894 resultados para light gauge cold-formed steel frame structures


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The water storage tanks of hotel trains suffered pitting corrosion. To identify the cause, the tanks were subjected to a detailed metallographic study and the chemical composition of the austenitic stainless steels used in their construction was determined. Both the tank water and the corrosion products were further examined by physicochemical and microbiological testing. Corrosion was shown to be related to an incompatibility between the chloride content of the water and the base and filler metals of the tanks. These findings formed the basis of recommendations aimed at the prevention and control of corrosion in such tanks. Se han detectado problemas de corrosión por picaduras en los depósitos de agua de trenes hotel. Para identificar las causas se llevó a cabo un detallado estudio metalográfico así como de la composición química de los aceros inoxidables austeníticos utilizados en su construcción. También se realizaron estudios fisicoquímicos y microbiológicos de los productos de corrosión. Se ha encontrado que los problemas de corrosión están relacionados con la incompatibilidad entre el contenido en cloruros del agua y los metales base y de aporte de la soldadura de los tanques. En base a estos hallazgos se proponen una serie de recomendaciones encaminadas a la prevención y control de la corrosión de dichos depósitos.


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The effects of the temperature and stretching levels used in the stress-relieving treatment of cold-drawn eutectoid steel wires are evaluated with the aim of improving the stress relaxation behavior and the resistance to hydrogen embrittlement. Five industrial treatments are studied, combining three temperatures (330, 400, and 460 °C) and three stretching levels (38, 50 and 64% of the rupture load). The change of the residual stress produced by the treatments is taken into consideration to account for the results. Surface residual stresses allow us to explain the time to failure in standard hydrogen embrittlement tests


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The problem is general: modern architects and engineers are trying to understand historic structures using the wrong theoretical frame, the classic (elastic) thery of structures developed in the 19th Century for iron and stell, and in the 20th century for reinforced concrete, disguised with "modern" computer packages, mainly FEM, but also others. Masonry is an essentially different material, and the structural equations must be adapted accordingly. It is not a matter of "taste" or "opinion", and the consequences are before us. Since, say 1920s, historic monuments have suffered the aggression of generations of archietcts and engineers, trying to transform masonry in reinfored concrete or steel. The damage to the monuments and the expense has been, and is, enormous. However, as we have an adequate theory (modern limit analysis of masonry structures, Heyman 1966) which encompasses the "old theory" used successfully by the 18th and 19th Century practical engineers (from Perronet to Sejourné), it is a matter of "Ethics" not to use the wrong approach. It is also "contra natura" to modify the material masonry with indiscriminate injections, stitchings, etc. It is insane to consider, suddenly, that buildings which are Centuries or milennia old, are suddenly in danger of collapse. Maintenance is necessary but not the actual destruction of the constructive essence of the monument. A cocktail of "ignorance, fear and greed" is acting under the best of intentions.


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We present and discuss an algorithm to identify and characterize the long icosahedral structures (staggered pentagonal nanowires with 1-5-1-5 atomic structure) that appear in Molecular Dynamics simulations of metallic nanowires of different species subjected to stretching. The use of this algorithm allows the identification of pentagonal rings forming the icosahedral structure as well as the determination of its number np , and the maximum length of the pentagonal nanowire Lpm. The algorithm is tested with some ideal structures to show its ability to discriminate between pentagonal rings and other ring structures. We applied the algorithm to Ni nanowires with temperatures ranging between 4K and 865K, stretched along the [111], [100] and [110] directions. We studied statistically the formation of pentagonal nanowires obtaining the distributions of length Lpm and number of rings np as function of the temperature. The Lpm distribution presents a peaked shape, with peaks located at fixed distances whose separation corresponds to the distance between two consecutive pentagonal rings.


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La mayoría de las estructuras de hormigón pretensadas construidas en los últimos 50 años han demostrado una excelente durabilidad cuando su construcción se realiza atendiendo las recomendaciones de un buen diseño así como una buena ejecución y puesta en obra de la estructura. Este hecho se debe en gran parte al temor que despierta el fenómeno de la corrosión bajo tensión típico de las armaduras de acero de alta resistencia. Menos atención se ha prestado a la susceptibilidad a la corrosión bajo tensión de los anclajes de postensado, posiblemente debido a que se han reportado pocos casos de fallos catastróficos. El concepto de Tolerancia al Daño y la Mecánica de la Fractura en estructuras de Ingeniería Civil ha empezado a incorporarse recientemente en algunas normas de diseño y cálculo de estructuras metálicas, sin embargo, aún está lejos de ser asimilado y empleado habitualmente por los ingenieros en sus cálculos cuando la ocasión lo requiere. Este desconocimiento de los aspectos relacionados con la Tolerancia al Daño genera importantes gastos de mantenimiento y reparación. En este trabajo se ha estudiado la aplicabilidad de los conceptos de la Mecánica de la Fractura a los componentes de los sistemas de postensado empleados en ingeniería civil, empleándolo para analizar la susceptibilidad de las armaduras activas frente a la corrosión bajo tensiones y a la pérdida de capacidad portante de las cabezas de anclajes de postensado debido a la presencia de defectos. Con este objeto se han combinado tanto técnicas experimentales como numéricas. Los defectos superficiales en los alambres de pretensado no se presentan de manera aislada si no que existe una cierta continuidad en la dirección axial así como un elevado número de defectos. Por este motivo se ha optado por un enfoque estadístico, que es más apropiado que el determinístico. El empleo de modelos estadísticos basados en la teoría de valores extremos ha permitido caracterizar el estado superficial en alambres de 5,2 mm de diámetro. Por otro lado la susceptibilidad del alambre frente a la corrosión bajo tensión ha sido evaluada mediante la realización de una campaña de ensayos de acuerdo con la actual normativa que ha permitido caracterizar estadísticamente su comportamiento. A la vista de los resultados ha sido posible evaluar como los parámetros que definen el estado superficial del alambre pueden determinar la durabilidad de la armadura atendiendo a su resistencia frente a la corrosión bajo tensión, evaluada mediante los ensayos que especifica la normativa. En el caso de las cabezas de anclaje de tendones de pretensado, los defectos se presentan de manera aislada y tienen su origen en marcas, arañazos o picaduras de corrosión que pueden producirse durante el proceso de fabricación, transporte, manipulación o puesta en obra. Dada la naturaleza de los defectos, el enfoque determinístico es más apropiado que el estadístico. La evaluación de la importancia de un defecto en un elemento estructural requiere la estimación de la solicitación local que genera el defecto, que permite conocer si el defecto es crítico o si puede llegar a serlo, si es que progresa con el tiempo (por fatiga, corrosión, una combinación de ambas, etc.). En este trabajo los defectos han sido idealizados como grietas, de manera que el análisis quedara del lado de la seguridad. La evaluación de la solicitación local del defecto ha sido calculada mediante el empleo de modelos de elementos finitos de la cabeza de anclaje que simulan las condiciones de trabajo reales de la cabeza de anclaje durante su vida útil. A partir de estos modelos numéricos se ha analizado la influencia en la carga de rotura del anclaje de diversos factores como la geometría del anclaje, las condiciones del apoyo, el material del anclaje, el tamaño del defecto su forma y su posición. Los resultados del análisis numérico han sido contrastados satisfactoriamente mediante la realización de una campaña experimental de modelos a escala de cabezas de anclaje de Polimetil-metacrilato en los que artificialmente se han introducido defectos de diversos tamaños y en distintas posiciones. ABSTRACT Most of the prestressed concrete structures built in the last 50 years have demonstrated an excellent durability when they are constructed in accordance with the rules of good design, detailing and execution. This is particularly true with respect to the feared stress corrosion cracking, which is typical of high strength prestressing steel wires. Less attention, however, has been paid to the stress corrosion cracking susceptibility of anchorages for steel tendons for prestressing concrete, probably due to the low number of reported failure cases. Damage tolerance and fracture mechanics concepts in civil engineering structures have recently started to be incorporated in some design and calculation rules for metallic structures, however it is still far from being assimilated and used by civil engineers in their calculations on a regular basis. This limited knowledge of the damage tolerance basis could lead to significant repair and maintenance costs. This work deals with the applicability of fracture mechanics and damage tolerance concepts to the components of prestressed systems, which are used in civil engineering. Such concepts have been applied to assess the susceptibility of the prestressing steel wires to stress corrosion cracking and the reduction of load bearing capability of anchorage devices due to the presence of defects. For this purpose a combination of experimental work and numerical techniques have been performed. Surface defects in prestressing steel wires are not shown alone, though a certain degree of continuity in the axial direction exist. A significant number of such defects is also observed. Hence a statistical approach was used, which is assumed to be more appropriate than the deterministic approach. The use of statistical methods based in extreme value theories has allowed the characterising of the surface condition of 5.2 mm-diameter wires. On the other hand the stress corrosion cracking susceptibility of the wire has been assessed by means of an experimental testing program in line with the current regulations, which has allowed statistical characterisasion of their performances against stress corrosion cracking. In the light of the test results, it has been possible to evaluate how the surface condition parameters could determine the durability of the active metal armour regarding to its resistance against stress corrosion cracking assessed by means of the current testing regulations. In the case of anchorage devices for steel tendons for prestressing concrete, the damage is presented as point defects originating from dents, scratches or corrosion pits that could be produced during the manufacturing proccess, transport, handling, assembly or use. Due to the nature of these defects, in this case the deterministic approach is more appropriate than the statistical approach. The assessment of the relevancy of defect in a structural component requires the computation of the stress intensity factors, which in turn allow the evaluation of whether the size defect is critical or could become critical with the progress of time (due to fatigue, corrosion or a combination of both effects). In this work the damage is idealised as tiny cracks, a conservative hypothesis. The stress intensity factors have been calculated by means of finite element models of the anchorage representing the real working conditions during its service life. These numeric models were used to assess the impact of some factors on the rupture load of the anchorage, such the anchorage geometry, material, support conditions, defect size, shape and its location. The results from the numerical analysis have been succesfully correlated against the results of the experimental testing program of scaled models of the anchorages in poly-methil methacrylate in which artificial damage in several sizes and locations were introduced.


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La durabilidad de las estructuras de hormigón armado no es ilimitada, en especial en determinados ambientes. El ingreso de agentes agresivos en el hormigón, fundamentalmente dióxido de carbono e iones cloruros, rebasando el espesor del recubrimiento y alcanzando las armaduras, reducen el alto pH del hormigón hasta alcanzar un umbral crítico, por debajo del cual, el acero queda despasivado. Posteriormente, si existe el suficiente aporte de humedad y oxígeno, el acero se corroe, lo que supone drásticas reducciones de la vida de servicio de estas estructuras y su inevitable reparación. La utilización de armaduras de acero inoxidable es una alternativa que está recibiendo cada vez más consideración. Su resistencia a la corrosión en los ambientes más agresivos, incluso con ataque de cloruros, lo convierte en el material idóneo para prolongar de forma muy considerable la vida útil de la estructura. En este trabajo se ha evaluado el comportamiento mecánico y estructural, y de resistencia a la corrosión, de un nuevo acero inoxidable dúplex de bajo contenido en níquel, el EN 1.4482 (AISI 2001), y se ha comparado con el inoxidable austenítico más utilizado, el EN 1.4301 (AISI 304), con el dúplex EN 1.4362 (AISI 2304) y con el tradicional acero al carbono B-500-SD. El estudio mecánico y estructural se ha realizado en tres niveles diferentes: a nivel de barra, estudiando las propiedades mecánicas y de ductilidad de los cuatro aceros citados; a nivel de sección, estudiando su comportamiento a flexión con diferentes cuantías de armado por medio de los diagramas momento-curvatura; y a nivel de pieza, ensayando una serie de vigas armadas con diferentes aceros y cuantías, y comprobando su comportamiento a desplazamiento y resistencia por medio de los diagramas carga-desplazamiento. El estudio de resistencia a la corrosión se ha realizado embebiendo barras corrugadas, de los tres aceros inoxidables mencionados, en probetas de mortero contaminadas con diferentes cantidades de cloruros, y realizando mediciones electroquímicas durante un periodo de al menos un año. Se han preparado probetas de mortero para dos comparativas diferentes. La primera, manteniendo las probetas en un desecador con el 95 % de humedad relativa durante todo el periodo de mediciones. La segunda, sumergiendo parcialmente las probetas en una solución tampón para carbonatar el mortero. Los resultados de los ensayos mecánicos han demostrado dos aspectos diferentes. Uno, que las armaduras de acero inoxidable tienen un comportamiento muy similar a las de acero al carbono en lo referente a las resistencias alcanzadas, en el límite elástico y en rotura, pero distinto en cuanto al módulo de deformación longitudinal, cuyo valor es claramente inferior al del acero al carbono, por lo que su utilización en las estructuras de hormigón necesita tener en cuenta ese dato en los análisis lineales de cálculo. El segundo aspecto es que las armaduras de acero inoxidable laminadas en caliente presentan una ductilidad muy superior a las de acero al carbono, por lo que ofrecen una mayor seguridad frente a su rotura o al colapso de la estructura, lo que se debe tener en cuenta en el análisis de cálculo plástico. En cambio, las armaduras de acero inoxidable laminadas en frío sólo cumplen con los límites mínimos de ductilidad establecidos en la instrucción EHE-08 para los aceros soldables, y no para los aceros con características especiales de ductilidad. El estudio a nivel de sección refleja la paradoja de obtener secciones menos dúctiles con las armaduras de acero inoxidable laminadas en caliente que con las armaduras de acero al carbono. Para subsanarlo, se definen los conceptos de curvatura última de rotura y ductilidad de la sección en rotura, que tienen en cuenta las altas deformaciones alcanzadas por las armaduras de acero inoxidable. Los resultados a nivel de pieza permiten identificar el comportamiento estructural del hormigón armado con barras corrugadas de acero inoxidable y compararlo con el de las estructuras de hormigón armado convencionales, verificando los resultados experimentales con los teóricos obtenidos con la formulación recogida en la instrucción EHE- 08. Los ensayos de resistencia a la corrosión por cloruros demuestran, durante el primer año y medio de vida de las probetas, un comportamiento muy similar entre el nuevo acero inoxidable dúplex bajo en níquel y el austenítico y el dúplex utilizados para la comparación, incluso para las probetas carbonatadas. Por último, se añade una comparativa económica, realizada sobre dos edificaciones tipo, para cuantificar el sobrecoste que supone la utilización de armaduras de acero inoxidable respecto a las de acero al carbono. El alto coste inicial de las armaduras de acero inoxidable se ve compensado en el coste final de la estructura de muy diferentes formas, principalmente dependiendo del grado de acero elegido y de si se emplean en el total de la estructura o solamente en los elementos más expuestos. The durability of the concrete structures is limited, especially in certain environments. The attack of aggressive agents in the concrete, mainly carbon dioxide and chloride ions, penetrating the thickness of concrete cover and reaching the reinforcements, reduce the high pH of concrete to the point of reaching a critical threshold, under which, the steel despasivates. Therefore, if there is enough humidity and oxygen, the steel corroes, causing drastic reductions in the service life of these structures and its inevitable repair. Despite the high initial cost compared to carbon steel, the usage of stainless steel reinforcements is an alternative with a major consideration nowadays. Its resistance to corrosion in the most aggressive atmospheres, including chlorides attack, makes the stainless steel a suitable material to extend considerably its lifetime. In this study, it’s been evaluated the mechanical and structural behaviour, and the corrosion resistance, of a new low-nickel duplex stainless steel EN 1.4482 (AISI 2001), and it has been compared with the most widely used austenitic type EN 1.4301 (AISI 304), with duplex steel EN 1.4362 (AISI 2304) and with the traditional carbon steel B-500-SD. The mechanical and structural study has been carried out in three different levels: bar level, studying mechanical properties and ductility of the four steels; section level, studying its behaviour when blending with different amounts of reinforcement through the moment-curvature diagrams; and structural element level, testing a series of reinforced beams with different steels and amounts, and checking its sag and resistance through the load-deflection diagrams. The corrosion resistance study was performed by embedding ribbed bars, using the three stainless steel listed, on mortar specimens contaminated with different amounts of chlorides, and taking electrochemical measurements over a period of at least one year. Mortar specimens have been prepared for two different comparisons. The first, keeping the specimens at 95% of relative humidity during the measurement period. The second, immersing the specimens partially in a carbonate buffer solution. The results of those tests have proved two different aspects. Firstly, that stainless steel reinforcements show a very similar behaviour to carbon steel, according to the reached levels of mechanical resistance, yield stress and steel strength, but a different behaviour in Young’s modulus, which value is clearly lower than the carbon steel. Therefore, when using in concrete structures it is need to consider on that point the existing calculus of linear analysis. The second aspect is that stainless steel reinforcement manufactured by hot-rolling process show a very higher ductility than carbon steel, offering a better security on cracks or structure collapse, which it has to be taken into account on plastic calculus analysis. However, the stainless steel reinfor9 cement cold-rolled bars only meet the minimum thresholds of ductility established by EHE-08 for welded steel, and not for steels with special ductility. The results at the section level reflect the paradox of getting less ductile sections with hot rolled stainless steel reinforcement than with carbon steel reinforcements. To overcome that, the concepts of last break curvature and break ductility section have been defined, which take into account the high deformation value achieved by stainless steel reinforcements. The results at the structural element level allow to identify the structural behaviour of reinforced concrete with stainless steel reinforcements and compared with that of conventional steel reinforcement, contrasting the experimental with the theoretical results obtained from the formulation contained in the instruction EHE-08. Tests on resistance of chloride corrosion show during the first year and a half of specimens life, a similar behaviour between the new low nickel duplex stainless steel and austenitic and duplex used for comparison, even for carbonated specimens. Finally, it has been included an economic comparison on two differents building types, to quantify the additional cost involved on the use of stainless steel reinforcement compared to that of carbon steel. The high initial cost of stainless steel reinforcements is offset in the final cost of the structure in many different ways, mainly depending on the chosen steel grade and whether the reinforcement is used in the total structure or only in risky structural elements.


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The fundamental objective of this Ph. D. dissertation is to demonstrate that, under particular circumstances which cover most of the structures with practical interest, periodic structures can be understood and analyzed by means of closed waveguide theories and techniques. To that aim, in the first place a transversely periodic cylindrical structure is considered and the wave equation, under a combination of perfectly conducting and periodic boundary conditions, is studied. This theoretical study runs parallel to the classic analysis of perfectly conducting closed waveguides. Under the light shed by the aforementioned study it is clear that, under certain very common periodicity conditions, transversely periodic cylindrical structures share a lot of properties with closed waveguides. Particularly, they can be characterized by a complete set of TEM, TE and TM modes. As a result, this Ph. D. dissertation introduces the transversely periodic waveguide concept. Once the analogies between the modes of a transversely periodic waveguide and the ones of a closed waveguide have been established, a generalization of a well-known closed waveguide characterization method, the generalized Transverse Resonance Technique, is developed for the obtention of transversely periodic modes. At this point, all the necessary elements for the consideration of discontinuities between two different transversely periodic waveguides are at our disposal. The analysis of this type of discontinuities will be carried out by means of another well known closed waveguide method, the Mode Matching technique. This Ph. D. dissertation contains a sufficient number of examples, including the analysis of a wire-medium slab, a cross-shaped patches periodic surface and a parallel plate waveguide with a textured surface, that demonstrate that the Transverse Resonance Technique - Mode Matching hybrid is highly precise, efficient and versatile. Thus, the initial statement: ”periodic structures can be understood and analyzed by means of closed waveguide theories and techniques”, will be corroborated. Finally, this Ph. D. dissertation contains an adaptation of the aforementioned generalized Transverse Resonance Technique by means of which the analysis of laterally open periodic waveguides, such as the well known Substrate Integrated Waveguides, can be carried out without any approximation. The analysis of this type of structures has suscitated a lot of interest in the recent past and the previous analysis techniques proposed always resorted to some kind of fictitious wall to close the structure. vii Resumen El principal objetivo de esta tesis doctoral es demostrar que, bajo ciertas circunstancias que se cumplen para la gran mayoría de estructuras con interés práctico, las estructuras periódicas se pueden analizar y entender con conceptos y técnicas propias de las guías de onda cerradas. Para ello, en un primer lugar se considera una estructura cilíndrical transversalmente periódica y se estudia la ecuación de onda bajo una combinación de condiciones de contorno periódicas y de conductor perfecto. Este estudio teórico y de caracter general, sigue el análisis clásico de las guías de onda cerradas por conductor eléctrico perfecto. A la luz de los resultados queda claro que, bajo ciertas condiciones de periodicidad (muy comunes en la práctica) las estructuras cilíndricas transversalmente periódicas guardan multitud de analogías con las guías de onda cerradas. En particular, pueden ser descritas mediante un conjunto completo de modos TEM, TE y TM. Por ello, ésta tesis introduce el concepto de guía de onda transversalmente periódica. Una vez establecidas las similitudes entre las soluciones de la ecuación de onda, bajo una combinación de condiciones de contorno periódicas y de conductor perfecto, y los modos de guías de onda cerradas, se lleva a cabo, con éxito, la adaptación de un conocido método de caracterización de guías de onda cerradas, la técnica de la Resonancia Transversal Generalizada, para la obtención de los modos de guías transversalmente periódicas. En este punto, se tienen todos los elementos necesarios para considerar discontinuidades entre guías de onda transversalmente periódicas. El analisis de este tipo de discontinuidades se llevará a cabo mediante otro conocido método de análisis de estructuras cerradas, el Ajuste Modal. Esta tesis muestra multitud de ejemplos, como por ejemplo el análisis de un wire-medium slab, una superficie de parches con forma de cruz o una guía de placas paralelas donde una de dichas placas tiene cierta textura, en los que se demuestra que el método híbrido formado por la Resonancia Transversal Generalizada y el Ajuste Modal, es tremendamente preciso, eficiente y versátil y confirmará la validez de el enunciado inicial: ”las estructuras periódicas se pueden analizar y entender con conceptos y técnicas propias de las guías de onda cerradas” Para terminar, esta tésis doctoral incluye también una modificación de la técnica de la Resonancia Transversal Generalizada mediante la cual es posible abordar el análisis de estructuras periódica abiertas en los laterales, como por ejemplo las famosas guías de onda integradas en sustrato, sin ninguna aproximación. El análisis de este tipo de estructuras ha despertado mucho interés en los últimos años y las técnicas de análisis propuestas hasta ix el momento acostumbran a recurrir a algún tipo de pared ficticia para simular el carácter abierto de la estructura.


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El acero es, junto con el hormigón, el material más ampliamente empleado en la construcción de obra civil y de edificación. Además de su elevada resistencia, su carácter dúctil resulta un aspecto de particular interés desde el punto de vista de la seguridad estructural, ya que permite redistribuir esfuerzos a elementos adyacentes y, por tanto, almacenar una mayor energía antes del colapso final de la estructura. No obstante, a pesar de su extendida utilización, todavía existen aspectos relacionados con su comportamiento en rotura que necesitan una mayor clarificación y que permitirían un mejor aprovechamiento de sus propiedades. Cuando un elemento de acero es ensayado a tracción y alcanza la carga máxima, sufre la aparición de un cuello de estricción que plantea dificultades para conocer el comportamiento del material desde dicho instante hasta la rotura. La norma ISO 6892-1, que define el método a emplear en un ensayo de tracción con materiales metálicos, establece procedimientos para determinar los parámetros relacionados con este tramo último de la curva F − E. No obstante, la definición de dichos parámetros resulta controvertida, ya que éstos presentan una baja reproducibilidad y una baja repetibilidad que resultan difíciles de explicar. En esta Tesis se busca profundizar en el conocimiento del último tramo de la curva F − E de los aceros de construcción. Para ello se ha realizado una amplia campaña experimental sobre dos aceros representativos en el campo de la construcción civil: el alambrón de partida empleado en la fabricación de alambres de pretensado y un acero empleado como refuerzo en hormigón armado. Los dos materiales analizados presentan formas de rotura diferentes: mientras el primero de ellos presenta una superficie de rotura plana con una región oscura claramente apreciable en su interior, el segundo rompe según la clásica superficie en forma de copa y cono. La rotura en forma de copa y cono ha sido ampliamente estudiada en el pasado y existen modelos de rotura que han logrado reproducirla con éxito, en especial el modelo de Gurson- Tvergaard-Needleman (GTN). En cuanto a la rotura exhibida por el primer material, en principio nada impide abordar su reproducción numérica con un modelo GTN, sin embargo, las diferencias observadas entre ambos materiales en los ensayos experimentales permiten pensar en otro criterio de rotura. En la presente Tesis se realiza una amplia campaña experimental con probetas cilíndricas fabricadas con dos aceros representativos de los empleados en construcción con comportamientos en rotura diferentes. Por un lado se analiza el alambrón de partida empleado en la fabricación de alambres de pretensado, cuyo frente de rotura es plano y perpendicular a la dirección de aplicación de la carga con una región oscura en su interior. Por otro lado, se estudian barras de acero empleadas como armadura pasiva tipo B 500 SD, cuyo frente de rotura presenta la clásica superficie en forma de copa y cono. Estos trabajos experimentales han permitido distinguir dos comportamientos en rotura claramente diferenciados entre ambos materiales y, en el caso del primer material, se ha identificado un comportamiento asemejable al exhibido por materiales frágiles. En este trabajo se plantea la hipótesis de que el primer material, cuya rotura provoca un frente de rotura plano y perpendicular a la dirección de aplicación de la carga, rompe de manera cuasifrágil como consecuencia de un proceso de decohesión, de manera que la región oscura que se observa en el centro del frente de rotura se asemeja a una entalla circular perpendicular a la dirección de aplicación de la carga. Para la reproducción numérica de la rotura exhibida por el primer material, se plantea un criterio de rotura basado en un modelo cohesivo que, como aspecto novedoso, se hace depender de la triaxialidad de tensiones, parámetro determinante en el fallo de este tipo de materiales. Este tipo de modelos presenta varias ventajas respecto a los modelos GTN habitualmente empleados. Mientras los modelos GTN precisan de numerosos parámetros para su calibración, los modelos cohesivos precisan fundamentalmente de dos parámetros para definir su curva de ablandamiento: la tensión de decohesión ft y la energía de fractura GF . Además, los parámetros de los modelos GTN no son medibles de manera experimental, mientras que GF sí lo es. En cuanto a ft, aunque no existe un método para su determinación experimental, sí resulta un parámetro más fácilmente interpretable que los empleados por los modelos GTN, que utilizan valores como el porcentaje de huecos presentes en el material para iniciar el fenómeno de coalescencia o el porcentaje de poros que provoca una pérdida total de la capacidad resistente. Para implementar este criterio de rotura se ha desarrollado un elemento de intercara cohesivo dependiente de la triaxialidad de tensiones. Se han reproducido con éxito los ensayos de tracción llevados a cabo en la campaña experimental empleando dicho elemento de intercara. Además, en estos modelos la rotura se produce fenomenológicamente de la misma manera observada en los ensayos experimentales: produciéndose una decohesión circular en torno al eje de la probeta. En definitiva, los trabajos desarrollados en esta Tesis, tanto experimentales como numéricos, contribuyen a clarificar el comportamiento de los aceros de construcción en el último tramo de la curva F − E y los mecanismos desencadenantes de la rotura final del material, aspecto que puede contribuir a un mejor aprovechamiento de las propiedades de estos aceros en el futuro y a mejorar la seguridad de las estructuras construidas con ellos. Steel is, together with concrete, the most widely used material in civil engineering works. Not only its high strength, but also its ductility is of special interest from the point of view of the structural safety, since it enables stress distribution with adjacent elements and, therefore, more energy can be stored before reaching the structural failure. However, despite of being extensively used, there are still some aspects related to its fracture behaviour that need to be clarified and that will allow for a better use of its properties. When a steel item is tested under tension and reaches the maximum load point, necking process begins, which makes difficult to define the material behaviour from that moment onward. The ISO standard 6892-1, which defines the tensile testing method for metallic materials, describes the procedures to obtain some parameters related to this last section of the F − E curve. Nevertheless, these parameters have proved to be controversial, since they have low reproducibility and repeatibility rates that are difficult to explain. This Thesis tries to deepen the knowledge of the last section of the F − E curve for construction steels. An extensive experimental campaign has been carried out with two representative steels used in civil engineering works: a steel rod used for manufacturing prestressing steel wires, before the cold-drawing process is applied, and steel bars used in reinforced concrete structures. Both materials have different fracture surfaces: while the first of them shows a flat fracture surface, perpendicular to the loading direction with a dark region in the centre of it, the second one shows the classical cup-cone fracture surface. The cup-cone fracture surface has been deeply studied in the past and different numerical models have been able to reproduce it with success, with a special mention to the Gurson-Tvergaard-Needleman model (GTN). Regarding the failure surface shown by the first material, in principle it can be numerically reproduced by a GTN model, but the differences observed between both materials in the experimental campaign suggest thinking of a different failure criterium. In the present Thesis, an extensive experimental campaign has been carried out using cylindrical specimens made of two representative construction steels with different fracture behaviours. On one hand, the initial eutectoid steel rod used for manufacturing prestressing steel wires is analysed, which presents a flat fracture surface, perpendicular to the loading direction, and with a dark region in the centre of it. On the other hand, B 500 SD steel bars, typically used in reinforced concrete structures and with the typical cup-cone fracture surface, are studied. These experimental works have allowed distinguishing two clearly different fracture behaviours between both materials and, in the case of the first one, a fragile-like behaviour has been identified. For the first material, which shows a flat fracture surface perpendicular to the loading direction, the following hypothesis is proposed in this study: a quasi-brittle fracture is developed as a consequence of a decohesion process, with the dark region acting as a circular crack perpendicular to the loading direction. To reproduce numerically the fracture behaviour shown by the first material, a failure criterium based on a cohesive model is proposed in this Thesis. As an innovative contribution, this failure criterium depends on the stress triaxiality state of the material, which is a key parameter when studying fracture in this kind of materials. This type of models have some advantages when compared to the widely used GTN models. While GTN models need a high number of parameters to be defined, cohesive models need basically two parameters to define the softening curve: the decohesion stress ft and the fracture energy GF . In addition to this, GTN models parameters cannot be measured experimentally, while GF is indeed. Regarding ft, although no experimental procedure is defined for its obtention, it has an easier interpretation than the parameters used by the GTN models like, for instance, the void volume needed for the coalescence process to start or the void volume that leads to a total loss of the bearing capacity. In order to implement this failure criterium, a triaxiality-dependent cohesive interface element has been developed. The experimental results obtained in the experimental campaign have been successfully reproduced by using this interface element. Furthermore, in these models the failure mechanism is developed in the same way as observed experimentally: with a circular decohesive process taking place around the longitudinal axis of the specimen. In summary, the works developed in this Thesis, both experimental and numerical, contribute to clarify the behaviour of construction steels in the last section of the F − E curve and the mechanisms responsible for the eventual material failure, an aspect that can lead to a better use of the properties of these steels in the future and a safety improvement in the structures built with them.


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Corrosion of reinforcing steel in concrete due to chloride ingress is one of the main causes of the deterioration of reinforced concrete structures. Structures most affected by such a corrosion are marine zone buildings and structures exposed to de-icing salts like highways and bridges. Such process is accompanied by an increase in volume of the corrosión products on the rebarsconcrete interface. Depending on the level of oxidation, iron can expand as much as six times its original volume. This increase in volume exerts tensile stresses in the surrounding concrete which result in cracking and spalling of the concrete cover if the concrete tensile strength is exceeded. The mechanism by which steel embedded in concrete corrodes in presence of chloride is the local breakdown of the passive layer formed in the highly alkaline condition of the concrete. It is assumed that corrosion initiates when a critical chloride content reaches the rebar surface. The mathematical formulation idealized the corrosion sequence as a two-stage process: an initiation stage, during which chloride ions penetrate to the reinforcing steel surface and depassivate it, and a propagation stage, in which active corrosion takes place until cracking of the concrete cover has occurred. The aim of this research is to develop computer tools to evaluate the duration of the service life of reinforced concrete structures, considering both the initiation and propagation periods. Such tools must offer a friendly interface to facilitate its use by the researchers even though their background is not in numerical simulation. For the evaluation of the initiation period different tools have been developed: Program TavProbabilidade: provides means to carry out a probability analysis of a chloride ingress model. Such a tool is necessary due to the lack of data and general uncertainties associated with the phenomenon of the chloride diffusion. It differs from the deterministic approach because it computes not just a chloride profile at a certain age, but a range of chloride profiles for each probability or occurrence. Program TavProbabilidade_Fiabilidade: carries out reliability analyses of the initiation period. It takes into account the critical value of the chloride concentration on the steel that causes breakdown of the passive layer and the beginning of the propagation stage. It differs from the deterministic analysis in that it does not predict if the corrosion is going to begin or not, but to quantifies the probability of corrosion initiation. Program TavDif_1D: was created to do a one dimension deterministic analysis of the chloride diffusion process by the finite element method (FEM) which numerically solves Fick’second Law. Despite of the different FEM solver already developed in one dimension, the decision to create a new code (TavDif_1D) was taken because of the need to have a solver with friendly interface for pre- and post-process according to the need of IETCC. An innovative tool was also developed with a systematic method devised to compare the ability of the different 1D models to predict the actual evolution of chloride ingress based on experimental measurements, and also to quantify the degree of agreement of the models with each others. For the evaluation of the entire service life of the structure: a computer program has been developed using finite elements method to do the coupling of both service life periods: initiation and propagation. The program for 2D (TavDif_2D) allows the complementary use of two external programs in a unique friendly interface: • GMSH - an finite element mesh generator and post-processing viewer • OOFEM – a finite element solver. This program (TavDif_2D) is responsible to decide in each time step when and where to start applying the boundary conditions of fracture mechanics module in function of the amount of chloride concentration and corrosion parameters (Icorr, etc). This program is also responsible to verify the presence and the degree of fracture in each element to send the Information of diffusion coefficient variation with the crack width. • GMSH - an finite element mesh generator and post-processing viewer • OOFEM – a finite element solver. The advantages of the FEM with the interface provided by the tool are: • the flexibility to input the data such as material property and boundary conditions as time dependent function. • the flexibility to predict the chloride concentration profile for different geometries. • the possibility to couple chloride diffusion (initiation stage) with chemical and mechanical behavior (propagation stage). The OOFEM code had to be modified to accept temperature, humidity and the time dependent values for the material properties, which is necessary to adequately describe the environmental variations. A 3-D simulation has been performed to simulate the behavior of the beam on both, action of the external load and the internal load caused by the corrosion products, using elements of imbedded fracture in order to plot the curve of the deflection of the central region of the beam versus the external load to compare with the experimental data.


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This paper investigates the effective width of reinforced concrete flat slab structures subjected to seismic loading on the basis of dynamic shaking table tests. The study is focussed on the behavior of corner slab? column connections with structural steel I- or channel-shaped sections (shearheads) as shear punching reinforcement. To this end, a 1/2 scale test model consisting of a flat slab supported on four box-type steel columns was subjected to several seismic simulations of increasing intensity. It is found from the test results that the effective width tends to increase with the intensity of the seismic simulation, and this increase is limited by the degradation of adherence between reinforcing steel and concrete induced by the strain reversals caused by the earthquake. Also, significant differences are found between the effective width obtained from the tests and the values predicted by formula proposed in the literature. These differences are attributed to the stiffening effect provided by the steel profiles that constitute the punching shear reinforcement.


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Damage tolerance of high strength cold-drawn ferritic–austenitic stainless steel wires is assessed by means of tensile fracture tests of cracked wires. The fatigue crack is transversally propagated from the wire surface. The damage tolerance curve of the wires results from the empirical failure load when given as a function of crack depth. As a consequence of cold drawing, the wire microstructure is orientated along its longitudinal axis and anisotropic fracture behaviour is found at macrostructural level at the tensile failure of the cracked specimens. An in situ optical technique known as video image correlation VIC-2D is used to get an insight into this failure mechanism by tensile testing transversally fatigue cracked plane specimens extracted from the cold-drawn wires. Finally, the experimentally obtained damage tolerance curve of the cold-drawn ferritic–austenitic stainless steel wires is compared with that of an elementary plastic collapse model and existing data of two types of high strength eutectoid steel currently used as prestressing steel for concrete.


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The basics of the self-assembled growth of GaN nanorods on Si(111) are reviewed. Morphology differences and optical properties are compared to those of GaN layers grown directly on Si(111). The effects of the growth temperature on the In incorporation in self-assembled InGaN nanorods grown on Si(111) is described. In addition, the inclusion of InGaN quantum disk structures into selfassembled GaN nanorods show clear confinement effects as a function of the quantum disk thickness. In order to overcome the properties dispersion and the intrinsic inhomogeneous nature of the self-assembled growth, the selective area growth of GaN nanorods on both, c-plane and a-plane GaN on sapphire templates, is addressed, with special emphasis on optical quality and morphology differences. The analysis of the optical emission from a single InGaN quantum disk is shown for both polar and non-polar nanorod orientations


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Prestressed structures are susceptible to relaxation losses which are of significant importance in structural design. After being manufactured, prestressing wires are coiled to make their storage and transportation easier. The possible deleterious effects of this operation on the stress relaxation behavior of prestressing steel wires are usually neglected, though it has been noticed by manufacturers and contractors that when relaxation tests are carried out after a long-time storage, on occasions relaxation losses are higher than those measured a short time after manufacturing. The influence of coiling on the relaxation losses is checked by means of experimental work and confirmed with a simple analytical model. The results show that some factors like initial residual stresses, excessively long-time storage or storage at high temperatures,can trigger or accentuate this damage. However, it is also shown that if the requirements of standards are fulfilled (minimum coiling diameters) these effects can be neglected.


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La pérdida de tensión por relajación en las armaduras activas afecta de forma importante a las estructuras de hormigón pretensado. Por ello se realizan ensayos de relajación de los alambres y cordones de pretensado tras su fabricación. Después, el material es enrollado y almacenado durante periodos que en ocasiones pueden superar el año de duración. Generalmente se desprecia la influencia que estas operaciones posteriores a la fabricación pueden tener sobre el material. Sin embargo, diversos fabricantes y suministradores han constatado experimentalmente que, en ocasiones, el material almacenado durante un periodo prolongado presenta pérdidas de relajación mayores que inmediatamente tras su fabricación. En este trabajo se realizan ensayos de laboratorio para comprobar la influencia que el radio de enrollamiento y el periodo de almacenamiento tienen sobre las pérdidas de relajación. También se propone un modelo analítico que permite predecir de manera razonablemente aproximada el valor del ensayo de relajación sobre un alambre sometido a un enrollamiento prolongado. Este modelo explica la evolución del perfil de tensiones durante el proceso de enrollamiento- almacenamiento-desenrollamiento, así como la influencia de las tensiones residuales.Stress relaxation losses on active reinforcement have significant impact on prestressed concrete structures. This is why relaxation tests are carried out on prestressing steel wires and strands after being manufactured. Then, these materials are coiled and stored for a long-term period, sometimes in excess of one year. The influence of these operations, carried out after manufacturing, is usually neglected. Nevertheless, some manufacturers and contractors have noticed that, sometimes, when relaxation tests are carried out after a long-term storage, the relaxation losses found are higher than those measured immediately after manufacturing. In this work, lab tests are performed to check the influence of the coiling radius and the period of storage on the relaxation test. In addition to this, an analytical model is presented to predict the results of a relaxation


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En los últimos años se ha construido un gran número de pasarelas peatonales como respuesta a la demanda de nuevas vías de paso en las ciudades. Estas estructuras tienen requisitos constructivos menos exigentes en comparación con otros tipos de puentes, lo cual ha facilitado el desarrollo de diseños con nuevos esquemas resistentes, complicadas geometrías y el empleo de nuevos materiales. En general estas estructuras son esbeltas, ligeras y poco amortiguadas, lo que en ocasiones ha generado problemas de vi-braciones al paso de peatones una vez puestas en servicio. Las normativas actuales son cada vez más sensibles a esta problemática, recomendando diseños cuyas frecuencias naturales deben estar alejadas de los rangos de frecuencia de paso típicos de los peatones y fijando límites de confort en forma de valores máximos de aceleración permitidos, asegurándose así un correcto comportamiento de la estructura. En el presente artículo se analiza esta problemática desde un punto de vista práctico. Para ello se muestran los puntos clave de las normativas y guías de diseño de pasarelas que se pueden encontrar actualmente en la bibliografía, se presentan las técnicas que habitualmente se emplean en el análisis dinámico experimental de estas estructuras, y se comentan las soluciones a las que generalmente se recurre para mejorar su comportamiento dinámico. Por último, se muestran los trabajos llevados a cabo por el Centro Tecnológico CARTIF en colaboración con las Universidades de Valladolid y Castilla-La Mancha en la pasarela peatonal del Museo de la Ciencia de Valladolid. Estos trabajos incluyen: (1) el estudio dinámico de los tres vanos metálicos de dicha pasarela, (2) el diseño e implementación de un amortiguador de masa sintonizado en el vano más sensible a las vibraciones, (3) la implementación de un amortiguador de masa activo utilizando un excitador electrodinámico, y (4) el desarrollo de pruebas para la verificación del estado de servicio de la pasarela. In the last years, a wide number of footbridges have been built as demand response of more direct pathways in cities. These structures have lower building requirements as compared with standard bridges. This circumstance has facilitated the development of new structural design with complex geometries and innovative materials. As a result, these structures may be slender, light and low damped, leading to vibration problems once in service. The current codes take into account this problem, and recommend designs with natural frequencies away from the typical pedestrian pacing rates and fix comfort limits to guarantee the serviceability of the structure.This paper studies this problem from a practical point of view. Thus, the key points of codes and footbridges guidelines are showed, the typical experimental dynamic analysis techniques are presented, and the usual solutions adopted to improve the dynamic performance of these structures are discussed. Finally, the works carried out on the Valladolid Science Museum Footbridge by Centro Tecnológico CARTIF in collaboration with the Universities of Valladolid and Castilla-La Mancha are showed. These works include: (1) the dynamic study of the three steel spans of the footbridge, (2) the design and implementation of a tuned mass damper in the liveliest span, (3) the implementation of an active mass damper using an electrodynamic shaker, and (4) the development of field tests to assess the serviceability of such span.