948 resultados para induction motordrive


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Peripheral blood mononuclear cells and lymphoid tissues from HIV-infected individuals display high levels of "tissue" transglutaminase (tTG) with respect to seronegative persons. In asymptomatic individuals, > 80% of the circulating CD4+ T cells synthesize tTG protein and the number of these cells matches the level of apoptosis detected in the peripheral blood mononuclear cells from the same patients. In HIV-infected lymph nodes tTG protein is localized in large number of cells (macrophages, follicular dendritic cells, and endothelial cells), showing distinctive morphological and biochemical features of apoptosis as well as in lymphocytes and syncytia. These findings demonstrate that during the course of HIV infection, high levels of apoptosis also occur in the accessory cells of lymphoid organs. The increased concentration of epsilon(gamma-glutamyl)lysine isodipeptide, the degradation product of tTG cross-linked proteins, observed in the blood of HIV-infected individuals demonstrates that the enzyme accumulated in the dying cells actively cross-links intracellular proteins. The enhanced levels of epsilon(gamma-glutamyl)lysine in the blood parallels the progression of HIV disease, suggesting that the isodipeptide determination might be a useful method to monitor the in vivo rate of apoptosis.


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Graves disease is an autoimmune thyroid disease characterized by the presence of antibodies against the thyrotropin receptor (TSHR), which stimulate the thyroid to cause hyperthyroidism and/or goiter. By immunizing mice with fibroblasts transfected with both the human TSHR and a major histocompatibility complex class II molecule, but not by either alone, we have induced immune hyperthyroidism that has the major humoral and histological features of Graves disease: stimulating TSHR antibodies, thyrotropin binding inhibiting immunoglobulins, which are different from the stimulating TSHR antibodies, increased thyroid hormone levels, thyroid enlargement, thyrocyte hypercellularity, and thyrocyte intrusion into the follicular lumen. The results suggest that the aberrant expression of major histocompatibility complex class II molecules on cells that express a native form of the TSHR can result in the induction of functional anti-TSHR antibodies that stimulate the thyroid. They additionally suggest that the acquisition of antigen-presenting ability on a target cell containing the TSHR can activate T and B cells normally present in an animal and induce a disease with the major features of autoimmune Graves.


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Auditory cortical receptive field plasticity produced during behavioral learning may be considered to constitute "physiological memory" because it has major characteristics of behavioral memory: associativity, specificity, rapid acquisition, and long-term retention. To investigate basal forebrain mechanisms in receptive field plasticity, we paired a tone with stimulation of the nucleus basalis, the main subcortical source of cortical acetylcholine, in the adult guinea pig. Nucleus basalis stimulation produced electroencephalogram desynchronization that was blocked by systemic and cortical atropine. Paired tone/nucleus basalis stimulation, but not unpaired stimulation, induced receptive field plasticity similar to that produced by behavioral learning. Thus paired activation of the nucleus basalis is sufficient to induce receptive field plasticity, possibly via cholinergic actions in the cortex.


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The requirement for cooperative interactions between multiple synaptic inputs in the induction of long-term potentiation (LTP) and long-term depression (LTD) has been tested at Schaffer collateral synapses with paired recordings from monosynaptically coupled CA3-CA1 cell pairs in rat hippocampal slice cultures. Tetanization of single presynaptic neurons at 50 Hz (repeated 5-7 times for 300-500 ms each) induced only a transient potentiation (< 3 min) of excitatory postsynaptic potentials (EPSPs). Persistent potentiation (> 15 min) was induced only when single presynaptic action potentials were synchronously paired with directly induced postsynaptic depolarizing pulses (repeated 50-100 times). Tetanus-induced potentiation of extracellularly evoked EPSPs lasting > 4 min could only be obtained if the EPSP was > 4 mV. Because unitary EPSP amplitudes average approximately 1 mV, we conclude that high-frequency discharge must occur synchronously] in 4-5 CA3 cells for LTP to be induced in a common postsynaptic CA1 cell. Asynchronous pairing of presynaptic action potentials with postsynaptic depolarizing current pulses (preceding each EPSP by 800 ms) depressed both naive and previously potentiated unitary EPSPs. Likewise, homosynaptic LTD of unitary EPSPs was induced when the presynaptic cell was tetanized at 3 Hz for 3 min, regardless of their amplitude (0.3-3.2 mV). Homosynaptic LTD of extracellularly evoked Schaffer collateral EPSPs < 4 mV could be induced if no inhibitory postsynaptic potential was apparent, but was prevented by eliciting a large inhibitory postsynaptic potential or by injection of hyperpolarizing current in the postsynaptic cell. We conclude that cooperative interactions among multiple excitatory inputs are not required for induction of homosynaptic LTD of unitary EPSPs.


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Neural crest cells arise from the ectoderm and are first recognizable as discrete cells in the chicken embryo when they emerge from the neural tube. Despite the classical view that neural crest precursors are a distinct population lying between epidermis and neuroepithelium, our results demonstrate that they are not a segregated population. Cell lineage analyses have demonstrated that individual precursor cells within the neural folds can give rise to epidermal, neural crest, and neural tube derivatives. Interactions between the neural plate and epidermis can generate neural crest cells, since juxtaposition of these tissues at early stages results in the formation of neural crest cells at the interface. Inductive interactions between the epidermis and neural plate can also result in "dorsalization" of the neural plate, as assayed by the expression of the Wnt transcripts characteristic of the dorsal neural tube. The competence of the neural plate changes with time, however, such that interaction of early neural plate with epidermis generates only neural crest cells, whereas interaction of slightly older neural plate with epidermis generates neural crest cells and Wnt-expressing cells. At cranial levels, neuroepithelial cells can regulate to generate neural crest cells when the endogenous neural folds are removed, probably via interaction of the remaining neural tube with the epidermis. Taken together, these experiments demonstrate that: (i) progenitor cells in the neural folds are multipotent, having the ability to form multiple ectodermal derivatives, including epidermal, neural crest, and neural tube cells; (ii) the neural crest is an induced population that arises by interactions between the neural plate and the epidermis; and (iii) the competence of the neural plate to respond to inductive interactions changes as a function of embryonic age.


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Full activation of T cells requires signaling through the T-cell antigen receptor (TCR) and additional surface molecules interacting with ligands on the antigen-presenting cell. TCR recognition of agonist ligands in the absence of accessory signals frequently results in the induction of a state of unresponsiveness termed anergy. However, even in the presence of costimulation, anergy can be induced by TCR partial agonists. The unique pattern of early receptor-induced tyrosine phosphorylation events induced by partial agonists has led to the hypothesis that altered TCR signaling is directly responsible for the development of anergy. Here we show that anergy induction is neither correlated with nor irreversibly determined by the pattern of early TCR-induced phosphorylation. Rather, it appears to result from the absence of downstream events related to interleukin 2 receptor occupancy and/or cell division. This implies that the anergic state can be manipulated independently of the precise pattern of early biochemical changes following TCR occupancy, a finding with implications for understanding the induction of self-tolerance and the use of partial agonist ligands in the treatment of autoimmune diseases.


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The oligodendrocyte is the myelin-forming cell in the central nervous system. Despite the close interaction between axons and oligodendrocytes, there is little evidence that neurons influence myelinogenesis. On the contrary, newly differentiated oligodendrocytes, which mature in culture in the total absence of neurons, synthesize the myelin-specific constituents of oligodendrocytes differentiated in vivo and even form myelin-like figures. Neuronal electrical activity may be required, however, for the appropriate formation of the myelin sheath. To investigate the role of electrical activity on myelin formation, we have used highly specific neurotoxins, which can either block (tetrodotoxin) or increase (alpha-scorpion toxin) the firing of neurons. We show that myelination can be inhibited by blocking the action potential of neighboring axons or enhanced by increasing their electrical activity, clearly linking neuronal electrical activity to myelinogenesis.


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Insulin promoter factor 1 (IPF1), a member of the homeodomain protein family, serves an early role in pancreas formation, as evidenced by the lack of pancreas formation in mice carrying a targeted disruption of the IPF1 gene [Jonsson, J., Carlsson, L., Edlund, T. & Edlund, H. (1994) Nature (London) 371, 606-609]. In adults, IPF1 expression is restricted to the beta-cells in the islets of Langerhans. We report here that IPF1 induces expression of a subset of beta-cell-specific genes (insulin and islet amyloid polypeptide) when ectopically expressed in clones of transformed pancreatic islet alpha-cells. In contrast, expression of IPF1 in rat embryo fibroblasts factor failed to induce insulin and islet amyloid polypeptide expression. This is most likely due to the lack of at least one other essential insulin gene transcription factor, the basic helix-loop-helix protein Beta 2/NeuroD, which is expressed in both alpha- and beta-cells. We conclude that IPF1 is a potent transcriptional activator of endogenous insulin genes in non-beta islet cells, which suggests an important role of IPF1 in beta-cell maturation.


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The definitive mammalian kidney forms as the result of reciprocal interactions between the ureteric bud epithelium and metanephric mesenchyme. As osteogenic protein 1 (OP-1/bone morphogenetic protein 7), a member of the TGF-beta superfamily of proteins, is expressed predominantly in the kidney, we examined its involvement during metanephric induction and kidney differentiation. We found that OP-1 mRNA is expressed in the ureteric bud epithelium before mesenchymal condensation and is subsequently seen in the condensing mesenchyme and during glomerulogenesis. Mouse kidney metanephric rudiments cultured without ureteric bud epithelium failed to undergo mesenchymal condensation and further epithelialization, while exogenously added recombinant OP-1 was able to substitute for ureteric bud epithelium in restoring the induction of metanephric mesenchyme. This OP-1-induced nephrogenic mesenchyme differentiation follows a developmental pattern similar to that observed in the presence of the spinal cord, a metanephric inducer. Blocking OP-1 activity using either neutralizing antibodies or antisense oligonucleotides in mouse embryonic day 11.5 mesenchyme, cultured in the presence of metanephric inducers or in intact embryonic day 11.5 kidney rudiment, greatly reduced metanephric differentiation. These results demonstrate that OP-1 is required for metanephric mesenchyme differentiation and plays a functional role during kidney development.


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Transcriptional regulation by nuclear hormone receptors is thought to involve interactions with putative cofactors that may potentiate receptor function. Here we show that human thyroid hormone receptor alpha purified from HeLa cells grown in the presence of thyroid hormone (T3) is associated with a group of distinct nuclear proteins termed thyroid hormone receptor-associated proteins (TRAPs). In an in vitro system reconstituted with general initiation factors and cofactors (and in the absence of added T3), the "liganded" thyroid hormone receptor (TR)/TRAP complex markedly activates transcription from a promoter template containing T3-response elements. Moreover, whereas the retinoid X receptor is not detected in the TR/TRAP complex, its presence is required for the function of the complex. In contrast, human thyroid hormone receptor alpha purified from cells grown in the absence of T3 lacks the TRAPs and effects only a low level of activation that is dependent on added ligand. These findings demonstrate the ligand-dependent in vivo formation of a transcriptionally active TR-multisubunit protein complex and suggest a role for TRAPs as positive coactivators for gene-specific transcriptional activation.


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The Abnormal chromosome 10 (Ab10) in maize causes normally-quiescent blocks of heterochromatin called knobs to function as meiotic centromeres. Under these circumstances genetic markers associated with knobs exhibit meiotic drive, i.e., they are preferentially transmitted to progeny. Here we describe a mutation called suppressor of meiotic drive (smd1) that partially suppresses meiotic drive, and demonstrate that smd1 causes a quantitative reduction in the mobility of knobs on the meiotic spindle. We conclude that Smd1 encodes a product that is necessary for the activation of ectopic centromeres, and that meiotic drive occurs as a consequence of the resulting change in chromosome movement. As a genetic system, Ab10 offers a new and powerful approach for analyzing centromere/kinetochore function.


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Striated muscle is the predominant site of gene expression after i.m. immunization of plasmid DNA, but it is not clear if myocytes or professional antigen-presenting cells (APCs) of hematopoietic origin present the encoded antigens to class I major histocompatibility complex (MHC)-restricted cytotoxic T lymphocytes (CTL). To address this issue, CTL responses were assessed in mice engrafted with immune systems that were partially MHC matched with antigen-producing muscle cells. Spleen cells (sc) from immunocompetent F1 H-2bxd mice were infused into H-2b or H-2d mice carrying the severe combined immunodeficiency (scid) mutation, creating F1sc-->H-2b and F1sc-->H-2d chimeras, respectively. Immunization with DNA plasmids encoding the herpes simplex virus gB or the human immunodeficiency virus gp120 glycoproteins elicited antiviral CTL activity. F1sc-->H-2d chimeras responded to an H-2d-restricted gp120 epitope but not an H-2b restricted gB epitope, whereas F1sc-->H-2b chimeras responded to the H-2b but not the H-2d restricted epitope. This pattern of epitope recognition by the sc chimeras indicated that APCs of recipient (scid) origin were involved in initiation of CTL responses. Significantly, CTL responses against epitopes presented by the mismatched donor class I molecules were elicited if F1 bone marrow cells and sc were transferred into scid recipients before or several days to weeks after DNA immunization. Thus, bone marrow-derived APCs are sufficient for class I MHC presentation of viral antigens after i.m. immunization with plasmid DNA. Expression of plasmid DNA by these APCs is probably not a requirement for CTL priming. Instead, they appear to present proteins synthesized by other host cells.


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Stress protein GRP78/BiP is highly induced in progressively growing tumors and has recently been shown to exert a protective role against lysis by cytotoxic T cells and tumor necrosis factor in vitro. This raises the question whether the in vitro observed protective function of GRP78/BiP translates into the in vivo situation in which tumors grow progressively, killing the host. Herein we report that molecular inhibition of GRP78/BiP induction in the fibrosarcoma B/C10ME, while not affecting in vitro cell proliferation, causes a dramatic increase in apoptotic cell death upon Ca2+ depletion of the endoplasmic reticulum. When B/C10ME cells incapable of inducing GRP78/BiP are injected into mice, tumors are initially formed that, however, regress presumably due to a cytotoxic T-cell response demonstrable by a strong in vitro response to the tumor with spleen cells of regressor mice. Since sensitivity to apoptosis is key to tumor rejection, these results may point to new approaches to the therapy of cancer via regulation of stress protein GRP78/BiP.


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Antibody-based therapies for cancer rely on the expression of defined antigens on neoplastic cells. However, most tumors display heterogeneity in the expression of such antigens. We demonstrate here that antibody-targeted interleukin 2 delivery overcomes this problem by induction of a host immune response. Immunohistochemical analysis demonstrated that the antibody-interleukin 2 fusion protein-induced eradication of established tumors is mediated by host immune cells, particularly CD8+ T cells. Because of this cellular immune response, antibody-directed interleukin 2 therapy is capable to address established metastases displaying substantial heterogeneity in expression of the targeted antigen. This effector mechanism further enables the induction of partial regressions of large subcutaneous tumors that exceeded more than 5% of the body weight. These observations indicate that antibody-directed cytokine delivery offers an effective new tool for cancer therapy.


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Vaccination with synthetic peptides representing cytotoxic T lymphocyte (CTL) epitopes can lead to a protective CTL-mediated immunity against tumors or viruses. We now report that vaccination with a CTL epitope derived from the human adenovirus type 5 E1A-region (Ad5E1A234-243), which can serve as a target for tumor-eradicating CTL, enhances rather than inhibits the growth of Ad5E1A-expressing tumors. This adverse effect of peptide vaccination was rapidly evoked, required low doses of peptide (10 micrograms), and was achieved by a mode of peptide delivery that induces protective T-cell-mediated immunity in other models. Ad5E1A-specific CTL activity could no longer be isolated from mice after injection of Ad5E1A-peptide, indicating that tolerization of Ad5E1A-specific CTL activity causes the enhanced tumor outgrowth. In contrast to peptide vaccination, immunization with adenovirus, expressing Ad5E1A, induced Ad5E1A-specific immunity and prevented the outgrowth of Ad5E1A-expressing tumors. These results show that immunization with synthetic peptides can lead to the elimination of anti-tumor CTL responses. These findings are important for the design of safe peptide-based vaccines against tumors, allogeneic organ transplants, and T-cell-mediated autoimmune diseases.