999 resultados para projeto de trabalho
This work has a focus on project execution DMAIC ( Define Measure Analyze Implement Control) , using the statistical and quality tools to identify , analyze and implement improvements in a given process in order to reduce costs telephony transport of a multinational consumer goods . The multinational consumer goods to be studied has outsourced carriers who perform the distribution of its products , which may lead them straight to their factories or one of its distribution centers to the points of sale ( supermarkets , bakeries , gas stations , convenience cafeterias , among others ) . Whenever there is an unexpected situation or some problem at the time of delivery of the goods to the customer opens an occurrence , ie , the carrier responsible for contacts ( 0800 ) with the contact center company of consumer goods which in turn registers the occurrence, analyzes and sends a response action to the carrier . This work will study the problem with a high number of connections to handle occurrence , through analysis and data collection , identify improvement opportunities, implement them and monitor the results to ensure that the gain and loss reduction are sustainable
Esta pesquisa aborda a temática ambiental como propulsora na formação do sujeito ecológico. Este trabalho teve como objetivo realizar uma trajetória histórica do projeto de Educação Ambiental “Preserve o Planeta Terra” promovendo uma avaliação dos anos, demarcando as tendências e dificuldades alcançados do decorrer da existência do grupo. O projeto é cadastrado via Pró – Reitoria de Extensão Universitária da UNESP de Rio Claro e atua no Núcleo “Arte e Vida”, uma ONG localizada no bairro Jardim Bom Sucesso que atende os membros do próprio bairro e suas proximidades. Para execução desta monografia foi utilizada uma análise documental para mapear a história e as práticas educativas envolvendo as questões ambientais que lá são desenvolvidas. A partir da análise dessa experiência foi proposto encaminhamentos para facilitar o trabalho que lá é desenvolvido por meio de sugestões didático-pedagógicas que contribuam para o fortalecimento das ações educativas da ONG.
We realize this days a spacing of individuals, on what concerns their relationships with others. At the same time, the technologies and the possibilities of virtual interaction are more and more present and developed. At this point, we draw a connection between the virtual immersion and the detachment from personal and face to face relationships. Wear this reality, this project proposes a discussion of the communications while transmitting messages and content, as well as a basis for social relations developed between individuals in a given society. From this analysis, we depart for the development of an action joining the Public Relations and Design, while communication areas that when involved, enable the development of an empirical theory for the increased use of social relations, through the feelings
The electrical substations have the goal to transmit, distribute and change the characteristics of electrical energy transmission networks of dealers to the end user with a high rate of reliability and continuously. For this it’s necessary to accomplish a gathering of datas from the local dealers where will be installed the substation to make a good electric project. This work has the objective to gather all the contents relatives to electric project of substation that are scattered in the literature, in order to organize and develop a basic guide that presents a methodology to dimension electrical equipments that belong to an industrial substation at 15 kV. In addition to elaborate a basic guide, this work aids to specify electrical equipments installed in the substation, bringing information and comparisons to know and determinate the kind of equipments that will be used, in a correct and coherent way with the national and international rules. Ultimately, after determined, got and specified all the equipments that belongs to an industrial substation, the work mention in global manner how to calculate the dimension of substation physical arrangement, determining all the least and required dimensions of each cubicle
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The Psychology of Morality is an area that has to be strengthened in the academic environment for social, political and scientific. The research of Jean Piaget (1932) on the development of moral judgments are the main sources for this area of knowledge, followed by studies of Lawrence Kohlberg (1981), Jose Maria Puig (1998) and others. This project intends to investigate and analyze the conception of the ethical training of graduate students of Pedagogy, Unesp, Campus Bauru, in order to see how these conceive their ethical, what importance they give to the subject and how to relate such training to the work that will develop with their students. Some research has shown a total lack of respect for the theories and concepts related to the issue by presenting a framework of moral indifference since graduation, space in which there is discussion about major educational theories. Through the proposed research is to analyze whether such a deficiency exists and educate future educators of the fundamental importance of its role in moral education and ethics of their students
O presente trabalho será desenvolvido em uma quadra urbana no centro da cidade de Roma que compreende o Complexo da Crypta Balbi em cujo espaço é possível realizar uma leitura do ponto de vista arquitetônico e urbano ao longo da história e ver refletida a cidade ao longo de seu desenvolvimento através de vestígios arqueológicos do início da formação de Roma (III a.C.) até construções do século XIX . O trabalho visa a restauração e reabilitação do Complexo, mais especificamente das edificações localizadas na Via del Delfini a fim de abrigar um edifício de uso público assim como a requalificação do espaço aberto no interior do quarteirão permitindo sua integração com o entorno imediato e com os edifícios da quadra
This study aimed to assess knowledge of nursing professionals (nurses, technicians and nursing assistants) on the Project Sentinel Hospitals in a state hospital in the interior of and identify the occurrence of under-reporting of hospital products and the reasons that prevented the team to notify them. This is a study of a descriptive and exploratory, held in a public hospital in the interior of which serves only patients of the Unified Health System (SUS). The study sample consisted of 245 nurses. Data analysis revealed that the majority of nurses and nursing assistants refers knowledge about Project Sentinel Hospitals. In relation to the Practical nurses less than half know Hospitals Project Sentry. Knowledge of the four spheres of Hospitals Project Sentinel is higher among nurses. Among the practical nurses and nursing assistants prevailing knowledge in the area of Pharmacovigilance. The nurses have more knowledge about the process of notification and are major notifiers. Technicians and nursing assistants are those who have greater interest in learning content as a whole Hospitals Project Sentry. The nurses were the professionals who witnessed the most under-and under-reporting associated with the fear, lack of knowledge on the subject, insecurity and lack of time. It can be concluded that the study identified the knowledge of nurses on Project Sentinel Hospitals and the procedure for notification of technical defects and adverse events related to health products as well as identify the presence of under-reporting among professionals. In addition, the study shows the importance and need for greater disclosure of the activities developed by Project Sentinel Hospitals among nursing professionals through meetings, lectures, brochures, among other outlets
The weight of a vehicle has always been considered an extreme important factor, because it interferes in the performance, steering, consume, environmental impact, wear of components, among the others. Because of the new demand, consume reduction aim and gases emission increased the necessity to manufacture lighter vehicles, guaranteeing the complying with the gas emission international law. Besides the legal demand, the low weight will certainly be essential for the competitiveness for the next generation of vehicles. It is with this thinking the composite materials have been introduced in the automobilist industry, because those materials show an excellent relation of strength/weight, providing a reduction of consume and the increase of load capacity. Those factors justify the increase of interest of industry and the necessity of optimization of those materials and of their process. For this research, the field of application will be the Baja SAE Project, a project that is fully developed by engineering students, where they build a prototype single seat, off-road category, for use on hilly slopes with obstacle. This research aims to study two key components of the prototype are made of composite materials, analyzing all the processing. In addition, there is the analysis of the viability of this production parts to a Baja SAE vehicle, in order to increase their performance and reduce their weight without reducing the safety and robustness of the prototype. It was possible to achieve weight reduction of the steering subsystem with manufacturing the flywheel hybrid composite (carbon/glass) and the replacement of SAE 1010 steel by hybrid composite (carbon/aramid) in CVT box. The importance of this study is to obtain a good project for the vehicle of technical and scientific manner, contributing to the know-how to the team and providing a basis for optimization for upcoming projects
This paper aims at emphasizing the performance of a Public Relations professional, among other activities related to him, as a conflict intermediary in social relations of labor. Therein, a case study is made with administrative employees from the Regional Management Board of Post Office, in Bauru city, São Paulo state, during Collective Labor Agreement period. For comprehension of this specific case, concepts about labor relations and the union movement, as well as about Public Relations activity and its techniques, are used as theoretical substantiation
This work presents an intervention at the Guaratinguetá Railway Station and its surroundings, including this area in the urban context, at this moment isolated of the activities and citizen attentions, offering new activities on this commercial area. The selected area finds itself in a state of neglect and forgetfulness from the urban relations. Located between the periphery of the commercial center and the Paraiba do Sul River, the correlation is tension between the advancement of shops, the railway line, and the natural barrier of the Paraiba River. On the context of these limits, the railroad and the river stand as barriers for the center expansion and the flows that connect the old part of the town with the new part, which is growing and is called “post-city river”. These barriers have relegating properties around them to isolation, despite being located in the center. The area choice and this intervention seeks to break this isolation and the barrier flow, linking areas of opposite sides to form a leak through the barrier of the railway line. The pedestrian flow is prioritized in the project, this flow will be attracted by the program offered and by the new created areas, increasing the space utilization by users and breaking the isolation of urban activities. And entering the area in the context of life of city residents. The attraction of these new flows will be through the implementation of a Cultural Center, supplying a lack of city by spaces that offer this type of activity. Its implementation aims to attract and modify the activities of these spaces and the surrounding areas, one side facing the commercial center, and another facing the river, linking this two sides at the same time that this link provides the expansion of distance traveled and known
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The process of globalization resulted in a variety of new products emerging. Companies were obliged to find new ways of maintaining the attractiveness for their products to sustain their brands in the economic field. So in this scenario social accountability became an important subject for companies that want to achieve a positive image among consumers. This paper aims to explain how organizational communication is essential to create and manage social accountability in a company. Aiming to explain the relation between organizational communication and social accountability, this final project had three main purposes: establish the connection between organizational communication and social accountability, point out and discuss the main strategies in this communication field, and then propose an action plan for Raízen to solve an established problem in one of its factories
Pós-graduação em Educação - FFC
Pós-graduação em Educação - IBRC