913 resultados para miscibility gap


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A proporção de pacientes com otosclerose estapediana em relação ao número de otorrinolaringologistas tem diminuído nos últimos anos. Questiona-se se a cirurgia de tratamento da otosclerose deve ou não continuar sendo ensinada para residentes. OBJETIVO: Avaliar os resultados e complicações das estapedotomias realizadas por residentes no período de janeiro de 1997 a janeiro de 2000; verificar a inclusão da estapedotomia no programa de residência médica. FORMA DE ESTUDO: Estudo de coorte histórica longitudinal. MATERIAIS E MÉTODOS: Avaliados 50 prontuários de pacientes submetidos a um total de 51 estapedotomias quanto às complicações e resultados audiológicos. RESULTADOS: Fechamento do gap aéreo-ósseo para menor ou igual a 10dB NA em 70,5% das orelhas e menor ou igual a 20 dB NA em 86,3% das orelhas. Ocorreu 1 caso de surdez total. Complicações: subluxação da bigorna (7,8%), perfuração da membrana timpânica (5,8%), vertigem incapacitante que se resolveu dentro de 3 semanas (5,8%), otorréia (3,9%), platina flutuante (1,95) e fístula perilinfática (1,9%). CONCLUSÃO: A análise da literatura e os resultados e complicações obtidos neste estudo permitem concluir que a estapedotomia pode ser incluída no programa de residência médica, desde que haja disponibilidade de casos cirúrgicos para o treinamento dos residentes.


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O timpanoplastia tem como objetivos erradicar a doença da orelha média e restaurar os mecanismos de condução sonora. Contudo, alguns pacientes apresentam incômodo com o zumbido e muitas vezes questionam o médico sobre os resultados da cirurgia em relação ao zumbido. OBJETIVO: Avaliar a evolução do zumbido em pacientes com hipoacusia condutiva após timpanoplastia. Forma de Estudo: Coorte prospectiva. CASUÍSTICA E MÉTODO: Foram avaliados 23 pacientes com queixa de zumbido e diagnóstico de otite média crônica simples com indicação cirúrgica. Os pacientes foram submetidos a um protocolo de investigação médica e audiológica do zumbido antes, 30 e 180 dias após a timpanoplastia. RESULTADOS: 82,6% dos pacientes apresentaram melhora ou abolição do zumbido. Melhora significante do incômodo do zumbido no pré-operatório (5,26) em relação ao pós-operatório (1,91 com 30 e 180 dias), assim como entre o incômodo da perda auditiva pré-operatória (6,56) e pós-operatória (3,65 e 2,91). A audiometria revelou melhora do limiar tonal em todas as freqüências, com exceção de 8KHz, havendo fechamento ou gap máximo de 10dB NA em 61% dos casos. Pega total do enxerto em 78% dos casos. CONCLUSÃO: Além da melhora da perda auditiva, a timpanoplastia também proporciona bons resultados sobre o controle do zumbido.


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A cirurgia do estapédio permanece como tratamento consagrado para a otosclerose. Recentes publicações têm demonstrado que o sucesso cirúrgico nas cirurgias realizadas por médicos residentes tem diminuído e que os resultados audiológicos tem sido piores que os obtidos por cirurgiões experientes. OBJETIVOS: Avaliar a experiência do serviço de otorrinolaringologia do Hospital de Clínicas/UFPR na realização de cirurgias do estapédio no programa de residência médica. MATERIAL E MÉTODO: Estudo retrospectivo de 114 cirurgias do estapédio realizadas nos últimos 9 anos, em 96 pacientes. Os resultados audiométricos foram analisados conforme orientação do Committee on Hearing and Equilibrium e através do Amsterdam Hearing Evaluation Plots, considerando a melhora do gap pós-operatório e de limiares da via aérea. RESULTADOS: Foram incluídos 96 pacientes, na maioria adultos, do sexo feminino (67,7%) e caucasianos (93,7%). Em 50,9% dos casos foi realizada estapedectomia, sendo a grande maioria sob anestesia local e sedação (96,5%) e utilizando principalmente a prótese de Teflon (37,7%). A taxa de sucesso cirúrgico foi de 50,88%, com 11,4% de complicações. CONCLUSÃO: Os ganhos de audição pós-operatórios considerados como sucesso cirúrgico foram inferiores aos publicados na literatura por cirurgiões experientes.


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A cirurgia do estapédio é um dos tratamentos indicados para a melhora da surdez condutiva secundária à otospongiose. O procedimento requer habilidade e experiência do cirurgião e faz parte do treinamento durante a residência médica. OBJETIVOS: Avaliar qual tipo de prótese (teflon ou mista de metal e aço) apresenta melhores os resultados auditivos em cirurgias realizadas por residentes e a incidência de complicações. MATERIAL E MÉTODOS: Foram avaliadas retrospectivamente 189 intervenções cirúrgicas que tiveram participação ativa de residentes, comparando-se os dois tipos de prótese utilizados. Os resultados audiométricos foram analisados conforme orientação do Committee on Hearing and Equilibrium e segundo o Amsterdam Hearing Evaluation Plots. RESULTADOS: O gap aéreo-ósseo diminuiu em média 21,90 dB (p<0,05) após o procedimento cirúrgico no grupo da prótese de teflon e 21,37 dB (p<0,05) no grupo da prótese mista, sendo o ganho do IRF de 22,33 e 26,10 dB (p<0,05), e o gap aéreo-ósseo foi inferior a 20 dB em 80,6% e 85,04%, respectivamente. CONCLUSÕES: Não evidenciamos diferenças no resultado audiométrico e na incidência de complicações quando comparamos o tipo de prótese utilizada. Acreditamos ser válida a execução desse procedimento em serviços de treinamento de médicos residentes, independente do tipo de prótese.


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By identifying energy waste streams in vehicles fuel consumption and introducing the concept of lean driving systems, a technological gap for reducing fuel consumption was identified. This paper proposes a solution to overcome this gap, through a modular vehicle architecture aligned with driving patterns. It does not address detailed technological solutions; instead it models the potential effects in fuel consumption through a modular concept of a vehicle and quantifies their dependence on vehicle design parameters (manifesting as the vehicle mass) and user behavior parameters (driving patterns manifesting as the use of a modular car in lighter and heavier mode, in urban and highway cycles). Modularity has been functionally applied in automotive industry as manufacture and assembly management strategies; here it is thought as a product development strategy for flexibility in use, driven by environmental concerns and enabled by social behaviors. The authors argue this concept is a step forward in combining technological solutions and social behavior, of which eco-driving is a vivid example, and potentially evolutionary to a lean, more sustainable, driving culture.


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The objective of this paper is to provide empirical evidence on the determinants of gender wage inequality in the Portuguese tourism industry. Relying on firm level wage equations and production functions, gender wage and productivity differentials are estimated and then compared in order to infer whether observed gender disparities are justifiable on the grounds that women are relatively less productive than men, or instead disparities are due to gender wage discrimination. This approach is applied to tourism industry data gathered in the matched employer-employee data set Quadros de Pessoal (Employee Records). The main findings indicate that female employees in the tourism industry in Portugal are less productive than their male colleagues and that gender differences in wages are fully explained by gender differences in productivity.


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Tourism represents a major economic activity in Portugal, with an enormous wealth and employment growth potential. A significant proportion of jobs in the industry tourism are occupied by women, given that this industry is characterized by a relatively higher percentage of female employees. Despite the evidence of female progress with regard to their role in the Portuguese labor market, women continue to earn less than their male counterparts. This is clearly the case of the tourism industry, where statistics reveal a persistent gender wage gap. The objective of this paper is to provide empirical evidence on the determinants of gender wage inequality in the tourism industry in northern Portugal. Relying on firm-level wage equations and production functions, gender wage and productivity differentials are estimated and then compared. The comparison of these differentials allows inferring whether observed wage disparities are attributable to relatively lower female productivity, or instead disparities are due to gender wage discrimination. This approach is applied to tourism industry data gathered in the matched employer-employee data set Quadros de Pessoal (Employee Records). The main findings indicate that female employees in the tourism industry in northern Portugal are less productive than their male colleagues and that gender differences in wages are fully explained by gender differences in productivity.


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La Unión Europea pretende renovar la Octava Directiva, entre otras razones, para reforzar la independencia de los auditores y abordar los conflictos de intereses inherentes al panorama actual. Este trabajo plantea conocer las expectativas sobre estas propuestas 2 concretando los factores que afectan, tanto positiva como negativamente, a que el auditor mantenga su independencia ante el cliente. Se comprueba que se perciben como factores negativos todos los relacionados con la dependencia económica y los conflictos de intereses en la negociación entre el auditor y la empresa. Sin embargo no se perciben como positivos los mecanismos empleados habitualmente como salvaguardas (como por ejemplo el Comité de Auditoría y la rotación), considerando que la independencia depende fundamentalmente de la persona del auditor y su carácter.


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This work demonstrates that the theoretical framework of complex networks typically used to study systems such as social networks or the World Wide Web can be also applied to material science, allowing deeper understanding of fundamental physical relationships. In particular, through the application of the network theory to carbon nanotubes or vapour-grown carbon nanofiber composites, by mapping fillers to vertices and edges to the gap between fillers, the percolation threshold has been predicted and a formula that relates the composite conductance to the network disorder has been obtained. The theoretical arguments are validated by experimental results from the literature.


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Performance measurement of police services is complicated by ambiguous and complex goal- and objectives-setting, and by the difficulties of measuring outputs. This article looks at the organizational and management changes being made in Portuguese police forces. The authors fill a gap in the literature on performance measurement in Portugal by taking a national approach to the study of how law enforcement agencies are introducing new management accounting changes. The article therefore widens the debate on performance measurement and performance improvements in law enforcement.


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Tourism is a phenomenon that moves millions of people around the world, taking as a major driver of the global economy. Such relevance is reflected in the proliferation of studies in the overall area known as tourism, under various perspectives and backgrounds. In the light of such multitude of insights our study aims at gaining a deeper understanding of customer profiling and behavior in cross-border tourism destinations. Previous studies conducted in such contexts suggest that cross-border regions (CBRs) are an attractive and desirable idea, yet requiring further theoretical and empirical research. The new configuration of many CBRs calls for a debate on issues concerning its development, raising up important dimensions, such as, organization and planning of common tourism destinations. There is still a gap in the understanding of destination management in CBRs and the customer profile and motivations. Overall this research aims at attaining a deeper understanding of the profile and behavior of consumers in tourism settings, addressing the predisposition for the destination. The study addresses the following research question: “What factors influence customer behavior and attitudes in a CBRs tourism destination?” To address our question we will take an interdisciplinary perspective bringing together inputs from marketing, tourism and local economics. When addressing consumer behavior in tourism previous studies considered the following constructs: involvement, place attachment, satisfaction and destination loyalty. In order to establish the causal relationships in our theoretical model, we intend to develop a predominant quantitative design, yet we plan to conduct exploratory interviews. In the analysis and discussion of results, we intend to use Structural Equation Modeling. It will further allow understanding how the constructs in the research model relate to each other in the specified context. Results are also expected to have managerial implications. Consequently our results may assist decision makers in developing their local policies.


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Tourism activities are among the most relevant drivers for economical growth and development in various economies. Every year, competition increases tourist destinations (Farhangmehr & Simões, 1999), making it an increasingly complex and geographically diverse range of activities (Pearce, 1991).Such relevance is reflected in the proliferation of studies in the overall area known as tourism, under various perspectives and backgrounds. Previous studies conducted in such contexts suggest that cross-border regions are an attractive and desirable idea, yet requiring further theoretical and empirical research (Studzieniecki & Mazurek, 2007). The new configuration of many cross-border regions calls for a debate on issues concerning its development, raising up important dimensions, such as, organization and planning of common tourism destinations. In particular, there is still a gap in the understanding of destination management in cross-border regions and the customer profile and motivations. Overall this research aims at attaining a deeper understanding of the profile and behavior of consumers in tourism settings, addressing the predisposition for the destination. To address our question we will take an interdisciplinary perspective bringing together inputs from areas, such as, marketing, tourism and local/regional economics. We developed a theoretical model entailing the following constructs: involvement, place attachment, destination satisfaction and loyalty. We then establish potential the relationships among these variables. We suggest that involvement has a positive and direct effect in the two dimensions of place attachment, as well as indirectly, through the construct of satisfaction. Additionally, satisfaction has a direct effect on destination loyalty. Implications for future research are presented.


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Tourism is a phenomenon that moves millions of people around the world, taking as a major driver of the global economy. Such relevance is reflected in the proliferation of studies in the overall area known as tourism, under various perspectives and backgrounds. In the light of such multitude of insights our study aims at gaining a deeper understanding of customer profiling and behavior in cross-border tourism destinations. Previous studies conducted in such contexts suggest that cross-border regions (CBRs) are an attractive and desirable idea, yet requiring further theoretical and empirical research. The new configuration of many CBRs calls for a debate on issues concerning its development, raising up important dimensions, such as, organization and planning of common tourism destinations. There is still a gap in the understanding of destination management in CBRs and the customer profile and motivations. Overall this research aims at attaining a deeper understanding of the profile and behavior of consumers in tourism settings, addressing the predisposition for the destination. The study addresses the following research question: “What factors influence customer behavior and attitudes in a CBRs tourism destination?” To address our question we will take an interdisciplinary perspective bringing together inputs from marketing, tourism and local economics. When addressing consumer behavior in tourism previous studies considered the following constructs: involvement, place attachment, satisfaction and destination loyalty. In order to establish the causal relationships in our theoretical model, we intend to develop a predominant quantitative design, yet we plan to conduct exploratory interviews. In the analysis and discussion of results, we intend to use Structural Equation Modeling. It will further allow understanding how the constructs in the research model relate to each other in the specified context. Results are also expected to have managerial implications. Consequently our results may assist decision makers in developing their local policies.


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This study aims at gaining a deeper understanding of customer profiling and behaviour in cross-border tourism destinations. The study is developed under a niche marketing perspective. It is our view that niche marketing is not confined to the limits of national markets. Previous studies suggest that cross-border regions are an attractive notion, yet they require further theoretical and empirical research. There is still a gap in the understanding of destination management in cross-border regions and the customer profile and motivations. Overall this research attempts to produce a deeper understanding of the profile and behaviour of consumers in tourism settings, addressing the predisposition for the destination in specific contexts (cross-border tourism regions).


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A Sociedade do Conhecimento caracteriza a envolvente económica em que nos encontramos, logo, o valor dos activos intangíveis é o principal responsável pelo gap entre o valor contabilístico e o valor de mercado das organizações. A utilização de modelos e indicadores que considerem informação não financeira é fundamental para que se ultrapassem as limitações do modelo tradicional de contabilidade. Por outro lado, urge a normalização da divulgação da “Demonstração de Capital Intelectual” para melhorar os índices de divulgação deste tipo de informação e permitir a sua comparabilidade. Relativamente às empresas portuguesas cotadas na Euronext em 2003, verificou-se ainda uma grande diversificação nas práticas de divulgação do Capital Intelectual, sendo a informação relatada predominantemente de carácter descritivo, notando-se uma tendência para o aumento da informação numérica e monetária, essencialmente no Capital Relacional. O Capital Estrutural é a componente que apresenta maior índice de divulgação, contrariamente ao Capital Humano que é o menos divulgado.