816 resultados para línea litoral


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Tesis (Zootecnista). -- Universidad de La Salle. Facultad de Ciencias Agropecuarias. Programa de Zootecnia, 2014


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The knowledge on the Podzols which occur in Portugal is scarce. Besides its morphological characterization, their actual extension and distribution are unknown, and its taxonomy is controversial. Therefore, 22 pedons formed under conditions considered representative of those in which Podzols mostly occur in the country were selected in the Mata Nacional de Leiria, and their morphological, physical, chemical and mineralogical characteristics were studied. Soils developed in such conditions are both Podzols and Arenossolos sensu WRB 2006, but the latter are clearly predominant. The Podzols frequently show thick albic horizons and incipient spodic horizons; the latter are dusky, but show organic matter (OM) contents close the minimum threshold considered as diagnostic criteria for spodic horizons, and low content in Al and Fe. A wide spectrum of characteristics is observed in the Arenosols. Some of them present profils with morphology close to that of the Podzols, but with a low illuvial acumulationb of OM (and Fe e Al components), and the others (the predominant Arenosols in the study area) do not present intergrade characteristics, although they can show expressed albic horizons. The former Arenosols correspond to intergrades of Podzols which are not satisfactorily fit into the recent WRB versions. The characteristics of Podzols are strongly dependent on the low weatherability and high permeability of the lithological substrate (non consolidated quartzeous sediments)


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En el presente trabajo, se presentan los clásicos problemas que se tienen en los diferentes ambientes de manufactura, la programación y secuenciación de las diferentes tareas a realizar en el piso de producción, las restricciones propias del proceso de manufactura así como los cuellos de botella. Uno de los problemas principales que se tiene en la línea de producción en estudio es la programación de los requerimientos semanales en las dos líneas de ensamble y sus VII respectivos probadores funcionales, para lo cual se ha desarrollado un modelo matemático con el cual se obtendrá un plan maestro para la programación de la producción así como el respectivo secuenciamiento de las familias a correr en el ensamble y en los probadores funcionales. Para resolver esta problemática se ha utilizado la herramienta de la programación lineal, la cual ha sido extensivamente aplicada a la solución de problemas de programación y secuenciación de las líneas de producción para la correcta asignación de los recursos para cada tarea a realizar tomando en cuenta las restricciones del proceso de manufactura. En este trabajo se presenta un modelo de optimización que puede ser usado en el ambiente real de producción el cual denominaremos «plan maestro» con el cual se tendrá la visión general de la factibilidad del cumplimiento de la demanda semanal, la cantidad de horas de tiempo extra para su autorización, los recursos adicionales a solicitar o bien la administración de los recursos que no serán empleados. La solución del modelo matemático es obtenida por medio del uso del software de modelación matemáticas GAMS. Con los resultados obtenidos se realiza un análisis del cumplimiento de los requerimientos así como de los recursos de la línea.


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El contar con una solución habitacional significa integración familiar, comodidad y muchos otros factores que contribuyen a mejorar la calidad de vida de las familias. El sector vivienda aun no logra satisfacer a todas las familias salvadoreñas, ya que existen hogares que no cuentan con una vivienda propia, razón por la cual habitan en piezas de mesón. El presente estudio tiene como finalidad diseñar una Línea de Financiamiento en el Programa de Créditos del Fondo Nacional de Vivienda Popular orientada a familias que habitan en mesones del Municipio de Ciudad Delgado, que contribuya a que dichas familias puedan tener acceso a fuentes de financiamiento para vivienda y de esta manera contribuir al desarrollo integral de las mismas. Se tiene como finalidad fundamental verificar la viabilidad del proyecto para que pueda ser aplicado posteriormente en otros municipios del Área Metropolitana de San Salvador. El método que se utilizó para llevar a cabo la investigación fue el científico, la recolección de datos se hizo a través de métodos cuantitativos y cualitativos. Posteriormente se procedió al análisis de los resultados, los cuales revelaron que existe demanda en adquirir vivienda propia por parte de las familias que habitan en mesones del área urbana del Municipio de Ciudad Delgado. El estudio demuestra que la mayoría de las familias encuestadas conocen de FONAVIPO y están dispuestas a realizar las gestiones de un préstamo para vivienda. Con base a los resultados de la investigación se realizó la propuesta que determino que existe un mercado potencial para la línea de financiamiento para viviendas. Finalmente se propone llevar a cabo el proyecto y realizarlo conforme a la posibilidad económica real de las familias interesadas y de esta manera FONAVIPO seguirá cumpliendo con su función de interés social, que es la de ayudar a las familias de más bajos ingresos del país.


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Tesis (Zootecnista). -- Universidad de La Salle. Facultad de Ciencias Agropecuarias. Programa de Zootecnia, 2015


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Tesis (Zootecnista). -- Universidad de La Salle. Facultad de Ciencias Agropecuarias. Programa de Zootecnia, 2014


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The general objective of this thesis has been seasonal monitoring (quarterly time scale) of coastal and estuarine areas of a section of the Northern Coast of Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil, environmentally sensitive and with intense sediment erosion in the oil activities to underpin the implementation of projects for containment of erosion and mitigate the impacts of coastal dynamics. In order to achieve the general objective, the work was done systematically in three stages which consisted the specific objectives. The first stage was the implementation of geodetic reference infrastructure for carrying out the geodetic survey of the study area. This process included the implementation of RGLS (Northern Coast of the RN GPS Network), consisting of stations with geodetic coordinates and orthometric heights of precision; positioning of Benchmarks and evaluation of the gravimetric geoid available, for use in GPS altimetry of precision; and development of software for GPS altimetry of precision. The second stage was the development and improvement of methodologies for collection, processing, representation, integration and analysis of CoastLine (CL) and Digital Elevation Models (DEM) obtained by geodetic positioning techniques. As part of this stage have been made since, the choice of equipment and positioning methods to be used, depending on the required precision and structure implanted, and the definition of the LC indicator and of the geodesic references best suited, to coastal monitoring of precision. The third step was the seasonal geodesic monitoring of the study area. It was defined the execution times of the geodetic surveys by analyzing the pattern of sediment dynamics of the study area; the performing of surveys in order to calculate and locate areas and volumes of erosion and accretion (sandy and volumetric sedimentary balance) occurred on CL and on the beaches and islands surfaces throughout the year, and study of correlations between the measured variations (in area and volume) between each survey and the action of the coastal dynamic agents. The results allowed an integrated study of spatial and temporal interrelationships of the causes and consequences of intensive coastal processes operating in the area, especially to the measurement of variability of erosion, transport, balance and supply sedimentary over the annual cycle of construction and destruction of beaches. In the analysis of the results, it was possible to identify the causes and consequences of severe coastal erosion occurred on beaches exposed, to analyze the recovery of beaches and the accretion occurring in tidal inlets and estuaries. From the optics of seasonal variations in the CL, human interventions to erosion contention have been proposed with the aim of restoring the previous situation of the beaches in the process of erosion.


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Knowledge of the environmental factors influence on the spatial-temporal variation of fishes is important to fisheries management and conservation. Thus, the aim of this work was to analyze the influence of the abiotical factors on the spatial-temporal distribution of Paralonchurus brasiliensis (Pisces, Sciaenidae) caught by-catch with the shrimp fishing of Ubatuba and Caraguatatuba regions, north coast of São Paulo State. The fishes were captured every month from January to December 2002. Samples were collected by otter trawl at 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30 and 35m depths. The temperatures (surface and bottom), salinities (surface and bottom), sediment features and organic matters were verified for each depth. During all period of the study 12.642 specimens of P. brasiliensis were captured at Ubatuba and 17.166 at Caraguatatuba, which totalized the biomass of 267 for the first and 339kg for the other region. The females outnumbered males in fish population. The greatest values of biomass and number of individuals were registered at the summer and autumn seasons, while the lowest values were observed at the winter and spring seasons. The greatest abundances were found from 15 to 25m depth. In this study, it was verified that P. brasiliensis is a coastal waters associate species. The spatialtemporal distribution of P. brasiliensis is affected by intrusion of SACW and depth for the coastal region and by depth and sediment in sheltered areas such as Caraguatatuba


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Strandings of live or dead aquatic mammals constitute an important instrument to provide information regarding the occurrence, biology and ecology of these species. The aim of this study was to register the stranded species of cetaceans, the frequency and the spatial-temporal distribution of theses strandings during the period of 1984 to 2005, in the coast of Rio Grande do Norte. Data was acquired through the monitoring of strandings in the north, north-west and south coast of RN, and through information obtained from institutions and newspaper archives of the State. A total of 122 strandings of cetaceans were registered along the coast of Rio Grande do Norte. Of the 14 species of cetaceans registered, four species had higher frequencies: Sotalia guianensis (n= 65), Steno bredanensis (n = 6), Globicephala macrorhynchus (n = 6) and Physeter macrocephalus (n = 7). Out of 118 strandings, 93 occurred in the south coast (78.8 %), 23 in the north coast (19.5%) and 2 (1.7%) in the north-west coast of the State. The highest frequency of strandings occurred during the months of August to March and the maximum number of strandings occurred from 2000 onwards, as a consequence of the intense monitoring of the Pequenos Cetáceos Project in Rio Grande do Norte


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Female hawksbill turtles (Eretmochelys imbricata) nesting along the southeastcoastline of Rio Grande do Norte State, Brazil (6º13'40"S, 35º03'05"W) were captured and weighed during the four months from January to April 2007, in the course of the annual egglaying season, which extended from 06 rd November 2006 to 30 rd May 2007. In all, 99 weight measurements were performed. On first contact the females exhibited an average post-oviposition weight of 79.1 kg (range 56.2-98.9 kg, SD = 10.9 kg, n = 44 females). Those individuals which were subsequently recaptured showed a mean weight loss of 1.7 kg (range 0.7-4.5 kg, SD = 1.0 kg, n = 39 sets of measurements on 20 females) in the interval between two consecutive post-ovipositions, separated by a maximum time interval of 17 days. In the cases where the female aborted the nesting process, the pre-oviposition weight was measured. The clutch weight, that is to say, the weight loss between consecutive pre-oviposition and post-oviposition measurements (separated by a maximum time interval of 3 days), was found to be 5.2 kg (range 4.3-6.0 kg, SD = 0.9 kg, n = 6 sets of measurements). This value is significantly higher (t-test, p<0.001) than the loss between two consecutive post-oviposition measurements with the same female. The mean recovery in body weight, that is to say, the average gain in weight between successive post-oviposition and pre-oviposition captures of the same individual (separated by a time interval of 12 to 17 days), was found to be 3.0 kg (range 1.9-4.3 kg, SD = 1.0 kg, n = 4 sets of measurements) Although the small sample size makes it unwise to generalise, the recovery in body weight was found to be always significantly lower (t-test, p<0.005) than the clutch weight. This fact is in agreement with the observed weight loss tendency throughout the breeding season for this species. Considering the clutch weight and the internidal recovery in body weight we found that the total weight loss of the adult hawksbill females after three to five nesting events varied from 10.4% (range 8.7-11.9%, SD = 1.6%, n = 3) to 14.1% (range 11.8-15.4%, SD = 1.3%, n = 6) in relation to their initial pre-oviposition weight. If there were no body weight recovery during the internesting interval we estimate that a female that nests three to five times in the course of the season would lose from 19% to 31% of its initial weight. We emphasise that our clutch weight estimate was performed by weighing the females and not by multiplying the number of eggs in the nest by their average unit weight. In this way, our measurements take into account the loss of liquid during the oviposition. Despite the unequivocal evidence of body weight recovery during the internidal interval, it is not clear if the cause of this process is rehydration or feeding


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Since centuries ago, the Asians use seaweed as an important source of feeding and are their greatest world-wide consumers. The migration of these peoples for other countries, made the demand for seaweed to increase. This increasing demand prompted an industry with annual values of around US$ 6 billion. The algal biomass used for the industry is collected in natural reservoirs or cultivated. The market necessity for products of the seaweed base promotes an unsustainable exploration of the natural banks, compromising its associated biological balance. In this context, seaweed culture appears as a viable alternative to prevent the depletion of these natural supplies. Geographic Information Systems (GIS) provide space and produce information that can facilitate the evaluation of important physical and socio-economic characteristics for the planning of seaweed culture. This objective of this study is to identify potential coastal areas for seaweed culture in the state of Rio Grande do Norte, from the integration of social-environmental data in the SIG. In order to achieve this objective, a geo-referred database composed of geographical maps, nautical maps and orbital digital images was assembled; and a bank of attributes including physical and oceanographical variables (winds, chains, bathymetry, operational distance from the culture) and social and environmental factors (main income, experience with seaweed harvesting, demographic density, proximity of the sheltered coast and distance of the banks) was produced. In the modeling of the data, the integration of the space database with the bank of attributes for the attainment of the map of potentiality of seaweed culture was carried out. Of a total of 2,011 ha analyzed by the GIS for the culture of seaweed, around 34% or 682 ha were indicated as high potential, 55% or 1,101 ha as medium potential, and 11% or 228 ha as low potential. The good indices of potentiality obtained in the localities studied demonstrate that there are adequate conditions for the installation of seaweed culture in the state of Rio Grande do Norte