988 resultados para nerve injury


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Personal adjustment following an acquired brain injury is influenced by a comprehensive, complex, and dynamic range of factors. This study found that a useful approach to service provision in the ABI sector would involve a holistic approach that addresses all life domains of the individual within an ecological systems framework.


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The thesis found results supporting the involvement of the Right Frontal area of the brain in the subjective wellbeing (SWB) of individuals. Additional results suggested SWB is dependent upon Core Affect, itself dependent upon the Right Parietal area of the brain. These results provide evidence that SWB and Core Affect are based upon a neurological substrate. The portfolio investigated the association between chronic medical conditions and anxiety disorders, and how the occurence of anxiety issues can affect overall psychological adjustment to illness.


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Using the 'integrative framework', based on the health promoting PRECEDE framework and Haddon's injury prevention strategies, as suggested by Gielen, a theoretical model for general practitioner involvement in the prevention of farm injury was developed. A listing of potential roles in farm injury prevention for general practitioners was produced.


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It was found that Urgency and lack of Perseverance were significantly elevated in women with self-injury or eating pathology, and significantly higher again in women with both these syndromes. A longitudinal design found that self-injury tends to progress from milder, compulsive forms, to more severe, impulsive forms over time. The portfolio examines the frequent co-occurrence of substance use and psychiatric disorders (Dual Diagnosis). Four primary conceptualisations of how dual diagnoses develop and present are discussed. These models are then applied to inform four case studies.


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The thesis' aim was to explore outcome after traumatic injury. Poorer physical health prior to injury and receipt of compensation explained variance in physical health 12 months after injury. Poorer mental health 3 and 12 months after injury was partly explained by stronger emotional reactions immediately after the injury, receipt of compensation, and lower perceived social support. The portfolio focuses on symptoms of depression and anxiety in those suffering chronic pain. Through four case studies who attended a pain management service, it is argued that psychological symptoms are able to be addressed concurrently with pain management strategies.


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Oxidative stress plays a central role in neuronal injury and cell death in acute and chronic pathological conditions. The cellular responses to oxidative stress embrace changes in mitochondria and other organelles, notably endoplasmic reticulum, and can lead to a number of cell death paradigms, which cover a spectrum from apoptosis to necrosis and include autophagy. In Alzheimer's disease, and other pathologies including Parkinson's disease, protein aggregation provides further cellular stresses that can initiate or feed into the pathways to cell death engendered by oxidative stress. Specific attention is paid here to mitochondrial dysfunction and programmed cell death, and the diverse modes of cell death mediated by mitochondria under oxidative stress. Novel insights into cellular responses to neuronal oxidative stress from a range of different stressors can be gained by detailed transcriptomics analyses. Such studies at the cellular level provide the key for understanding the molecular and cellular pathways whereby neurons respond to oxidative stress and undergo injury and death. These considerations underpin the development of detailed knowledge in more complex integrated systems, up to the intact human bearing the neuropathology, facilitating therapeutic advances.


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BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE: Laboratory studies have been used to identify nitric oxide as a notable mediator in neuronal death after acute brain injury. To our knowledge, this has not previously been confirmed with in vivo study in humans. Our purpose was to seek in vivo evidence for the induction of nitric oxide synthase (NOS) in human acute brain injury by using proton MR spectroscopy.

METHODS: In vitro proton MR spectra were obtained in neural extracts from 30 human cadavers, and in vivo spectra were obtained in 20 patients with acute brain injury and in a similar number of control subjects.

RESULTS: We identified a unique peak at 3.15 ppm by using in vivo proton MR spectroscopy in eight of 20 patients with acute brain injury but not in 20 healthy volunteers (P < .002). On the basis of in vitro data, we have tentatively assigned this peak to citrulline, a NOS by-product.

To our knowledge, our findings suggest, for the first time, that excitotoxicity may occur in human acute brain injury. Confirmation with the acquisition of spectra in very early acute cerebral injury would provide a rationale for the use of neuroprotective agents in these conditions, as well as a new noninvasive method for quantification.


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Performance in endurance sports such as running, cycling and triathlon has long been investigated from a physiological perspective. A strong relationship between running economy and distance running performance is well established in the literature. From this established base, improvements in running economy have traditionally been achieved through endurance training. More recently, research has demonstrated short-term resistance and plyometric training has resulted in enhanced running economy. This improvement in running economy has been hypothesized to be a result of enhanced neuromuscular characteristics such as improved muscle power development and more efficient use of stored elastic energy during running. Changes in indirect measures of neuromuscular control (i.e. stance phase contact times, maximal forward jumps) have been used to support this hypothesis. These results suggest that neuromuscular adaptations in response to training (i.e. neuromuscular learning effects) are an important contributor to enhancements in running economy. However, there is no direct evidence to suggest that these adaptations translate into more efficient muscle recruitment patterns during running. Optimization of training and run performance may be facilitated through direct investigation of muscle recruitment patterns before and after training interventions.

There is emerging evidence that demonstrates neuromuscular adaptations during running and cycling vary with training status. Highly trained runners and cyclists display more refined patterns of muscle recruitment than their novice counterparts. In contrast, interference with motor learning and neuromuscular adaptation may occur as a result of ongoing multidiscipline training (e.g. triathlon). In the sport of triathlon, impairments in running economy are frequently observed after cycling. This impairment is related mainly to physiological stress, but an alteration in lower limb muscle coordination during running after cycling has also been observed. Muscle activity during running after cycling has yet to be fully investigated, and to date, the effect of alterations in muscle coordination on running economy is largely unknown. Stretching, which is another mode of training, may induce acute neuromuscular effects but does not appear to alter running economy.

There are also factors other than training structure that may influence running economy and neuromuscular adaptations. For example, passive interventions such as shoes and in-shoe orthoses, as well as the presence of musculoskeletal injury, may be considered important modulators of neuromuscular control and run performance. Alterations in muscle activity and running economy have been reported with different shoes and in-shoe orthoses; however, these changes appear to be subject-specific and nonsystematic. Musculoskeletal injury has been associated with modifications in lower limb neuromuscular control, which may persist well after an athlete has returned to activity. The influence of changes in neuromuscular control as a result of injury on running economy has yet to be examined thoroughly, and should be considered in future experimental design and training analysis.


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A neurological substrate for subjective wellbeing (SWB) has received little research attention.
Purpose This study was designed to conduct exploratory investigation into the neuroanatomical correlates of SWB, by monitoring the SWB of a head-injured population over a six-month period.
Method Seventy people with head injury (HI), aged 10–65, were studied. The SWB of each participant was measured, and computed tomography (CT) scans were analysed to obtain regional brain injury location (BIL).
Results SWB was associated with BIL. However, the hypothesis that individuals with left frontal injury would report lower SWB was not supported. Instead, it was observed that participants with injury to their right frontal lobe reported higher SWB than individuals with injury to other regions of the brain.
Conclusions This study provides initial exploration into the neuroanatomical correlates of SWB.