982 resultados para masque nasal


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Microparticelle a base di complessi polielettrolitici di Chitosano/Pectina per il rilascio nasale di Tacrina cloridrato. Lo scopo di questo studio è stata la ricerca di nuove formulazioni solide per la somministrazione nasale di Tacrina cloridrato allo scopo di ridurre l’eccessivo effetto di primo passaggio epatico ed aumentarne la biodisponibilità a livello del Sistema Nervoso Centrale. La Tacrina è stata incapsulata in microparticelle mucoadesive a base di complessi elettrolitici di chitosano e pectina. Le microparticelle sono state preparate mediante due diversi approcci tecnologici (spray-drying e spray-drying/liofilizzazione) e analizzate in termini di caratteristiche dimensionali, morfologiche e chimico-fisiche. Nanoparticelle di Chitosano reticolate con Sodio Cromoglicato per il trattamento della rinite allergica. Il Sodio Cromoglicato è uno dei farmaci utilizzati per il trattamento della rinite allergica. Come noto, la clearance mucociliare provoca una rapida rimozione dei farmaci in soluzione dalla cavità nasale, aumentando così il numero di somministrazioni giornaliere e, di conseguenza, riducendo la compliance del paziente. Per ovviare a tale problema, si è pensato di includere il sodio cromoglicato in nanoparticelle di chitosano, un polimero capace di aderire alla mucosa nasale, prolungare il contatto della formulazione con il sito di applicazione e ridurre il numero di somministrazioni giornaliere. Le nanoparticelle ottenute sono state caratterizzate in termini di dimensioni, resa, efficienza di incapsulazione e caricamento del farmaco, potenziale zeta e caratteristiche mucoadesive. Analisi quantitativa di Budesonide amorfa tramite calorimetria a scansione differenziale. È stato sviluppato un nuovo metodo quantitativo allo stato solido basato sulla Calorimetria a Scansione Differenziale (DSC) in grado di quantificare in modo selettivo e accurato la quantità di Budesonide amorfa presente in una miscela solida. Durante lo sviluppo del metodo sono stati affrontati problemi relativi alla convalida di metodi analitici su campioni solidi quali la miscelazione di polveri solide per la preparazione di miscele standard e il calcolo della precisione.


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Lo studio è stato condotto su pazienti affetti da carcinoma nasale trattati con radioterapia presso il Centro Oncologico Veterinario (Sasso Marconi, BO). Lo studio, prospettico, randomizzato e in doppio cieco, ha valutato l’efficacia del trattamento radioterapico in combinazione o meno con firocoxib, un inibitore selettivo dell’enzima ciclossigenasi 2 (COX-2). Sono stati inclusi pazienti con diagnosi istologica di carcinoma nasale sottoposti a stadiazione completa. I pazienti sono stati successivamente suddivisi in due gruppi in base alla tipologia di trattamento: radioterapia associata a firocoxib (Gruppo 1) o solo radioterapia (Gruppo 2). Dopo il trattamento, i pazienti sono stati monitorati a intervalli di 3 mesi sia clinicamente che mediante esami collaterali, al fine di valutare condizioni generali del paziente, un’eventuale tossicità dovuta alla somministrazione di firocoxib e la risposta oggettiva al trattamento. Per valutare la qualità di vita dei pazienti durante la terapia, è stato richiesto ai proprietari la compilazione mensile di un questionario. La mediana del tempo libero da progressione (PFI) è stata di 228 giorni (range 73-525) nel gruppo dei pazienti trattati con radioterapia e firocoxib e di 234 giorni (range 50-475) nei pazienti trattati solo con radioterapia. La sopravvivenza mediana (OS) nel Gruppo 1 è stata di 335 giorni (range 74-620) e di 244 giorni (range 85-505) nel Gruppo 2. Non si sono riscontrate differenze significative di PFI e OS tra i due gruppi. La presenza di metastasi ai linfonodi regionali condizionava negativamente PFI e sopravvivenza (P = 0.004). I pazienti trattati con firocoxib hanno mostrato un significativo beneficio in termini di qualità di vita rispetto ai pazienti trattati con sola radioterapia (P=0.008). La radioterapia può essere considerata un’efficace opzione terapeutica per i cani affetti da neoplasie nasali. Firocoxib non sembra migliorare significativamente i tempi di sopravvivenza, ma risulta utile al fine di garantire una migliore qualità di vita.


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Diese Fall-Kontroll-Studie zeigt an einer Kohorte von 82 langzeitbeatmeten Patienten einer spezialisierten Weaningabteilung Aspiration bei 45 % der Patienten unmittelbar nach Entfernung der Trachealkanüle. Gesichert wurde die Aspiration durch schluckweises Trinken von mit Patentblau V gefärbten Wasser, das nach Durchtritt durch die Stimmlippen durch eine fiberoptische Untersuchung mit dem Bronchoskop durch das Tracheostoma mit dem Blick nach laryngeal nachzuweisen war. Diese Anzahl von 45 % stimmt gut mit den Daten aus der Literatur überein, die mit anderen Methoden zu ähnlichen Ergebnissen kommen. In dieser Arbeit gibt es keinen Vergleich gegen die fiberoptische Evaluation des Schluckens von nasal.rnIm Gegensatz zu anderen Arbeiten fanden wir keinen signifikanten Unterschied in der Länge der invasiven Beatmung, dem Alter oder der Komorbidität in beiden Gruppen. Während in anderen Arbeiten ein erhöhter CRP Wert ein Risikofaktor für eine erhöhte Mortalität war, konnten wir dies bei unseren Patienten nicht nachweisen.rnDurch insgesamt 21 Vergleiche von Alter, Geschlecht, Beatmungszeiten und klinischen Parametern konnte dargelegt werden, dass beide Gruppen mit und ohne Aspiration im Schluckversuch nahezu identisch sind. Es konnten keine statistisch signifikanten Unterschiede festgestellt werden. Somit basieren die Überlebensraten beider Patientengruppen auf dem Merkmal Aspiration.rnDiese Doktorarbeit zeigt als eine der ersten Veröffentlichungen, dass langzeitbeatmete Patienten mit Aspiration nach Dekanülierung innerhalb der ersten 200 Tage ein erhöhtes Mortalitätsrisiko haben im Vergleich zur Patientengruppe ohne Aspiration.rnIm weiteren Verlauf liefen die beiden Überlebenskurven beider Patientengruppen nach ca. 720 Tagen zusammen. In zukünftigen Untersuchungen sind bei einer höheren Fallzahl Komorbiditäten sowie Einzelmerkmale des Allgemeinzustandes der Patienten, wie Stärke der Atemmuskulatur, Hustenstoß, Somnolenz, Fähigkeit des Stimmbandschlusses zu berücksichtigen.rnDas stärkere Auseinanderklaffen der Kurven binnen der ersten 200 Tage führen wir am ehesten auf eine allgemeine Schwäche der Patienten mit Aspiration und vermindertem Hustenstoß bei verminderter Kraft der Atemmuskulatur zurück, wobei Somnolenz, Konzentrationsfähigkeit, Kooperationsfähigkeit und Stimmbandschluss auch eine wesentliche Rolle spielen könnten. Die CRP-Werte deuten nicht darauf hin, dass ein pneumonisches Geschehen einen direkten Einfluss auf die Überlebenskurven hat.rnDysphagie und Aspiration bei langzeitbeatmeten, tracheotomierten Patienten sind weiterhin ein zu wenig untersuchtes Gebiet. Es gibt bislang keine Leitlinien zur Diagnostik und Therapie dieser häufigen Komplikation, deren optimale Diagnose und Behandlung weiterhin unklar bleibt. Logopädische Begleitung der Patienten auf der Beatmungsstation scheint uns entscheidend. Das beste therapeutische Vorgehen bezüglich Kostaufbau und Vermeidung von Aspirationen ist weiterhin unbekannt.


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Respiratory type-IV hypersensitivity reactions due to corticosteroids is a rare phenomenon. We describe two such cases. The first is a 37- year-old atopic woman who developed labial angioedema and nasal itching after the use of budesonide nasal spray. A month later, after the first puffs of a formoterol/budesonide spray prescribed for asthma, she noticed symptoms of tongue and oropharyngeal itching and redness with subsequent dysphagia, labial and tongue angioedema, and facial oedema. The second is a 15-year-old non-atopic woman who reported pruritic eruptions around the nostrils after using a budesonide nasal spray. A year later she presented with nasal pruritus with intense congestion and labial and facial oedema after using the same spray. Both patients were evaluated with patch-tests using the commercial T.R.U.E. test, a budesonide solution, and corticosteroid creams. Test evaluation was performed at 48 and 96 hours. In both patients, patch tests were positive to budesonide (++) on the second day. The first patient also had a positive (+) reaction to tixocortol-21-pivalate. All the other patch tests were negative. Clinicians should be aware that hypersensitivity reactions may occur during the use of nasal or inhaled corticosteroids.


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Cystic fibrosis (CF) is one of the most common genetic diseases in the Caucasian population and is characterized by chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, exocrine pancreatic insufficiency, and elevation of sodium and chloride concentrations in the sweat and infertility in men. The disease is caused by mutations in the CF transmembrane conductance regulator (CFTR) gene, which encodes a protein that functions as chloride channel at the apical membrane of different epithelia. Owing to the high genotypic and phenotypic disease heterogeneity, effects and consequences of the majority of the CFTR mutations have not yet been studied. Recently, the frameshift mutation 3905insT was identified as the second most frequent mutation in the Swiss population and found to be associated with a severe phenotype. The frameshift mutation produces a premature termination codon (PTC) in exon 20, and transcripts bearing this PTC are potential targets for degradation through nonsense-mediated mRNA decay (NMD) and/or for exon skipping through nonsense-associated alternative splicing (NAS). Using RT-PCR analysis in lymphocytes and different tissue types from patients carrying the mutation, we showed that the PTC introduced by the mutation does neither elicit a degradation of the mRNA through NMD nor an alternative splicing through NAS. Moreover, immunocytochemical analysis in nasal epithelial cells revealed a significantly reduced amount of CFTR at the apical membrane providing a possible molecular explanation for the more severe phenotype observed in F508del/3905insT compound heterozygotes compared with F508del homozygotes. However, further experiments are needed to elucidate the fate of the 3905insT CFTR in the cell after its biosynthesis.


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We present a case of a Rendu-Osler-Weber disease patient with recurrent life threatening epistaxis demanding multiple blood transfusions despite of repetitive endoscopic laser and electrocoagulations, endovascular embolisation, septodermoplasty, and long-term intranasal dressings. As alternative treatment modalities repeatedly failed and the patient became almost permanently dependent on nasal dressing, we performed a highly conformal intensity-modulated radiotherapy of the nasal cavity; a total dose of 50 Gy in 2 Gy single fractions was applied. The therapy was very well tolerated, no acute toxicities occurred. Two weeks after the last radiation dose had been applied, the nasal dressing could be removed without problems. Endoscopical control revealed an almost avascular white mucosa without any trace of bleeding spots; previously existing hemangiomas and crusts had disappeared. After a 1-year-follow up, the patient had no significant recurrent epistaxis.


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Spontaneous dural arterio-venous fistulas can imperceptibly develop over a long time period before they suddenly develop symptoms like bruit, loss of vision, exophthalmos and conjunctival injection. We present the rare case of an occult, para-infectious, dural arterio-venous fistula which became symptomatic after endoscopic sinus surgery. Conjunctival injection and slight exophthalmos developed due to decompensation of venous drainage probably by intraoperative positioning of the patient, positive pressure ventilation and nasal packing.


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Background: After oral tumor resection, structural and functional rehabilitation by means of dental prostheses is complex, and positive treatment outcome is not always predictable. Purpose: The objective of the study was to report on oral rehabilitation and quality of life 2-5 years after resection of malignant oral tumors. Materials and Methods: Data of 46 patients (57 ± 7 years) who underwent oral tumor surgery were available. More than 50% of tumors were classified T3 or T4. Open oro-nasal defects resulted in 12 patients and full mandibulary block resections in 23 patients. Comprehensive planning, implant placement, and prosthetic rehabilitation followed an interdisciplinary protocol. Analysis comprised tumor location, type of prostheses, implant survival, and quality of life. Results: Because of advanced tumor status, resections resulted in marked alteration of the oral anatomy requiring complex treatment procedures. Prosthetic rehabilitation comprised fixed and removable prostheses, with 104 implants placed in 28 patients (60%). Early implant loss was high (13%) and cumulative survival rate of loaded implants was <90% after 5 years. Prosthetic plans had to be modified because of side effects of tumor therapy, complications with implants and tumor recurrence. The majority of patients rated quality of life favorable, but some experienced impaired swallowing, dry mouth, limited mouth opening, appearance, and soreness. Conclusions: Some local effects of tumor therapy could not be significantly improved by prosthetic rehabilitation leading to functional and emotional disability. Many patients had passed away or felt too ill to fill the questionnaires. This case series confirms the complex anatomic alterations after tumor resection and the need for individual treatment approaches especially regarding prosthesis design. In spite of disease-related local and general restrictions, most patients gave a positive assessment of quality of life.


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Antrochoanal polyps are hyperplasias of the nasal mucosa, which have their origin in the maxillary sinus and extend through the nasal cavity and the choanae into the naso- and oropharynx. In children antrochoanal polyps represent one of the more frequent manifestations of paediatric nasal polyposis. Most studies on antrochoanal polyps in children report only on nasal obstruction, hyponasal speech and snoring, which are also encountered in the most common cause of obstructive sleep apnoea syndrome; i.e. adenoid or tonsillar hyperplasia. Only very few studies report on additional health hazards by antrochoanal polyps ranging from obstructive sleep apnoea syndrome to swallowing disorders and cachexia. We present the case of an 8 year old girl with a bicycle accident caused by excessive daytime sleepiness and obstructive sleep apnoea syndrome due to an extensive antrochoanal polyp. After a transnasal polypectomy and meatotomy type II the obstructive sleep apnoea and day time sleepiness resolved completely. Awareness of this additional health hazard is important and correct evaluation and timely diagnosis of a potential antrochoanal polyp is mandatory because minimally invasive rhinosurgery is highly curative in preventing further impending problems.


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Primary ciliary dyskinesia (PCD) is an autosomal recessive disease with an incidence estimated between 1:2,000 and 1:40,000. Ciliated epithelia line the airways, nasal and sinus cavities, Eustachian tube and fallopian tubes. Congenital abnormalities of ciliary structure and function impair mucociliary clearance. As a consequence, patients present with chronic sinopulmonary infections, recurrent glue ear and female subfertility. Similarities in the ultrastructure of respiratory cilia, nodal cilia and sperm result in patients with PCD also presenting with male infertility, abnormalities of left-right asymmetry (most commonly situs inversus totalis) and congenital heart disease. Early diagnosis is essential to ensure specialist management of the respiratory and otological complications of PCD. Diagnostic tests focus on analysis of ciliary function and electron microscopy structure. Analysis is technically difficult and labour intensive. It requires expertise for interpretation, restricting diagnosis to specialist centres. Management is currently based on the consensus of experts, and there is a pressing need for randomised clinical trials to inform treatment.


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Giulio Cesare Aranzio in Italian (Julius Caesar Arantius in Latin) has not received full acclaim for his achievements in the field of anatomy and surgery that remain unknown to most physicians. His anatomical books Observationes Anatomicas, and De Humano Foetu Opusculum and surgical books De Tumoribus Secundum Locos Affectos and Hippocratis librum de vulneribus capitis commentarius brevis printed in Latin and additional existing literature on Aranzio from medical history books and journals were analysed extensively. Aranzio became Professor of Anatomy and Surgery at the University of Bologna in 1556. He established anatomy as a distinguished branch of medicine for the first time in medical history. Aranzio combined anatomy with a description of pathological processes. He discovered the 'Nodules of Aranzio' in the semilunar valves of the heart. He gave the first description of the superior levator palpebral and the coracobrachialis muscles. Aranzio wrote on surgical techniques for a wide spectrum of conditions that range from hydrocephalus, nasal polyp, goitre and tumours to phimosis, ascites, haemorrhoids, anal abscess and fistulae, and much more. Aranzio had an extensive knowledge in surgery and anatomy based in part on the ancient Greek and his contemporaries in the 16th century but essentially on his personal experience and practice.


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Nasal and paranasal sinus malignancies are rare. The most common lesions are located in the nasal cavity and the maxillary sinus, although they also occur in the ethmoid, sphenoid and frontal sinuses. Treatment often combines surgery, radiotherapy and chemotherapy. Endoscopic surgical approaches are increasingly used in order to reduce the morbidity associated with standard open resection. The aim of our study was to analyse the long-term treatment results of sinonasal malignancies (SNM), with a special focus on surgical approaches.


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The objective of this study was to evaluate the association between nasolabial symmetry and aesthetics in children with complete unilateral cleft lip and palate (CUCLP). Frontal and basal photographs of 60 consecutively treated children with CUCLP (cleft group: 41 boys and 19 girls, mean (SD) age 11 (2) years) and 44 children without clefts (control group: 16 boys and 28 girls, mean (SD) age 11(2) years), were used for evaluation of nasolabial symmetry and aesthetics. Nasal and labial measurements were made to calculate the coefficient of asymmetry (CA). The 5-grade aesthetic index described by Asher-McDade et al. was used to evaluate nasolabial appearance. Correlation and regression analysis were used to identify an association between aesthetics and CA, sex, and the presence of CUCLP. Ten measurements in the cleft, and 2 in the control, group differed significantly between the cleft and non-cleft (or right and left) sides, respectively. The significantly higher values of 9 of 11 CA in the children with CUCLP indicated that they had more asymmetrical nasolabial areas than children without clefts. However, the regression analyses showed that only a few CA were associated with nasolabial aesthetics. In conclusion, nasolabial aesthetics and nasolabial symmetry seem to be only weakly associated in patients with CUCLP.


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Elevated rates of methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) carriage have been reported in veterinary personnel, suggesting an occupational colonization risk. Hong Kong veterinary personnel (n = 150) were sampled for coagulase-positive staphylococci (CPS) nasal colonization. Risk factors for colonization were assessed by questionnaire. Isolates were identified and antibiotic susceptibility determined. All CPS isolates were investigated for mecA carriage, SCCmec type and PVL genes. Two subjects were colonized with methicillin-resistant CPS: one with MRSA (spa type t002 (CC5), SCCmec type II) and one with methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus pseudintermedius (MRSP) (MLST type ST71, SCCmec type II-III). MLST type ST71 S. pseudintermedius strain is the predominant MRSP clone circulating in dogs in Europe and in Hong Kong. The low MR-CPS colonization rate may be associated with low levels of large animal exposure or low rates of MRSA colonization of companion animals in Hong Kong. Colonization with non-aureus CPS, which may cause human infection, must also be considered in veterinary personnel.


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REASONS FOR PERFORMING STUDY: Efficacy of medications for recurrent airway obstruction is typically tested using clinical, cytological and lung function examinations of severely affected animals. These trials are technically challenging and may not adequately reflect the spectrum of disease and owner complaints encountered in clinical practice. OBJECTIVE: To determine if owners of horses with chronic airway disease are better able to detect drug efficacy than a veterinarian who clinically examines horses infrequently. METHOD: In a double-blinded randomised controlled trial, owners and a veterinarian compared the efficacy of dexamethasone (0.1 mg/kg bwt per os, q. 24 h, for 3 weeks; n = 9) to placebo (n = 8) in horses with chronic airway disease. Before and after treatment, owners scored performance, breathing effort, coughing and nasal discharge using a visual analogue scale (VAS). The clinician recorded vital parameters, respiratory distress, auscultation findings, cough and nasal discharge, airway mucus score, bronchoalveolar lavage fluid (BALF) cytology and arterial blood gases. RESULTS: The VAS score improved significantly in dexamethasone- but not placebo-treated horses. In contrast, the clinician failed to differentiate between dexamethasone- and placebo-treated animals based on clinical observations, BALF cytology or endoscopic mucus score. Respiratory rate (RR) and arterial oxygen pressure (PaO(2)) improved with dexamethasone but not placebo. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE: In the design of clinical trials of airway disease treatments, more emphasis should be placed on owner-assessed VAS than on clinical, cytological and endoscopic observations made during brief examinations by a veterinarian. Quantifiable indicators reflecting lung function such as RR and PaO(2) provide a good assessment of drug efficacy.