973 resultados para peripheral blood


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Endogene Gefahrensignale, die das Immunsystem aktivieren, sind ein neues Konzept der Immunbiologie. Sie spielen eine Rolle für eine Vielzahl von viralen und bakteriellen Erkrankungen und werden als massgebliche Ursache für eine Reihe von Autoimmunerkrankungen diskutiert. Diese Arbeit testet die Hypothese, dass fragmentierte mitochondriale DNA (mtDNA) immunstimulatorische DNA-Motive beinhaltet, die in der Lage sind, eine Immunantwort durch plasmazytoide dendritische Zellen (PDC, engl. plasmacytoid dendritic cells) zu vermitteln. Daher wurden mtDNA und genomische DNA aus mononukleären Zellen des peripheren Bluts (PBMC, engl. peripheral blood mononuclear cells) und Thrombozyten isoliert. Diese DNA-Spezies wurde mithilfe des liposomalen Transfektionsreagenzes DOTAP in PBMC transfiziert und die Immunaktivierung anhand des Interferon-alpha Spiegels im Zellkulturüberstand gemessen. Beide DNA-Spezies induzierten eine vergleichbare Interferon-Produktion. Eine Verkürzung der mtDNA zu CpG-Inseln verstärkte die immunstimulatorische Kapazität, abhängig vom Vorhandensein unmethylierter CpG-Motive. Die Komplexierung der CpG-Inseln mit dem humanem Cathelicidin LL-37 führte auch ohne DOTAP Transfektion zu einer Interferon-Antwort. Ein weiteres Verkürzen der mtDNA zu mitochondrialen Oligodeoxynukleotiden (mtODN) mit Sequenz- und Strukturähnlichkeiten zu kommerziellen CpG-ODN, lieferte Sequenzen mit starker Interferon-Induktion und der Fähigkeit, PDC zu maturieren und migrieren. Insbesondere waren zwei mtODN mit Doppelpalindromstruktur in der Lage, PDC spontan ohne Transfektion oder als Immunkomplex zu aktivieren. Durchflusszytometrie, Lebendzell- und konfokale Laserscanningmikroskopie zeigte die Anheftung und Aufnahme eines der mtODN in endosomale Kompartimente und Kolokalisation mit TLR9. Auch konnte eine schwache aber signifikante PDC-, B-Zell- und NK-Zell-Aktivierung durch dieses ODN gezeigt werden. Zusammengefaßt deuten unsere Daten darauf hin, dass fragmentierte mitochondriale DNA aus apoptotischen oder nekrotischen Zellen als Gefahrensignal für das Immunsystem fungieren kann und so über Stimulation von PDC zur akuten oder chronischen Immunaktivierung und damit zur Immunpathogenese von HIV-Infektionen beitragen kann.


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Introducción: la contaminación atmosférica no solo tiene efectos sobre el sistema respiratorio sino también sobre el cardiovascular. El objetivo de este estudio es generar evidencia que permita establecer una asociación entre el infarto agudo del miocardio y la concentración de PM10 en el ambiente como un estudio preliminar para un grupo de pacientes en Bogotá. Metodología: la asociación entre la concentración del material particulado (en este caso PM10 medido en la estación más cercana del lugar reportado por el paciente) y el infarto agudo del miocardio se estableció utilizando el diseño case crossover. Se utilizó información de las historias clínicas de los pacientes con infarto agudo del miocardio que ingresaron al Servicio de Urgencias de la FSFB, y las concentraciones de PM10 medido en la estación más cercana al lugar de inicio de los síntomas de síndrome coronario agudo, reportado por el paciente. Resultados: se encontró que la asociación entre la concentración de PM10 y el diagnóstico de infarto agudo del miocardio es estadísticamente significativa teniendo en cuenta tres momentos de control: 2 horas antes del evento, 24 horas antes del evento y 48 horas antes del evento. Discusión: este estudio sugiere que las altas concentraciones de material particulado en el ambiente son un factor de riesgo para el desarrollo de infarto agudo del miocardio especialmente en personas con enfermedad coronaria subyacente. Con esta investigación se demuestra la importancia de generar acciones que disminuyan la contaminación de la ciudad y de esta forma proteger la salud de las personas.


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Immunoregulatory cytokine interleukin-10 (IL-10) is elevated in sera from patients with systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) correlating with disease activity. The established association of IL10 with SLE and other autoimmune diseases led us to fine map causal variant(s) and to explore underlying mechanisms. We assessed 19 tag SNPs, covering the IL10 gene cluster including IL19, IL20 and IL24, for association with SLE in 15,533 case and control subjects from four ancestries. The previously reported IL10 variant, rs3024505 located at 1 kb downstream of IL10, exhibited the strongest association signal and was confirmed for association with SLE in European American (EA) (P = 2.7×10−8, OR = 1.30), but not in non-EA ancestries. SNP imputation conducted in EA dataset identified three additional SLE-associated SNPs tagged by rs3024505 (rs3122605, rs3024493 and rs3024495 located at 9.2 kb upstream, intron 3 and 4 of IL10, respectively), and SLE-risk alleles of these SNPs were dose-dependently associated with elevated levels of IL10 mRNA in PBMCs and circulating IL-10 protein in SLE patients and controls. Using nuclear extracts of peripheral blood cells from SLE patients for electrophoretic mobility shift assays, we identified specific binding of transcription factor Elk-1 to oligodeoxynucleotides containing the risk (G) allele of rs3122605, suggesting rs3122605 as the most likely causal variant regulating IL10 expression. Elk-1 is known to be activated by phosphorylation and nuclear localization to induce transcription. Of interest, phosphorylated Elk-1 (p-Elk-1) detected only in nuclear extracts of SLE PBMCs appeared to increase with disease activity. Co-expression levels of p-Elk-1 and IL-10 were elevated in SLE T, B cells and monocytes, associated with increased disease activity in SLE B cells, and were best downregulated by ERK inhibitor. Taken together, our data suggest that preferential binding of activated Elk-1 to the IL10 rs3122605-G allele upregulates IL10 expression and confers increased risk for SLE in European Americans.


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We previously reported that the G allele of rs3853839 at 3′untranslated region (UTR) of Toll-like receptor 7 (TLR7) was associated with elevated transcript expression and increased risk for systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) in 9,274 Eastern Asians [P = 6.5×10−10, odds ratio (OR) (95%CI) = 1.27 (1.17–1.36)]. Here, we conducted trans-ancestral fine-mapping in 13,339 subjects including European Americans, African Americans, and Amerindian/Hispanics and confirmed rs3853839 as the only variant within the TLR7-TLR8 region exhibiting consistent and independent association with SLE (Pmeta = 7.5×10−11, OR = 1.24 [1.18–1.34]). The risk G allele was associated with significantly increased levels of TLR7 mRNA and protein in peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) and elevated luciferase activity of reporter gene in transfected cells. TLR7 3′UTR sequence bearing the non-risk C allele of rs3853839 matches a predicted binding site of microRNA-3148 (miR-3148), suggesting that this microRNA may regulate TLR7 expression. Indeed, miR-3148 levels were inversely correlated with TLR7 transcript levels in PBMCs from SLE patients and controls (R2 = 0.255, P = 0.001). Overexpression of miR-3148 in HEK-293 cells led to significant dose-dependent decrease in luciferase activity for construct driven by TLR7 3′UTR segment bearing the C allele (P = 0.0003). Compared with the G-allele construct, the C-allele construct showed greater than two-fold reduction of luciferase activity in the presence of miR-3148. Reduced modulation by miR-3148 conferred slower degradation of the risk G-allele containing TLR7 transcripts, resulting in elevated levels of gene products. These data establish rs3853839 of TLR7 as a shared risk variant of SLE in 22,613 subjects of Asian, EA, AA, and Amerindian/Hispanic ancestries (Pmeta = 2.0×10−19, OR = 1.25 [1.20–1.32]), which confers allelic effect on transcript turnover via differential binding to the epigenetic factor miR-3148.


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El cáncer de mama en Colombia, es la tercera causa de muerte en la población en general y la segunda en mujeres. En el año 2002 el 40.5% de los casos se presentaron en mujeres menores de 50 años (Pardo, et al. 2003). El cáncer de mama resulta de múltiples factores, entre los que se incluyen cambios sucesivos en el genoma de células epiteliales originalmente normales, que pueden conducir a la activación de oncogenes, inactivación de genes supresores de tumor y pérdida de función de genes reparadores de daños al ADN. Estas alteraciones pueden también ser producto de anomalías cromosómicas tales como monosomías, trisomías, translocaciones, inversiones, pérdida de material genético y amplificaciones que también afectan la expresión de genes (1) (2) (3) (4). Sin embargo, el orden de aparición de los diferentes eventos no está completamente dilucidado. En este estudio se determinaron las anomalías cromosómicas y secuencias de ADN amplificadas en pacientes con cáncer de mama, tanto en muestras de sangre periférica como de tumor de mama de 30 pacientes. En las dos líneas celulares analizadas se observó una alta frecuencia de monosomías principalmente de los cromosomas X, 6, 7, 9, 17, 19 y 22. Hay una asociación entre las monosomías de los cromosomas 17 y 22 con el estado negativo para los receptores de estrógenos y progestágenos (p=0.027, p=0.050). También se encontró asociación entre la monosomía del cromosoma 19 con edad avanzada (p=0.034), observándose formas más agresivas de la enfermedad cuando ésta estuvo presente. Las monosomías fueron características de carcinomas ductales infiltrantes de todos los grados. En los demás tipos de carcinoma su frecuencia fue más baja. En el presente estudio se encontró una asociación significativa entre algunas anomalías cromosómicas y la enfermedad, no reportadas anteriormente, como fueron algunas monosomías, fragilidades y roturas cromosómicas y cromatídicas. La alta frecuencia de fragilidades encontradas tanto en sangre periférica (fra 9q12 p=0.001 y fra 3p14 p= 0.38) como de fragilidades expresadas espontáneamente (no inducidas por el uso de reactivos específicos) en muestras de tumor de mama (fra 1p11 p= 0.001, fra 2q11 p= 0.002), pueden ser el reflejo de una alta inestabilidad cromosómica en el genoma de estos pacientes, mostrando lautilidad de los estudios de fragilidad en la determinación de individuos en alto riesgo de desarrollar cáncer de mama. En ensayos de FISH no se observaron amplificaciones de los genes ERBb2 y c-myc en los pacientes analizados. Esto concuerda con lo encontrado en la literatura en donde se ha reportado, para este tipo de tumores, una sobre expresión de la proteína sin amplificación del gen, explicada por desregulación de la expresión del gen, a su vez posiblemente debida a mutaciones en la región promotora o a alteraciones, que conducen a un aumento de la tasa de transcripción (5) (6) (7). Los resultados obtenidos, aunque preliminares, aportan nuevos marcadores cromosómicos que pueden orientar el diagnóstico, pronóstico y tratamiento de esta patología.


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Objective: to determine the palm-plant paleness’ characteristics in Colombian infant rural population, as a diagnostic method of anemia, and to establish a correlation between the finding of palm-plant paleness and the Hematocrit values. Methodology: a cross sectional study was used to evaluate 169 boys and girls, between 2 months and 12 years old, of the rural area of San Vicente del Caguan, who entered into a Health Campaign. Following the signature of an informed consent, parents accept their children to participate in the study. Those with acute or chronic pathologies were excluded. The presence of palm-plant paleness was determined by observers trained in the Integrated Management of Childhood Illness (IMCI) Strategy. Hematocrit was measured to all children, as well as a peripheral blood smear. Interrater concordance evaluation (Kappa index) was determined through a pilot test and a validation (sensitivity, specificity) was performed, using Hematocrit as the standard. Results: 93 of the participants were male and 77 were female. 45% of them had palm paleness. The Hematocrit showed anemia in 34.1% of the children. The validation analysis demonstrated a 67.2% of sensibility, a 66.6% of specificity, a 51.3% of positive predictive values and a 79.5% of negative predictive values. Hypochromic and Eosinophilia were found in most of the peripheral blood smears’ children with anemia. Conclusions: although this tool presents a low sensibility and specificity for low/moderated anemia, it is useful for excluding it in infants without palm paleness.


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Introducción: La Enfermedad de Parkinson (EP) fue descrita por primera vez por James Parkinson en 1817, es el segundo desorden neurodegenerativo más frecuente después de la enfermedad de Alzheimer. Los síntomas aparecen por una deficiencia de dopamina causada por la degeneración y perdida de las neuronas dopaminérgicas en diversas regiones del cerebro, principalmente la sustancia nigra. Se sabe actualmente que existen factores genéticos involucrados en el desarrollo de la enfermedad, principalmente en la EP de inicio temprano. Uno de los genes, que según diversos reportes ha sido frecuentemente implicado con el desarrollo de la enfermedad es el gen PARK2 o PRKN que codifica para la proteína Parkina, una proteína de 465 aminoácidos. Se conoce que la proteína Parkina tiene función de ligasa de las proteínas ubiquitinadas; las mutaciones que se han podido identificar en Parkina llevan a la pérdida de su función, reduciendo su capacidad de regular la degradación de sustratos. Metodología: Se realizó un estudio observacional descriptivo de tipo cross sectional.Para ello se evaluaron 29 pacientes diagnosticados con EP de inicio temprano (anterior a los 40 años de edad) y de 21 individuos sanos que se utilizaron como control. Se tomó una muestra de sangre periférica a los pacientes y controles, y se procedió a realizar la extracción de DNA. Posteriormente se estandarizaron las condiciones para la técnica de PCR para la amplificación de los exones 3, 4, y 5 en cada individuo. Todos los productos amplificados se sometieron a secuenciación automática para evaluar posibles mutaciones y polimorfismos en la población de estudio.


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Modulation of host immunity is an important potential mechanism by which probiotics confer health benefits. This study was designed to investigate the effects of a probiotic strain, Lactobacillus casei Shirota (LcS), on immune function, using human peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC) in vitro. In addition, the role of monocytes in LcS-induced immunity was also explored. LcS promoted natural killer (NK) cell activity and preferentially induced expression of CD69 and CD25 on CD8+ and CD56+ subsets in the absence of any other stimulus. LcS also induced production of IL-1β, IL-6, TNF-α, IL-12 and IL-10 in the absence of lipopolysaccharide (LPS). In the presence of LPS, LcS enhanced IL-1β production, but inhibited LPS-induced IL-10 and IL-6 production, and had no further effect on TNF-α and IL-12 production. Monocyte-depletion significantly reduced the impact of LcS on lymphocyte activation, cytokine production and NK cell activity. In conclusion, LcS preferentially activated cytotoxic lymphocytes in both the innate and specific immune system, which suggests that LcS could potentiate the destruction of infected cells in the body. LcS also induced both pro-inflammatory and anti-inflammatory cytokine production in the absence of LPS, but inhibited LPS-induced cytokine production in some cases. Monocytes play an important role in LcS-induced immunological responses.


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This study investigated the incorporation of cis-9,trans-11 conjugated linoleic acid (c9,t11 CLA) and trans-10,cis-12-CLA (t10,c12 CLA) into plasma and peripheral blood mononuclear cell (PBMC) lipids when consumed as supplements highly enriched in these isomers. Healthy men (n = 49, age 31 +/- 8 years) consumed one, two, and four capsules containing similar to600 mg of either c9,t11 CIA or t10,c12 CLA per capsule for sequential 8 week periods followed by a 6 week washout before consuming the alternative isomer. Both isomers were incorporated in a dosedependent manner into plasma phosphatidylcholine (PC) (c9,t11 CLA r = 0.779, t10,c12 CLA r = 0.738; P < 0.0001) and cholesteryl ester (CE) (c9,t11 CLA r = 0.706, t10,c12 CLA r = 0.788; P < 0.0001). Only t10,c12 CLA was enriched in plasma nonesterified fatty acids. Both c9,t11 CIA and t10,c12 CLA were incorporated linearly into PBMC total lipids (r = 0.285 and r = 0.273, respectively; P < 0.0005). The highest concentrations of c9,t11 CLA and t10,c12 CLA in PBMC lipids were 3- to 4-fold lower than those in plasma PC and CE. These data suggest that the level of intake is a major determinant of plasma and PBMC CLA content, although PBMCs appear to incorporate both CLA isomers less readily.


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The present study investigated whether consuming dairy products naturally enriched in cis-9, trans-11 (c9,t11) conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) by modification of cattle feed increases the concentration of this isomer in plasma and cellular lipids in healthy men. The study had a double-blind cross-over design. Subjects aged 34-60 years consumed dairy products available from food retailers for 1 week and then either control (0.17 g c9,t11 CLA/d; 0.31 g trans-vaccenic acid (tVA)/d) or CLA-enriched (1.43 g c9,t11 CLA/d; 4.71 g tVA/d) dairy products for 6 weeks. After 7 weeks washout, this was repeated with the alternate products. c9,t11 CLA concentration in plasma lipids was lower after consuming the control products, which may reflect the two-fold greater c9,t11 CLA content of the commercial products. Consuming the CLA-enriched dairy products increased the c9,t11 CLA concentration in plasma phosphatidylcholine (PC) (38 %; P=0.035), triacylglycerol (TAG) (22 %; P < 0.0001) and cholesteryl esters (205 %; P < 0.0001), and in peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC) (238 %; P < 0.0001), while tVA concentration was greater in plasma PC (65 %; P=0.035), TAG (98 %; P=0.001) and PBMC (84 %; P=0.004). Overall, the present study shows that consumption of naturally enriched dairy products in amounts similar to habitual intakes of these foods increased the c9,t11 CLA content of plasma and cellular lipids.


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Varicella-zoster virus (VZV) is a member of the Herpesviridae family, primary infection with which causes varicella, more commonly known as chicken pox. Characteristic of members of the alphaherpesvirus subfamily, VZV is neurotropic and establishes latency in sensory neurons. Reactivation of VZV causes herpes zoster, also known as shingles. The most frequent complication following zoster is chronic and often debilitating pain called postherpetic neuralgia (PHN), which can last for months after the disappearance of a rash. During episodes of acute zoster, VZV viremia occurs in some, but not all, patients; however, the effect of the viral load on the disease outcome is not known. Here we describe the development of a highly specific, sensitive, and reproducible real-time PCR assay to investigate the factors that may contribute to the presence and levels of baseline viremia in patients with zoster and to determine the relationship between viremia and the development and persistence of PHN. VZV DNA was detected in the peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) of 78% of patients with acute zoster and in 9% of healthy asymptomatic blood donors. The presence of VZV in the PBMCs of patients with acute zoster was independently associated with age and being on antivirals but not with gender, immune status, extent of rash, the age of the rash at the time of blood sampling, having a history of prodromal pain, or the extent of acute pain. Prodromal pain was significantly associated with higher baseline viral loads. Viral load levels were not associated with the development or persistence of PHN at 6, 12, or 26 weeks.


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BACKGROUND: Exposure of macrophages to bacterial products such as lipopolysaccharide (LPS) results in activation of the NF-kappaB transcription factor, which orchestrates a gene expression programme that underpins the macrophage-dependent immune response. These changes include the induction or repression of a wide range of genes that regulate inflammation, cell proliferation, migration and cell survival. This process is tightly regulated and loss of control is associated with conditions such as septic shock, inflammatory diseases and cancer. To study this response, it is important to have in vitro model systems that reflect the behaviour of cells in vivo. In addition, it is necessary to understand the natural differences that can occur between individuals. In this report, we have investigated and compared the LPS response in macrophage derived cell lines and peripheral blood mononuclear cell (PBMC) derived macrophages. RESULTS: Gene expression profiles were determined following LPS treatment of THP-1 cells for 1 and 4 hours. LPS significantly induced or repressed 72 out of 465 genes selected as being known or putative NF-kappaB target genes, which exhibited 4 temporal patterns of expression. Results for 34 of these genes, including several genes not previously identified as LPS target genes, were validated using real time PCR. A high correlation between microarray and real time PCR data was found. Significantly, the LPS induced expression profile of THP-1 cells, as determined using real time PCR, was found to be very similar to that of human PBMC derived macrophages. Interestingly, some differences were observed in the LPS response between the two donor PBMC macrophage populations. Surprisingly, we found that the LPS response in U937 cells was dramatically different to both THP-1 and PBMC derived macrophages. CONCLUSION: This study revealed a dynamic and diverse transcriptional response to LPS in macrophages, involving both the induction and repression of gene expression in a time dependent manner. Moreover, we demonstrated that the LPS induced transcriptional response in the THP-1 cell line is very similar to primary PBMC derived macrophages. Therefore, THP-1 cells represent a good model system for studying the mechanisms of LPS and NF-kappaB dependent gene expression.


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Background: Animal studies have suggested that conjugated linoleic acid (CLA), a natural component of ruminant meat and dairy products, may confer beneficial effects on health. However, little information on the effects of CLA on immune function is available, especially in humans. Furthermore, the effects of individual isomers of CLA have not been adequately investigated. Objective: This study investigated the effects of supplementing the diet with 3 doses of highly enriched cis-9,trans-11 CLA (0.59, 1.19, and 2.38 g/d) or trans-10,cis-12 CLA (0.63, 1.26, and 2.52 g/d) on immune outcomes in healthy humans. Design: The study had a randomized, double-blind, crossover design. Healthy men consumed 1, 2, and 4 capsules sequentially that contained 80% of either cis-9,trans-11 CLA or trans-10,cis-12 CLA for consecutive 8-wk periods. This regimen was followed by a 6-wk washout and a crossover to the other isomer. Results: Both CLA isomers decreased mitogen-induced T lymphocyte activation in a dose-dependent manner. There was a significant negative correlation between mitogen-induced T lymphocyte activation and the proportions of both cis-9,trans-11 CLA and trans-10,cis-12 CLA in peripheral blood mononuclear cell lipids. However, CLA did not affect lymphocyte subpopulations or serum concentrations of C-reactive protein and did not have any consistent effects on ex vivo cytokine production. Conclusion: CLA supplementation results in a dose-dependent reduction in the mitogen-induced activation of T lymphocytes. The effects of cis-9,trans-l I CLA and trans-10,cis-12 CLA were similar, and there was a negative correlation between mitogen-induced T lymphocyte activation and the cis-9,trans-11 CLA and trans-10,cis-12 CLA contents of mononuclear cells.


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Background: Animal studies suggest that prebiotics and probiotics exert protective effects against tumor development in the colon, but human data supporting this suggestion are weak. Objective: The objective was to verify whether the prebiotic concept (selective interaction with colonic flora of nondigested carbohydrates) as induced by a synbiotic preparation-oligofructose-enriched inulin (SYN1) + Lactobacillus rhamnosus GG (LGG) and Bifidobacterium lactis Bb12 (BB12)-is able to reduce the risk of colon cancer in humans. Design: The 12-wk randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial of a synbiotic food composed of the prebiotic SYN1 and probiotics LGG and BB12 was conducted in 37 colon cancer patients and 43 polypectomized patients. Fecal and blood samples were obtained before, during, and after the intervention, and colorectal biopsy samples were obtained before and after the intervention. The effect of synbiotic consumption on a battery of intermediate biomarkers for colon cancer was examined. Results: Synbiotic intervention resulted in significant changes in fecal flora: Bifidobacterium and Lactobacillus increased and Clostridium perfringens decreased. The intervention significantly reduced colorectal proliferation and the capacity of fecal water to induce necrosis in colonic cells and improve epithelial barrier function in polypectomized patients. Genotoxicity assays of colonic biopsy samples indicated a decreased exposure to genotoxins in polypectomized patients at the end of the intervention period. Synbiotic consumption prevented an increased secretion of interleukin 2 by peripheral blood mononuclear cells in the polypectomized patients and increased the production of interferon gamma in the cancer patients. Conclusions: Several colorectal cancer biomarkers can be altered favorably by synbiotic intervention.


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Olive pomace oil, also known as "orujo" olive oil, is a blend of refined-pomace oil and virgin olive oil, fit for human consumption. Maslinic acid, oleanolic acid, erythrodiol, and uvaol are pentacyclic triterpenes, found in the non-glyceride fraction of orujo oil, which have previously been reported to have anti-inflammatory properties. In the present work, we investigated the effect of these minor components on pro-inflammatory cytokine production by human peripheral blood mononuclear cells in six different samples. Uvaol, erythrodiol, and oleanolic acid significantly decreased IL-1 beta and IL-6 production in a dose-dependent manner. All three compounds significantly reduced TNF-alpha production at 100 mu M; however, at 10 mu M, uvaol and oleanolic acid enhanced the generation of TNF-alpha. In contrast, maslinic acid did not significantly alter the concentration of those cytokines, with the exception of a slight inhibitory effect at 100 mu M. All four triterpenes inhibited production of I-309, at 50 mu M and 100 mu M. However, uvaol enhanced I-309 production at 10 mu M. The triterpenic dialcohols had a similar effect on MIG production. In conclusion, this study demonstrates that pentacyclic triterpenes in orujo oil exhibit pro- and anti-inflammatory properties depending on chemical structure and dose, and may be useful in modulating the immune response. (c) 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.