1000 resultados para piassava extraction areas


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N-methylpyrrolidone is a powerful solvent for variety of chemical processes due to its vast chemical properties. It has been used in manufacturing processes of polymers, detergents, pharmaceuticals rubber and many more chemical substances. However, it creates large amount of residue in some of these processes which has to be dealt with. Many well known methods such as BASF in rubber producing units have tried to regenerate the solvent at the end of each run, however, there is still discarding of large amount of residue containing NMP, which over time, could cause environmental concerns. In this study, we have tried to optimize regeneration of the NMP extraction from butadiene production. It is shown that at higher temperatures NMP is separated from the residue with close to 90% efficiency, and the solvent residue proved to be the most effective with a 6: 1 ratio.


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LMV is one of the most important pathogens of lettuce worldwide. Based on their ability to overcome the resistance genes mo1¹ and mo1² in lettuce, isolates can be divided in two types: LMV-Most, which can infect and are seed-borne in cultivars containing the mo1 gene and LMV-Common, which do not cause symptoms on these cultivars and are seed transmitted only in susceptible cultivars. To evaluate the occurrence of these two types of LMV isolates, a survey was carried out during 2002-2005 in three lettuce production areas from São Paulo State. Total RNA was used for the diagnosis of LMV isolates by RT-PCR using universal primers for the variable N-terminus of the capsid protein, in the 3' end of the genome. Positives samples were analyzed by a second RT-PCR using specifics primers for LMV-Most isolates designed to amplify a fragment from the central region (CI-VPg) of the genome. A total of 1362 samples showing mosaic symptoms were collected and 504 (37.29 %) were positives for LMV. On susceptible lettuce cultivars, LMV-Common was prevalent (77.3%). LMV-Most was found frequently associated with tolerant (mo1¹) lettuce cultivars. Susceptible cultivars correspond today for most of the area of lettuce production. So, despite the ability of LMV-Most isolates to overcome the resistance provided by the recessive mo1¹ gene, they are not prevalent in the conditions of São Paulo State.


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Rust, caused by Puccinia psidii, is one of the most important diseases affecting eucalyptus in Brazil. This pathogen causes disease in mini-clonal garden and in young plants in the field, especially in leaves and juvenile shoots. Favorable climate conditions for infection by this pathogen in eucalyptus include temperature between 18 and 25 ºC, together with at least 6-hour leaf wetness periods, for 5 to 7 consecutive days. Considering the interaction between the environment and the pathogen, this study aimed to evaluate the potential impact of global climate changes on the spatial distribution of areas of risk for the occurrence of eucalyptus rust in Brazil. Thus, monthly maps of the areas of risk for the occurrence of this disease were elaborated, considering the current climate conditions, based on a historic series between 1961 and 1990, and the future scenarios A2 and B2, predicted by IPCC. The climate conditions were classified into three categories, according to the potential risk for the disease occurrence, considering temperature (T) and air relative humidity (RH): i) high risk (18 < T < 25 ºC and RH > 90%); ii) medium risk (18 < T < 25 ºC and RH < 90%; T< 18 or T > 25 ºC and RH > 90%); and iii) low risk (T < 18 or T > 25 ºC and RH < 90%). Data about the future climate scenarios were supplied by GCM Change Fields. In this study, the simulation model Hadley Centers for Climate Prediction and Research (HadCm3) was adopted, using the software Idrisi 32. The obtained results led to the conclusion that there will be a reduction in the area favorable to eucalyptus rust occurrence, and such a reduction will be gradual for the decades of 2020, 2050 and 2080 but more marked in scenario A2 than in B2. However, it is important to point out that extensive areas will still be favorable to the disease development, especially in the coldest months of the year, i.e., June and July. Therefore, the zoning of areas and periods of higher occurrence risk, considering the global climate changes, becomes important knowledge for the elaboration of predicting models and an alert for the integrated management of this disease.


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ABSTRACTThe incidence and the levels of yield loss caused by the white mold of soybean (caused by the fungus Sclerotinia sclerotiorum) have increased in areas of higher altitude at Cerrado and Southern Brazil, causing yield losses of up to 60%. The aim of this study was to select saprobic fungi with the potential to control the white mold of soybean. First, in vitroantagonism screening was carried out to test eight saprobic fungi against S. sclerotiorum. Assessment of S. sclerotiorum mycelial growth was done at four and seven days after its placement on the culture medium. The isolate showing greatest antagonistic effect in all tests/assessments was Myrothecium sp. An in vivo experiment was conducted in a greenhouse and growth chamber, where plants previously treated with eight saprobic fungi were artificially inoculated with S. sclerotiorum. The fungal culture medium (potato-dextrose) and the commercial resistance inducer acibenzolar-S-methyl were used as controls. In the in vivotests, severity of the white mold was assessed at 8, 14 and 21 days after inoculation. The highest reduction percentage in the lesion length was observed for the treatment with Myrothecium sp. (70%), which has the greater potential to be used as biocontrol agent of soybean under the conditions of this experiment.


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O presente artigo trata do delineamento semi-automático de copas de árvores através de suas sombras periféricas observadas em fotografia aérea de alta resolução. O estudo foi realizado em área de dois hectares de Floresta Ombrófila Mista da Floresta Nacional de Irati, PR, utilizando-se a técnica de interpretação, nos formatos analógico e digital, em uma fotografia aérea de 70 mm colorida normal, na escala de 1:1.000, e dados obtidos em campo. A metodologia consistiu na transformação das três bandas originais da fotografia colorida digital em apenas uma e na separação da componente sombra dos demais alvos restantes da imagem, através de um limiar. A partir dos resultados, verificou-se que: a) as sombras podem ser visualizadas em clareiras existentes na floresta, entre os galhos e entre as copas das árvores; b) a imagem resultante evidencia a inconsistência de se mapearem as copas exclusivamente pelas sombras periféricas; c) o resultado insatisfatório foi atribuído ao tipo de floresta natural considerado; d) a técnica mostrou-se promissora como ferramenta adicional de realce de imagem; e e) faz-se necessário desenvolver maior número de pesquisas para se obterem resultados conclusivos.


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This master’s thesis gives out the real situation of the China welding industry and factories nowadays in different geographical areas, in order to inform the Finnish companies who have the willing to find a Chinese welding subcontractor a proper and correct selection concept by analyzing and supplying the information of different scale and form welding factories in different Chinese areas. The first section of this thesis gives out the general situation about the co-operation between China and Finland in the welding industry, also includes the general introduction of the Chinese welding industry. The second section gives out the geographical compartmentalization result of Chinese welding industry, which is where and how many areas will be studied in this thesis. The main body of this thesis is the real information of welding productivity, welding cost, and welding quality in China. All the information was collected from real factories in China by the author. The last section of this thesis is the improvements to the Chinese welding factories that have the willing to become a subcontractor, and the suggestions to the Finnish companies who may find a Chinese welding factory as their subcontractor in future.


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Seasonally inundated native forest fragments ("ipucas") located in natural landform depression swales of the Araguaian Plain are currently under land use pressure. Their composition needs to be better understood to guarantee their protection. This comparative study of fragments under different land use conditions was carried out at Lago Verde Farm, Lagoa da Confusão,Tocantins, Brazil. The location coordinates are UTM 643586 and 644060 East and 8792795 and 8799167 North. This study aimed to first analyze and compare the floristic composition of two seasonally inundated forest fragments of approximately one hectare each. The first is located in an intact (without human intervention) Gramineous-Woody Savanna region and the second in a rice cultivation region. The floristic composition of both fragments was then compared to that of other wetland forests located in the Northern, Central Western and Southeastern regions of Brazil.All the floristic compositions are affected by seasonal flooding and soil water saturation. The floristic inventory used a census method that sampled all trees and shrubs with perimeter at 1.30 m from soil (PAP) = 15cm; 665 individuals, 33 families and 49 species were recorded for the intact region and 807 individuals, 35 families and 70 species for the altered region fragment. The values of H' = 0.806 (Shannon-Weaver) and J = 3.44 nats /individual (equability) for the fragment in the region affected by rice cultivation are considered high compared to the intact region fragment values (H' = 0.761 and J = 2.97). Families contributing to floristic richness in the altered region fragment were Fabaceae (9 species), Vochysiaceae (6) and Annonaceae (4). In the intact region fragment, Fabaceae also presented the largest number of species (8) followed by Arecaceae, Chrysobalanaceae and Vochysiaceae (3 each). When comparing the forests from various regions in Brazil, floristic similarity was found to be small. Greater similarity was found when indices for the two Lagoa da Confusão fragments were compared to riparian forests located in the Federal District of Brasilia.


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As biomassas de partes aéreas de nove espécies da caatinga foram determinadas e relacionadas com as medidas das plantas, cortando-se 30 plantas de cada espécie e separando-as em caule, galhos, ramos e folhas. As espécies foram divididas em dois grupos: seis espécies com plantas grandes e três com plantas menores. Cada grupo foi separado em classes de diâmetro do caule (DAP). As alturas totais (HT) dobraram (3,8 a 8,5 m) da classe de menor para a de maior diâmetro (<5 e 27,5-30 cm), as áreas de projeção das copas (APC) aumentaram 14 vezes (4,8 a 67,3 m²) e as biomassas (B) cresceram 113 vezes (4 a 454 kg). Os valores máximos foram menores que os de outras formações vegetais tropicais de locais mais úmidos. As proporções das biomassas das partes em relação à biomassa aérea total variaram menos que os valores absolutos, indicando que as plantas vão-se desenvolvendo de forma mais ou menos proporcional. Nas plantas a partir de 17,5 cm de DAP, cerca de 70% da biomassa era de caules e galhos maiores que 5 cm de diâmetro, 20% de galhos entre 1 e 5 cm, 5% de ramos <1 cm e 5% de folhas. A variável isolada que melhor estimou as biomassas das partes, nos dois grupos de espécies, foi o DAP, com equações de potência (B = a DAP b). Em algumas partes e grupo, HT e APC também foram significativamente correlacionas com as biomassas, embora com R² inferiores às equações com DAP. Combinando DAP e HT, melhorou-se ligeiramente o ajuste, mas não deve compensar o esforço de obter H no campo. Portanto, as biomassas das partes da planta podem ser estimadas a partir das medidas dos diâmetros do caule, um processo não destrutivo.


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Taloudellisesti tärkeiden metallien varannot ja tuotanto eivät ole jakautuneet tasaisesti. Maantieteelliset alueet, joilla ei ole omia varantoja ovat riippuvaisia muualta tuoduista raaka-aineista. Euroopan komissio ja USA:n energiaministeriö ovat luokitelleet tietyt metallit kriittisiksi niiden taloudellisen merkittävyyden ja saatavuuteen liittyvien epävarmuustekijöiden johdosta. Tällaisten metallien saatavuutta voitaisiin mahdollisesti parantaa lisäämällä niiden talteenottoa jätteistä. Tutkimuksessa kartoitettiin Euroopan komission kriittiseksi luokittelemien metallien pitoisuuksia eräissä jätevirroissa. Kartoitetut jätteet olivat teollisissa poltto-prosesseissa syntyneitä polttojätteitä, prosessiteollisuuden jätesakkoja ja sähkö- ja elektroniikkajätteitä. Kartoituksen perusteella valittiin lupaavimmat jätteet ja suoritettiin niille talteenottokokeita. Talteenottokokeita suoritettiin kolmelle jätteelle. Yhdestä jätesakasta liuotettiin indiumia rikki- ja suolahapoilla. Kahden eri polttojätteen seoksesta liuotettiin galliumia rikkihapolla. Käytettyjen loisteputkien käsittelyprosessista peräisin olleesta sakasta liuotettiin maametalleja rikki- ja suolahapoilla sekä rikki- ja typpihapon seoksella. Indium liukeni heikosti (korkeintaan 25 %) huoneenlämmössä rikkihapolla. Suolahapolla se liukeni paremmin (68 %). Polttojätteen liuotuskokeissa galliumin talteenottoasteen todettiin riippuvan käytetyn liuottimen määrästä. Loisteputkijätesakasta liukeni yttriumia ja europiumia kaikilla käytetyillä happoliuoksilla noin 70–100 %. Käytetyillä happokonsentraatioilla ei havaittu suuria eroja yttriumin ja europiumin liukoisuuksissa. Näitä metalleja voitaisiin mahdollisesti ottaa talteen tämän tyyppisestä sakasta liuottamalla ne happoliuoksella ja saostamalla oksalaattina. Tarvittaessa liuokset voitaisiin puhdistaa tai metallit erottaa toisistaan neste–nesteuutolla, joka on tärkein maametallien tuotantoon käytetty hydrometallurginen menetelmä.


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Machine learning provides tools for automated construction of predictive models in data intensive areas of engineering and science. The family of regularized kernel methods have in the recent years become one of the mainstream approaches to machine learning, due to a number of advantages the methods share. The approach provides theoretically well-founded solutions to the problems of under- and overfitting, allows learning from structured data, and has been empirically demonstrated to yield high predictive performance on a wide range of application domains. Historically, the problems of classification and regression have gained the majority of attention in the field. In this thesis we focus on another type of learning problem, that of learning to rank. In learning to rank, the aim is from a set of past observations to learn a ranking function that can order new objects according to how well they match some underlying criterion of goodness. As an important special case of the setting, we can recover the bipartite ranking problem, corresponding to maximizing the area under the ROC curve (AUC) in binary classification. Ranking applications appear in a large variety of settings, examples encountered in this thesis include document retrieval in web search, recommender systems, information extraction and automated parsing of natural language. We consider the pairwise approach to learning to rank, where ranking models are learned by minimizing the expected probability of ranking any two randomly drawn test examples incorrectly. The development of computationally efficient kernel methods, based on this approach, has in the past proven to be challenging. Moreover, it is not clear what techniques for estimating the predictive performance of learned models are the most reliable in the ranking setting, and how the techniques can be implemented efficiently. The contributions of this thesis are as follows. First, we develop RankRLS, a computationally efficient kernel method for learning to rank, that is based on minimizing a regularized pairwise least-squares loss. In addition to training methods, we introduce a variety of algorithms for tasks such as model selection, multi-output learning, and cross-validation, based on computational shortcuts from matrix algebra. Second, we improve the fastest known training method for the linear version of the RankSVM algorithm, which is one of the most well established methods for learning to rank. Third, we study the combination of the empirical kernel map and reduced set approximation, which allows the large-scale training of kernel machines using linear solvers, and propose computationally efficient solutions to cross-validation when using the approach. Next, we explore the problem of reliable cross-validation when using AUC as a performance criterion, through an extensive simulation study. We demonstrate that the proposed leave-pair-out cross-validation approach leads to more reliable performance estimation than commonly used alternative approaches. Finally, we present a case study on applying machine learning to information extraction from biomedical literature, which combines several of the approaches considered in the thesis. The thesis is divided into two parts. Part I provides the background for the research work and summarizes the most central results, Part II consists of the five original research articles that are the main contribution of this thesis.


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ABSTRACT Permanent Preservation Areas (PPAs) along watercourses have been the focus of numerous studies, not only because of the fragility and ecological relevance of riverine vegetation, but also because of the inefficiency demonstrated in conforming to the legislation protecting it. One of the major difficulties encountered in terms of guaranteeing the effective conservation of these riverside areas is the absence of methodologies that can be used to define them rapidly and accurately without manually determining the widths of the rivers or assigning only uniform linear values for the entire watercourse. The present work sought to develop a spatial analysis methodology capable of automatically defining permanent preservation areas along watercourses using geographic information system (GIS) software. The present study was undertaken in the Sergipe River basin, "considering the river itself and its principal affluents. We used the database of the Digital Atlas of Hydrological Resources (SEMARH/SE), and the delimitations of the PPAs were performed using ArcGIS 10.1 and the XToolPro 9.0 extension. A total of 5,003.82 hectares of Permanent Preservation Areas were delimited along the margins of the rivers analyzed, with a margin of error of <1% in delimiting the widths of the rivers within the entire area considered. The methodology described here can be used to define PPAs efficiently, relatively rapidly, and with very small margins of error, thus representing a technological advance in terms of using GIS for land management.


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Este trabalho foi realizado em duas lavouras monitoradas intensivamente como áreas- piloto de agricultura de precisão. Vários dados estão sendo obtidos como mapeamento de produtividade, levantamentos de propriedades físicas e químicas do solo, pragas, doenças e plantas invasoras, bem como fotografias aéreas coloridas no formato 35 mm. As fotografias receberam orientação por bandeiras georreferenciadas em solo com DGPS para a correção geométrica das imagens e, após selecionadas, foram digitalizadas por meio de scanner. Foram, então, analisados os coeficientes de determinação entre o valor digital das imagens e a produtividade. Os coeficientes de determinação para as duas áreas, em todos os períodos analisados, apresentaram valores baixos, não havendo correspondência entre os valores digitais das imagens e as produtividades.


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Unlike their counterparts in Europe and America, the citizen organizations acting for the well-being of animals in Japan have not received scholarly attention. In this research, I explore the activities of twelve Japanese pro-animal organizations in Tokyo and Kansai area from the perspective of social movement and civil society studies. The concept of a ‘pro-animal organization’ is used to refer generally to the collectives promoting animal well-being. By using the collective action frame analysis and the three core framing tasks – diagnostic, prognostic, and motivational – as the primarily analytical tools, I explore the grievances, tactics, motivational means, constructions of agency and identity as well as framing of civil society articulated in the newsletters and the interviews of the twelve organizations I interviewed in Japan in 2010. As the frame construction is always done in relation to the social and political context, I study how the organizations construct their roles as civil society actors in relation to other actors, such as the state, and the idea of citizen activism. The deficiencies in the animal welfare law and lack of knowledge among the public are identified as the main grievances. The primary tactic to overcome these problems was to educate and inform the citizens and authorities, because most organizations lack the channels to influence politically. The audiences were mostly portrayed as either ignorant bystanders or potential adherents. In order to motivate people to join their cause and to enforce the motivation within the organization, the organizations emphasized their uniqueness, proved their efficiency, claimed credit and celebrated even small improvements. The organizations tended to create three different roles for citizen pro-organizations in civil society: reactive, apolitical and emphatic animal lovers concentrating on saving individual animals, proactive, educative bridge-builders seeking to establish equal collaborative relations with authorities, and corrective, supervising watchdogs demanding change in delinquencies offending animal rights. Based on the results of this research, I suggest that by studying how and why the different relations between civil society and the governing actors of the state are constructed, a more versatile approach to citizens’ activism in its context can be achieved.