971 resultados para pension savings


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Abstract Background: Effective promotion of exercise could result in substantial savings in healthcare cost expenses in terms of direct medical costs, such as the number of medical appointments. However, this is hampered by our limited knowledge of how to achieve sustained increases in physical activity. Objectives: To assess the effectiveness of a Primary Health Care (PHC) based physical activity program in reducing the total number of visits to the healthcare center among inactive patients, over a 15-month period. Research Design: Randomized controlled trial. Subjects: Three hundred and sixty-two (n = 362) inactive patients suffering from at least one chronic condition were included. One hundred and eighty-three patients (n = 183; mean (SD); 68.3 (8.8) years; 118 women) were randomly allocated to the physical activity program (IG). One hundred and seventy-nine patients (n = 179; 67.2 (9.1) years; 106 women) were allocated to the control group (CG). The IG went through a three-month standardized physical activity program led by physical activity specialists and linked to community resources. Measures: The total number of medical appointments to the PHC, during twelve months before and after the program, was registered. Self-reported health status (SF-12 version 2) was assessed at baseline (month 0), at the end of the intervention (month 3), and at 12 months follow-up after the end of the intervention (month 15). Results: The IG had a significantly reduced number of visits during the 12 months after the intervention: 14.8 (8.5). The CG remained about the same: 18.2 (11.1) (P = .002). Conclusions: Our findings indicate that a 3-month physical activity program linked to community resources is a shortduration, effective and sustainable intervention in inactive patients to decrease rates of PHC visits. Trial Registration: ClinicalTrials.gov NCT00714831


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Cet article présente les résultats de la revue systématique: Rotter T, Kinsman L, James E, Machotta A, Gothe H, Willis J, Snow P, Kugler J. Clinical pathways: effects on professional practice, patient outcomes, length of stay and hospital costs. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews 2010 Mar 17;(3):CD006632. DOI: 10.1002/14651858.CD006632.pub2. PMID: 20238347.


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This issue review analyzes the duties and responsibilities of troopers in the Iowa State Patrol, or ISP, and Motor Vehicle Enforcement, MVE, officers in the Department of Transportation, or DOT, as well as the differences such as funding, pay and pension. In addition, this issue review discusses the proposal for a potential integration of the offices under one system.


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In the healthcare debate, it is often stated that better quality leads to savings. Quality systems lead to additional costs for setting up, running and external evaluations. In addition, suppression of implicit rationing leads to additional costs. On the other hand, they lead to savings by procedures simplification, improvement of patients' health state and quicker integration of new collaborators. It is then logical to imagine that financial incentives could improve quality. First evidences of pay for performances initiatives show a positive impact but also some limitations. Quality and savings are linked together and require all our attention.


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In this paper I show that employees tend to procrastinate when they are expected to decide whether or not they would like to save using the defined contribution pension scheme offered by their employer. By auto-enrolling the employees or asking them to decide before a given deadline, employers can mitigate some of the problems caused by employee procrastination. However both of these mechanisms present their own problems, caused by default stickiness and other issues, so I discuss how employers can decide which is the right mechanism to use depending on the characteristics of their employees, and how to minimize the problems these mechanisms can cause.


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This report presents the results of a survey on the use of yellow versus white traffic paint. It was found that in most states the white paint was less expensive than the yellow. A substantial savings could be realized if an all white traffic marking system was permitted by the Federal Highway Administration. Paint costs from each state are presented, as well as by each region.


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BACKGROUND: Six pioneer physicians-pharmacists quality circles (PPQCs) located in the Swiss canton of Fribourg (administratively corresponding to a state in the US) were under the responsibility of 6 trained community pharmacists moderating the prescribing process of 24 general practitioners (GPs). PPQCs are based on a multifaceted collaborative process mediated by community pharmacists for improving compliance with clinical guidelines within GPs' prescribing practices. OBJECTIVE: To assess, over a 9-year period (1999-2007), the cost-containment impact of the PPQCs. METHODS: The key elements of PPQCs are a structured continuous quality improvement and education process; local networking; feedback of comparative and detailed data regarding costs, drug choice, and frequency of prescribed drugs; and structured independent literature review for interdisciplinary continuing education. The data are issued from the community pharmacy invoices to the health insurance companies. The study analyzed the cost-containment impact of the PPQCs in comparison with GPs working in similar conditions of care without particular collaboration with pharmacists, the percentage of generic prescriptions for specific cardiovascular drug classes, and the percentage of drug costs or units prescribed for specific cardiovascular drugs. RESULTS: For the 9-year period, there was a 42% decrease in the drug costs in the PPQC group as compared to the control group, representing a $225,000 (USD) savings per GP only in 2007. These results are explained by better compliance with clinical and pharmacovigilance guidelines, larger distribution of generic drugs, a more balanced attitude toward marketing strategies, and interdisciplinary continuing education on the rational use of drugs. CONCLUSIONS: The PPQC work process has yielded sustainable results, such as significant cost savings, higher penetration of generics and reflection on patient safety, and the place of "new" drugs in therapy. The PPQCs may also constitute a solid basis for implementing more comprehensive collaborative programs, such as medication reviews, adherence-enhancing interventions, or disease management approaches.


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In 1982 the Iowa DOT allowed a successful bidder the option of submitting materials and proportions using fly ash to produce a portland cement concrete (PCC) paving mixture to meet a specified compressive strength. The contractor, Irving F. Jensen, received approval for the use of a concrete mixture utilizing 500 lbs. of portland cement and 88 lbs. of fly ash as a replacement of 88 lbs. of portland cement. The PCC mixture was utilized on the Muscatine County US 61 relocation bypass paved as project F-61-4(32)--20-70. A Class "C" fly ash obtained from the Chillicothe electric generating plant approximately 100 miles away was used in the project. This use of fly ash in lieu of portland cement resulted in a cost savings of $64,500 and an energy savings of approximately 16 billion BTU. The compressive strength of this PCC mixture option was very comparable to concrete mixtures produced without the use of fly ash. The pavement has been performing very well. The substitution of fly ash for 15% of the cement has been allowed as a contractor's option since 1984. Due to the cost savings, it has been used in almost all Iowa PCC paving since that time.


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The report describes the state of the art video equipment used and experiences gained from the 6,800 mile field test. The first objective of this project was to determine if laser disc equipment could capture and store usable roadway images while operating in a mobile environment. The second objective was to evaluate methods of using optical disc storage and retrieval features to enhance highway planning and design function. Several highway departments have attempted to use video technology to replace the traditional 16 and 35 mm film format used in photologging. These attempts have met with limited success because of the distortion caused by video technology not being capable of dealing with highway speeds. The distortion has caused many highway signs to be unreadable and, therefore, clients have labeled the technology unusable. Two methods of using optical laser disc storage and retrieval have been successfully demonstrated by Wisconsin and Connecticut Departments of Transportation. Each method provides instantaneous retrieval and linking of images with other information. However, both methods gather the images using 35 mm film techniques. The 35 mm film image is then transferred to laser disc. Eliminating the film conversion to laser disc has potential for saving $4 to $5 per logging mile. In addition to a cost savings, the image would be available immediately as opposed to delays caused by film developing and transferring to laser disc. In June and November of 1986 Iowa DOT staff and cooperating equipment suppliers demonstrated the concept of direct image capture. The results from these tests were promising and an FHWA Demonstration program established. Since 1986 technology advancements have been incorporated into the design that further improve the image quality originally demonstrated.


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The routine maintenance along Iowa's highways and roadways during the summer growing season is a time consuming and costly endeavor. Trimming around guardrail posts and delineator posts is especially costly due to the handwork required. Trimming costs account for approximately 50% of the shoulder mowing costs according to expense figures obtained from the Iowa Department of Transportation (DOT), Office of Maintenance. The FY 2001 statewide trimming costs for the Iowa DOT was approximately $430,000 ($305,000 labor, $125,000 equipment and materials). This product would be required to perform well for 9-21 years, on average, in order to recoup the cost of installation. This includes the durability of the product, but not the cost of repair due to traffic damage, snowplow and wing damage, or damage caused by mowing operations. Maintenance costs associated with vegetation creep over the mats and repair costs would extend the required service life. As a result of resource realignment, the Iowa DOT roadside maintenance policy, for FY 2003 and the future, will be to eliminate trimming around delineator posts unless the reflector is obstructed. This policy change will effectively eliminate the need for weed control mats due to the significant reduction in trimming. The use of the weed control mats could be justified in areas that are dangerous to maintenance workers such as guardrail installations in high traffic areas. Because the delineator posts are further from the edge of the traveled roadway, there is a reduced risk to the maintenance workforce while hand trimming. Because the DuroTrim Vegetation Control Mats appear to have performed adequately in the field trial, they could be considered for use, where safety conditions warrant. That use should be limited, however, due to the considerable initial cost and changes in Iowa DOT roadside maintenance policy. Application should be limited to instances where the use of the DuroTrim Vegetation Control Mats would have a significant impact on the safety of the roadside maintenance workers. The cost savings, due to the elimination of the trimming and mowing alone, is not enough to justify their use in most situations at their current cost. The test sections will continue to be monitored periodically so that approximate service life can be determined.


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The Electro-Reflective Measuring Apparatus (ERMA) was developed by the Minnesota Department of Highways in 1974 to measure the retro-reflective characteristics of pavement marking materials. Minnesota researchers recommended that due to the increased cost of pavement marking materials and reduced availability of these materials, ERMA can and should be used as a maintenance management tool to determine when painting is necessary rather than according to a fixed time schedule. The Iowa DOT Office of Materials built an ERMA device patterned after Minnesota's design in 1976. Subsequent efforts to calibrate and correlate this ERMA device to District Paint Foremen ratings proved unsuccessful, and ERMA modification or abandonment was recommended in 1979. Lyman Moothart, Materials Lab. Tech. 4, modified the ERMA device in 1980 and correlation attempts to District Paint Foremen ratings conducted in November 1980 have been moderately successful. A Paint/No Paint ERMA value has been established which will identify about 90% of the painting needs but will also include about 40% of the marking lines not needing repainting. The Office of Maintenance should establish a trial ERMA program to study the accuracy and potential cost savings of using ERMA to identify pavement marking needs.


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This is a continuation of a project initiated a year ago to determine any differences in test results on recovered asphalt cements caused by the use of industrial grade of solvent as compared with the reagent grade. AASHTO specifies the use of reagent grade of trichlorethylene, but the Laboratory uses industrial grade which costs much less. Last year this objective of the project was aborted when it was found that a larger difference in test results was obtained between the two distillation apparatuses than between the two solvents, Then all efforts were directed toward obtaining uniformity in test results between the apparatuses under the east hood as compared with that under the west hood. Considerable progress was made toward this end. (See report under this same title dated April 1982). The objective this year was to again evaluate the results when using both variables (apparatuses and solvents). Another objective developed later in this investigation; this was to determine any differences in test results on recovered asphalt cements caused by the use of reclaimed trichlorethylene (from the distillation process) as compared with the use of industrial grade of solvent. At the present time the reclaimed trichlorethylene is discarded. If the reclaimed solvent could be used for further recoveries, a considerable savings in solvent costs would result.


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Three comparable hot mixed asphalt paving mixes were produced using two different aggregates produced from reclaimed portland cement concrete paving and one from a crushed limestone aggregate. These were subjected both dry and soaked to indirect tensile tests to determine the wet strength retention. One mix made from reclaimed concrete demonstrated a slightly better strength retention than the limestone mix and the other less. Satisfactory asphalt paving mixes can be produced from reclaimed concrete pavements but the increased asphalt demand (about 1%) negates part of the potential savings.


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The goals of this project were to implement several stabilization methods for preventing or mitigating freeze-thaw damage to granular surfaced roads and identify the most effective and economical methods for the soil and climate conditions of Iowa. Several methods and technologies identified as potentially suitable for Iowa were selected from an extensive analysis of existing literature provided with Iowa Highway Research Board (IHRB) Project TR-632. Using the selected methods, demonstration sections were constructed in Hamilton County on a heavily traveled two-mile section of granular surfaced road that required frequent maintenance during previous thawing periods. Construction procedures and costs of the demonstration sections were documented, and subsequent maintenance requirements were tabulated through two seasonal freeze-thaw periods. Extensive laboratory and field tests were performed prior to construction, as well as before and after the two seasonal freeze-thaw periods, to monitor the performance of the demonstration sections. A weather station was installed at the project site and temperature sensors were embedded in the subgrade to monitor ground temperatures up to a depth of 5 ft and determine the duration and depths of ground freezing and thawing. An economic analysis was performed using the documented construction and maintenance costs, and the estimated cumulative costs per square yard were projected over a 20-year timeframe to determine break-even periods relative to the cost of continuing current maintenance practices. Overall, the sections with biaxial geogrid or macadam base courses had the best observed freeze-thaw performance in this study. These two stabilization methods have larger initial costs and longer break-even periods than aggregate columns, but counties should also weigh the benefits of improved ride quality and savings that these solutions can provide as excellent foundations for future paving or surface upgrades.


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OBJECTIVE: To investigate whether HIV-infected patients on a stable and fully suppressive combination antiretroviral therapy (cART) regimen could safely be monitored less often than the current recommendations of every 3 months. DESIGN: Two thousand two hundred and forty patients from the EuroSIDA study who maintained a stable and fully suppressed cART regimen for 1 year were included in the analysis. METHODS: Risk of treatment failure, defined by viral rebound, fall in CD4 cell count, development of new AIDS-defining illness, serious opportunistic infection or death, in the 12 months following a year of a stable and fully suppressed regimen was assessed. RESULTS: One hundred thirty-one (6%) patients experienced treatment failure in the 12 months following a year of stable therapy, viral rebound occurred in 99 (4.6%) patients. After 3, 6 and 12 months, patients had a 0.3% [95% confidence interval (CI) 0.1-0.5], 2.2% (95% CI 1.6-2.8) and 6.0% (95% CI 5.0-7.0) risk of treatment failure, respectively. Patients who spent more than 80% of their time on cART with fully suppressed viraemia prior to baseline had a 38% reduced risk of treatment failure, hazard ratio 0.62 (95% CI 0.42-0.90, P = 0.01). CONCLUSION: Patients who have responded well to cART and are on a well tolerated and durably fully suppressive cART regimen have a low chance of experiencing treatment failure in the next 3-6 months. Therefore, in this subgroup of otherwise healthy patients, it maybe reasonable to extend visit intervals to 6 months, with cost and time savings to both the treating clinics and the patients.