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If the experience in other major television markets like the United States and Canada is anything to go by, the omens are mixed for Foxtel.


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The concept of specificity of exercise prescription and training is a longstanding and widely accepted foundation of the exercise sciences. Simply, the principle holds that training adaptations are achieved relative to the stimulus applied. That is, the manipulation of training variables (e.g. intensity or loading, mode, volume and frequency) directly influences the acute training stimulus, and so the long-term adaptive response (Young et al., 2001; Bird et al., 2005). Translating this concept to practice then recommends that exercise be prescribed specific to the desired outcomes, and the more closely this is achieved, the greater the performance gain is likely to be. However, the cardiovascular and metabolic adaptations traditionally associated with long, slow distance training types, similarly achieved using high-intensity training methods (for a review see Gibala et al., 2012), highlights understanding of underlying physiology as paramount for effective training program design. Various other factors including illness, sleep and psychology also impact on the training stimulus (Halson, 2014) and must be managed collectively with appropriate post-exercise recovery to continue performance improvements and reduce overtraining and injury risks (Kenttä and Hassmén, 1998).


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A huge and diverse literature emphasises that patient engagement is a key factor in: effective health service delivery; quality and safety; responsive health services; patient satisfaction; improved health outcomes; and reduced health care costs. Yet there are also cautionary caveats regarding this discourse. Additionally, although contemporary recommendations regarding good practice and National Health Standards point to the importance of patient engagement and health service providers are striving to implement them in practice, on the ground patient engagement is ‘all things to all people’ with widespread confusion about what patient engagement is and how it could be facilitated. In terms of scholarship, there is a dearth of theoretical and critical examination of what patient engagement constitutes, its application and effects. This analysis aims to contribute to scholarly debate and increased understanding of the use of patient engagement in health policy and practice.


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Auditory fear conditioning is dependent on auditory signaling from the medial geniculate (MGm) and the auditory cortex (TE3) to principal neurons of the lateral amygdala (LA). Local circuit GABAergic interneurons are known to inhibit LA principal neurons via fast and slow IPSP's. Stimulation of MGm and TE3 produces excitatory post-synaptic potentials in both LA principal and interneurons, followed by inhibitory post-synaptic potentials. Manipulations of D1 receptors in the lateral and basal amygdala modulate the retrieval of learned association between an auditory CS and foot shock. Here we examined the effects of D1 agonists on GABAergic IPSP's evoked by stimulation of MGm and TE3 afferents in vitro. Whole cell patch recordings were made from principal neurons of the LA, at room temperature, in coronal brain slices using standard methods. Stimulating electrodes were placed on the fiber tracts medial to the LA and at the external capsule/layer VI border dorsal to the LA to activate (0.1-0.2mA) MGm and TE3 afferents respectively. Neurons were held at -55.0 mV by positive current injection to measure the amplitude of the fast IPSP. Changes in input resistance and membrane potential were measured in the absence of current injection. Stimulation of MGm or TE3 afferents produced EPSP's in the majority of principal neurons and in some an EPSP/IPSP sequence. Stimulation of MGm afferents produced IPSP's with amplitudes of -2.30 ± 0.53 mV and stimulation of TE3 afferents produced IPSP's with amplitudes of -1.98 ± 1.26 mV. Bath application of 20μM SKF38393 increased IPSP amplitudes to -5.94 ± 1.62 mV (MGm, n=3) and-5.46 ± 0.31 mV (TE3, n=3). Maximal effect occurred <10mins. A small increase in resting membrane potential and decrease in input resistance were observed. These data suggest that DA modulates both the auditory thalamic and auditory cortical inputs to the LA fear conditioning circuit via local GABAergic circuits. Supported by NIMH Grants 00956, 46516, and 58911.


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Conferences addressing emerging commonalities in the information professions were being held as far back as the early 1980s. At that time, there appeared to be two differing thoughts on the future of the information professions: one that saw the increasing diversification, the other favouring the professions’ convergence. Nearly thirty-five years later, we are still discussing the various advantages and disadvantages that a convergence of the information professions and professionals may bring; yet there has been very little empirical evidence gathered to enable us to move forward in this discussion. This conceptual paper uses existing literature to argue that the convergence of galleries, libraries, archives and museums is not a new concept to these institutions, but that they have been linked – philosophically and intellectually at least - for millennia. The intention of this paper is not to articulate what should be included in a GLAM curriculum, or to identify the skills and knowledge required of an information professional in a converged environment, but rather to demonstrate that this research is needed in order to provide an evidence base from which these may be developed.


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The reduction of unnecessary regulation was a clear policy objective of the Queensland government during 2014. In the area of property sales significant reforms were introduced from 1 December 2014. This article examines the key aspects of these reforms and whether there has been a reduction in red tape for sellers and buyers of land.


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Next-generation sequencing techniques have revolutionized over the last decade providing researchers with low cost, high-throughput alternatives compared to the traditional Sanger sequencing methods. These sequencing techniques have rapidly evolved from first-generation to fourth-generation with very broad applications such as unravelling the complexity of the genome, in terms of genetic variations, and having a high impact on the biological field. In this review, we discuss the transition of sequencing from the second-generation to the third- and fourth-generations, and describe some of their novel biological applications. With the advancement in technology, the earlier challenges of minimal size of the instrument, flexibility of throughput, ease of data analysis and short run times are being addressed. However, the need for prospective analysis and effectiveness to test whether the knowledge of any given new variants identified has an effect on clinical outcome may need improvement.


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The laz gene of Neisseria meningitidis is predicted to encode a lipid-modified azurin (Laz). Laz is very similar to azurin, a periplasmic protein, which belongs to the copper-containing proteins in the cupredoxin superfamily. In other bacteria, azurin is an electron donor to nitrite reductase, an important enzyme in the denitrifying process. It is not known whether Laz could function as an electron transfer protein in this important pathogen. Laz protein was heterologously expressed in Escherichia coli and purified. Electrospray mass spectrometry indicated that the Laz protein contains one copper ion. Laz was shown to be redox-active in the presence of its redox center copper ion. When oxidized, Laz exhibits an intense blue colour and absorbs visible light around 626 nm. The absorption is lost when exposed to diethyldithiocarbamate, a copper chelating agent. Polyclonal antibodies were raised against purified Laz for detecting expression of Laz under different growth conditions and to determine the orientation of Laz on the outer membrane. The expression of Laz under microaerobic and microaerobic denitrifying conditions was slightly higher than that under aerobic conditions. However, the expression of Laz was similar between the wild type strain and an fnr mutant, suggesting that Fumarate/Nitrate reduction regulator (FNR) does not regulate the expression of Laz despite the presence of a partial FNR box upstream of the laz gene. We propose that some Laz protein is exposed on the outer membrane surface of N. meningitidis as the αLaz antibodies can increase killing by complement in a capsule deficient N. meningitidis strain, in a dose-dependent fashion.


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Several clinical studies suggest the involvement of premature ageing processes in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). Using an epidemiological approach, we studied whether accelerated ageing indicated by telomere length, a marker of biological age, is associated with COPD and asthma, and whether intrinsic age-related processes contribute to the interindividual variability of lung function. Our meta-analysis of 14 studies included 934 COPD cases with 15 846 controls defined according to the Global Lungs Initiative (GLI) criteria (or 1189 COPD cases according to the Global Initiative for Chronic Obstructive Lung Disease (GOLD) criteria), 2834 asthma cases with 28 195 controls, and spirometric parameters (forced expiratory volume in 1 s (FEV1), forced vital capacity (FVC) and FEV1/FVC) of 12 595 individuals. Associations with telomere length were tested by linear regression, adjusting for age, sex and smoking status. We observed negative associations between telomere length and asthma (β= −0.0452, p=0.024) as well as COPD (β= −0.0982, p=0.001), with associations being stronger and more significant when using GLI criteria than those of GOLD. In both diseases, effects were stronger in females than males. The investigation of spirometric indices showed positive associations between telomere length and FEV1 (p=1.07×10−7), FVC (p=2.07×10−5), and FEV1/FVC (p=5.27×10−3). The effect was somewhat weaker in apparently healthy subjects than in COPD or asthma patients. Our results provide indirect evidence for the hypothesis that cellular senescence may contribute to the pathogenesis of COPD and asthma, and that lung function may reflect biological ageing primarily due to intrinsic processes, which are likely to be aggravated in lung diseases.


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In this Primer, our aims are to explain what statutory interpretation is and why it is important. We also aim to note some of the more difficult concepts and ideas you will need to understand when reading a statute, when deciding if it is relevant to a legal problem, and, if so, how it applies to that problem. We do not aim to provide an overview of the rules of Statutory Interpretation, but only to focus on areas that have created well-known difficulties for students and practitioners alike, such as the concept of the intentions of Parliament and the correct use of intrinsic materials.


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Ascorbate (vitamin C) is an essential antioxidant and enzyme cofactor in both plants and animals. Ascorbate concentration is tightly regulated in plants, partly to respond to stress. Here, we demonstrate that ascorbate concentrations are determined via the posttranscriptional repression of GDP-l-galactose phosphorylase (GGP), a major control enzyme in the ascorbate biosynthesis pathway. This regulation requires a cis-acting upstream open reading frame (uORF) that represses the translation of the downstream GGP open reading frame under high ascorbate concentration. Disruption of this uORF stops the ascorbate feedback regulation of translation and results in increased ascorbate concentrations in leaves. The uORF is predicted to initiate at a noncanonical codon (ACG rather than AUG) and encode a 60- to 65-residue peptide. Analysis of ribosome protection data from Arabidopsis thaliana showed colocation of high levels of ribosomes with both the uORF and the main coding sequence of GGP. Together, our data indicate that the noncanonical uORF is translated and encodes a peptide that functions in the ascorbate inhibition of translation. This posttranslational regulation of ascorbate is likely an ancient mechanism of control as the uORF is conserved in GGP genes from mosses to angiosperms.


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We naturally chew food before swallowing, but tablets and capsules require a complicated, conscious mechanism to over-ride the need to chew and the gag reflex, designed to eject foodstuffs that are not adequately chewed...


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The Code of Banking Practice is one of the oldest examples of consumer protection provided through self-regulation in the Australian financial services sector. However, since the Banking Code was first released in 1993, the volume of consumer protection legislation applying to banks has increased exponentially and parts of the Banking Code that once provided new consumer rights have now been largely superseded by legislation. In light of the increasingly complex set of laws and regulations that govern the relationship between banks and their consumer and small business customers it could be argued that the Banking Code has a limited future role. However, an analysis of the Banking Code shows that it adds to the consumer protection standards provided by legislation and can continue to facilitate improvements in the standards of subscribing banks and of other institutions in the financial services sector. Self-regulation and industry codes should continue to be part of the regulatory mix. Any regulatory changes that flow from the recent Financial System Inquiry should also facilitate and support the self-regulation role, but the government should also consider further changes to encourage improvements in industry codes and ensure that the implicit regulatory benefits that are provided, in part, because of the existence of industry codes, are made explicit and made available only to code subscribers.


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Employment on the basis of merit is the foundation of Australia’s equal opportunity legislation, beginning with the Affirmative Action (Equal Opportunity for Women) Act 1986, and continuing through the Equal Opportunity for Women in the Workplace Act 1999 to the Workplace Gender Equality Act 2012, all of which require organisations with more than 100 employees to produce an organisational program promoting employment equity for women (WGEA 2014a; Strachan, Burgess & Henderson 2007). The issue of merit was seen as critically important to the objectives of the original 1986 Act and the Affirmative Action Agency produced two monographs in 1988 written by Clare Burton: Redefining Merit (Burton 1988a) and Gender Bias in Job Evaluation (Burton 1988b) which provided practical advice. Added to this, in 1987 the Australian Government Publishing Service published Women’s Worth: Pay Equity and Job Evaluation in Australia (Burton, Hag & Thompson 1987). The equity programs set up under the 1986 legislation aimed to ‘eliminate discriminatory employment practices and to promote equal employment opportunities for women’ and this was ‘usually understood to mean that the merit principle forms the basis of appointment to positions and for promotion’ (Burton 1988a, p. 1).