methyl ellagic acids, eucaglobulin/globulusin B (Fig. 1) and (epi)gallocatechin-O-gallate were found in all the formulations. The infusion revealed antimicrobial activity against all the studied bacteria with the exception of P. mirabilis whereas the pills revealed activity in E. coli ESBL and MRSA. No significant antimicrobial activity was detected in the syrup, in agreement with its low concentrations of phenolic compounds. None of the tested formulations inhibited P. mirabilis. Considering the obtained results, C. angolensis infusion can be considered a good source of phenolic compounds as well as a good antimicrobial agent.


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Background Chronic suppurative otitis media (CSOM) is still a significant health problem in developing countries. Therefore, it was pertinent to determine the local Malawian microbiology in order to guide adequate treatment, avoid complications, and provide records for future reference. Aim The study sought to determine the CSOM-causing microorganisms at Queen Elizabeth Central Hospital in Blantyre, Malawi, and establish their relationship signs and symptoms, and with the demographic pattern of the study. Methods This was a hospital-based cross-sectional descriptive study carried out at the ENT outpatient clinic and the Microbiology Department of Queen Elizabeth Central Hospital.The sample comprised 104 patients with unilateral or bilateral active CSOM, who met the inclusion criteria. All patients were evaluated through a detailed history and clinical examination. Pus samples from draining ears were collected by aspiration with a sterile pipette. The specimens were immediately sent for microbiological analysis. Data were analyzed using SPSS.version 20. Results The study found that Proteus mirabilis , Pseudomonas aeruginosa , and Staphylococcus aureus were the most prevalent aerobic bacteria, while Bacteroides spp. and Peptostreptococcus spp. were the commonest anaerobic bacteria causing CSOM. These CSOM-causing microorganisms were predominant among males aged 18 years and below. Some CSOMcausing microorganisms were—significantly more so than the others— characteristically associated with each of the following clinical features: quantity of pus drainage, mode of onset, otalgia, hearing loss, location of tympanic membrane perforation, and mucosal appearance.


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Surgical site infections (SSIs) remain a major clinical problem in terms of morbidity, mortality, time spent in hospital and overall direct and indirect costs. Objectives: To measure the prevalence of the SSI, by type of surgery and microbiologically characterization, in adult patients undergoing surgery during 2015 at a public hospital in northern Portugal. Methods: A prospective study, attended by 609 adult patients, undergoing surgery. The sociodemographic and clinical data of the population, as well as the surgical procedure and microbiological study were analyzed using Microsoft Access 2013. Results: In the sample of 609 adults undergoing surgery, it was found that 62.89% of surgical wound were cleaned, 15.8% were clean-contaminated, 8.70% were contaminated and 9.36% infected. About 62.52% of the intervened patients had antibiotic prophylaxis prior to surgery. Out of all surgeries, 33.3% were laparoscopic. The percentage of SSI was 5.74%; In these positive cases, only 3.61% was identiied the responsible bacteria. The urgent surgeries have more infections when compared to the programmed ones. In colon surgery the number of infections was 60% after cholecystectomy (22.86%). In hernioplasty, infection occurred in only 2.86% of the patients. The most isolated bacteria was Escherichia coli with 59%, in which 30% are -producing-lactamases of extended spectrum, followed by Pseudomonas aeruginosa (13.6%) and Serratia marcescens (13.6%). The mortality rate was 14.8%. Pseudomonas aeruginosa was isolated in 3 of 4 patients who died. Conclusions: The most microorganisms belong to the group of Gram-negative and are usually linked to infections associated with health care.


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Con el objetivo de determinar parámetros fisicoquímicos y microbiológicos en agua de consumo humano en la colonia Los Naranjos, Apopa, San Salvador. Se tomaron por triplicado 8 muestras para cumplir con los requerimientos de las pruebas físicas, químicas y microbiológicas en dos tiempos distintos, época seca y lluviosa. Tomando en cuenta la distribución del sistema de agua potable, los puntos de muestreo se ubicaron al principio en medio y al final del pasaje. La calidad del agua se determinó mediante la evaluación de parámetros organolépticos y físicos (color, olor, sabor,. pH, temperatura, sólidos totales disueltos), químicos (dureza total, hierro, manganeso arsénico y plomo) y microbiológicos (bacterias coliformes totales, coliformes fecales, Escherichia coli, recuento total de bacterias heterótrofas, aerobias mesófilas y organismo patógeno Pseudomonas aeruginosa), tomando como referencia lo establecido en la American Public Health Association (APHA). Luego se compararon los resultados con los límites máximos permitidos por la Norma Salvadoreña Obligatoria NSO 13.07.01:08 para agua y agua potable. Posterior a la realización de los análisis se determinó tanto en época lluviosa como en época seca que el agua de grifo cumple con los límites máximos establecidos para los parámetros físicos, organolépticos y microbiológicos seleccionados, caso contrario ocurre con los resultados obtenidos en análisis del parámetro químico arsénico ya que 8 grifos que representan el 50% de los grifos muestreados en época seca y los 8 grifos que representan 100% de los grifos muestreados en época lluviosa sobrepasan los límites máximos permisibles de arsénico según la Norma Salvadoreña Obligatoria NSO 13.07.01:08, Agua. Agua potable. Por lo tanto, el agua de grifo de la colonia Los Naranjos de Apopa no es apta para el consumo humano y representa un riesgo a la salud de la población, debido a los niveles elevados de arsénico encontrados en ambos épocas de muestreo. La exposición prolongada al arsénico a través del consumo de agua y alimentos contaminados puede causar cáncer y lesiones cutáneas. Los resultados de esta investigación se dieron a conocer a la Alcaldía Municipal de Apopa a través de un informe.


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Dissertação de Mestrado, Biologia Molecular e Microbiana, Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia, Universidade do Algarve, 2015