997 resultados para nutrient interaction


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Two high-frequency (HF) radar stations were installed on the coast of the south-eastern Bay of Biscay in 2009, providing high spatial and temporal resolution and large spatial coverage of currents in the area for the first time. This has made it possible to quantitatively assess the air-sea interaction patterns and timescales for the period 2009-2010. The analysis was conducted using the Barnett-Preisendorfer approach to canonical correlation analysis (CCA) of reanalysis surface winds and HF radar-derived surface currents. The CCA yields two canonical patterns: the first wind-current interaction pattern corresponds to the classical Ekman drift at the sea surface, whilst the second describes an anticyclonic/cyclonic surface circulation. The results obtained demonstrate that local winds play an important role in driving the upper water circulation. The wind-current interaction timescales are mainly related to diurnal breezes and synoptic variability. In particular, the breezes force diurnal currents in waters of the continental shelf and slope of the south-eastern Bay. It is concluded that the breezes may force diurnal currents over considerably wider areas than that covered by the HF radar, considering that the northern and southern continental shelves of the Bay exhibit stronger diurnal than annual wind amplitudes.


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Village tanks are put to a wide range of uses by the rural communities that depend on them for their survival. As the primacy of irrigation has decreased under these tanks due to a variety of climatic and economic reasons there is a need to reevaluate their use for other productive functions. The research presented in this paper is part of a programme investigating the potential to improve the management of living aquatic resources in order to bring benefits to the most marginal groups identified in upper watershed areas. Based on an improved typology of seasonal tanks, the seasonal changes and dynamics of various water quality parameters indicative of nutrient status and fisheries carrying capacity are compared over a period of one year. Indicators of Net (Primary) Productivity (NP): Rates of Dissolved Oxygen (DO) change, Total Suspended Solids (TSS): Total Suspended Volatile solids (TVSS) ratios are the parameters of principle interest. Based on these results a comparative analysis is made on two classes of ‘seasonal’ and ‘semi-seasonal’ tanks. Results indicate a broad correlation in each of these parameters with seasonal trends in tank hydrology. Highest productivity levels are associated with periods of declining water storage, whilst the lowest levels are associated with the periods of maximum water storage shortly after the NW monsoon. This variation is primarily attributed to dilution effects associated with depth and storage area. During the yala period, encroachment of the surface layer by several species of aquatic macrophyte also has progressively negative impacts on productivity. The most seasonal tanks show wider extremes in seasonal nutrient dynamics, overall, with less favourable conditions than the ‘semi-seasonal’ tanks. Never the less all the tanks can be considered as being highly productive with NP levels comparable to fertilised pond systems for much of the year. This indicates that nutrient status is not likely to be amongst the most important constraints to enhancing fish production. Other potential management improvements based on these results are discussed. [PDF contains 19 pages]


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Small ruminant lentiviruses (SRLV) are members of the Retrovirus family comprising the closely related Visna/Maedi Virus (VMV) and the Caprine Arthritis-Encephalitis Virus (CAEV), which infect sheep and goats. Both infect cells of the monocyte/macrophage lineage and cause lifelong infections. Infection by VMV and CAEV can lead to Visna/Maedi (VM) and Caprine Arthritis-Encephalitis (CAE) respectively, slow progressive inflammatory diseases primarily affecting the lungs, nervous system, joints and mammary glands. VM and CAE are distributed worldwide and develop over a period of months or years, always leading to the death of the host, with the consequent economic and welfare implications. Currently, the control of VM and CAE relies on the control of transmission and culling of infected animals. However, there is evidence that host genetics play an important role in determining Susceptibility/Resistance to SRLV infection and disease progression, but little work has been performed in small ruminants. More research is necessary to understand the host-SRLV interaction.


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The Alliance for Coastal Technologies (ACT) convened a Workshop on "Recent Developments in In Situ Nutrient Sensors: Applications and Future Directions" from 11-13 December, 2006. The workshop was held at the Georgia Coastal Center in Savannah, Georgia, with local coordination provided by the ACT partner at the Skidaway Institute of Oceanography (University System of Georgia). Since its formation in 2000, ACT partners have been conducting workshops on various sensor technologies and supporting infrastructure for sensor systems. This was the first workshop to revisit a topic area addressed previously by ACT. An earlier workshop on the "State of Technology in the Development and Application of Nutrient Sensors" was held in Savannah, Georgia from 10-12 March, 2003. Participants in the first workshop included representatives from management, industry, and research sectors. Among the topics addressed at the first workshop were characteristics of "ideal" in situ nutrient sensors, particularly with regard to applications in coastal marine waters. In contrast, the present workshop focused on the existing commercial solutions. The in situ nutrient sensor technologies that appear likely to remain the dominant commercial options for the next decade are reagent-based in situ auto-analyzers (or fluidics systems) and an optical approach (spectrophotometric measurement of nitrate). The number of available commercial systems has expanded since 2003, and community support for expanded application and further development of these technologies appears warranted. Application in coastal observing systems, including freshwater as well as estuarine and marine environments, was a focus of the present workshop. This included discussion of possible refinements for sustained deployments as part of integrated instrument packages and means to better promote broader use of nutrient sensors in observing system and management applications. The present workshop also made a number of specific recommendations concerning plans for a demonstration of in situ nutrient sensor technologies that ACT will be conducting in coordination with sensor manufacturers.[PDF contains 40 pages]


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ENGLISH: Near surface nutrient distributions in the eastern tropical Pacific Ocean, using data from the EASTROPAC Expedition of 1967-68 and pre~EASTROPAC data, are described. Nutrient concentrations were maximal along the equator, in the Peru Current and its offshore extension, and in the Costa Rica Dome and westward tensions of this feature. Nutrient-poor water was found north of the equator well offshore. In this water nitrate was often undetectable (<0.1 µg-at/liter) at the surface, but phosphate and silicic acid concentrations were moderate. Enrichment experiments showed that nitrogen was the primary limiting nutrient in poor water even though large amounts of organic N were found. Half saturation constants (K s ) were determined for ammonium-supported phytoplankton growth. These data were used to calculate near-surface primary productivity values which compared favorably with 14C values. Assimilation ratio measurements indicated that algae were not extremely nitrogen-deficient. Laboratory-determined K, values for phosphate and silicic acid indicated that these nutrients were rarely limiting. In rich water, chlorophyll levels were less than expected from nutrient levels, and this anomaly may be related to limitation by nutrients other than nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P), or silicon (Si), or to grazing. SPANISH: Se describe la distribución subsuperficial de los nutrientes en el Océano Pacífico oriental tropical, empleando los datos de la Expedición EASTROPAC de 1967~68 y datos anteriores a éstos. La concentración de nutrientes fue máxima a lo largo del ecuador, en la Corriente del Perú, en su prolongación mar afuera, en el Domo de Costa Rica y en las prolongaciones occidentales de esta característica. Se encontraron aguas pobres en nutrientes al norte del ecuador y bastante mar adentro. En estas aguas el nitrato era casi imperceptible (<0.1 µg-at/litro) en la superficie, pero las concentraciones de fosfato y ácido silícico fueron moderadas. Los experimentos de enriquecimiento indicaron que el nitrógeno era el principal nutriente limitante en aguas pobres, aun cuando se encontraron grandes cantidades de nitrógeno orgánico. Se determinaron las constantes de saturación media (K s ) para el desarrollo del fitoplancton sostenido por el amonio. Estos datos se emplearon para calcular los valores de la productividad primaria cerca a la superficie que pueden compararse favorablemente con los valores del 14C. Las medidas de la proporción de asimilación indican que las algas no tenían una deficiencia extremada de nitrógeno. Los valores determinados en el laboratorio de K, para el fosfato y ácido silícico indicaron que estos nutrientes limitaron rara vez la producción. En aguas ricas, los niveles de clorofila fueron inferiores a lo esperado según los niveles nutritivos y esta anomalía puede relacionarse a la alimentación o a la escasez de otros nutrientes distintos al nitrógeno (N), fósforo (P) o silicio (Si).


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Seven groups of fingerling rainbow trout (S. gairdneri ) were fed for 10 weeks on 0%, 10%, 20% and 30% of cassava or rice in isonitrogenous diets. Optimum growth and food utilization was at 20% dietary cassava. High fiber content of the control diet did not suppress protein digestibility in this group. Rather, at all levels, protein digestibility was good and remained between 84.4% and 90.1%. However, in the control group, carbohydrate digestibility was very poor. The cassava diets which had the highest digestible energy as carbohydrate produced the best growth performance, food utilization and protein sparing. At the levels studied, the dietary carbohydrates produced no hyperglycamic effect on the fish


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The digestibility and utilisation of two fresh soybean milk concentrate based diets, two stale soybean milk concentrate based diets and two Fishman based diets serving as control, at optimal (30%) and suboptimal (20%) protein levels were evaluated in Oreochromis niloticus. The diets were as follows: Diet I (control) - fishmeal based diet at 30% crude protein, Diet II (control) Fishman based diet at 20% crude protein, Diet III - fresh soybean milk concentrate based diet at 30% crude protein, Diet IV - fresh soybean milk concentrate based diet at 20%, Diet V - stale soybean milk concentrate based diet at 30% crude protein, Diet VI-stale soybean milk concentrate based diet at 20%. Dry matter digestibility differed not significantly with variation in diets (P:0.05). A significant variation was recorded in the protein, lipid and ash digestibility. Proteins were more digestible at optimum than suboptimum level. Ash digestibility was lowest of all the nutrients. Variations in the utilisation of the diets in terms of weight gain, specific growth rate, food conversion ration, protein efficiency ration and apparent net protein utilization were insignificant (P: 0.05). All diets compared favourably with the standard control diet Diet I. This findings suggest the suitability of stale soybean milk concentrate utilisation as protein supplements in the diets of late fry Oreochromis niloticus


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The digestibility and utilisation of two soybean bran-based diets and two fishmeal-based diets serving as control, at optimal (30%) and suboptimal (20%) protein levels were evaluated in Oreochromis niloticus. These were Diet I (Control)-fishmeal based diet at 30% crude protein, Diet II (Control) - fishmeal based diet at 20% crude protein, Diet III - hydrolysed Soybean Bran based diet at 30% crude protein, Diet IV - hydrolysed Soybean Bran based diet at 20%. Dry matter digestibility differed insignificantly with variation in diets (P<0.05). There was significant variation in the protein (p 20.05), lipid and ash digestibility. Protein was more digestible at optimum level than sub-optimum level, while lipid and ash digestibility did not vary with their inclusion levels. Variation in the utilisation of the diets was significant (P<0.05) except for survival. It was observed that the best diet was Diet 1, closely followed by Diet II with highest values of mean final weight, specific growth rate, protein efficiency ratio and the apparent net protein utilisation. The high digestibility values of Diets III and IV suggests their inclusion in fish diet to spare protein for growth


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Limnological studies in Lake Victoria (Kenyan portion) have been sporadic. Water quality and nutrient dynamics studies are being undertaken in fifteen sampling sites that have been divided into four ecological zones namely: Nyanza Gulf, Rusinga Channel, open waters inshore and open waters. The ongoing study will show how the physical and chemical paramenters affect fish distribution and abundance.