982 resultados para planetary rover


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Aims. In this paper we report calculations for energy levels and radiative rates for transitions in Fe IX.


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Electron attachment to NCCCCN, dicyanoacetylene (2-butynedinitrile), has been observed. Metastable parent anions, NCCCCN-*, with microsecond or longer lifetimes are formed close to 0 eV electron energy with a cross section of >= 0.25 angstrom(2). The stability of NCCCCN suggests that radiative attachment to NCCCCN and similar linear carbon chain molecules may be an important mechanism for the formation of negatively charged molecular ions in astrophysical environments. CCCN- and CN- fragment anions are formed at similar to 3 and similar to 6 eV.


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In the aftermath of recent natural disasters, NGOs have become increasingly involved in the permanent reconstruction of affected communities. These organizations, often operating well outside their expertise, encounter significant barriers as they implement reconstruction programmes. This paper presents the theoretical bedrock of a current research project, the overall goal of which is to design a competency-based framework model that can be used by NGOs in post-disaster reconstruction projects. Drawing on established theories of management, a unique perspective has been developed from which a competency-based reconstruction theory emerges. This theoretical framework brings together three distinct fields; Disaster Management, Strategic Management and Project Management, each vital to the success of the model. This theoretical study will incorporate a critical review of literature within each field. It is imperative that NGOs involved in post-disaster reconstruction familiarize themselves with concepts and strategies. It is hoped that the competence-based frame-work model that is produced on the basis of this theory will help define the standard of best practice to which future NGO projects might align themselves.


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Index properties such as the liquid limit and plastic limit are widely used to evaluate certain geotechnical parameters of fine-grained soils. Measurement of the liquid limit is a mechanical process, and the possibility of errors occurring during measurement is not significant. However, this is not the case for plastic limit testing, despite the fact that the current method of measurement is embraced by many standards around the world. The method in question relies on a fairly crude procedure known widely as the ‘thread rolling' test, though it has been the subject of much criticism in recent years. It is essential that a new, more reliable method of measuring the plastic limit is developed using a mechanical process that is both consistent and easily reproducible. The work reported in this paper concerns the development of a new device to measure the plastic limit, based on the existing falling cone apparatus. The force required for the test is equivalent to the application of a 54 N fast-static load acting on the existing cone used in liquid limit measurements. The test is complete when the relevant water content of the soil specimen allows the cone to achieve a penetration of 20 mm. The new technique was used to measure the plastic limit of 16 different clays from around the world. The plastic limit measured using the new method identified reasonably well the water content at which the soil phase changes from the plastic to the semi-solid state. Further evaluation was undertaken by conducting plastic limit tests using the new method on selected samples and comparing the results with values reported by local site investigation laboratories. Again, reasonable agreement was found.


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The determination of the earth pressure coefficient K 0 in a natural clay deposit is a problem of considerable significance in geotechnical engineering. While the methods for evaluation of K 0 are reliable for normally consolidated soils, significant difficulties still exist in evaluating K 0 in overconsolidated clays, given that it is influenced by the stress history of the material, together with the age, structure, mineralogical composition and depositional environment. Indeed, some of these factors are responsible for the soil becoming anisotropic. The existing framework for prediction of K 0 in overconsolidated soils does not account for any influences caused by anisotropy. The work reported in this paper evaluates the validity of a revised relationship between K 0oc and OCR (overconsolidation ratio) using data obtained from laboratory investigations. The tests were performed on reconstituted and undisturbed samples of Belfast Upper Boulder Clay, London Clay and Gault Clay. Tests were also performed on reconstituted samples of kaolin. The values of K 0oc were determined using various approaches, including on-sample measurements. The results have confirmed that reliable predictions of K 0oc can be made using the proposed relationship.


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A method is presented for estimating the initial compression, the final compression and the coefficient of consolidation from an observed, experimental consolidation response, using a plot of velocity versus displacement and the conventional Taylor plot of compression versus the square root of time. Goodness of fit measures indicate that the method produces good agreement between fitted and measured displacement values, at least up until the point where the impact of secondary compression on the overall displacement response becomes significant.


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Over the last 40 years considerable progress has been made in understanding the complex behaviour of unsaturated soils. Research using constitutive modelling has extended the critical state framework and the concept of yielding in saturated soils to encompass unsaturated soils experiencing suction. However, validation testing of the framework for unsaturated soils has shown disagreement with the basic propositions. The main reason for this disparity is the anisotropic properties of the soil specimens tested as a result of preparation using one-dimensional compaction. The paper describes the detailed testing carried out to justify this statement. As part of the work presented, samples of unsaturated kaolin were prepared using isotropic compression. The suctions in these samples were reduced to predefined values by wetting under low isotropic loading. The pore size distributions, the pressure–volume relationships and yielding under subsequent isotropic loading are compared with tests on samples prepared by statically compressing kaolin into a one-dimensional compaction mould. The anisotropically compressed samples had initial water contents and specific volumes similar to those of the isotropically prepared samples and were also tested under reducing suctions; they exhibited distinctly different behaviour when tested under similar conditions. The results obtained from the isotropically prepared and tested samples have shown, probably for the first time, the existence of a unique normal compression surface that is not dependent on the initial conditions of the samples. The shape of the loading–collapse (LC) yield locus is shown to be different from the generally accepted form.


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Validation of a framework for unsaturated soil behaviour has frequently resulted in disagreement with basic propositions. A primary reason for this disparity is considered to be attributable to the anisotropic properties of the soil specimens tested as a result of preparation using one-dimensional compaction. As part of the work presented, comparison is made between tests on samples of unsaturated kaolin prepared at identical specific volumes and specific water volumes using isotropic compression and one-dimensional compression. The suctions in the samples were reduced to predefined values by wetting under low isotropic loading in a triaxial cell. The samples were then taken through various stress paths to failure, defined as the critical state strength, while the suctions were held constant. Stress path tests were also performed on samples without reducing the suction to predefined values. In the latter, constant water mass tests, the suctions were allowed to vary and were measured using a psychrometer. The results of the tests at critical state are compared with the propositions of Wheeler and Sivakumar. The shear strengths of samples with isotropic previous history are shown to be significantly greater than those of samples with one-dimensional stress history when plotted against the mean net stress. The normal compression lines, critical state lines and yield characteristics are also shown to be significantly influenced by the previous stress history and are shown to be different for isotropically and one-dimensionally prepared samples.


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Particulate matter can play a vital role in delivering nutrients and micro organisms to groundwater. This paper uses bacteriophage and microsphere surrogates to study the delivery of particles to the subsurface and demonstrates the potential role that pH and ionic strength can play in limiting particle mobility.


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Context. Electron-impact excitation collision strengths are required for the analysis and interpretation of stellar observations.
Aims. This calculation aims to provide effective collision strengths for the Mg V ion for a larger number of transitions and for a greater temperature range than previously available, using collision strength data that include contributions from resonances.
Methods. A 19-state Breit-Pauli R-matrix calculation was performed. The target states are represented by configuration interaction wavefunctions and consist of the 19 lowest LS states, having configurations 2s22p4, 2s2p5, 2p6, 2s22p33s, and 2s22p33p. These target states give rise to 37 fine-structure levels and 666 possible transitions. The effective collision strengths were calculated by averaging the electron collision strengths over a Maxwellian distribution of electron velocities.
Results. The non-zero effective collision strengths for transitions between the fine-structure levels are given for electron temperatures in the range = 3.0 - 7.0. Data for transitions among the 5 fine-structure levels arising from the 2s22p4 ground state configurations, seen in the UV range, are discussed in the paper, along with transitions in the EUV range – transitions from the ground state 3P levels to 2s2p5?3P levels. The 2s22p4?1D–2s2p5?1P transition is also noted. Data for the remaining transitions are available at the CDS.


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This paper examines the degree to which tree-associated Coleoptera (beetles) and pollen could be used to predict the degree of ‘openness’ in woodland. The results from two modern insect and pollen analogue studies from ponds at Dunham Massey, Cheshire and Epping Forest, Greater London are presented. We explore the reliability of modern pollen rain and sub-fossil beetle assemblages to represent varying degrees of canopy cover for up to 1000m from a sampling site. Modern woodland canopy structure around the study sites has been assessed using GIS-based mapping at increasing radial distances as an independent check on the modern insect and pollen data sets. These preliminary results suggest that it is possible to use tree-associated Coleoptera to assess the degree of local vegetation openness. Additionally, it appears that insect remains may indicate the relative intensity of land use by grazing animals. Our results also suggest most insects are collected from within a 100m to 200m radius of the sampling site. The pollen results suggest that local vegetation and density of woodland in the immediate area of the sampling site can have a strong role in determining the pollen signal.


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We present results from a search for additional transiting planets in 24 systems already known to contain a transiting planet. We model the transits due to the known planet in each system and subtract these models from light curves obtained with the SuperWASP (Wide Angle Search for Planets) survey instruments. These residual light curves are then searched for evidence of additional periodic transit events. Although we do not find any evidence for additional planets in any of the planetary systems studied, we are able to characterize our ability to find such planets by means of Monte Carlo simulations. Artificially generated transit signals corresponding to planets with a range of sizes and orbital periods were injected into the SuperWASP photometry and the resulting light curves searched for planets. As a result, the detection efficiency as a function of both the radius and orbital period of any second planet is calculated. We determine that there is a good (>50 per cent) chance of detecting additional, Saturn-sized planets in P ~ 10 d orbits around planet-hosting stars that have several seasons of SuperWASP photometry. Additionally, we confirm previous evidence of the rotational stellar variability of WASP-10, and refine the period of rotation. We find that the period of the rotation is 11.91 +/- 0.05 d, and the false alarm probability for this period is extremely low (~10-13).


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The `hot Jupiters' that abound in lists of known extrasolar planets are thought to have formed far from their host stars, but migrate inwards through interactions with the proto-planetary disk from which they were born, or by an alternative mechanism such as planet-planet scattering. The hot Jupiters closest to their parent stars, at orbital distances of only ~0.02 astronomical units, have strong tidal interactions, and systems such as OGLE-TR-56 have been suggested as tests of tidal dissipation theory. Here we report the discovery of planet WASP-18b with an orbital period of 0.94days and a mass of ten Jupiter masses (10MJup), resulting in a tidal interaction an order of magnitude stronger than that of planet OGLE-TR-56b. Under the assumption that the tidal-dissipation parameter Q of the host star is of the order of 106, as measured for Solar System bodies and binary stars and as often applied to extrasolar planets, WASP-18b will be spiralling inwards on a timescale less than a thousandth that of the lifetime of its host star. Therefore either WASP-18 is in a rare, exceptionally short-lived state, or the tidal dissipation in this system (and possibly other hot-Jupiter systems) must be much weaker than in the Solar System.


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We report that a Jupiter-mass planet, WASP-7b, transits the V = 9.5 star HD 197286 every 4.95 d. This is the brightest discovery from the WASP-South transit survey so far and is currently the brightest transiting-exoplanet system in the southern hemisphere. WASP-7b is among the densest of the known Jupiter-mass planets, suggesting that it has a massive core. The planet mass is 0.96+0.12 -0.18 M Jup, the radius is 0.915+0.046 -0.040 R Jup, and the density is 1.26+0.25 -0.21 ?Jup (1.67+0.33 -0.28 g cm-3).