854 resultados para limited commitment
This study examined the relations of organizational commitment and demographic factors with objectively measured absence frequency data of 106 staff at a UK school, collected over a 1-year period. We found significant associations of commitment and absenteeism, with high affective and normative commitment, and low continuance commitment being associated with lower levels of absence. Age moderated two of these associations, with low normative commitment and high continuance commitment predicting absence most strongly for older workers. Our findings help practitioners and researchers to understand how commitment may interact with other factors to predict absence. Interaction effects in our data showed that absence frequencies tended to be highest for older workers who felt a lower sense of obligation to their organization, or a lack of alternatives to their present employment. © 2012 Hogrefe Publishing.
We numerically demonstrate a new fiber laser architecture supporting spectral compression of negatively chirped pulses in passive normally dispersive fiber. Such a process is beneficial for improving the energy efficiency of the cavity as it prevents narrow spectral filtering from being highly dissipative. The proposed laser design provides an elegant way of generating transform-limited picosecond pulses. © 2012 IEEE.
We tested the hypothesis that the differences in performance between developmental dyslexics and controls on visual tasks are specific for the detection of dynamic stimuli. We found that dyslexics were less sensitive than controls to coherent motion in dynamic random dot displays. However, their sensitivity to control measures of static visual form coherence was not significantly different from that of controls. This dissociation of dyslexics' performance on measures that are suggested to tap the sensitivity of different extrastriate visual areas provides evidence for an impairment specific to the detection of dynamic properties of global stimuli, perhaps resulting from selective deficits in dorsal stream functions. © 2001 Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.
Despite considerable and growing interest in the subject of academic researchers and practising managers jointly generating knowledge (which we term ‘co-production’), our searches of management literature revealed few articles based on primary data or multiple cases. Given the increasing commitment to co-production by academics, managers and those funding research, it seems important to strengthen the evidence base about practice and performance in co-production. Literature on collaborative research was reviewed to develop a framework to structure the analysis of this data and relate findings to the limited body of prior research on collaborative research practice and performance. This paper presents empirical data from four completed, large scale co-production projects. Despite major differences between the cases, we find that the key success factors and the indicators of performances are remarkably similar. We demonstrate many, complex influences between factors, between outcomes, and between factors and outcomes, and discuss the features that are distinctive to co-production. Our empirical findings are broadly consonant with prior literature, but go further in trying to understand success factors’ consequences for performance. A second contribution of this paper is the development of a conceptually and methodologically rigorous process for investigating collaborative research, linking process and performance. The paper closes with discussion of the study’s limitations and opportunities for further research.
Front line employees are critical to service brand success, as their performance brings brand promises to life. Banking employees, like others, must remain committed to their employers, to live the brand, particularly during periods of economic uncertainty and customer frustration. Employees' commitment influences their brand adoption and brand-supporting behavior during service encounters. Effective leadership fosters employee commitment and brand supporting behaviors. This study examines the nature of employee commitment in banking, distinguishing between affective, continuance and normative commitment. The study explores bank leaders, examining whether initiating structure leader behavior or considerate leader behavior is most effective in encouraging employee commitment. Data from a sample of 438 employees in a leading Irish bank reveals the optimal leadership style for employee commitment. © 2012 Elsevier Inc.
Background: Patient involvement in health care is a strong political driver in the NHS. However in spite of policy prominence, there has been only limited previous work exploring patient involvement for people with serious mental illness. Aim: To describe the views on, potential for, and types of patient involvement in primary care from the perspectives of primary care health professionals and patients with serious mental illness. Design of study: Qualitative study consisting of six patient, six health professional and six combined focus groups between May 2002 and January 2003. Setting: Six primary care trusts in the West Midlands, England. Method: Forty-five patients with serious mental illness, 39 GPs, and eight practice nurses participated in a series of 18 focus groups. All focus groups were audiotaped and fully transcribed. Nvivo was used to manage data more effectively. Results: Most patients felt that only other people with lived experience of mental illness could understand what they were going through. This experience could be used to help others navigate the health- and social-care systems, give advice about medication, and offer support at times of crisis. Many patients also saw paid employment within primary care as a way of addressing issues of poverty and social exclusion. Health professionals were, however, more reluctant to see patients as partners, be it in the consultation or in service delivery. Conclusions: Meaningful change in patient involvement requires commitment and belief from primary care practitioners that the views and experiences of people with serious mental illness are valid and valuable.
The main aim of this study is to undertake a critical examination of the ethical and developmental performance of an Islamic bank as communicated in its annual reports over a period of 28 years (1983-2010). Islami Bank Bangladesh Limited's (IBBL hereafter) ethical performance and disclosures are further analyzed through interviews conducted with the bank's senior management. The key findings include an overall increase in ethical disclosures during the study period. However, the focus on various stakeholders' needs has varied over time reflecting the evolving nature of the Islamic finance industry over the last three decades. Based on a secular economy, IBBL focused in the first two decades on the "Particular" Shariah compliance disclosure as a way of establishing its reputation and differentiating itself from conventional banks in a dual banking system. Post 2005, the ethical performance and disclosure shifted to more "Universal" disclosures such as sustainability, charity, employees, and community related disclosures signaling responsible conduct and the bank's adoption of a "wider stakeholder approach." However the bank is still failing to provide full disclosure on certain significant categories such as sources and uses of disposable income, thereby contradicting the principles of full and comprehensive disclosure and accountability. In addition, the structure of IBBL's investment portfolio reveals an overreliance on debt-based financial instruments and a shortcoming in fulfilling the developmental and social objectives of Islamic finance. This is evidenced by the "qualified" Shariah Supervisory Board reports that the bank consistently received. This research provides further evidence that Islamic banking and Finance in its current practices reflect the "global" and the "local" influences in an era dominated by global conventional finance. © 2014 Springer Science+Business Media Dordrecht.
We experimentally investigate the channel estimation and compensation in a chromatic dispersion (CD) limited 20Gbit/s optical fast orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (F-OFDM) system with up to 840km transmission. It is shown that symmetric extension based guard interval (GI) is required to enable CD compensation using one-tap equalizers. As few as one optical F-OFDM symbol with four and six pilot tones per symbol can achieve near-optimal channel estimation and compensation performance for 600km and 840km respectively.
We have generated near-transform-limited picosecond pulses(ΔτΔν≈0.45) from a gain-switched diode laser using periodic and chirped fiber Bragg gratings. This configuration reduced the spectral bandwidth from 11 to 0.08 nm and the pulse duration was reduced, from 30 to<18 ps. Average and peak powers of 27 and 770 mW, respectively, were obtained.
We introduce a general technique how to reveal in experiments of limited electrical bandwidth which is lower than the optical bandwidth of the optical signal under study, whether the statistical properties of the light source obey Gaussian distribution or mode correlations do exist. To do that one needs to perform measurements by decreasing the measurement bandwidth. We develop a simple model of bandwidth-limited measurements and predict universal laws how intensity probability density function and intensity auto-correlation function of ideal completely stochastic source of Gaussian statistics depend on limited measurement bandwidth and measurement noise level. Results of experimental investigation are in good agreement with model predictions. In particular, we reveal partial mode correlations in the radiation of quasi-CW Raman fibre laser.
It is asserted that sub-national government has a key role in responding to climate change. Drawing on a case study of metropolitan authorities in the English Midlands, this article examines the contribution of local authorities and their partners in delivering climate change targets agreed upon with central government. Rather than achieving fundamental change, actions were hampered by competing priorities, fragmented responsibilities, limited resources and difficulties in measuring outcomes. Nevertheless, in light of public expenditure cuts and the current coalition government's commitment to free councils from central targets, gaining support for local climate change actions will become even more challenging.