929 resultados para private security military company


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The Australasian Information Security Conference (AISC) 2011 was held on 18th-19th January 2011 in Perth, Australia, as a part of the Australasian Computer Science Week 2011. AISC grew out of the Australasian Information Security Workshop and officially changed the name to Australasian Information Security Conference in 2008. The main aim of the AISC is to provide a venue for Australasian and other researchers to present their work on all aspects of information security and promote collaboration between academic and industrial researchers working in this area.


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The Australasian Information Security Conference (AISC) 2012 was held at RMIT University in Melbourne, Australia, as a part of the Australasian Computer Science Week, January 30 - February 3, 2012. AISC grew out of the Australasian Information Security Workshop and officially changed the name to Australasian Information Security Conference in 2008. The main aim of the AISC is to provide a venue for researchers to present their work on all aspects of information security and promote collaboration between academic and industrial researchers working in this area.


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To harness safe operation of Web-based systems in Web environments, we propose an SSPA (Server-based SHA-1 Page-digest Algorithm) to verify the integrity of Web contents before the server issues an HTTP response to a user request. In addition to standard security measures, our Java implementation of the SSPA, which is called the Dynamic Security Surveillance Agent (DSSA), provides further security in terms of content integrity to Web-based systems. Its function is to prevent the display of Web contents that have been altered through the malicious acts of attackers and intruders on client machines. This is to protect the reputation of organisations from cyber-attacks and to ensure the safe operation of Web systems by dynamically monitoring the integrity of a Web site's content on demand. We discuss our findings in terms of the applicability and practicality of the proposed system. We also discuss its time metrics, specifically in relation to its computational overhead at the Web server, as well as the overall latency from the clients' point of view, using different Internet access methods. The SSPA, our DSSA implementation, some experimental results and related work are all discussed


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This paper describes research investigating expertise and the types of knowledge used by airport security screeners. It applies a multi method approach incorporating eye tracking, concurrent verbal protocol and interviews. Results show that novice and expert security screeners primarily access perceptual knowledge and experience little difficulty during routine situations. During non-routine situations however, experience was found to be a determining factor for effective interactions and problem solving. Experts were found to use strategic knowledge and demonstrated structured use of interface functions integrated into efficient problem solving sequences. Comparatively, novices experienced more knowledge limitations and uncertainty resulting in interaction breakdowns. These breakdowns were characterised by trial and error interaction sequences. This research suggests that the quality of knowledge security screeners have access to has implications on visual and physical interface interactions and their integration into problem solving sequences. Implications and recommendations for the design of interfaces used in the airport security screening context are discussed. The motivations of recommendations are to improve the integration of interactions into problem solving sequences, encourage development of problem scheme knowledge and to support the skills and knowledge of the personnel that interact with security screening systems.


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A comprehensive study was undertaken involving chemical (inorganic and organic) and bioanalytical (a suite of 14 in vitro bioassays) assessments of coal seam gas (coal bed methane) associated water (CSGW) in Queensland, Australia. CSGW is a by-product of the gas extraction process and is generally considered as water of poor quality. This was done to better understand what is known about the potential biological and environmental effects associated with the organic constituents of CSGW in Australia. In Queensland, large amounts of associated water must be withdrawn from coal seams to allow extraction of the gas. CSGW is disposed of via release to surface water, reinjected to groundwater or reused for irrigation of crops or pasture, supplied for power station cooling and or reinjected specifically to augment drinking water aquifers. Groundwater samples were collected from private wells tapping into the Walloon Coal Measures, the same coal aquifer exploited for coal seam gas production in the Surat Basin, Australia. The inorganic characteristics of these water samples were almost identical to the CSGW entering the nearby gas company operated Talinga-Condabri Water Treatment Facility. The water is brackish with a pH of 8 to 9, high sodium, bicarbonate and chloride concentrations but low calcium, magnesium and negligible sulphate concentrations. Only low levels of polyaromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) were detected in the water samples, and neither phenols nor volatile organic compounds were found. Results from the bioassays showed no genotoxicity, protein damage, or activation of hormone receptors (with the exception of the estrogen receptor). However, five of the 14 bioassays gave positive responses: an arylhydrocarbon-receptor gene activation assay (AhR-CAFLUX), estrogenic endocrine activity (ERα-CALUX), oxidative stress response (AREc32), interference with cytokine production (THP1-CPA) and non-specific toxicity (Microtox). The observed effects were benchmarked against known water sources and were similar to secondary treated wastewater effluent, stormwater and surface water. As mixture toxicity modelling demonstrated, the detected PAHs explained less than 5% of the observed biological effects.


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Deeds of company arrangement ('DOCAs') under Part 5.3A of the Corporations Act appear be something of a limited success. However, the use and outcomes of DOCAs raise legitimate questions as to whether the level of returns currently being achieved for creditors might be improved by legislative reform. The 2013 ARITA Terry Taylor Scholarship project entailed a review of a random sample of executed DOCAs effectuated between 1 August 2012 and 31 July 2013. This review was undertaken with the intention of producing a ‘snapshot’ of current trends and outcomes of the use of DOCAs in practice – ie, average (or typical) rates of dividends paid, what DOCAs customarily achieve, the profile of the companies executing DOCAs and the average duration of DOCAs. The purpose of this review was to empirically assess the use and effectiveness of DOCAs in order to inform the ongoing debate about the success or otherwise of Australia’s Part 5.3A voluntary administration regime (which recently marked its 20 year anniversary).


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An empirical review of the operation of Part 5.3A of the Corporations Act 2001 (Cth) is timely given that Australia’s corporate rescue regime marked its 20 year anniversary in 2013. The research project culminating in this report was funded by the 2013 ARITA Terry Taylor Scholarship and entailed a review of a random sample of 72 executed DOCAs (and associated reports and returns) which were effectuated between 1 August 2012 and 31 July 2013. This sample review of DOCAs was undertaken with the intention of producing a ‘snapshot’ of current practices and trends pertaining to DOCAs – ie, average (or typical) rate of dividends paid, the outcomes or goals which DOCAs customarily achieve (eg, genuine company rescues, workouts, enhanced asset realisations or ‘quasi-liquidations’), the profile of the companies executing DOCAs and the average term/duration of DOCAs. The purpose and value of this sample review was to empirically assess the use and effectiveness of one important aspect of Part 5.3A and to further inform consideration and debate as to whether changes are warranted to Australia’s voluntary administration regime.


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Private Ancillary Funds (PAFs) are trusts to which Australian taxpayers can make tax deductible donations, enabling families, businesses and individuals to create a tax effective closely held charitable trust, whose sole purpose must be to provide money, property or benefits to deductible gift recipients. This Current Issues Information Sheet charts the movement in approval of PAFs, donations made to and distributions made by PAFs during the period 2000-01 to 2011-12.


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Pseudorandom Generators (PRGs) based on the RSA inversion (one-wayness) problem have been extensively studied in the literature over the last 25 years. These generators have the attractive feature of provable pseudorandomness security assuming the hardness of the RSA inversion problem. However, despite extensive study, the most efficient provably secure RSA-based generators output asymptotically only at most O(logn) bits per multiply modulo an RSA modulus of bitlength n, and hence are too slow to be used in many practical applications. To bring theory closer to practice, we present a simple modification to the proof of security by Fischlin and Schnorr of an RSA-based PRG, which shows that one can obtain an RSA-based PRG which outputs Ω(n) bits per multiply and has provable pseudorandomness security assuming the hardness of a well-studied variant of the RSA inversion problem, where a constant fraction of the plaintext bits are given. Our result gives a positive answer to an open question posed by Gennaro (J. of Cryptology, 2005) regarding finding a PRG beating the rate O(logn) bits per multiply at the cost of a reasonable assumption on RSA inversion.


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Background: Pharmacists are considered medication experts but are underutilised mainly at the periphery of the primary healthcare team. General medical practitioners (GPs) in Malaysian private healthcare clinics are granted rights to prescribe and dispense medications, thus furhter limiting pharmacists involvement in ensuring safe use of medicines. The integration of pharmacist into private primary healthcare clinics has the potential to reduce medication-relation problems. Objective: To explore the views of consumers on the integration of pharmacists within private primary healthcare clinics in Malaysia. Method: A purposive sample of healthcare consumers in Selangor and Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia were invited to participate in focus groups and semi-structured interviews. Sessions were audio recorded and transcribed verbatim and thematically analysed using NVivo 10. Results: A total of 24 healthcare consumers particpated in two focus groups and six semi-structured interviews. Four major themes were identified: (1) Pharmacists role viewed mainly as supplying medications, (2) Readiness to accept pharmacists in private healthcare clinics, (3) Willingness to pay for pharmacy services, and (4) Concerns about GPs resistance to pharmacist integration. Consumers felt that a pharmacist integrated into private prumary healthcare clinics could offer potential benefits such as counter-checking prescriptions to ensure correct medication is supplied and counselling consumers on their medications and the potential side effects. The potential to increase in costs to consumers and GPs reluctance were perceived as barriers to integration. Conclusion: This study provides insights into consumers perspectives on the roles of pharmacists within private primary healthcare clinics in Malaysia. Consumers generally supported pharmacist integration into private primary healthcare clinics. However, for pharmacists to expand their capacity in providing integrated and collaborative primary care services to consumers, barriers to pharmacist integration need to be addressed.


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Vehicular Ad-hoc Networks (VANETs) can make roads safer, cleaner, and smarter. It can offer a wide range of services, which can be safety and non-safety related. Many safety-related VANETs applications are real-time and mission critical, which would require strict guarantee of security and reliability. Even non-safety related multimedia applications, which will play an important role in the future, will require security support. Lack of such security and privacy in VANETs is one of the key hindrances to the wide spread implementations of it. An insecure and unreliable VANET can be more dangerous than the system without VANET support. So it is essential to make sure that “life-critical safety” information is secure enough to rely on. Securing the VANETs along with appropriate protection of the privacy drivers or vehicle owners is a very challenging task. In this work we summarize the attacks, corresponding security requirements and challenges in VANETs. We also present the most popular generic security policies which are based on prevention as well detection methods. Many VANETs applications require system-wide security support rather than individual layer from the VANETs’ protocol stack. In this work we will review the existing works in the perspective of holistic approach of security. Finally, we will provide some possible future directions to achieve system-wide security as well as privacy-friendly security in VANETs.


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Three proof requirements as essential for a sustainable land registration system. These were proof of identity, proof of ownership, and authority to deal. Our attention in this paper is drawn to the latter two requirements and will ask whether the introduction of the Property Exchange of Australia (PEXA), and its underpinning regulatory regime will meet the concerns that we have in relation to proof of ownership and authority to deal. In drawing out some problems with PEXA, we then offer an innovative idea, sourced from the transfer of equities that could serve to generate discussion on how we can ensure the Torrens system of land registration is sustainable for another 160 years.


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Dealing with digital medical images is raising many new security problems with legal and ethical complexities for local archiving and distant medical services. These include image retention and fraud, distrust and invasion of privacy. This project was a significant step forward in developing a complete framework for systematically designing, analyzing, and applying digital watermarking, with a particular focus on medical image security. A formal generic watermarking model, three new attack models, and an efficient watermarking technique for medical images were developed. These outcomes contribute to standardizing future research in formal modeling and complete security and computational analysis of watermarking schemes.


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The Association of South East Asian Nations (ASEAN) Secretariat and its member states have repeatedly professed their commitment to the protection and advancement of women’s economic and human rights. Such commitments have included the Declaration on the Advancement of Women in ASEAN in 1988, the ASEAN Declaration on the Elimination of Violence Against Women in 2004, and the ASEAN Declaration of Human Rights in 2012, as well as the establishment of the ASEAN Committee on Women in 2002 and the ASEAN Commission on the Promotion and Protection of Women and Children in 2009. However, none of these regional commitments or institutions expressly take up the core concern of the Women, Peace and Security (WPS) agenda set out in United Nations Security Council (UNSC) Resolution 1325 in 2000. ASEAN has no 1325 regional action plan and amongst the ASEAN membership, the Philippines is the only state that has adopted a 1325 National Action Plan (NAP). We explore the possible reasons for lack of ASEAN institutional engagement with 1325, outline the case for regional engagement, and suggest specific roles for ASEAN Secretariat, donor governments and individual member states to commit to UNSCR 1325 as a regional priority.


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China is becoming an increasingly important automotive market. Customer’s vehicle usage, preferences and requirements differ from traditional western markets in a number of aspects – rear seat usage rates are higher, vehicles are used for business purposes as well as for private transport and rear seat usage is generally more important to Chinese customers compared to their western counterparts. The purpose of this project is to dimension and investigate these differences from an ergonomics perspective and use these results to guide the design of future products. The focus for this project will be specific to vehicles in the CD segment. More specifically, this project focuses on the second row ‘ambience’. Ambience refers to the global feeling perceived by second row passengers, and the main factors contributing to ambience are: ingress and egress comfort, seat comfort, roominess, and ease of use of the controls. In order to investigate the aforementioned parameters, an experimental study has been conducted in Shanghai, China. This experiment involved 80 healthy Chinese CD- and D-car customers. These subjects were asked to evaluate different features present in the second row environment of three different cars: A Ford Mondeo, Toyota Camry and Mercedes S-class. Various data has been collected during this experiment: First, the anthropometric dimensions of the subjects have been measured. The subjects were also asked to fill a questionnaire about demographics, their own car usage, and their perception of a various number of features present in the three tested cars. A great amount of technical data was also collected. The first part of this report presents the results given by the questionnaires. It includes Chinese demographics, vehicle usage habits, and the subjective perception of the features present in the tested cars. It also presents the results of the anthropometric measurements. This gives a first insight into Chinese customers’ habits and preferences. The second part deals with the technical data recorded during the experiment: second row seat adjustment ranges, roominess, optimal location of controls, and pressure mapping analysis. Analysis of technical data allows a deeper understanding of the factors contributing to comfort and ambience perception. Using the technical data together with the comfort ratings given by the subjects in the questionnaire, recommendations on several design parameters were provided. Finally, an experimental study of car ingress-egress has been conducted in a University laboratory controlled environment. During this study, the ingress and egress motion of 20 customers from Chinese origin was recorded using a motion capture system. The last part of this report presents the protocol and data processing that led to building an ingress-egress motion database that was provided to Ford.