848 resultados para librarian in residence program


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ARAÚJO, Marluce Oliveira de; ENDERS, Bertha Cruz. A mãe nas ações de acompanhamento do crescimento e desenvolvimento infantil. Revista Baiana de enfermagem, Salvador, v.19,n.1/2/3,p.93-103, jan./dez. 2004, jann./dez.2005.


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Este trabalho buscou investigar a importância da educação patrimonial no processo de reconhecimento de bibliotecas históricas enquanto instituições patrimoniais e as possibilidades de atuação do profissional bibliotecário neste contexto, sendo o objeto de estudo desta pesquisa a Biblioteca Rio-Grandense, localizada na cidade de Rio Grande (RS). Nota-se que esta tem passado despercebida pela comunidade local, situação possivelmente explicada, segundo observações pessoais da autora, pelo comportamento da própria entidade, a qual denota pouca expressividade quanto a realização de atividades culturais, fato que possivelmente vem interferindo na relação e na possibilidade de maiores interações da mesma com a população entorno. Logo, esta pesquisa buscou averiguar quais têm sido as estratégias encontradas pela referida instituição para se fazer perceber junto à comunidade riograndina, especialmente sob o seu aspecto patrimonial. De caráter exploratóriodescritivo, seguindo uma abordagem qualitativa, assume a forma de estudo de caso. Para sua consecução se elaborou um questionário semiestruturado que foi aplicado no período de julho a agosto de 2015 junto às bibliotecárias e equipe gestora da Biblioteca Rio-Grandense, prosseguindo a tabulação e observação crítica das informações coletados adotando o método da Análise de Conteúdo. O conjunto de dados analisados implicou o surgimento de categorias temáticas: Temporalidade; Valor cultural sublimado; Pouco uso popular, quando se questionou se os sujeitos acreditavam que a Biblioteca Rio-Grandense seria reconhecida como elemento patrimonial pela comunidade local; Centralização do planejamento organizacional; Realização de atividades, acerca do planejamento estratégico e projetos para dar visibilidade popular à biblioteca e seu acervo; Serviços culturais restritos; Entrave financeiro, referente a quais ações culturais são executadas pela Biblioteca Rio Grandense; Práticas literárias; Uso do acervo; Público direcionado, relativas a quais atividades que desenvolveriam para divulgar a Biblioteca Rio-Grandense. Pensando ainda no aspecto da mediação cultural foram sugeridas algumas ações que a Biblioteca poderá empregar visando a uma maior aproximação e comunicação com a população local.


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CARVALHO, Luciana Moreira. O bibliotecário e a diversidade do mercado da documentação popular: CPDCs. Informação & Sociedade. Estudos, João Pessoa, v. 9, n.2, p. 439-454, 1999.


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Information concerning the run-time behaviour of programs ("program profiling") can be of the greatest assistance in improving program efficiency. Two software devices have been developed for use on ICL 1900 Series machines to provide such information. DIDYMUS is probabilistic in approach and uses multi- tasking facilities to sample the instruction addresses used by a program at run time. It will work regardless of the source language of the program and matches the detected addresses against a loader map to produce a histogram. SCAMP is restricted to profiling Algol 68-R programs, but provides deterministic information concerning those language constructs that are monitored. Procedure calls to appropriate counting routines are inserted into the source text in a pre-pass prior to compilation. The profile information is printed out at the end of the program run. It has been found that these two approaches complement each other very effectively.


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This analysis introduces results related to development of teaching experience from two professors of one Federal University who have taken part of one action of continued teacher training. We consider that the interplay among the individual, the language and the world cannot function straightly. It occurs through utterances, defined like real unit discursive communication, and genres of discourse (BAKHTIN, 1979/2011). Along the same line, the relation between the employee and his employment do not occur in a direct manner. This relationship takes place through genres of activity (CLOT, 2008/2010). As well as, a domain of speech genres has given possibility to individual an interaction with several discursive fields, a domain of activity genre allows the professional protruding in difficult situations traced in his employment. We know that the drafting for wield the teaching in the Tertiary Education is recommended by LDBEN (9394/96), which suggests that should be done in postgraduate program. In the mean time, what frequently happens an educational background based in a survey and not in the teaching. Thereby, several times we have observed difficulties in the accomplishment of teaching practice. Considering such aspects, this study seeks to comprehend the manner how the lecturers deal with the difficulties encountered in the classroom and how the years of experience have contributed or not for a domain of activity genre. In this regard, we have propped up in the development approach, introduced by Vigotsky, who asserts that the learning suitably organized results in development (VIGOTSKY, 1984/2007) and still explains the development of individual on the basis of relationship that it has with another, the social (VIGOTSKY, 1996b). For this purpose, were accomplished, by means of a snipped filmed lesson from each teacher, four sessions of self-confrontation (FAÏTA, 1996; CLOT, 2008/2010), two Simple and two Crusade, recorded in a visual format. This material was transcribed in accordance with standards from project NURC-SP (PRETI, 1999). For the analysis, we used three mains theories: of Linguistic, is mobilized the concept of speech genres (BAKHTIN) and all discursive topics (JUBRAN; FÁVERO); from Occupational Psychology, is utilized the activity genres (CLOT); from Psychology Historical-Cultural, is adopted the concept from Zone of Proximal Development and another/social in the development of individual (VIGOTSKY). In compliance with the study achieved, was possible to identify the aspects related to development of teaching experience of Tertiary Education. During the classes and reports of self-confrontation, we identify that both the professors, in the beginning of the career, they got more difficulties to deal with hindrances, and which now, with some years of experience, they get to domain better the difficult situations which they come across. They built up, for example, a greater facility in improvise examples in face of students’ difficulties in the comprehension of concepts. These aspects show that the professors have evolved the higher domain of genre, which allow them getting, in addition to turn the unexpected situation around that spring up in the professional context, as well know how to taking action in similar situation, which they have already run into in another moments. This domain enabled and enables the developing of the lecturers over the course of their professional performance.


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The Interdisciplinary practice opens in the context of Basic Education guiding new looks in the production of knowledge. It is necessary to reflect the interdisciplinarity as scientific and epistemological stance and its conditions of possibility of expanding the horizon before the theoretical and methodological challenges posed by modernity. Thus, this work aimed to analyze interdisciplinary concepts present in the proposal of the High School Program Innovator. Therefore, the theoretical route initially had the search for understanding of high school in Brazil, interdisciplinarity as the possibility of tensioning the production of scientific knowledge, mainly anchored in the studies of Acácia Kuenzer, Dermeval Saviani, Boaventura de Sousa Santos, Claude Raynaut, Henrique Leff and Edgar Morin. The study was methodological subsidy document research and principles of content analysis. The analysis took place from the seven documents that make up the construction path of High School Program Innovator and a semi-structured interview. So, we sought to understand the concepts of the documents establishing analytical categories from more evoked content. In this process identified three categories with regard to the construction of the Program proposal: pedagogical innovations, curriculum organization and teaching quality and three categories with regard to interdisciplinary concepts present in the program: dialogue between curriculum components, joint knowledge and role of high school students. From the studies it was observed that the program came up with the prospect of directing a new identity for the final stage of basic education, listing Documents Guiding Plans and actions for a new curricular organization of secondary education. It was noted that the Program, though explicit in its guiding documents of the interdisciplinary perspective, in no time he calls himself as interdisciplinary. Interdisciplinary actions should run or from school understanding, as well as the preparation of the Redesign Project Curriculum encompassing dialogue between disciplines. Realized by the analysis of the guiding documents is a back program even for a technical rationality practiced by the particular understanding of the school and the practice being expressed from the same concepts that high school is developed, with each teacher teaching the contents of their disciplines and performing cross designs. Break the existing paradigm is still one of the challenges to the teaching-learning process. Break the existing paradigm is still one of the challenges to the teaching-learning process.


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This dissertation deals with the conceptions of the relationship between science, technology, innovation, development and society. We aimed to analyze the ways to conceive these relations in documents of the Entrepreneurship and Innovation Programme (Proem) of the Federal Technological University of Paraná (UTFPR) and analyze the conceptions of these relations in view of managers and participants of the Program on Campus Cornélio Procópio, locus of research. It is recognized that the concepts of science, technology, innovation and development are polysemic, so varied are the definitions given by different theorists. For the research were characterized these conceptions into two streams, one called traditional or conservative current, which is supported by the classical theories, that is, those that were developed by authors recognized as classics, and the other current, referred to as critical concepts that sustains it are presented by authors recognized as critical, among which houses the Science studies, Technology and Society (CTS). This categorization buoyed analysis of Proem documents and analysis of the statements collected through interviews with three managers of Proem and eleven participants in the Program. As a result of the research, in general, although there is evidence in Proem documents of a social concern in relation to its role in society, it was observed that the program is based on the traditional and hegemonic view on the subject. In the documents analysis, it was noticed that the conceptions arranged CTS studies are present in relation to the multidimensional development concept. However, the texts analyzed, mostly were identified strong indications of thought supported by logical positivism, in propositions that refer to marketing issues, a proposal to generate an entrepreneurial culture guided by the development of technological innovations designed to meet and / or induce market demands, through production methods for popular goods. As for how managers and participants Proem in Campus Cornelius conceive the relationship between science, technology, innovation, development and society, also was identified closer to the classical view, although the respondents have pointed out many times in their speak apparent concern with social issues, like designing the development from a multidimensional view as cover critical studies CTS. The views of the participants, it was possible to link the strengthening of the concept connected to the linear model of development, in which the more it generates science, more is generated technology and more technology therefore produces more wealth, which in turn, the Schumpeterian view, is the basis of social welfare.


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[Der Beitrag nähert sich der Frage], ob die aktuelle JeKi-Praxis günstige Voraussetzungen für die erweiterte Einführung inklusiver Settings bietet und wie die bestehenden Ansätze eines inklusiven JeKi-Unterrichts in Grundschulen mit gemeinsamem Unterricht eingeschätzt werden können. [...] Für jede dieser Ebenen wurden in der Studie „JeKi und gemeinsamer Unterricht" ausgewählte Fragestellungen untersucht, in der vorliegenden Darstellung sollen zwei Aspekte im Vordergrund stehen, die der innerpsychischen und der institutionellen Ebene zugeordnet werden können. (DIPF/Orig.)


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La mise en œuvre d’activités de prévention de la consommation de substances psychoactives (SPA) (tabac, alcool et cannabis) en milieu scolaire est une stratégie couramment utilisée pour rejoindre un grand nombre de jeunes. Ces activités s’inspirent, soit de programmes existant, soit d’innovations dictées par le contexte d’implantation ou l’existence de données de recherche. Dans un cas comme dans l’autre, l’évaluation de ces programmes représente la meilleure voie pour mesurer leur efficacité et/ou connaître comment ceux-ci sont implantés. C’est cet impératif qui a motivé une commission scolaire du Québec a recommandé l’évaluation de l’Intervention en Réseau (IR), un programme développé en vue de retarder l’âge d’initiation et de réduire la consommation problématique de SPA chez les élèves. Ce programme adopte une approche novatrice avec pour principal animateur un intervenant pivot (IP) qui assure le suivi des élèves de la 5e année du primaire jusqu’en 3e secondaire. Inspiré des modèles en prévention de la santé et de l’Approche École en santé (AES), le rôle de l’IP ici se démarque de ceux-ci. Certes, il est l’interface entre les différents acteurs impliqués et les élèves mais dans le cadre du programme IR, l’IP est intégré dans les écoles primaires et secondaires qu’il dessert. C’est cet intervenant qui assure la mobilisation des autres acteurs pour la mise en œuvre des activités. Cette thèse vise à rendre compte de ce processus d’évaluation ainsi que des résultats obtenus. L’approche d’évaluation en est une de type participatif et collaboratif avec des données quantitatives et qualitatives recueillies par le biais de questionnaires, d’entrevues, de groupes de discussion, d’un journal de bord et de notes de réunions. Les données ont été analysées dans le cadre de trois articles dont le premier concerne l’étude d’évaluabilité (ÉÉ) du programme. Les participants de cette ÉÉ sont des acteurs-clés du programme (N=13) rencontrés en entrevues. Une analyse documentaire (rapports et journal de bord) a également été effectuée. Cette ÉÉ a permis de clarifier les intentions des initiateurs du programme et les objectifs poursuivis par ces derniers. Elle a également permis de rendre la théorie du programme plus explicite et de développer le modèle logique, deux éléments qui ont facilité les opérations d’évaluation qui ont suivi. Le deuxième article porte sur l’évaluation des processus en utilisant la théorie de l’acteur-réseau (TAR) à travers ses quatre moments du processus de traduction des innovations (la problématisation, l’intéressement, l’enrôlement et la mobilisation des alliés), l’analyse des controverses et du rôle des acteurs humains et non-humains. Après l’analyse des données obtenues par entrevues auprès de 19 informateurs-clés, les résultats montrent que les phases d’implantation du programme passent effectivement par les quatre moments de la TAR, que la gestion des controverses par la négociation et le soutien était nécessaire pour la mobilisation de certains acteurs humains. Cette évaluation des processus a également permis de mettre en évidence le rôle des acteurs non-humains dans le processus d’implantation du programme. Le dernier article concerne une évaluation combinée des effets (volet quantitatif) et des processus (volet qualitatif) du programme. Pour le volet quantitatif, un devis quasi-expérimental a été adopté et les données ont été colligées de façon longitudinale par questionnaires auprès de 901 élèves de 5e et 6e année du primaire et leurs enseignants de 2010 à 2014. L’analyse des données ont montré que le programme n’a pas eu d’effets sur l’accessibilité et les risques perçus, l’usage problématique d’alcool et la polyconsommation (alcool et cannabis) chez les participants. Par contre, les résultats suggèrent que le programme pourrait favoriser la réduction du niveau de consommation et retarder l’âge d’initiation à l’alcool et au cannabis. Ils suggèrent également un effet potentiellement positif du programme sur l’intoxication à l’alcool chez les élèves. Quant au volet qualitatif, il a été réalisé à l’aide d’entrevues avec les intervenants (N=17), de groupes de discussion avec des élèves du secondaire (N=10) et d’une analyse documentaire. Les résultats montrent que le programme bénéficie d’un préjugé favorable de la part des différents acteurs ayant participé à l’évaluation et est bien acceptée par ces derniers. Cependant, le roulement fréquent de personnel et le grand nombre d’écoles à suivre peuvent constituer des obstacles à la bonne marche du programme. En revanche, le leadership et le soutien des directions d’écoles, la collaboration des enseignants, les qualités de l’IP et la flexibilité de la mise en œuvre sont identifiés comme des éléments ayant contribué au succès du programme. Les résultats et leur implication pour les programmes et l’évaluation sont discutés. Enfin, un plan de transfert des connaissances issues de la recherche évaluative est proposé.


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We have been very active this last month, laying off librarians and receiving others. We visit this semester in the program OEA/ UNA / MEP/, eight and 36 Nicaraguan Central Library. We have initiated a training program using audiovisual which gives comprehensive information on this issue.


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This thesis describes the theoretical, methodological and programmatic proposal for a multifamily residential building located in the urban expansion area of Parnamirim/RN, inserted in the program Minha Casa Minha Vida and level of energy efficiency "A", as the RegulamentoTécnico de Qualidade (RTQ-R/INMETRO) for residential buildings. The development project initially consists of procedures as the study of theoretical, architectural programming and cases studies. With the delimitation of a field solution, situated between the reference and the context, proposals are studied to determine the solution and architectural detailing of the proposal. The architectural program was built based on the method of Problem Seeking (Peña and Parshall, 2001) and research has highlighted aspects of reducing the environmental impact and of the program Minha Casa Minha Vida , among others. The design process was characterized by the incorporation of aspects reviewed and programmed, seeking them compatible and have an economically viable building, socio-spatial quality and energy efficient. The results show that it is possible to obtain a building that meets the constraints of the program that provides housing and energy efficiency level A - and many other environmental qualities and constructive, particularly through architectural design


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This research aimed to identify the link between the layout of workspaces in offices and the design strategies for environmental comfort. Strategies surveyed were focused on the thermal, visual and luminic comfort. In this research, visual comfort is related to issues of visual integration within and between the interior and exterior of the building. This is a case study conducted at the administrative headquarters of Centro Regional Nordeste do Instituto de Pesquisas Espaciais (INPE-CRN), located in Natal/RN. The methodological strategy used was the Post-Occupancy Evaluation, which combined the survey data on the building (layout of workspaces, bioclimatic strategies adopted in the design, use of these strategies) with some techniques aimed at acquiring qualitative information related to users. The workspace layout is primordial to satisfaction and productivity of workers. Issues such as concentration, communication, privacy, personal identity, density and space efficiency, barriers (access, visual and even ventilation and lighting), among others, are associated with the layout. The environmental comfort is one of the essential elements to maintaining life quality in workplace. Moreover, it is an important factor in user`s perception of the space in which he or she are inserted. Both layout and environmental comfort issues should be collected and analyzed in the establishment phase of the programming step. That way, it is possible to get adequate answers to these questions in subsequent project phases. It was found that changes in the program that occurred over time, especially concerning persons (number and characteristics), resulted in changes in layout, generating high density and inflexible environments. It turns difficult to adjust the furniture to the occupants` requirement, including comfort needs. However, the presence of strategies for environmental quality provides comfort to spaces, ensuring that, even in situations not considered optimal, users perceive the environment in a positive way. It was found that the relationship between environmental comfort and layout takes the following forms: in changing the perception of comfort, depending on the layout of the arrangements; adjustments in layout, due to needs for comfort; and the elevation of user satisfaction and environmental quality due to the presence of strategies comfort even in situations of inadequate layout


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Inserido no programa curricular do III Mestrado em Enfermagem com a área de especialização em Enfermagem Comunitária, o presente relatório tem o objectivo de descrever e avaliar as atividades desenvolvidas durante o estágio na comunidade, e que permitiu aplicar na prática os conhecimentos adquiridos. A população-alvo de estudo e de intervenção foram os alunos dos oitavos e décimos-primeiros anos da Escol Secundária de São Lourenço – Portalegre, relativamente às suas atitudes e comportamentos perante a sexualidade. A sexualidade na adolescência tem sido objecto de estudo e de intervenção dadas as complicações evitáveis resultantes do desconhecimento ou falsos conhecimentos dos adolescentes sobre esta temática. O período de estágio decorreu entre junho de 2013 e janeiro de 2014, seguindo-se a metodologia do Planeamento em saúde. Numa fase diagnóstica, foi realizado um estudo que envolveu 214 alunos da escola, que após identificação de necessidades, permitiu delinear estratégias de intervenção. Foram realizadas nove sessões de educação para a saúde sobre educação sexual, tendo envolvido 205 adolescentes. Após avaliação com um questionário de satisfação, salienta-se que 60,5% sentiram-se muito satisfeitos em relação às temáticas abordadas, 59,5% sentiram-se muitos satisfeitos sobre a utilidade dos temas e 52,7% consideraram-se muito satisfeitos em relação à utilidade das sessões. Este estágio permitiu de forma significativa, adquirir competências com Enfermeiro Especialista em Enfermagem Comunitária


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Dissertação para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Arquitetura de Interiores, apresentada na Universidade de Lisboa - Faculdade de Arquitetura.


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Es un detenido análisis de la investigación The Value of Curricular lntrospection, en que se incorpora la realimentación dada por diversos participantes nacionales y extranjeros en el CILAP 2007, a quienes se les expuso los resultados iniciales de esta investigación. El estudio surgió de la disparidad de criterios entre diversos actores del BEIC, de la ELCL, respecto a la pertinencia que para la enseñanza del inglés a niños en Costa Rica tienen los principios comunicativos denominados interacción, inmersión parcial y aprendizaje por experiencia. Así, mientras diseñadores de currículo y profesores del BEIC consideraban estos principios altamente eficaces, buena parte del estudiantado que realizaba la práctica docente pensaba lo contrario.A detailed analysis is provided here of the research project titled The Value of Curricular Introspection. It also includes the feedback given by the national and foreign participants in CILAP 2007, to whom this study was presented. The investigation emerged from the diverse opinions existing among BEIC-ELCL actors regarding the pertinence of interaction, partial immersion and experiential learning communicative principies for the teaching of English to children in Costa Rica. Thus, whereas BEIC curriculum designers and professors considered these principies to be highly effective, many student-teachers in that program believe just the opposite.