883 resultados para outputs
The purpose of this comparative analysis of CHIP Perinatal policy (42 CFR § 457) was to provide a basis for understanding the variation in policy outputs across the twelve states that, as of June 2007, implemented the Unborn Child rule. This Department of Health and Human Services regulation expanded in 2002 the definition of “child” to include the period from conception to birth, allowing states to consider an unborn child a “targeted low-income child” and therefore eligible for SCHIP coverage. ^ Specific study aims were to (1) describe typologically the structural and contextual features of the twelve states that adopted a CHIP Perinatal policy; (2) describe and differentiate among the various designs of CHIP Perinatal policy implemented in the states; and (3) develop a conceptual model that links the structural and contextual features of the adopting states to differences in the forms the policy assumed, once it was implemented. ^ Secondary data were collected from publicly available information sources to describe characteristics of states’ political system, health system, economic system, sociodemographic context and implemented policy attributes. I posited that socio-demographic differences, political system differences and health system differences would directly account for the observed differences in policy output among the states. ^ Exploratory data analysis techniques, which included median polishing and multidimensional scaling, were employed to identify compelling patterns in the data. Scaled results across model components showed that economic system was most closely related to policy output, followed by health system. Political system and socio-demographic characteristics were shown to be weakly associated with policy output. Goodness-of-fit measures for MDS solutions implemented across states and model components, in one- and two-dimensions, were very good. ^ This comparative policy analysis of twelve states that adopted and implemented HHS Regulation 42 C.F.R. § 457 contributes to existing knowledge in three areas: CHIP Perinatal policy, public health policy and policy sciences. First, the framework allows for the identification of CHIP Perinatal program design possibilities and provides a basis for future studies that evaluate policy impact or performance. Second, studies of policy determinants are not well represented in the health policy literature. Thus, this study contributes to the development of the literature in public health policy. Finally, the conceptual framework for policy determinants developed in this study suggests new ways for policy makers and practitioners to frame policy arguments, encouraging policy change or reform. ^
Electronic waste is a fairly new and largely unknown phenomenon. Accordingly, governments have only recently acknowledged electronic waste as a threat to the environment and public health. In attempting to mitigate the hazards associated with this rapidly growing toxic waste stream, governments at all levels have started to implement e-waste management programs. The legislation enacted to create these programs is based on extended producer responsibility or EPR policy. ^ EPR shifts the burden of final disposal of e-waste from the consumer or municipal solid waste system to the manufacturer of electronic equipment. Applying an EPR policy is intended to send signals up the production chain to the manufacturer. The desired outcome is to change the methods of production in order to reduce production outputs/inputs with the ultimate goal of changing product design. This thesis performs a policy analysis of the current e-waste policies at the federal and state level of government, focusing specifically on Texas e-waste policies. ^ The Texas e-waste law known, as HB 2714 or the Texas Computer TakeBack Law, requires manufacturers to provide individual consumers with a free and convenient method for returning their used computers to manufacturers. The law is based on individual producer responsibility and shared responsibility among consumer, retailers, recyclers, and the TCEQ. ^ Using a set of evaluation criteria created by the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development, the Texas e-waste law was examined to determine its effectiveness at reducing the threat of e-waste in Texas. Based on the outcomes of the analysis certain recommendations were made for the legislature to incorporate into HB 2714. ^ The results of the policy analysis show that HB 2714 is a poorly constructed law and does not provide the desired results seen in other states with EPR policies. The TakeBack Law does little to change the collection methods of manufacturers and even less to change their production habits. If the e-waste problem is to be taken seriously, HB 2714 must be amended to reflect the proposed changes in this thesis.^
Information technology (IT) in the hospital organization is fast becoming a key asset, particularly in light of recent reform legislation in the United States calling for expanding the role of IT in our health care system. Future payment reductions to hospitals included in current health reform are based on expected improvements in hospital operating efficiency. Since over half of hospital expenses are for labor, improved efficiency in use of labor resources can be critical in meeting this challenge. Policy makers have touted the value of IT investments to improve efficiency in response to payment reductions. ^ This study was the first to directly examine the relationship between electronic health record (EHR) technology and staffing efficiency in hospitals. As the hospital has a myriad of outputs for inpatient and outpatient care, efficiency was measured using an industry standard performance metric – full time equivalent employees per adjusted occupied bed (FTE/AOB). Three hypotheses were tested in this study.^ To operationalize EHR technology adoption, we developed three constructs to model adoption, each of which was tested by separate hypotheses. The first hypothesis that a larger number of EHR applications used by a hospital would be associated with greater staffing efficiency (or lower values of FTE/AOB) was not accepted. Association between staffing efficiency and specific EHR applications was the second hypothesis tested and accepted with some applications showing significant impacts on observed values for FTE/AOB. Finally, the hypothesis that the longer an EHR application was used in a hospital would be associated with greater labor efficiency was not accepted as the model showed few statistically significant relationships to FTE/AOB performance. Generally, there does not appear a strong relationship between EHR usage and improved labor efficiency in hospitals.^ While returns on investment from EHR usage may not come from labor efficiencies, they may be better sought using measures of quality, contribution to an efficient and effective local health care system, and improved customer satisfaction through greater patient throughput.^
Ras genes are mutated in 15% of human cancers. Ras GTPases operate as molecular switches regulating cellular processes including proliferation, differentiation, and apoptosis. The three main isoforms of Ras – H-Ras, K-Ras, and N-Ras – inhabit distinct nanodomains of the plasma membrane and intracellular compartments including the Golgi. However, the role of single endogenous Ras isoforms on these compartments remains unclear as most studies have utilized ectopically expressed and mutant forms of Ras proteins. In an effort to develop novel tools that will allow us to abrogate individual endogenous Ras isoforms, we targeted the catalytic domain of p120RasGAP to the plasma membrane with the hypervariable region (HVR) of H-Ras (GAP-CTH) or K-Ras (GAP-CTK) and to the Golgi using the HVR of H-Ras with insertion of a point mutation (GAP-CTH181S). We performed GST-RBD pull-downs on cells expressing each GAP construct and stimulated with epidermal growth factor (EGF). We found that GAP-CTH and GAP-CTK specifically inhibited H-Ras or K-Ras, respectively. However, we did not detect any effect of GAP-CTH181S on Ras activation. Additionally, we used confocal microscopy to verify the ability of GAP constructs to abrogate Ras activation in distinct sub-cellular compartments. We found that GAP-CTH inhibits H-Ras activation on the plasma membrane, while GAP-CTK inhibits K-Ras activation on the plasma membrane. On the contrary, GAP-CTH181S inhibited H-Ras activation on the Golgi. We also analyzed the effects of these GAP constructs on the activation of ERK and Akt in response to EGF stimulation. We found that EGF stimulation of the MAPK pathway was inhibited by GAP-CTK but none of the other GAP constructs, while Akt activation was not inhibited by any GAP construct. Finally, we assayed cellular proliferation and differentiation. We found that GAP-CTK and GAP-CTH were equipotent inhibitors of cellular growth, whereas GAP-CTH181S was less potent. We also found that GAP-CTK and GAP-CTH inhibited differentiation with similar potency, while GAP-CTH181S was more potent. This approach may be adapted to investigate any Ras-dependent signaling pathway. Therefore, it has the potential to become a powerful tool for studying Ras isoform-specific signaling outputs.
El objetivo de este trabajo fue desarrollar una metodología de procesamiento de información espacial basada en un Sistema de Información Geográfica (SIG), para la determinación del balance de energía en unidades de tierra (UT) definidas en una cuenca hidrográfica rural. Se determinaron las UT a partir de mapas de unidades de paisaje y de mapas de estratos de superficie operada por productor. Se caracterizaron los ingresos (IE) y egresos energéticos (EE) en los sistemas de producción agrícolas. Se calculó la energía neta (EN) y la relación EE/IE (Re). Los datos se analizaron mediante un ANVA (p < 0,05). Los parámetros IE, EE, EN y Re no fueron significativamente diferentes entre UT, por lo que se infiere que el modelo productivo actualmente desarrollado, desde el punto de vista energético, resulta similar. Se hallaron relaciones de interés entre las variables de estudio y su ubicación geográfica, lo que permite recomendar para los sistemas agrícolas de una cuenca rural la planificación general del uso de la energía considerando las capacidades de los SIG.
El presente trabajo de investigación tiene como objetivo, sugerir una solución al problema de la desorganización del trabajo y falta de asignación de responsabilidades de los agentes administrativos de la Dirección de Administración del Ministerio de Turismo. Propone la creación de herramientas que permitan ordenar el flujo de trabajo,determinando los outputs de los procesos y las responsabilidades de los agentes. La creación de instrumentos necesarios para determinar la jerarquía, dependencia y autoridad de cada puesto y que faciliten la corriente de trabajo para producir trabajo estandarizado y eficiente. La investigación pretende probar que esta problemática está relacionada a la falta de implementación de herramientas administrativas acordes al entorno y al tipo organizativo que permitan guiar a todo el personal, minimizando los conflictos de áreas, marcando responsabilidades, dividiendo el trabajo y fomentando el orden y la estructura.
El presente trabajo es una contribución al estudio de la composición y dinámica de los grupos de investigación en el ámbito universitario. El enfoque novedoso que plantea es una estrategia de demarcación y análisis de grupos en perspectiva comparada entre los proyectos (inputs) y las coautorías (outputs). Combina técnicas bibliométricas y de análisis de redes sociales aplicadas a un estudio de caso: el Departamento de Bibliotecología de la Universidad Nacional de La Plata, Argentina, en el periodo 2000-2009
El presente trabajo muestra la composición y dinámica de los grupos de investigación del Departamento de Bibliotecología de la UNLP en el periodo 2000-2009. Combinando técnicas bibliométricas y de análisis de redes sociales, se realiza una demarcación y análisis de los grupos en perspectiva comparada entre los proyectos (inputs) y las coautorías (outputs).
Se aporta una metodología para estimar la disponibilidad real y potencial de la producción científica de un país, según el modelo de acceso de las revistas elegidas por los investigadores para publicar sus artículos. Se estudia el caso de la producción científica argentina del período 2008-2010 en medicina, física y astronomía, agricultura y ciencias biológicas, y ciencias sociales y humanidades. La producción fue recogida de la base de datos Scopus y los modelos de acceso de las revistas, determinados a partir de la consulta a DOAJ, e-revist@s, SciELO, RedALyC, PubMed, Romeo-Sherpa y Dulcinea. Se concluye que Argentina presenta condiciones muy favorables para liberar un alto porcentaje de la literatura científica generada en el país bajo la modalidad de acceso abierto a través de repositorios; y que la metodología es reproducible para realizar comparaciones con otros países y campos temáticos. Los resultados aportan conocimiento útil a los gestores de repositorios de las instituciones académicas y de investigación de cara a promocionar su desarrollo y justificar su sostenimiento
Se presenta el desarrollo de una interface de recuperación de información para catálogos en línea de acceso público (plataforma CDS/ISIS), basada en el concepto de similaridad para generar los resultados de una búsqueda ordenados por posible relevancia. Se expresan los fundamentos teóricos involucrados, para luego detallar la forma en que se efectuó su aplicación tecnológica, explícita a nivel de programación. Para finalizar se esbozan los problemas de implementación según el entorno
Se aporta una metodología para estimar la disponibilidad real y potencial de la producción científica de un país, según el modelo de acceso de las revistas elegidas por los investigadores para publicar sus artículos. Se estudia el caso de la producción científica argentina del período 2008-2010 en medicina, física y astronomía, agricultura y ciencias biológicas, y ciencias sociales y humanidades. La producción fue recogida de la base de datos Scopus y los modelos de acceso de las revistas, determinados a partir de la consulta a DOAJ, e-revist@s, SciELO, RedALyC, PubMed, Romeo-Sherpa y Dulcinea. Se concluye que Argentina presenta condiciones muy favorables para liberar un alto porcentaje de la literatura científica generada en el país bajo la modalidad de acceso abierto a través de repositorios; y que la metodología es reproducible para realizar comparaciones con otros países y campos temáticos. Los resultados aportan conocimiento útil a los gestores de repositorios de las instituciones académicas y de investigación de cara a promocionar su desarrollo y justificar su sostenimiento
Se presenta el desarrollo de una interface de recuperación de información para catálogos en línea de acceso público (plataforma CDS/ISIS), basada en el concepto de similaridad para generar los resultados de una búsqueda ordenados por posible relevancia. Se expresan los fundamentos teóricos involucrados, para luego detallar la forma en que se efectuó su aplicación tecnológica, explícita a nivel de programación. Para finalizar se esbozan los problemas de implementación según el entorno
Access to different environments may lead to inter-population behavioural changes within a species that allow populations to exploit their immediate environments. Elephant seals from Marion Island (MI) and King George Island (KGI) (Isla 25 de Mayo) forage in different oceanic environments and evidently employ different foraging strategies. This study elucidates some of the factors influencing the diving behaviour of male southern elephant seals from these populations tracked between 1999 and 2002. Mixed-effects models were used to determine the influence of bathymetry, population of origin, body length (as a proxy for size) and individual variation on the diving behaviour of adult male elephant seals from the two populations. Males from KGI and MI showed differences in all dive parameters. MI males dived deeper and longer (median: 652.0 m and 34.00 min) than KGI males (median: 359.1 m and 25.50 min). KGI males appeared to forage both benthically and pelagically while MI males in this study rarely reached depths close to the seafloor and appeared to forage pelagically. Model outputs indicate that males from the two populations showed substantial differences in their dive depths, even when foraging in areas of similar water depth. Whereas dive depths were not significantly influenced by the size of the animals, size played a significant role in dive durations, though this was also influenced by the population that elephant seals originated from. This study provides some support for inter-population differences in dive behaviour of male southern elephant seals.
El presente trabajo es una contribución al estudio de la composición y dinámica de los grupos de investigación en el ámbito universitario. El enfoque novedoso que plantea es una estrategia de demarcación y análisis de grupos en perspectiva comparada entre los proyectos (inputs) y las coautorías (outputs). Combina técnicas bibliométricas y de análisis de redes sociales aplicadas a un estudio de caso: el Departamento de Bibliotecología de la Universidad Nacional de La Plata, Argentina, en el periodo 2000-2009
El presente trabajo muestra la composición y dinámica de los grupos de investigación del Departamento de Bibliotecología de la UNLP en el periodo 2000-2009. Combinando técnicas bibliométricas y de análisis de redes sociales, se realiza una demarcación y análisis de los grupos en perspectiva comparada entre los proyectos (inputs) y las coautorías (outputs).