998 resultados para modelagem numérica
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Pós-graduação em Engenharia Mecânica - FEB
Pós-graduação em Engenharia Mecânica - FEG
Em geral, estruturas espaciais e manipuladores robóticos leves têm uma característica similar e inerente que é a flexibilidade. Esta característica torna a dinâmica do sistema muito mais complexa e com maiores dificuldades para a análise de estabilidade e controle. Então, braços robóticos bastantes leves, com velocidade elevada e potencia limitada devem considerar o controle de vibração causada pela flexibilidade. Por este motivo, uma estratégia de controle é desejada não somente para o controle do modo rígido mas também que seja capaz de controlar os modos de vibração do braço robótico flexível. Também, redes neurais artificiais (RNA) são identificadas como uma subespecialidade de inteligência artificial. Constituem atualmente uma teoria para o estudo de fenômenos complexos e representam uma nova ferramenta na tecnologia de processamento de informação, por possuírem características como processamento paralelo, capacidade de aprendizagem, mapeamento não-linear e capacidade de generalização. Assim, neste estudo utilizam-se RNA na identificação e controle do braço robótico com elos flexíveis. Esta tese apresenta a modelagem dinâmica de braços robóticos com elos flexíveis, 1D no plano horizontal e 2D no plano vertical com ação da gravidade, respectivamente. Modelos dinâmicos reduzidos são obtidos pelo formalismo de Newton-Euler, e utiliza-se o método dos elementos finitos (MEF) na discretização dos deslocamentos elásticos baseado na teoria elementar da viga. Além disso, duas estratégias de controle têm sido desenvolvidas com a finalidade de eliminar as vibrações devido à flexibilidade do braço robótico com elos flexíveis. Primeiro, utilizase um controlador neural feedforward (NFF) na obtenção da dinâmica inversa do braço robótico flexível e o calculo do torque da junta. E segundo, para obter precisão no posicionamento... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo)
Este trabalho propõe a inclusão de informação extraída a partir da modelagem de processos para auxiliar pequena empresas do setor madeireiro no controle de fluxo de materiais e estoques. Para isto são apresentados conceitos de modelagem de processos e sistema MRP I (Material Requirement Planning). Desta forma foi realizado um estudo detalhado sobre o sistema citado e posteriormente sobre as possibilidades de aplicações de uma modelagem de processos. Em seguida, chegou-se a proposta de modelagem para o tipo de empresa em questão. A modelagem é constituída por cinco etapas, onde é sugerida a inclusão de tendência de demanda para maior controle de necessidades de materiais. O resultado obtido, a modelagem, pode ter grande utilidade no controle de fluxo de materiais em pequenas empresas, acarretando menores problemas no atendimento de demanda e acumulo de estoques e assim aumentando sua competitividade.
This paper presents the development of a Web application called CityFreedom based on 3D modeling. The developed system demonstrates the use of most revolutionary and innovative techniques to create Web portals with the integrated 3D navigation scenarios to their own pages, without requiring any kind of plug-ins or external software. Everything works on the basis of compatible browsers. The CtyFreedom aims to give the user the feeling of immersion in virtual reality so get to interact with a three-dimensional city in order to see new places, traveling in an area of town that has always thought of knowing or even analyze establishments long before attend-them. It's the freedom to know and traveling around the city in a simple and trivial way. It is a new trend, the future of Web systems development
The cylinder head contains the combustion chamber for the air-fuel mixture and the intake and exhaust valves, the valve guide and the valve seat. The cylinder head also is a support for the camshaft and valve rocker. The holes where the spark plugs are connected are designed to fit the better place in the combustion chamber. The cylinder heads often are manufactured using materials such as aluminum and cast iron. The cooling fins located in the outside of the cylinder head are designed for a good heat transfer and therefore their dimensions and positioning are important. This work aims the calculation for a cylinder head to be installed in a 400 cc displacement, gasoline powered, four stroke, single cylinder engine. According to the displacement it will be analyzed the combustion chamber, the intake and exhaust valves, as well as the camshaft and rocker arms. This also a work to help to accomplish the design of a single cylinder engine, where the alternatives parts, cylinder block and crankcase are all already machined and assembled in this campus
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This project brings the development of an Android application which will allow users to access 3D models on web. The application developed allows Android devices to access web pages which have code that should use OPENGL to renderize. To demonstrate this functionality, an example web application was build, using technologies such as X3DOM and HTML5, which uses WebGL to get renderized. This web application gives to the user an environment of a virtual city, where he could surf by and interact with the objects. The Android application brings this immersion to the mobile world, also. The access and storage of data was developed a Webserver, which bring to the web application a simple API to give access to the database
The genus Brachycephalus is endemic to the Atlantic rainforest and is distributed mainly in the southeastern and southern Brazil. Currently, it has 17 recognized species, most of them, associated with mountainous habitats along the Serra do Mar and Serra da Mantiqueira ridges. Here we use an ecological niche modelling approach based on climatic variables, to assess the potential niche of the mountainous species of this genus. The model generated was then projected to future scenarios considering the last IPCC report, in order to estimate the impacts of climate changes on these species distribution. Results show a decrease in the total suitable area for the mountainous Brachycephalus species, as well as tendencies already observed for other organisms, such as, pole and upward migrations. A southern area on Planalto de Paranapiacaba increases in suitability for these species. We suggest special efforts on new surveys and conservation on the northern part of their distribution, once this seems to be the region more affected by climate changes on the projected scenarios
Cancer biology is a complex and expanding field of science study. Due its complexity, there is a strong motivation to integrate many fields of knowledge to study cancer biology, and biological stoichiometry can make this. Biological stoichiometry is the study of the balance of multiple chemical elements in biological systems. A key idea in biological stoichiometry is the growth rate hypothesis, which states that variation in the carbon:nitrogen:phosphorus stoichiometry of living things is associated with growth rate because of the elevated demands for phosphorusrich ribosomal RNA and other elements necessary to protein synthesis. As tumor cells has high rate proliferation, the growth rate hypothesis can be used in cancer study. In this work the dynamic of two tumors (primary and secondary) and the chemical elements carbon and nitrogen are simulate and analyzed through mathematical models that utilize as central idea biological stoichiometry. Differential equations from mathematical model are solved by numerical method Runge-Kutta fourth order
Brazil is a major world producer and exporter of agricultural products like soybeans, sugar, coffee, orange and tobacoo. However, the action of phytopathogenic fungi has been one of the largest challenges encountered in the field as they are responsible for approximately 25 to 50 per cent of losses in crops of fruits and vegetables. The presence of these pathogens is always a problem, because the damage on the tissues and organs promote lesions which decreses growth vegetation and often leads the individual (host) to death. Therefore, it is crucial to understand the process of spreading of these pathogens in the field to develop strategies which prevent the epidemics caused by them. In this study, the dispersal of fungi phytopathogenic in the field was modeled using the automata cellular formalism. The growth rate of infected plants population was measured by the radius of gyration and the influence of host different susceptibility degrees into the disease spread was assessed. The spatial anisotropy related to the plant-to-plant space and the system’s response to distinct seasonal patterns were also evaluated. The results obtained by a mean field model (spatially implicit models) emphasized the importance of the spatial structure on the spreading process, and dispersal patterns obtained by simulation (using a cellular automata) were in agreement with thse observed in data. All computational implementation was held in language Cl
Qualidade na coleta de dados do feixe de radiação, modelagem por meio do sistema de planejamento de tratamento (SPT) e controle da qualidade do processo envolvido são cruciais à fidedignidade do serviço de radioterapia de forma a contribuir à eficácia do tratamento e segurança do principal ente envolvido no final de toda essa sistemática, o paciente. Para isso foi proposto nesse presente trabalho a coleta de dados do feixe de raios-x de 6MV seguido da introdução desses dados ao SPT para processo de modelagem computacional que teve agregado, a todo esses processos, o controle da qualidade segundo critérios de aceitação
This study aimed to simulate and evaluate the sediment transport in Upper Basin Stream Cachoeirinha in Rio Claro, SP, and compare the results with previous studies performed in the same basin. The modeling software used in this study was Soil and Water Assessment Tool (SWAT), which is a very comprehensive tool that discusses many physical processes. In this work, the hydrosedimentological processes were treated, aiming to understand the sediment production and transport. The Basin Stream Cachoeirinha has an area with predominantly agricultural use, especially sugar cane. The database for inclusion in software was constructed from the following elements: climatic, topographical, soil type and use and land cover of the area, also including the parameters of Modified Universal Soil Loss Equation (MUSLE). The analysis was conducted for a period of 16 years (1994-2010), which is the range of data available from CEAPLA. The results were analyzed in terms of annual runoff and sediment yield. The average sediment delivery in the simulation was 0.94 t/ha/year, while the maximum annual contribution was 7.28 t/ha/year