955 resultados para medical student selection


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In 2008, the department of gynaecology and obstetrics of a university hospital centre implemented a program addressing interpersonal partner violence (screening, prevention and care of the patient victims). A qualitative survey was conducted to identify the needs and feelings of patients. The results show that patients are in favour of being actively and directly questioned about violence during the consultation and that they trust medical doctors and nurses to help and support them.


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50 years ago, the introduction of penicillin, followed by many other antibacterial agents, represented an often underestimated medical revolution. Indeed, until that time, bacterial infections were the prime cause of mortality, especially in children and elderly patients. The discovery of numerous new substances and their development on an industrial scale gave us the illusion that bacterial infections were all but vanquished. However, the widespread and sometimes uncontrolled use of these agents has led to the selection of bacteria resistant to practically all available antibiotics. Bacteria utilize three main resistance strategies: (1) modification of their permeability, (2) modification of target, and (3) modification of the antibiotic. Bacteria modify their permeability either by becoming impermeable to antibiotics, or by actively excreting the drug accumulated in the cell. As an alternative, they can modify the structure of the antibiotic's molecular target--usually an essential metabolic enzyme of the bacterium--and thus escape the drug's toxic effect. Lastly, they can produce enzymes capable of modifying and directly inactivating antibiotics. In addition, bacteria have evolved extremely efficient genetic transfer systems capable of exchanging and accumulating resistance genes. Some pathogens, such as methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus and multiresistant Mycobacterium tuberculosis, have become resistant to almost all available antibiotics and there are only one or two substances still active against such organisms. Antibiotics are very precious drugs which must be administered to patients who need them. On the other hand, the development of resistance must be kept under control by a better comprehension of its mechanisms and modes of transmission and by abiding by the fundamental rules of anti-infectious chemotherapy, i.e.: (1) choose the most efficient antibiotic according to clinical and local epidemiological data, (2) target the bacteria according to the microbiological data at hand, and (3) administer the antibiotic in an adequate dose which will leave the pathogen no chance to develop resistance.


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The productive characteristics of migrating individuals, emigrant selection, affect welfare. The empirical estimation of the degree of selection suffers from a lack of complete and nationally representative data. This paper uses a new and better dataset to address both issues: the ENET (Mexican Labor Survey), which identifies emigrants right before they leave and allows a direct comparison to non-migrants. This dataset presents a relevant dichotomy: it shows on average negative selection for Mexican emigrants to the United States for the period 2000-2004 together with positive selection in Mexican emigration out of rural Mexico to the United States in the same period. Three theories that could explain this dichotomy are tested. Whereas higher skill prices in Mexico than in the US are enough to explain negative selection in urban Mexico, its combination with network effects and wealth constraints is required to account for positive selection in rural Mexico.


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This paper examines the extent to which Mexican emigrants to the United States are negatively selected, that is, have lower skills than individuals who remain in Mexico. Previous studies have been limited by the lack of nationally representative longitudinal data. This one uses a newly available household survey, which identifies emigrants before they leave and allows a direct comparison to non-migrants. I find that, on average, US bound Mexican emigrants from 2000 to 2004 earn a lower wage and have less schooling years than individuals who remain in Mexico, evidence of negative selection. This supports the original hypothesis of Borjas (AER, 1987) and argues against recent findings, notably those of Chiquiar and Hanson (JPE, 2005). The discrepancy with the latter is primarily due to an under-count of unskilled migrants in US sources and secondarily to the omission of unobservables in their methodology.


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Unraveling the effect of selection vs. drift on the evolution of quantitative traits is commonly achieved by one of two methods. Either one contrasts population differentiation estimates for genetic markers and quantitative traits (the Q(st)-F(st) contrast) or multivariate methods are used to study the covariance between sets of traits. In particular, many studies have focused on the genetic variance-covariance matrix (the G matrix). However, both drift and selection can cause changes in G. To understand their joint effects, we recently combined the two methods into a single test (accompanying article by Martin et al.), which we apply here to a network of 16 natural populations of the freshwater snail Galba truncatula. Using this new neutrality test, extended to hierarchical population structures, we studied the multivariate equivalent of the Q(st)-F(st) contrast for several life-history traits of G. truncatula. We found strong evidence of selection acting on multivariate phenotypes. Selection was homogeneous among populations within each habitat and heterogeneous between habitats. We found that the G matrices were relatively stable within each habitat, with proportionality between the among-populations (D) and the within-populations (G) covariance matrices. The effect of habitat heterogeneity is to break this proportionality because of selection for habitat-dependent optima. Individual-based simulations mimicking our empirical system confirmed that these patterns are expected under the selective regime inferred. We show that homogenizing selection can mimic some effect of drift on the G matrix (G and D almost proportional), but that incorporating information from molecular markers (multivariate Q(st)-F(st)) allows disentangling the two effects.


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RESUM Les exigències actuals de la professió de d’infermeria requereixen que la docència vagi orientada a interrelacionar els diferents rols a desenvolupar enla pràctica diària, per adquirir experiència en l’aprenentatge i així augmentar la qualitat de les cures d’infermeria. Per assolir aquest objectiu és important l’aprenentatge basat enproblemes. Aquest pretén en primer lloc que els estudiants aprenguin allò que permet desenvolupar-se enla vida professional de la manera més natural possible a partir d’una idea clara i profunda de l’evidència sobre la que s’ha d’actuar. Amb aquesta finalitat es vandissenyar casos clínics amb uns objectius que requerien la integració de coneixements, actituds i valors, en diferents fases a desenvolupar en un període de temps predeterminat. També ens vam proposar una estratègia docent que permetés a l’estudiant incorporar el coneixement científic que dóna suport a la pràctica assistencial per aproximar teoria i pràctica. Es pretén que els estudiants busquin una resposta basada en la millor evidència científica disponible, per prendre una decisió respecte a les cures del pacient. Els objectius de l’estudi són: Avaluar globalment l’aprenentatge basat en la simulació de casos Avaluar com els estudiants valoren la integració del model d’infermeria i del procés d’atenció en l’aprenentatge basat en la simulació de casos. Valorar les sensacions percebudes per l’estudiant durant la simulació del cas. Valorar l’actitud d el’estudiant en relació a la incorporació de l’evidència científica per una millora en la pràctica clínica. Avaluar el grau de dificultat manifestat per l’estudiant en relació al procés de documentació. Avaluar la idonietat de l’argumentació i la decisió de l’estudiant a la pregunta formulada en el cas clínic. Metodologia: L’assignatura d’Infermeria Medicoquirúrgica. Adult I del Departament d’Infermeria de la Universitat de Vic, va iniciar una experiència d’aprenentatge basat en la resolució de problemes, amb estudiants de 2on curs. Les professores responsables dels seminaris van realitzar una avaluació de l’experiència a través d’una enquesta. Aquesta es responia al cap d’un mes de la simulació al laboratori, quan es contrastaven els resultats obtinguts en aquesta entre professores i estudiants després de visualitzar la gravació feta durant el mateix. En el context del seminari de simulació de casos, es va introduir una pregunta/problema, a partir de la que els estudiants, en grup, havien de documentar-se amb el suport d’una guia. Per valorar l’actitud davant aquesta pregunta/problema es va dissenyar un qustionari tipus Likert. L’avaluació del grau de dificultat s’ha registrat a través d’unes escales de puntuació. Per a l’avaluació de la decisió presa, es van valorar les síntesis resum entregades en els treballs escrits pels diferents grups. Resultats: La realització de la simulació en el laboratori va ser avaluada per un alt percentatge d’estudiants (68,8%) amb puntuacions entre 6 i 8 mentre que un 26,6% la van situar en tre 9 i 10, només un 4,7 % la van puntuar amb 5. La integració del model d’infermeria va ser valorada pel 86% amb una puntuació entre 7 i 10. La valoració global de la simulació va ser qualificada pels estudiants amb una puntuació de 8 (34,4%) seguida d’un 28,1% amb una consideració de 7. Un 7,2% van puntuar entre 9 i 10. El 93,3% van assegurar que conèixer les fonts documentals els serviria per millorar l’assistència, el 86,7% esperen obtenir arguments sòlids respecte les seves desicions si la documentació consultada és de qualitat. Un 77,8% dels estudiants consideren estar més satisfets al saber incorporar la presa de decisions basada en evidències. Respecte el grau de dificultat en el procés de documentació la dificultat més gran la presenten en com buscar en les bases de dades de referències bibliogràfiques. Conclusions: L’aprenentatge dels estudiants a través de la simulació de casos és una estratègia vàlida que l’estudiant valora positivament al mateix temps que permet desenvolupar habilitats per a la pràctica professional. L’estratègia docent dissenyada per integrar les evidències en la presa de decisions es considera positiva, no obstant, després d’analitzar els resultats, s’han de modificar alguns aspectes per a la seva millora; tutoritzar per a millorar el procés de documentació i incidir més en la crítica i reflexió, de manera que les troballes de la investigació siguin canalitzades cap a la pràctica.


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BACKGROUND/OBJECTIVES: This study aims to assess whether patent foramen ovale (PFO) closure is superior to medical therapy in preventing recurrence of cryptogenic ischemic stroke or transient ischemic attack (TIA). METHODS: We searched PubMed for randomized trials which compared PFO closure with medical therapy in cryptogenic stroke/TIA using the items: "stroke or cerebrovascular accident or TIA" and "patent foramen ovale or paradoxical embolism" and "trial or study". RESULTS: Among 650 potentially eligible articles, 3 were included including 2303 patients. There was no statistically significant difference between PFO-closure and medical therapy in ischemic stroke recurrence (1.91% vs. 2.94% respectively, OR: 0.64, 95%CI: 0.37-1.10), TIA (2.08% vs. 2.42% respectively, OR: 0.87, 95%CI: 0.50-1.51) and death (0.60% vs. 0.86% respectively, OR: 0.71, 95%CI: 0.28-1.82). In subgroup analysis, there was significant reduction of ischemic strokes in the AMPLATZER PFO Occluder arm vs. medical therapy (1.4% vs. 3.04% respectively, OR: 0.46, 95%CI: 0.21-0.98, relative-risk-reduction: 53.2%, absolute-risk-reduction: 1.6%, number-needed-to-treat: 61.8) but not in the STARFlex device (2.7% vs. 2.8% with medical therapy, OR: 0.93, 95%CI: 0.45-2.11). Compared to medical therapy, the number of patients with new-onset atrial fibrillation (AF) was similar in the AMPLATZER PFO Occluder arm (0.72% vs. 1.28% respectively, OR: 1.81, 95%CI: 0.60-5.42) but higher in the STARFlex device (0.64% vs. 5.14% respectively, OR: 8.30, 95%CI: 2.47-27.84). CONCLUSIONS: This meta-analysis does not support PFO closure for secondary prevention with unselected devices in cryptogenic stroke/TIA. In subgroup analysis, selected closure devices may be superior to medical therapy without increasing the risk of new-onset AF, however. This observation should be confirmed in further trials using inclusion criteria for patients with high likelihood of PFO-related stroke recurrence.


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The 1998 Spanish reform of the Personal Income Tax eliminated the 15% deduction for private medical expenditures including payments on private health insurance (PHI) policies. To avoid an undesirable increase in the demand for publicly funded health care, tax incentives to buy PHI were not completely removed but basically shifted from individual to group employer-paid policies. In a unique fiscal experiment, at the same time that the tax relief for individually purchased policies was abolished, the government provided for tax allowances on policies taken out through employment. Using a bivariate probit model on data from National Health Surveys, we estimate the impact of said reform on the demand for PHI and the changes occurred within it. Our findings suggest that the total probability of buying PHI was not significantly affected. Indeed, the fall in the demand for individual policies (by 10% between 1997 and 2001) was offset by an increase in the demand for group employer-paid ones, so that the overall size of the market remained virtually unchanged. We also briefly discuss the welfare effects on the state budget, the industry and society at large.


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OBJECTIVE: To examine the effectiveness of motivational interviewing (MI) training among medical students. METHODS: All students (n=131) (year 5) at Lausanne Medical School, Switzerland were randomized into an experimental or a control group. After a training in basic communication skills (control condition), an 8-h MI training was completed by 84.8% students in the exprimental group. One week later, students in both groups were invited to meet with two standardized patients. MI skills were coded by blinded research assistants using the Motivational Interviewing Treatment Integrity 3.0. RESULTS: Superior MI performance was shown for trained versus control students, as demonstrated by higher scores for "Empathy" [p<0.001] and "MI Spirit" [p<0.001]. Scores were similar between groups for "Direction", indicating that students in both groups invited the patient to talk about behavior change. Behavior counts assessment demonstrated better performance in MI in trained versus untrained students regarding occurences of MI-adherent behavior [p<0.001], MI non-adherent behavior [p<0.001], Closed questions [p<0.001], Open questions [p=0.001], simple reflections [p=0.03], and Complex reflections [p<0.001]. Occurrences were similar between groups regarding "Giving information". CONCLUSION: An 8-h training workshop was associated with improved MI performance. PRACTICE IMPLICATIONS: These findings lend support for the implementation of MI training in medical schools.