978 resultados para paleo-CO(2) proxy


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Quantitative estimates of time-averaging in marine shell accumulations available to date are limited primarily to aragonitic mollusk shells. We assessed time-averaging in Holocene assemblages of calcitic brachiopod shells by direct dating of individual specimens of the terebratulid brachiopod Bouchardia rosea. The data were collected from exceptional (brachiopod-rich) shell assemblages, occurring surficially on a tropical mixed carbonate-siliciclastic shelf (the Southeast Brazilian Bight, SW Atlantic), a setting that provides a good climatic and environmental analog for many Paleozoic brachiopod shell beds of North America and Europe. A total of 82 individual brachiopod shells, collected from four shallow (5-25 m) nearshore (<2.5 km from the shore) localities, were dated by using amino acid racemization (D-alloisoleucine/L-isoleucine value) calibrated with five AMS-radiocarbon dates (r(2) = 0.933). This is the first study to demonstrate that amino acid racemization methods can provide accurate and precise ages for individual shells of calcitic brachiopods.The dated shells vary in age from modern to 3000 years, with a standard deviation of 690 years. The age distribution is strongly right-skewed: the young shells dominate the dated specimens and older shells are increasingly less common. However, the four localities display significant differences in the range of time-averaging and the form of the age distribution. The dated shells vary notably in the quality of preservation, but there is no significant correlation between taphonomic condition and age, either for individual shells or at assemblage level.These results demonstrate that fossil brachiopods may show considerable time-averaging, but the scale and nature of that mixing may vary greatly among sites. Moreover, taphonomic condition is not a reliable indicator of pre-burial history of individual brachiopod shells or the scale of temporal mixing within the entire assemblage. The results obtained for brachiopods are strikingly similar to results previously documented for mollusks and suggest that differences in mineralogy and shell microstructure are unlikely to be the primary factors controlling the nature and scale of time-averaging. Environmental factors and local fluctuations in populations of shell-producing organisms are more likely to be the principal determinants of time-averaging in marine benthic shelly assemblages. The long-term survival of brachiopod shells is incongruent with the rapid shell destruction observed in taphonomic experiments. The results support the taphonomic model that shells remain protected below (but perhaps near) the surface through their early taphonomic history. They may be brought back up to the surface intermittently by bioturbation and physical reworking, but only for short periods of time. This model explains the striking similarities in time-averaging among different types of organisms and the lack of correlation between time-since-death and shell taphonomy.


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Internal larval oral anatomy was used to explore morphological diversity and its contribution to the systematics of the genera Aplastodiscus, Bokerinannohyla, and Hypsiboas, belonging to the tribe Cophomantini. Internal oral morphology was examined for tadpoles of 12 species. All species have a large pair of infralabial papillae on the buccal floor and other papillae on the prelingual region. In Aplastodiscus and Bokerinannohyla, the large infralabial papillae have digitiform secondary projections. The number and arrangement of the buccal floor papillae varies among species, but they are more numerous in Aplastodiscus and Bokerinannohyla. The arrangement of the postnarial papillae is variable, but in Aplastodiscus and Bokerinannohyla, they show a definite, inverted V-shape pattern. The lateral ridge papillae are more complex in larvae of Bokertnannohyla with long digitiform secondary projections. Tadpoles of only Aplastodiscus albofrenatus, Aplastodiscus eugenioi, and Bokerinannohyla luctuosa have papillae on the buccal roof arena and larvae of all species have lateral roof papillae except Hypsiboas albomarginatus and Hypsiboas cinerascens. Larvae of Aplastodiscus, Bokermannohyla, and Hypsiboas presumably share the presence of vacuities anterior to the internal nares; although this character state is clearly synapomorphic within hylids, it is still uncertain whether it is exclusive of these three genera or whether it is present in the other genera of the tribe Cophomantini (Hyloscirtus and Myersiohyla). The inclusion of internal oral anatomy characters, such as the narial vacuities, in systematic studies is certainly valuable because it will provide additional information toward the understanding of phylogenetic relationships.


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Morphological caste differences and ovary conditions were analyzed in four colonies of Brachygastra augusti collected in different stages of the colony cycle. Differences between castes are distinct suggesting pre-imaginal determination. Many intermediates (non-inseminated ovary-developed females) were found. Because these intermediate females were morphologically similar to workers, it is suggested that they are young ovary-developed workers. Because there is a more evident overlap between queens and workers in the colony in pre-emergence of workers stage, and in three colonies in latter stages, especially in worker-production colonies, it is suggested that smaller queens are probably less viable than larger queens as observed in previously studied epiponines.


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The reactivity of [Pt(SbPh3)(3)], a compound of zerovalent platinum, exceptionally stable in air, is described. The compounds [{Pt(SbPh3)(3)}(2)N-2], containing bridging dinitrogen, [{Pt(SbPh3)(3)}(2)C-2], with an ethynediyl group also bridging, and [Pt(CO)(2)(SbPh3)(2)], were all obtained under ordinary pressure of nitrogen, acetylene or carbon monoxide, respectively, and are also described. Among the products of the reactions, the dimer [PtBr3(SbPh3)(2)](2) and the mixed complexes [PtL2(SbPh3)(2)] (L = PPh3, AsPh3) were also obtained. Some of these complexes are luminescent when excited by u.v. radiation.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Representative Life-Cycle Inventories (LCIs) are essential for Life-Cycle Assessments (LCAs) quality and readiness. Because energy is such an important element of LCAs, appropriate LCIs on energy are crucial, and due to the prevalence of hydropower on Brazilian electricity mix, the frequently used LCIs are not representative of the Brazilian conditions. The present study developed a LCI of the Itaipu Hydropower Plant, the major hydropower plant in the world, responsible for producing 23.8% of Brazil's electricity consumption. Focused on the capital investments to construct and operate the dam, the LCI was designed to serve as a database for the LCAs of Brazilian hydroelectricity production. The life-cycle boundaries encompass the construction and operation of the dam, as well as the life-cycles of the most important material and energy consumptions (cement, steel, copper, diesel oil, lubricant oil), as well as construction site operation, emissions from reservoir flooding, material and workers transportation, and earthworks. As a result, besides the presented inventory, it was possible to determine the following processes, and respective environmental burdens as the most important life-cycle hotspots: reservoir filling (CO(2) and CH(4) emission: land use); steel life-cycle (water and energy consumption; CO, particulates, SO(x) and NO(x) emissions); cement life-cycle (water and energy consumption; CO(2) and particulate emissions); and operation of civil construction machines (diesel consumption; NO(x) emissions). Compared with another hydropower studies, the LCI showed magnitude adequacy, with better results than small hydropower, which reveals a scale economy for material and energy exchanges in the case of ltaipu Power Plant. (C) 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Rhynchonelliform brachiopods were diverse and often dominant benthos of tropical seas in the Paleozoic. In contrast, they are believed to be rare in open habitats of modern oceans, especially at low latitudes. This study documents numerous occurrences of rhynchonelliform brachiopods on a modern tropical shelf, particularly in areas influenced by upwelling. Extensive sampling of the outer shelf and coastal bays of the Southeast Brazilian Bight revealed dense populations of terebratulid brachiopods (>10(3) individuals /m(2) of seafloor) between 24 and 26 S. on the outer shelf, brachiopods are more abundant than bivalves and gastropods combined. However, brachiopod diversity is low: only four species belonging to the genera Bouchardia, Terebratulina, Argyrotheca, and Platidia were identified among over 16000 examined specimens. Brachiopods occur preferentially on carbonate bottoms and include two substrate-related associations: Bouchardia (40-70% CaCO3, weight content) and Terebratulina-Argyrotheca (70-95% CaCO3). All four species display a broad bathymetric range that contrasts with a narrow depth tolerance postulated for many Paleozoic rhynchonelliforms. The most abundant populations occur in the depth range between 100 and 200 m, and coincide with zones of shelf-break upwelling, where relatively colder and nutrient-rich water masses of the South Atlantic Central Water are brought upward by cyclonic meanders of the South Brazil Current (a western boundary current that flows poleward along the coast of Brazil). This is consistent with previous biological and paleontological studies that suggest upwelling may play a role in sustaining brachiopod-dominated benthic associations. The presence of abundant brachiopods in the open habitats of the tropical shelf of the western South Atlantic contrasts with current understanding of their latitudinal distribution and points to major gaps in our knowledge of their present-day biogeography. The ecological importance of rhynchonelliform brachiopods in modern oceans and their role as producers of biogenic sedimentary particles may be underestimated.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Advertisement, territorial, and distress calls of Hypsiboas exastis, a species of the Hypsiboas faker group, are described for the first time. Acoustic records were obtained of one specimen found at the Municipality of Urucuca, state of Bahia, Brazilian eastern cost. We compared the advertisement calls of H. exastis with those of H. lundii and H. pardalis (the closest related species) and suggested a closer similarity with H. lundii.


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Objective To report the severe metabolic acidosis identified in a group of 11 healthy mules anaesthetized with halothane for castration.Study design Data generated from a prospective study.Animals Eleven mules aged 2.5-8 years, weighing 230-315 kg and 11 horses aged 1.5-3.5 years, weighing 315-480 kg.Methods Animals were anaesthetized for castration as part of an electroencephalographic study. Preanaesthetic medication was acepromazine (0.03 mg kg(-1)) administered through a preplaced jugular venous catheter. Anaesthesia was induced 30-90 minutes later with intravenous thiopental (10 mg kg(-1)). After orotracheal intubation, anaesthesia was maintained with halothane vaporised in oxygen. The animals' lungs were ventilated to maintain the end-tidal CO(2) concentration between 3.9 and 4.5 kPa (29-34 mmHg). Anaesthetic monitoring included invasive blood pressure measurement via the auricular artery (mules) and submandibular branch of the facial artery (horses). Arterial blood gas samples were drawn from these catheters at three time points during surgery and pH, PaCO(2), base excess (ecf) and HCO(3)(-) were measured. Values were compared between groups using a Mann-Whitney test. p was taken as <0.05. Results are reported as median (range).Results PaCO(2) did not differ between groups but pH was significantly lower in mules [7.178 (7.00-7.29)] compared to horses [7.367 (7.24-7.43)] (p = 0.0002). HCO(3)(-) values were significantly lower in the mules [16.6 (13.0-22.3) mM] compared to horses [23.7 (20.9-23.7) mM] (p = 0.0001), whilst base excess (ecf) was significantly more negative in the mules [-11.4 (-1.27 to -16) mM] compared to horses [-1.3 (-5.8 to +2.4) mM] (p = 0.0004).Conclusion and clinical relevance This study demonstrated severe metabolic acidosis in healthy mules, which may have prompted intervention with drug therapies in a clinical arena. It is probable that the acidosis existed prior to anaesthesia and caused by diet, but other possible causes are considered.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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The present paper reports the assessment of the vegetation occupancy rate of the roadside, through analysis of aerial photographs. Using such value the potential of these areas to be employed as carbon (C) sinks was also assessed. Moreover, for the areas suitable for afforestation, the potential for carbon sequestration was estimated considering different species of vegetation, both native (scenario 1) and exotic (formed by Pinus sp. and Eucalyptus sp. - scenario 2). The study was carried out through GIS techniques and two regions were considered. A set of equations was used to estimate the rate of occupancy over the study areas, as well as amounts of fixed C under the above scenarios. The average occupancy rate was 0.06%. The simulation showed a higher potential for C sequestration in scenario 2, being the estimated amounts of CO(2) sequestered from the atmosphere per km of roadside: 131 tons of CO(2) km(-1) of highway to native species and 655 tons of CO(2) km(-1) of highway for exotic species (over period of 10 years for both estimates). If we consider the whole road network of the São Paulo State (approximately 190 000 km) and that a considerable part of this road work is suitable to receive this kind of service, it is possible to predict the very high potential for C sequestration if managers and planners consider roadside as area for afforestation.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)