950 resultados para prey-predator demography


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When direct observations are used to study animal behavior the presence of the observer may alter the animal and hence influence the data being collected, yet few studies have quantified this effect. We conducted direct observation studies in the glasshouse to assess the relative influence of observer presence on the behavior of Pacific damsel bugs, Nabis kinbergii, a potentially important predator of crop pests. Comparisons of predator activity, predator distribution, prey (Helicoverpa armigera) mortality and prey distribution between frequently observed and minimally observed treatments, during diurnal and nocturnal observation sessions showed that the frequency of observer presence had no apparent impact on Pacific damsel bug behavior. This is the first documented test of the impact of observer presence in an insect system. To place our results in context, we reviewed 15 papers on the influence of observer presence in a range of animals. We established that just over half of these papers found evidence for an effect. Nevertheless, direct observations should be useful in further studies of Pacific damsel bug behavior, and researchers using direct observations to study the behavior of other animals should be cognizant of observer effects during design and interpretation of their study.


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We tested the phenotypic responses of larval striped marsh frogs (Limnodynastes peronii) to the odonate nymph predator, Aeshna brevistyla. When reared in the presence of dragonfly nymphs feeding upon conspecifics of L. peronii larvae the tadpoles showed a strong change in morphology. Morphological changes included an increase in total tail height, but also an unexpected marked change in head-body shape. In addition, we examined how tadpole development, as well as mass and length at metamorphosis, was affected by exposure to dragonfly nymphs. Larval development of L. peronii was strongly influenced by exposure to the predatory behaviour of dragonfly nymphs. Predator-induced tadpoles had significantly slower developmental rates than control larvae. Although metamorphs of non-exposed L. peronii were approximately 33% lighter than predator-exposed metamorphs and possessed lower jump distances, after adjusting for mass there was no difference in jump distance. The newly described morphological response may assist in more accurately relating morphological plasticity to fitness.


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1. Management decisions regarding invasive plants often have to be made quickly and in the face of fragmentary knowledge of their population dynamics. However, recommendations are commonly made on the basis of only a restricted set of parameters. Without addressing uncertainty and variability in model parameters we risk ineffective management, resulting in wasted resources and an escalating problem if early chances to control spread are missed. 2. Using available data for Pinus nigra in ungrazed and grazed grassland and shrubland in New Zealand, we parameterized a stage-structured spread model to calculate invasion wave speed, population growth rate and their sensitivities and elasticities to population parameters. Uncertainty distributions of parameters were used with the model to generate confidence intervals (CI) about the model predictions. 3. Ungrazed grassland environments were most vulnerable to invasion and the highest elasticities and sensitivities of invasion speed were to long-distance dispersal parameters. However, there was overlap between the elasticity and sensitivity CI on juvenile survival, seedling establishment and long-distance dispersal parameters, indicating overlap in their effects on invasion speed. 4. While elasticity of invasion speed to long-distance dispersal was highest in shrubland environments, there was overlap with the CI of elasticity to juvenile survival. In shrubland invasion speed was most sensitive to the probability of establishment, especially when establishment was low. In the grazed environment elasticity and sensitivity of invasion speed to the severity of grazing were consistently highest. Management recommendations based on elasticities and sensitivities depend on the vulnerability of the habitat. 5. Synthesis and applications. Despite considerable uncertainty in demography and dispersal, robust management recommendations emerged from the model. Proportional or absolute reductions in long-distance dispersal, juvenile survival and seedling establishment parameters have the potential to reduce wave speed substantially. Plantations of wind-dispersed invasive conifers should not be sited on exposed sites vulnerable to long-distance dispersal events, and trees in these sites should be removed. Invasion speed can also be reduced by removing seedlings, establishing competitive shrubs and grazing. Incorporating uncertainty into the modelling process increases our confidence in the wide applicability of the management strategies recommended here.


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Although generalist predators have been reported to forage less efficiently than specialists, there is little information on the extent to which learning can improve the efficiency of mixed-prey foraging. Repeated exposure of silver perch to mixed prey (pelagic Artemia and benthic Chironomus larvae) led to substantial fluctuations in reward rate over relatively long (20-day) timescales. When perch that were familiar with a single prey type were offered two prey types simultaneously, the rate at which they captured both familiar and unfamiliar prey dropped progressively over succeeding trials. This result was not predicted by simple learning paradigms, but could be explained in terms of an interaction between learning and attention. Between-trial patterns in overall intake were complex and differed between the two prey types, but were unaffected by previous prey specialization. However, patterns of prey priority (i.e. the prey type that was preferred at the start of a trial) did vary with previous prey training. All groups of fish converged on the most profitable prey type (chironomids), but this process took 15-20 trials. In contrast, fish offered a single prey type reached asymptotic intake rates within five trials and retained high capture abilities for at least 5 weeks. Learning and memory allow fish to maximize foraging efficiency on patches of a single prey type. However, when foragers are faced with mixed prey populations, cognitive constraints associated with divided attention may impair efficiency, and this impairment can be exacerbated by experience. (c) 2005 The Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The parasite community of animals is generally influenced by host physiology, ecology, and phylogeny. Therefore, sympatric and phylogenetically related hosts with similar ecologies should have similar parasite communities. To test this hypothesis we surveyed the endoparasites of 5 closely related cheilinine fishes (Labridae) from the Great Barrier Reef. They were Cheilinus chlorounts, C. trilobatus, C. fasciatils, Epibulus insidiator and OxYcheilinus diagrainnia. VVe examined the relationship between parasitological variables (richness, abundance and diversity) and host characteristics (bodv weight, diet and phuylogeny). The 5 fishes had 31 parasite species with 9-18 parasite species per fish species. Cestode larvae (mostly Tetraphyllidea) were the most abundant and prevalent parasites followed by nematodes and digeneans. Parasites, body size and diet of hosts differed between fish species. In general, body weight, diet and host phylogeny each explained some of the variation in richness and composition of parasites among the fishes. The 2 most closely related species, Cheilinus chlorourus and C. trilobatus, had broadly similar parasites but the Other fish species differed significantly in all variables. However, there was no all -encompassing pattern. This may, be because different lineages of parasites may react differently to ecological variables. We also argue that adult parasites may respond principally to host diet. In contrast, larval parasite composition may respond both to host diet and predator-prey interactions because this is the path by which many, parasites complete their life-cycles. Finally, variation in parasite phylogeny and parasite life-cycles among hosts likely increase the complexity of the system making it difficult to find all-encompassing patterns between host characteristics and parasites, particularly when all the species in rich parasite communities are considered.


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The impact of alternative prey and simulated vegetation on Culex annulirostris Skuse predation efficacy by Australian smelt, Retropinna semoni (Retropinnidae); crimson-spotted rainbowfish, Melanotaenia duboulayi (Melanotaeniidae); empire gudgeon, Hypseleotris compressa (Eleotridae); estuary perchlet, Ambassis marianus (Ambassidae); firetail gudgeon, Hypseleotris galii (Eleotridae); fly-specked hardyhead, Craterocephalus stercusmuscarum (Atherinidae); and Pacific blue-eye, Pseudomugil signifer (Atherinidae), was evaluated in Queensland, Australia. The presence of chironomid midge larvae and tusked frog, Adelotus brevis (Leptodactylidae), tadpoles did not have a significant negative impact on the predation rates of Cx. annulirostris by these 7 fish species. Hypseleotris galii, M. duboulayi, and R. semoni demonstrated strong preference for larvae of Cx. annulirostris over both alternative prey species. In the presence of alternative prey species, the mean predation rate of M. duboulayi on larvae of Cx. annulirostris remained greater than that of other fish species tested. When evaluated at varying densities of simulated vegetation, predation rates of all fish species were similar to those reported in open conditions.


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Environmental conditions influence the breeding and migratory patterns of many avian species and may have particularly dramatic effects on long-distance migrants that breed at northern latitudes. Environment, however, is only one of the ecological variables affecting avian phenology, and recent work shows that migration tactics may be strongly affected by changes in predator populations. We used long-term data from 1978 to 2000 to examine the interactions between snowmelt in western Alaska in relation to the breeding or migration phenologies of small shorebirds and their raptor predators. Although the sandpipers' time of arrival at Alaskan breeding sites corresponded with mean snowmelt, late snowmelts did delay breeding. These delays, however, did not persist to southward migration through British Columbia, likely due to the birds' ability to compensate for variance in the length of the breeding season. Raptor phenology at an early stopover site in British Columbia was strongly related to snowmelt, so that in years of early snowmelt falcons appeared earlier during the sandpipers' southbound migration. These differential effects indicate that earlier snowmelt due to climate change may alter the ecological dynamics of the predator-prey system.


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As field determinations take much effort, it would be useful to be able to predict easily the coefficients describing the functional response of free-living predators, the function relating food intake rate to the abundance of food organisms in the environment. As a means easily to parameterise an individual-based model of shorebird Charadriiformes populations, we attempted this for shorebirds eating macro-invertebrates. Intake rate is measured as the ash-free dry mass (AFDM) per second of active foraging; i.e. excluding time spent on digestive pauses and other activities, such as preening. The present and previous studies show that the general shape of the functional response in shorebirds eating approximately the same size of prey across the full range of prey density is a decelerating rise to a plateau, thus approximating the Holling type 11 ('disc equation') formulation. But field studies confirmed that the asymptote was not set by handling time, as assumed by the disc equation, because only about half the foraging time was spent in successfully or unsuccessfully attacking and handling prey, the rest being devoted to searching. A review of 30 functional responses showed that intake rate in free-living shorebirds varied independently of prey density over a wide range, with the asymptote being reached at very low prey densities (< 150/m(-2)). Accordingly, most of the many studies of shorebird intake rate have probably been conducted at or near the asymptote of the functional response, suggesting that equations that predict intake rate should also predict the asymptote. A multivariate analysis of 468 'spot' estimates of intake rates from 26 shorebirds identified ten variables, representing prey and shorebird characteristics, that accounted for 81 % of the variance in logarithm-transformed intake rate. But four-variables accounted for almost as much (77.3 %), these being bird size, prey size, whether the bird was an oystercatcher Haematopus ostralegus eating mussels Mytilus edulis, or breeding. The four variable equation under-predicted, on average, the observed 30 estimates of the asymptote by 11.6%, but this discrepancy was reduced to 0.2% when two suspect estimates from one early study in the 1960s were removed. The equation therefore predicted the observed asymptote very successfully in 93 % of cases. We conclude that the asymptote can be reliably predicted from just four easily measured variables. Indeed, if the birds are not breeding and are not oystercatchers eating mussels, reliable predictions can be obtained using just two variables, bird and prey sizes. A multivariate analysis of 23 estimates of the half-asymptote constant suggested they were smaller when prey were small but greater when the birds were large, especially in oystercatchers. The resulting equation could be used to predict the half-asymptote constant, but its predictive power has yet to be tested. As well as predicting the asymptote of the functional response, the equations will enable research workers engaged in many areas of shorebird ecology and behaviour to estimate intake rate without the need for conventional time-consuming field studies, including species for which it has not yet proved possible to measure intake rate in the field.


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A fossil deposit excavated from the floor of Kids Cave, West Coast, South Island, New Zealand, is interpreted as having been primarily accumulated by New Zealand falcon Falco novaeseelandiae, with some contribution by Haast's eagle Harpagornis moorei. The fauna is rich: 3699 bones represented 41 bird species, two frog species, unspecified geckoes and skinks, and one bat species. Fossil deposition was mainly within the Last Glacial Maximum from about 22,000 cal yr bp to about 15,000 cal yr bp, with a marked change in sediment characteristics at the onset of the LGM's coldest period. Chronological control is given by three Uranium-series dates for a speleothem and radiocarbon AMS dating of four avian eggshell samples and one bone. The fauna is the first extensive predator accumulation of LGM age described from the West Coast of the South Island, and it indicates a palaeoenvironment of a mosaic of shrublands with forest patches. The onset of the coldest part of the LGM (Aurora 3 glacial advance, 19,500 - 19,000 cal yrs bp) saw marked climate cooling/drying affecting the site, but the avifauna indicates that although open-country taxa became more common in this period, some forest persisted nearby throughout the remainder of the LGM.


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1. The spatial heterogeneity of predator populations is an important component of ecological theories pertaining to predator-prey dynamics. Most studies within agricultural fields show spatial correlation (positive or negative) between mean predator numbers and prey abundance across a whole field over time but generally ignore the within-field spatial dimension. We used explicit spatial mapping to determine if generalist predators aggregated within a soybean field, the size of these aggregations and if predator aggregation was associated with pest aggregation, plant damage and predation rate. 2. The study was conducted at Gatton in the Lockyer Valley, 90 km west of Brisbane, Australia. Intensive sampling grids were used to investigate within-field spatial patterns. The first row of each grid was located in a lucerne field (10 m from interface) and the remaining rows were in an adjacent soybean field. At each point on the grid the abundance of foliage-dwelling and ground-dwelling pests and predators was measured, predation rates [using sentinel Helicoverpa armigera (Hubner) egg cards] and plant damage were estimated. Eight grids were sampled across two summer cropping seasons (2000/01, 2001/02). 3. Predators exhibited strong spatial patterning with regions of high and low abundance and activity within what are considered to be uniform soybean fields. Ground-dwelling and foliage-dwelling predators were often aggregated in patches approximately 40 m across. 4. Lycosidae (wolf spiders) displayed aggregation and were consistently more abundant within the lucerne, with a decreasing trap catch with distance from the lucrene/soybean interface. This trend was consistent between subsequent grids in a single field and between fields. 5. The large amount of spatial variability in within-field arthropod abundance (pests and predators) and activity (egg predation and plant damage) indicates that whole field averages were misleading. This result has serious implications for sampling of arthropod abundance and pest management decision-making based on scouting data. 6. There was a great deal of temporal change in the significant spatial patterns observed within a field at each sampling time point during a single season. Predator and pest aggregations observed in these fields were generally not stable for the entire season. 7. Predator aggregation did not correlate consistently with pest aggregation, plant damage or predation rate. Spatial patterns in predator abundance were not associated consistently with any single parameter measured. The most consistent positive association was between foliage-dwelling predators and pests (significant in four of seven grids). Inferring associations between predators and prey based on an intensive one-off sampling grid is difficult, due to the temporal variability in the abundance of each group. 8. Synthesis and applications. This study demonstrated that generalist predator populations are rarely distributed randomly and field edges and adjacent crops can have an influence on within-field predator abundance. This must be considered when estimating arthropod (pest and predator) abundance from a set of samples taken at random locations within a field.