854 resultados para porphyry copper deposit
In order to determine the best annealing temperature at which to age-harden the alloys, hardness tests on specimen annealed for different lengths of time at different temperatures were made.
This report deals with a bentonite deposit recently developed, approximately seven miles northeast of Warm Springs, Montana. A group of claims have been staked on the deposit and are owned by the Lincoln Mining Company of Anaconda, Montana. The company also has several claims prospected for silver one mile from its present site of operations, but the silver prospects have failed to produce. The bentonite deposit was discovered incidentally during the course of other development work, and at present two adits have been driven into the side of a mountain, each crosscutting a vein-like mass of bentonite varying from two to three feet in width.
Sulphide ores of copper are insoluble in dilute sulphuric acid leaching solutions, but a very high extraction can be obtained if the copper ore is in the oxidized condition. The problem is to convert the sulphide into the oxide form. This can be done by giving the sulphide ore an oxidizing-sulphatizing roast. Copper sulphate is soluble in water, so acid will be saved in the leaching process if copper sulphate is present. The iron in the copper sulphide ores is present as pyrite, or in combinations as bornite, or chalcopyrite.
A supply of so-called "copper pitch" ore was received by the Montana Bureau of Mines and Geology in response to a request by them from a resident of Kalispell, who had previously sent a specimen to the Bureau for a mineralogical analysis. Since this material was little known and had apparently received but little study under a reflecting microscope, it was thought that such a study might throw some light on the mineralogical and chemical composition of the material.
The history of mining in Butte is woven about three of our principal metals. The gold placers first attracted the attention of miners in 1863, and reached their peak production in 1867. Silver was the second metal mined, and this operation required the erection of large mills with a consequent increase in mining activity that made the district a prominent producer. Although the presence of copper in the silver ore had been known, the credit for the first development of the copper veins is due Senator W. A. Clark. The original Colusa, Mining Chief, and Gambetta claims were developed to 1872. The ore was freighted by wagon trains 400 miles to Corrine, Utah, thence by rail eastward, some of it going to Swansea, Wales. The cooper production of the "richest hill on earth" has mounted to ten billion pounds.
The equilibrium relations of many of the metallic sulfides have long been a source of scientific and commercial interest, of particular interest, are the sulfides of nickel and copper, since the economic recovery of both of these useful metals, from their ores, involves the formation of a sulfide at some stage of the operations.
Charcoal has been known for a considerable length of time to have the property of recovering gold, silver, and copper from cyanide solutions of these metals. Quantitative data that may shed light on the mechanism of the removal of these metals is very limited except that charcoal in a form known as activated has the power to abstract gold and silver in considerable quantities from the above solutions.
The aim of this research was to investigate the possibilities of roasting and leaching a bulk copper-zinc sulfide concentrate, and the subsequent separation of the metals from the leach solution by electrolytic deposition.
It has been proven by research and years of experience, that before electrolytic zinc is possible, the electrolyte, as zinc sulfate solution must be prepared as pure as is economical. In other words, the ideal electrolyte must only be a solution of one metal - zinc. Every other metal and carbon must be excluded if good recovery and a firm deposit is to be obtained.
Reclaimed metals, or secondary metals, are becoming of great importance in the metal industries of the world. Secondary metals are an important factor in production. The increase in the secondary production of copper is due to many factors. One of these may be its permenance, that is, the metal does not corrode very readily. Another reason for increase in production is the high price paid for it.
Deposits of sulfides, containing nickel and copper with associated platineferous minerals occur in the Stillwater Igneous Complex. This is a group of unusual igneous rocks situated in Stillwater and Sweetgrass counties in Montana.
The field of archaeology and that of metallurgy appear to be widely separated and in no way related. Work done in recent years, however, tends to show that, in many ways, the metallurgist can supplement and enhance the information gained by the archaeologist, at least in regard to those objects which have been made of metal.
A hydrometallurgical process for the recovery of copper from flotation concentrates has long been considered an attractive possibility. The object of such a method is to produce electrolytic copper without resorting to expensive matte smelting and converting.
Among the many aluminum alloys which have been studied are the binary copper-aluminum alloys. These have proven to be among the most useful of the aluminum alloys thus far worked upon.
The purpose of this research was to continue the work of Thomas Parker, who worked on the recovery of copper and zinc from brass during the school year l934 - 1935. Since there is such a wide variety of brasses made with usually a third alloying constituent, remelted scrap is suitable only for castings of wide tolerance in specifications.