845 resultados para in which the temperature and pressure were 285.2 K and 30 MPa


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There is a need for in-situ soil moisture conservation in arid and semi-arid regions due to insufficient rainfall for agriculture. For this purpose, a combination implement [integrated reservoir tillage system (RT)] comprised of a single-row chisel plow, single-row spike tooth harrow, modified seeder, and spiked roller was developed and compared to the popular tillage practices, viz., minimum tillage (MT) and conventional tillage (CT) in an arid Mediterranean environment in Egypt. The different tillage practices were conducted at tillage depths of 15, 20, and 25 cm and forward speeds of 0.69, 1, 1.25, and 1.53 m s-1. Some soil physical properties, runoff, soil loss, water harvesting efficiency and yield of wheat were evaluated. The different tillage practices caused significant differences in soil physical properties as the RT increased soil infiltration, producing a rate of 48% and 65% higher than that obtained in MT and CT, respectively. The lowest values of runoff and soil loss were recorded under RT as 4.91 mm and 0.65 t ha-1, whereas the highest values were recorded under CT as 11.36 mm and 1.66 t ha-1, respectively. In conclusion, the RT enhanced the infiltration rate, increased water harvesting efficiency, reduced runoff and achieved the highest yield of wheat. The best tillage operating parameters appeared to be at a tillage depth of 20 cm and speed between 1.00 and 1.25 m s-1.


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El trabajo contenido en esta tesis doctoral está encuadrado en el desarrollo de antenas reconfigurables electrónicamente capaces de proporcionar prestaciones competitivas a las aplicaciones cada vez más comunes que operan a frecuencias superiores a 60 GHz. En concreto, esta tesis se centra en el estudio, diseño, e implementación de las antenas reflectarray, a las que se introduce la tecnología de cristal líquido como elemento característico con el que se consigue reconfigurabilidad de haz de forma electrónica. Desde un punto de vista muy general, se puede describir un cristal líquido como un material cuya permitividad eléctrica es variable y controlada por una excitación externa, que generalmente suele corresponderse con un campo eléctrico quasi-estático (AC). Las antenas reflectarray de cristal líquido se han escogido como objeto de estudio por varias razones. La primera de ellas tiene que ver con las ventajas que los reflectarrays, y en especial aquellos realizados en configuración planar, proporcionan con respecto a otras antenas de alta ganancia como los reflectores o los “phased-arrays”. En los reflectarrays, la alimentación a través de una fuente primaria común (característica de reflectores) y el elevado número de grados de libertad de las celdas que los componen (característica de arrays) hacen que estas antenas puedan proporcionar prestaciones eléctricas iguales o mejores que las anteriores, a un coste más reducido y con estructuras de antena más compactas. La segunda razón radica en la flexibilidad que ofrece el cristal líquido a ser confinado y polarizado en recintos de geometría variada, como consecuencia de su fluidez (propiedad de los líquidos). Por ello, la tecnología de cristal líquido permite que el propio elemento reconfigurable en las celdas de reflectarray se adapte a la configuración planar de manera que en sí mismo, el cristal líquido sea una o varias de las capas características de esta configuración. Esto simplifica de forma drástica la estructura y la fabricación de este tipo de antenas, incluso si se comparan con reflectarrays reconfigurables basados en otras tecnologías como diodos, MEMS, etc. Por tanto, su coste y desarrollo es muy reducido, lo que hace que se puedan fabricar reflectarrays reconfigurables eléctricamente grandes, a bajo coste, y en producción elevada. Un ejemplo claro de una estructura similar, y que ha tenido éxito comercial, son las pantallas de cristal líquido. La tercera razón reside en el hecho de que el cristal líquido es, hasta la fecha, de las pocas tecnologías capaces de ofrecer reconfigurabilidad del haz a frecuencias superiores a 60 GHz. De hecho, el cristal líquido permite reconfigurabilidad en un amplio margen de frecuencias, que va desde DC a frecuencias del espectro visible, incluyendo las microondas y los THz. Otras tecnologías, como los materiales ferroeléctricos, el grafeno o la tecnología CMOS “on chip” permiten también conmutar el haz en estas frecuencias. Sin embargo, la tecnología CMOS tiene un elevado coste y actualmente está limitada a frecuencias inferiores a 150 GHz, y aunque los materiales ferroeléctricos o el grafeno puedan conmutar a frecuencias más altas y en un rango más amplio, tienen serias dificultades que los hacen aún inmaduros. En el caso de los materiales ferroeléctricos, los elevados voltajes para conmutar el material los hacen poco atractivos, mientras que en el caso del grafeno, su modelado aún está en discusión, y todavía no se han arrojado resultados experimentales que validen su idoneidad. Estas tres razones hacen que los reflectarrays basados en cristal líquido sean atractivos para multitud de aplicaciones de haz reconfigurable a frecuencias superiores a 60 GHz. Aplicaciones como radar de escaneo de imágenes de alta resolución, espectroscopia molecular, radiómetros para observación atmosférica, o comunicaciones inalámbricas de alta frecuencia (WiGig) son algunas de ellas. La tesis está estructurada en tres partes. En la primera de ellas se describen las características más comunes de los cristales líquidos, centrándonos en detalle en aquellas propiedades ofrecidas por este material en fase nemática. En concreto, se estudiará la anisotropía dieléctrica (Ae) de los cristales líquidos uniaxiales, que son los que se emplean en esta tesis, definida como la diferencia entre la permitividad paralela (£//) y la perpendicular (e±): Ae = e,, - e±. También se estudiará la variación de este parámetro (Ae) con la frecuencia, y el modelado electromagnético macroscópico más general que, extraído a partir de aquella, permite describir el cristal líquido para cada tensión de polarización en celdas de geometría planar. Este modelo es de suma importancia para garantizar precisión en el desfasaje proporcionado por las diferentes celdas reconfigurables para reflectarrays que se describirán en la siguiente parte de la tesis. La segunda parte de la tesis se centra en el diseño de celdas reflectarray resonantes basadas en cristal líquido. La razón por la que se escogen estos tipos de celdas reside en el hecho de que son las únicas capaces de proporcionar rangos de fase elevados ante la reducida anisotropía dieléctrica que ofrecen los cristales líquidos. El objetivo de esta parte trata, por tanto, de obtener estructuras de celdas reflectarray que sean capaces de proporcionar buenas prestaciones eléctricas a nivel de antena, mejorando sustancialmente las prestaciones de las celdas reportadas en el estado del arte, así como de desarrollar una herramienta de diseño general para aquellas. Para ello, se estudian las prestaciones eléctricas de diferentes tipos de elementos resonantes de cristal líquido que van, desde el más sencillo, que ha limitado el estado de la técnica hasta el desarrollo de esta tesis y que está formado por un sólo resonador, a elementos que constan de varios resonadores (multi-resonantes) y que pueden ser monocapa o multicapa. En un primer paso, el procedimiento de diseño de estas estructuras hace uso de un modelo convencional de cristal líquido que ha venido siendo usado en el estado del arte para este tipo de celdas, y que considera el cristal líquido como un material homogéneo e isótropo cuya permitividad varía entre (e/7) y (e±). Sin embargo, en esta parte de la tesis se demuestra que dicho modelado no es suficiente para describir de forma genérica el comportamiento del cristal líquido en las celdas tipo reflectarray. En la tesis se proponen procedimientos más exactos para el análisis y diseño basados en un modelo más general que define el cristal líquido como un material anisótropo e inhomogeneo en tres dimensiones, y se ha implementado una técnica que permite optimizar celdas multi-resonantes de forma eficiente para conseguir elevadas prestaciones en cuanto a ancho de banda, rango de fase, pérdidas, o sensibilidad al ángulo de incidencia. Los errores cometidos en el uso del modelado convencional a nivel de celda (amplitud y fase) se han analizado para varias geometrías, usando medidas de varios prototipos de antena que usan un cristal líquido real a frecuencias superiores a 100 GHz. Las medidas se han realizado en entorno periódico mediante un banco cuasi-óptico, que ha sido diseñado especialmente para este fin. Uno de estos prototipos se ha optimizado a 100 GHz para conseguir un ancho de banda relativamente elevado (10%), pérdidas reducidas, un rango de fase mayor de 360º, baja sensibilidad al ángulo de incidencia, y baja influencia de la inhomogeneidad transversal del cristal líquido en la celda. Estas prestaciones a nivel de celda superan de forma clara aquellas conseguidas por otros elementos que se han reportado en la literatura, de manera que dicho prototipo se ha usado en la última parte de la tesis para realizar diversas antenas de barrido. Finalmente, en esta parte se presenta una estrategia de caracterización de la anisotropía macroscópica a partir de medidas de los elementos de reflectarray diseñados en banco cuasi-óptico, obteniendo resultados tanto en las frecuencias de interés en RF como en AC, y comparándolas con aquellas obtenidas mediante otros métodos. La tercera parte de la tesis consiste en el estudio, diseño, fabricación y medida de antenas reconfigurables basadas en cristal líquido en configuraciones complejas. En reflectarrays pasivos, el procedimiento de diseño de la antena se limita únicamente al ajuste en cada celda de la antena de las dimensiones de las metalizaciones que se emplean para el control de fase, mediante procesos de optimización bien conocidos. Sin embargo, en el caso de reflectarrays reconfigurables basados en cristal líquido, resulta necesario un paso adicional, que consiste en calcular de forma adecuada las tensiones de control en cada celda del reflectarray para configurar la fase requerida en cada una de ellas, así como diseñar la estructura y los circuitos de control que permitan direccionar a cada elemento su tensión correspondiente. La síntesis de tensiones es por tanto igual o más importante que el diseño de la geometría de las celdas, puesto que éstas son las que están directamente relacionadas con la fase. En el estado del arte, existen varias estrategias de síntesis de tensiones que se basan en la caracterización experimental de la curva de fase respecto al voltaje. Sin embargo, esta caracterización sólo puede hacerse a un solo ángulo de incidencia y para unas determinadas dimensiones de celda, lo que produce que las tensiones sintetizadas sean diferentes de las adecuadas, y en definitiva que se alcancen errores de fase mayores de 70º. De esta forma, hasta la fecha, las prestaciones a nivel de antena que se han conseguido son reducidas en cuanto a ancho de banda, rango de escaneo o nivel de lóbulos secundarios. En esta última parte de la tesis, se introduce una nueva estrategia de síntesis de tensiones que es capaz de predecir mediante simulaciones, y con alta precisión, las tensiones que deben introducirse en cada celda teniendo en cuenta su ángulo de incidencia, sus dimensiones, la frecuencia, así como la señal de polarización definida por su frecuencia y forma de onda AC. Esta estrategia se basa en modelar cada uno de los estados de permitividad del cristal líquido como un sustrato anisótropo con inhomogeneidad longitudinal (1D), o en ciertos casos, como un tensor equivalente homogéneo. La precisión de ambos modelos electromagnéticos también se discute. Con el objetivo de obtener una herramienta eficiente de cálculo de tensiones, también se ha escrito e implementado una herramienta de análisis basada en el Método de los Momentos en el Dominio Espectral (SD-MoM) para sustratos estratificados anisótropos, que se usa en cada iteración del procedimiento de síntesis para analizar cada una de las celdas de la antena. La síntesis de tensiones se ha diseñado además para reducir al máximo el efecto del rizado de amplitud en el diagrama de radiación, que es característico en los reflectarrays que están formados por celdas con pérdidas elevadas, lo que en sí, supone un avance adicional para la obtención de mejores prestaciones de antena. Para el cálculo de los diagramas de radiación empleados en el procedimiento de síntesis, se asume un análisis elemento a elemento considerando periodicidad local, y se propone el uso de un método capaz de modelar el campo incidente de forma que se elimine la limitación de la periodicidad local en la excitación. Una vez definida la estrategia adecuada de cálculo de las tensiones a aplicar al cristal líquido en cada celda, la estructura de direccionamiento de las mismas en la antena, y diseñados los circuitos de control, se diseñan, fabrican y miden dos prototipos diferentes de antena de barrido electrónico a 100 GHz usando las celdas anteriormente presentadas. El primero de estos prototipos es un reflectarray en configuración “single offset” con capacidad de escaneo en un plano (elevación o azimut). Aunque previamente se realizan diseños de antenas de barrido en 2D a varias frecuencias en el rango de milimétricas y sub-milimétricas, y se proponen ciertas estrategias de direccionamiento que permiten conseguir este objetivo, se desarrolla el prototipo con direccionamiento en una dimensión con el fin de reducir el número de controles y posibles errores de fabricación, y así también validar la herramienta de diseño. Para un tamaño medio de apertura (con un numero de filas y columnas entre 30 y 50 elementos, lo que significa un reflectarray con un número de elementos superior a 900), la configuración “single offset” proporciona rangos de escaneo elevados, y ganancias que pueden oscilar entre los 20 y 30 dBi. En concreto, el prototipo medido proporciona un haz de barrido en un rango angular de 55º, en el que el nivel de lóbulos secundarios (SLL) permanece mejor de -13 dB en un ancho de banda de un 8%. La ganancia máxima es de 19.4 dBi. Estas prestaciones superan de forma clara aquellas conseguidas por otros autores. El segundo prototipo se corresponde con una antena de doble reflector que usa el reflectarray de cristal líquido como sub-reflector para escanear el haz en un plano (elevación o azimut). El objetivo básico de esta geometría es obtener mayores ganancias que en el reflectarray “single offset” con una estructura más compacta, aunque a expensas de reducir el rango de barrido. En concreto, se obtiene una ganancia máxima de 35 dBi, y un rango de barrido de 12º. Los procedimientos de síntesis de tensiones y de diseño de las estructuras de las celdas forman, en su conjunto, una herramienta completa de diseño precisa y eficiente de antenas reflectarray reconfigurables basados en cristales líquidos. Dicha herramienta se ha validado mediante el diseño, la fabricación y la medida de los prototipos anteriormente citados a 100 GHz, que consiguen algo nunca alcanzado anteriormente en la investigación de este tipo de antenas: unas prestaciones competitivas y una predicción excelente de los resultados. El procedimiento es general, y por tanto se puede usar a cualquier frecuencia en la que el cristal líquido ofrezca anisotropía dieléctrica, incluidos los THz. Los prototipos desarrollados en esta tesis doctoral suponen también unas de las primeras antenas de barrido real a frecuencias superiores a 100 GHz. En concreto, la antena de doble reflector para escaneo de haz es la primera antena reconfigurable electrónicamente a frecuencias superiores a 60 GHz que superan los 25 dBi de ganancia, siendo a su vez la primera antena de doble reflector que contiene un reflectarray reconfigurable como sub-reflector. Finalmente, se proponen ciertas mejoras que aún deben se deben realizar para hacer que estas antenas puedan ser un producto completamente desarrollado y competitivo en el mercado. ABSTRACT The work presented in this thesis is focused on the development of electronically reconfigurable antennas that are able to provide competitive electrical performance to the increasingly common applications operating at frequencies above 60 GHz. Specifically, this thesis presents the study, design, and implementation of reflectarray antennas, which incorporate liquid crystal (LC) materials to scan or reconfigure the beam electronically. From a general point of view, a liquid crystal can be defined as a material whose dielectric permittivity is variable and can be controlled with an external excitation, which usually corresponds with a quasi-static electric field (AC). By changing the dielectric permittivity at each cell that makes up the reflectarray, the phase shift on the aperture is controlled, so that a prescribed radiation pattern can be configured. Liquid Crystal-based reflectarrays have been chosen for several reasons. The first has to do with the advantages provided by the reflectarray antenna with respect to other high gain antennas, such as reflectors or phased arrays. The RF feeding in reflectarrays is achieved by using a common primary source (as in reflectors). This arrangement and the large number of degrees of freedom provided by the cells that make up the reflectarray (as in arrays), allow these antennas to provide a similar or even better electrical performance than other low profile antennas (reflectors and arrays), but assuming a more reduced cost and compactness. The second reason is the flexibility of the liquid crystal to be confined in an arbitrary geometry due to its fluidity (property of liquids). Therefore, the liquid crystal is able to adapt to a planar geometry so that it is one or more of the typical layers of this configuration. This simplifies drastically both the structure and manufacture of this type of antenna, even when compared with reconfigurable reflectarrays based on other technologies, such as diodes MEMS, etc. Therefore, the cost of developing this type of antenna is very small, which means that electrically large reconfigurable reflectarrays could be manufactured assuming low cost and greater productions. A paradigmatic example of a similar structure is the liquid crystal panel, which has already been commercialized successfully. The third reason lies in the fact that, at present, the liquid crystal is one of the few technologies capable of providing switching capabilities at frequencies above 60 GHz. In fact, the liquid crystal allows its permittivity to be switched in a wide range of frequencies, which are from DC to the visible spectrum, including microwaves and THz. Other technologies, such as ferroelectric materials, graphene or CMOS "on chip" technology also allow the beam to be switched at these frequencies. However, CMOS technology is expensive and is currently limited to frequencies below 150 GHz, and although ferroelectric materials or graphene can switch at higher frequencies and in a wider range, they have serious difficulties that make them immature. Ferroelectric materials involve the use of very high voltages to switch the material, making them unattractive, whereas the electromagnetic modelling of the graphene is still under discussion, so that the experimental results of devices based on this latter technology have not been reported yet. These three reasons make LC-based reflectarrays attractive for many applications that involve the use of electronically reconfigurable beams at frequencies beyond 60 GHz. Applications such as high resolution imaging radars, molecular spectroscopy, radiometers for atmospheric observation, or high frequency wireless communications (WiGig) are just some of them. This thesis is divided into three parts. In the first part, the most common properties of the liquid crystal materials are described, especially those exhibited in the nematic phase. The study is focused on the dielectric anisotropy (Ac) of uniaxial liquid crystals, which is defined as the difference between the parallel (e/7) and perpendicular (e±) permittivities: Ae = e,, - e±. This parameter allows the permittivity of a LC confined in an arbitrary volume at a certain biasing voltage to be described by solving a variational problem that involves both the electrostatic and elastic energies. Thus, the frequency dependence of (Ae) is also described and characterised. Note that an appropriate LC modelling is quite important to ensure enough accuracy in the phase shift provided by each cell that makes up the reflectarray, and therefore to achieve a good electrical performance at the antenna level. The second part of the thesis is focused on the design of resonant reflectarray cells based on liquid crystal. The reason why resonant cells have been chosen lies in the fact that they are able to provide enough phase range using the values of the dielectric anisotropy of the liquid crystals, which are typically small. Thus, the aim of this part is to investigate several reflectarray cell architectures capable of providing good electrical performance at the antenna level, which significantly improve the electrical performance of the cells reported in the literature. Similarly, another of the objectives is to develop a general tool to design these cells. To fulfill these objectives, the electrical yields of different types of resonant reflectarray elements are investigated, beginning from the simplest, which is made up of a single resonator and limits the state of the art. To overcome the electrical limitations of the single resonant cell, several elements consisting of multiple resonators are considered, which can be single-layer or multilayer. In a first step, the design procedure of these structures makes use of a conventional electromagnetic model which has been used in the literature, which considers that the liquid crystal behaves as homogeneous and isotropic materials whose permittivity varies between (e/7) y (e±). However, in this part of the thesis it is shown that the conventional modelling is not enough to describe the physical behaviour of the liquid crystal in reflectarray cells accurately. Therefore, a more accurate analysis and design procedure based on a more general model is proposed and developed, which defines the liquid crystal as an anisotropic three-dimensional inhomogeneous material. The design procedure is able to optimize multi-resonant cells efficiently to achieve good electrical performance in terms of bandwidth, phase range, losses, or sensitivity to the angle of incidence. The errors made when the conventional modelling (amplitude and phase) is considered have been also analysed for various cell geometries, by using measured results from several antenna prototypes made up of real liquid crystals at frequencies above 100 GHz. The measurements have been performed in a periodic environment using a quasi-optical bench, which has been designed especially for this purpose. One of these prototypes has been optimized to achieve a relatively large bandwidth (10%) at 100 GHz, low losses, a phase range of more than 360º, a low sensitivity to angle of incidence, and a low influence of the transversal inhomogeneity of the liquid crystal in the cell. The electrical yields of this prototype at the cell level improve those achieved by other elements reported in the literature, so that this prototype has been used in the last part of the thesis to perform several complete antennas for beam scanning applications. Finally, in this second part of the thesis, a novel strategy to characterise the macroscopic anisotropy using reflectarray cells is presented. The results in both RF and AC frequencies are compared with those obtained by other methods. The third part of the thesis consists on the study, design, manufacture and testing of LCbased reflectarray antennas in complex configurations. Note that the design procedure of a passive reflectarray antenna just consists on finding out the dimensions of the metallisations of each cell (which are used for phase control), using well-known optimization processes. However, in the case of reconfigurable reflectarrays based on liquid crystals, an additional step must be taken into account, which consists of accurately calculating the control voltages to be applied to each cell to configure the required phase-shift distribution on the surface of the antenna. Similarly, the structure to address the voltages at each cell and the control circuitry must be also considered. Therefore, the voltage synthesis is even more important than the design of the cell geometries (dimensions), since the voltages are directly related to the phase-shift. Several voltage synthesis procedures have been proposed in the state of the art, which are based on the experimental characterization of the phase/voltage curve. However, this characterization can be only carried out at a single angle of incidence and at certain cell dimensions, so that the synthesized voltages are different from those needed, thus giving rise to phase errors of more than 70°. Thus, the electrical yields of the LCreflectarrays reported in the literature are limited in terms of bandwidth, scanning range or side lobes level. In this last part of the thesis, a new voltage synthesis procedure has been defined and developed, which allows the required voltage to be calculated at each cell using simulations that take into account the particular dimensions of the cells, their angles of incidence, the frequency, and the AC biasing signal (frequency and waveform). The strategy is based on the modelling of each one of the permittivity states of the liquid crystal as an anisotropic substrate with longitudinal inhomogeneity (1D), or in certain cases, as an equivalent homogeneous tensor. The accuracy of both electromagnetic models is also discussed. The phase errors made by using the proposed voltage synthesis are better than 7º. In order to obtain an efficient tool to analyse and design the reflectarray, an electromagnetic analysis tool based on the Method of Moments in the spectral domain (SD-MoM) has also written and developed for anisotropic stratified media, which is used at each iteration of the voltage synthesis procedure. The voltage synthesis is also designed to minimize the effect of amplitude ripple on the radiation pattern, which is typical of reflectarrays made up of cells exhibiting high losses and represents a further advance in achieving a better antenna performance. To calculate the radiation patterns used in the synthesis procedure, an element-by-element analysis is assumed, which considers the local periodicity approach. Under this consideration, the use of a novel method is proposed, which avoids the limitation that the local periodicity imposes on the excitation. Once the appropriate strategy to calculate the voltages to be applied at each cell is developed, and once it is designed and manufactured both the structure to address the voltages to the antenna and the control circuits, two complete LC-based reflectarray antennas that operate at 100 GHz have been designed, manufactured and tested using the previously presented cells. The first prototype consists of a single offset reflectarray with beam scanning capabilities on one plane (elevation and azimuth). Although several LC-reflectarray antennas that provide 2-D scanning capabilities are also designed, and certain strategies to achieve the 2-D addressing of the voltage are proposed, the manufactured prototype addresses the voltages in one dimension in order to reduce the number of controls and manufacturing errors, and thereby validating the design tool. For an average aperture size (with a number of rows and columns of between 30 and 50 elements, which means a reflectarray with more than 900 cells), the single offset configuration provides an antenna gain of between 20 and 30 dBi and a large scanning range. The prototype tested at 100 GHz exhibits an electronically scanned beam in an angular range of 55º and 8% of bandwidth, in which the side lobe level (SLL) remains better than -13 dB. The maximum gain is 19.4 dBi. The electrical performance of the antenna is clearly an improvement on those achieved by other authors in the state of the art. The second prototype corresponds to a dual reflector antenna with a liquid crystal-based reflectarray used as a sub-reflector for beam scanning in one plane (azimuth or elevation). The main objective is to obtain a higher gain than that provided by the single offset configuration, but using a more compact architecture. In this case, a maximum gain of 35 dBi is achieved, although at the expense of reducing the scanning range to 12°, which is inherent in this type of structure. As a general statement, the voltage synthesis and the design procedure of the cells, jointly make up a complete, accurate and efficient design tool of reconfigurable reflectarray antennas based on liquid crystals. The tool has been validated by testing the previously mentioned prototypes at 100 GHz, which achieve something never reached before for this type of antenna: a competitive electrical performance, and an excellent prediction of the results. The design procedure is general and therefore can be used at any frequency for which the liquid crystal exhibits dielectric anisotropy. The two prototypes designed, manufactured and tested in this thesis are also some of the first antennas that currently operate at frequencies above 100 GHz. In fact, the dual reflector antenna is the first electronically scanned dual reflector antenna at frequencies above 60 GHz (the operation frequency is 100 GHz) with a gain greater than 25 dBi, being in turn the first dual-reflector antenna with a real reconfigurable sub-reflectarray. Finally, some improvements that should be still investigated to make these antennas commercially competitive are proposed.


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Alanine-based peptides of defined sequence and length show measurable helix contents, allowing them to be used as a model system both for analyzing the mechanism of helix formation and for investigating the contributions of side-chain interactions to protein stability. Extensive characterization of many peptide sequences with varying amino acid contents indicates that the favorable helicity of alanine-based peptides can be attributed to the large helix-stabilizing propensity of alanine. Based on their analysis of alanine-rich sequences N-terminally linked to a synthetic helix-inducing template, Kemp and coworkers [Kemp, D. S., Boyd, J. G. & Muendel, C. C. (1991) Nature (London) 352, 451–454; Kemp, D. S., Oslick, S. L. & Allen, T. J. (1996) J. Am. Chem. Soc. 118, 4249–4255] argue that alanine is helix-indifferent, however, and that the favorable helix contents of alanine-based peptides must have some other explanation. Here, we show that the helix contents of template-nucleated sequences are influenced strongly by properties of the template–helix junction. A model in which the helix propensities of residues at the template–peptide junction are treated separately brings the results from alanine-based peptides and template-nucleated helices into agreement. The resulting model provides a physically plausible resolution of the discrepancies between the two systems and allows the helix contents of both template-nucleated and standard peptide helices to be predicted by using a single set of helix propensities. Helix formation in both standard peptides and template–peptide conjugates can be attributed to the large intrinsic helix-forming tendency of alanine.


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The period (per) gene in Drosophila melanogaster provides an integral component of biological rhythmicity and encodes a protein that includes a repetitive threonine-glycine (Thr-Gly) tract. Similar repeats are found in the frq and wc2 clock genes of Neurospora crassa and in the mammalian per homologues, but their circadian functions are unknown. In Drosophilids, the length of the Thr-Gly repeat varies widely between species, and sequence comparisons have suggested that the repeat length coevolves with the immediately flanking amino acids. A functional test of the coevolution hypothesis was performed by generating several hybrid per transgenes between Drosophila pseudoobscura and D. melanogaster, whose repetitive regions differ in length by about 150 amino acids. The positions of the chimeric junctions were slightly altered in each transgene. Transformants carrying per constructs in which the repeat of one species was juxtaposed next to the flanking region of the other were almost arrhythmic or showed a striking temperature sensitivity of the circadian period. In contrast, transgenes in which the repeat and flanking regions were conspecific gave wild-type levels of circadian rescue. These results support the coevolutionary interpretation of the interspecific sequence changes in this region of the PER molecule and reveal a functional dimension to this process related to the clock’s temperature compensation.


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The aim of this study was to elucidate the mechanism of membrane insertion and the structural organization of pores formed by Bacillus thuringiensis δ-endotoxin. We determined the relative affinities for membranes of peptides corresponding to the seven helices that compose the toxin pore-forming domain, their modes of membrane interaction, their structures within membranes, and their orientations relative to the membrane normal. In addition, we used resonance energy transfer measurements of all possible combinatorial pairs of membrane-bound helices to map the network of interactions between helices in their membrane-bound state. The interaction of the helices with the bilayer membrane was also probed by a Monte Carlo simulation protocol to determine lowest-energy orientations. Our results are consistent with a situation in which helices α4 and α5 insert into the membrane as a helical hairpin in an antiparallel manner, while the other helices lie on the membrane surface like the ribs of an umbrella (the “umbrella model”). Our results also support the suggestion that α7 may serve as a binding sensor to initiate the structural rearrangement of the pore-forming domain.


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Prion protein consists of an ensemble of glycosylated variants or glycoforms. The enzymes that direct oligosaccharide processing, and hence control the glycan profile for any given glycoprotein, are often exquisitely sensitive to other events taking place within the cell in which the glycoprotein is expressed. Alterations in the populations of sugars attached to proteins can reflect changes caused, for example, by developmental processes or by disease. Here we report that normal (PrPC) and pathogenic (PrPSc) prion proteins (PrP) from Syrian hamsters contain the same set of at least 52 bi-, tri-, and tetraantennary N-linked oligosaccharides, although the relative proportions of individual glycans differ. This conservation of structure suggests that the conversion of PrPC into PrPSc is not confined to a subset of PrPs that contain specific sugars. Compared with PrPC, PrPSc contains decreased levels of glycans with bisecting GlcNAc residues and increased levels of tri- and tetraantennary sugars. This change is consistent with a decrease in the activity of N-acetylglucosaminyltransferase III (GnTIII) toward PrPC in cells where PrPSc is formed and argues that, in at least some cells forming PrPSc, the glycosylation machinery has been perturbed. The reduction in GnTIII activity is intriguing both with respect to the pathogenesis of the prion disease and the replication pathway for prions.


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Dexamethasone and progesterone have been found to accelerate the time of initiation and enhance the rate of myelin synthesis in Schwann cell/neuronal cocultures. The expression of mRNA for cytochrome P450scc (converts cholesterol to pregnenolone), 3β-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase (converts pregnenolone to progesterone), and the progesterone receptor were detected and markedly induced during peak myelin formation in the cocultures. The mRNA for the glucocorticoid receptor was detected, but was found to be constituitively expressed. In addition, the specific activity of 3β-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase was measured and found to increase by 10-fold. The mRNA for cytochrome P450scc and 3β-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase also were found to be induced during the differentiation of O-2A precursor cells to oligodendrocytes. Fibroblast growth factor and platelet-derived growth factor were found to have proliferative effects on Schwann cells, but they had no effect on the initiation or the rate of myelin formation. These results demonstrate that myelin-forming cells have inducible enzymes responsible for steroid biosynthesis and suggest a critical role for endogenous steroid hormones in signaling the initiation and enhancing the rate of myelin formation.


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Protein kinase C (PKC) is involved in the proliferation and differentiation of many cell types. In human erythroleukemia (K-562) cells, the PKC isoforms alpha and beta II play distinct functional roles. alpha PKC is involved in phorbol 12-myristate 13-acetate-induced cytostasis and megakaryocytic differentiation, whereas beta II PKC is required for proliferation. To identify regions within alpha and beta II PKC that allow participation in these divergent pathways, we constructed chimeras in which the regulatory and catalytic domains of alpha and beta II PKC were exchanged. These PKC chimeras can be stably expressed, exhibit enzymatic properties similar to native alpha and beta II PKC in vitro, and participate in alpha and beta II PKC isotype-specific pathways in K-562 cells. Expression of the beta/alpha PKC chimera induces cytostasis in the same manner as overexpression of wild-type alpha PKC. In contrast, the alpha/beta II PKC chimera, like wild-type beta II PKC, selectively translocates to the nucleus and leads to increased phosphorylation of the nuclear envelope polypeptide lamin B in response to bryostatin-1. Therefore, the catalytic domains of alpha and beta II PKC contain determinants important for alpha and beta II PKC isotype function. These results suggest that the catalytic domain represents a potential target for modulating PKC isotype activity in vivo.


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The mechanism under which the signal-reception amino-terminal portion (A domain) of the prokaryotic enhancer-binding protein XylR controls the activity of the regulator has been investigated through complementation tests in vivo, in which the various protein segments were produced as independent polypeptides. Separate expression of the A domain repressed the otherwise constitutive activity of a truncated derivative of XylR deleted of its A domain (XylR delta A). Such inhibition was not released by m-xylene, the natural inducer of the system. Repression caused by the A domain was specific for XylR because it did not affect activation of the sigma 54 promoter PnifH by a derivative of its cognate regulator, NifA, deleted of its own A domain. The A domain was also unable to repress the activity of a NifA-XylR hybrid protein resulting from fusing two-thirds of the central domain of NifA to the carboxyl-terminal third of XylR, which includes its DNA-binding domain. The inhibitory effect caused by the A domain of XylR on XylR delta A seems, therefore, to result from specific interactions in trans between the two truncated proteins and not from mere hindering of an activating surface.


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The Cronbach's alpha is the most widely used method for estimating internal consistency reliability. This procedure has proved very resistant to the passage of time, even if its limitations are well documented and although there are better options as omega coefficient or the different versions of glb, with obvious advantages especially for applied research in which the ítems differ in quality or have skewed distributions. In this paper, using Monte Carlo simulation, the performance of these reliability coefficients under a one-dimensional model is evaluated in terms of skewness and no tau-equivalence. The results show that omega coefficient is always better choice than alpha and in the presence of skew items is preferable to use omega and glb coefficients even in small samples.


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The new constitution will come into force in Hungary on 1 January 20121. Its adoption is part of the state reform which the Fidesz party led by Prime Minister Viktor Orbán has been implementing since it won the election in April 2010. Fidesz, along with the Christian Democrats which support it, has a qualified majority of two-thirds of the votes in parliament and may introduce solutions to facilitate its rule without support from other groupings and it is taking advantage of this opportunity. One example of this has been the amendment of the constitution ten times followed by a speedy adoption of a new constitution. The next step will be passing dozens of constitutional laws which regulate essential areas of the functioning of the state over the next few months. Both the way and the scope in which the changes have been made have raised controversies both at home and abroad. The regulations reinforce the position of the ruling camp on the Hungarian political scene, assisting it in passing the test of the next elections. Slovakia, which has criticised the practice of granting Hungarian citizenship to ethnic Hungarians living in other countries, is opposing the promise of also granting them electoral rights. The constitutional reinforcement of the state’s ‘responsibility’ for the diaspora linked with the collective concept of national minority rights fostered by Hungary has already led to tensions in the region.


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Mixed enterprises, which are entities jointly owned by the public and private sector, are spreading all over Europe in local utilities. Well aware that in the vast majority of cases the preference of local authorities towards such governance structure is determined by practical reasons rather than by the ambition to implement new regulatory designs (an alternative to the typical “external” regulation), our purpose is to confer some scientific value to this phenomenon which has not been sufficiently investigated in the economic literature. This paper aims at proposing an economic analysis of mixed enterprises, especially of the specific configuration in which the public partner acts as controller and the private one (or “industrial” partner) as service provider. We suggest that the public service concession to mixed enterprises could embody, under certain conditions, a noteworthy substitute to the traditional public provision and the concession to totally private enterprises, as it can push regulated operators to outperform and limit the risk of private opportunism. The starting point of the entire analysis is that ownership allows the (public) owner to gather more information about the actual management of the firm, according to property rights theory. Following this stream of research, we conclude that under certain conditions mixed enterprises could significantly reduce asymmetric information between regulators and regulated firms by implementing a sort of “internal” regulation. With more information, in effect, the public authority (as owner/controller of the regulated firm, but also as member of the regulatory agency) can stimulate the private operator to be more efficient and can monitor it more effectively with respect to the fulfilment of contractual obligations (i.e., public service obligations, quality standards, etc.). Moreover, concerning the latter function, the board of directors of the mixed enterprise can be the suitable place where public and private representatives (respectively, welfare and profit maximisers) can meet to solve all disputes arising from incomplete contracts, without recourse to third parties. Finally, taking into account that a disproportionate public intervention in the “private” administration (or an ineffective protection of the general interest) would imply too many drawbacks, we draw some policy implications that make an equitable debate on the board of the firm feasible. Some empirical evidence is taken from the Italian water sector.


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Regulatory cooperation is both one of the most ambitious and contentious parts of the EU-US Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) negotiations. In this paper, having identified the many levels of international regulatory cooperation, we show that TTIP regulatory cooperation will be significant, but not ambitious, while political and legal limits on cooperation in both the EU and the US minimise the concerns. For transatlantic regulatory cooperation to work, it must accept these political and legal constraints, build trust and confidence among counterpart regulators so they see that their transatlantic partner can help them do their work better, and provide tools to help regulators on both sides make informed decisions while retaining their regulatory autonomy and accountability to their politicians and citizens. A TTIP that provides these tools – and some more detailed instruments to that effect – will be more ambitious than previous trade agreements, and should, over the longer term, provide both the economic and regulatory benefits that the two sides envisage. The paper incorporates comparisons with the relevant chapters of recent FTAs the US and the EU have concluded, so as to clarify the approaches and degrees of ambition in this area. This comparison suggests that the TTIP regulatory cooperation will probably be more ambitious in terms of commitments and have a wider scope than any of these FTAs.


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To enhance the limited information available about the palaeo-ecological significance of calcareous dinoflagellates, we have studied their lateral distribution in surface sediments of the equatorial and south Atlantic between 13°N and 36°S. Calcareous dinoflagellate cysts appear to be widely distributed throughout the studied area. In the surface sediments, concentrations (cyst per gram dry sediment) of the vegetative stage Thoracosphaera heimii are generally higher than that of the (presumably) calcareous resting cysts. Distribution patterns in surface sediments of Orthopithonella granifera (Fütterer) Keupp and Versteegh, Rhabdothorax spp. Kamptner., Sphaerodinella albatrosiana (Kamptner) Keupp and Versteegh S. albatrosiana praratabulated, Sphaerodinella tuberosa var. 1 (Kamptner) Keupp and Versteegh and S. tuberosa var. 2 and the ratios between these species have been compared with temperature, salinity, density and stratification gradients in the upper water column. Rhabdothorax spp. is characteristically present in sediments of more temperate regions characterized by high seasonality. Dinoflagellates producing these cysts are able to tolerate high nutrient concentrations, and mixing of the water column. S. albatrosiana is abundant in regions characterized by high sea surface temperatures and oligotrophic surface water conditions. In contrast, the distribution of S. tuberosa var. 2 is negatively related to temperature. The other cyst species did not show a characteristic pattern in relation to the studied environmental gradients. The ratio of Sphaerodinella tuberosa var. 2 to Orthopithonella granifera can be used for reconstructing the presence of stratification in the upper 50 m of the water column, whereas the ratios of S. tuberosa var. 2 to Sphaerodinella albatrosiana and of O. granifera to Rhabdothorax spp. might be used for palaeotemperature reconstructions. Calcareous dinoflagellate cysts are abundant in oligotrophic areas and may be useful for the reconstruction of palaeoenvironmental conditions.


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Stable oxygen and carbon isotope (d18O and d13C) values measured in foraminiferal calcite are one of the primary tools used in paleoceanography. Diagenetic recrystallization of foraminiferal calcite can act to reset primary isotopic values, but its effects are typically poorly quantified. Here we test the impact of early stage diagenesis on stable isotope records generated from a suite of drill sites in the equatorial Pacific Ocean recovered during Ocean Drilling Program Leg 199 and Integrated Ocean Drilling Program Expedition 320. Our selected sites form paleowater and burial depth transects, with excellent stratigraphic control allowing us to confidently correlate our records. We observe large intersite differences in the preservation state of benthic foraminiferal calcite, implying very different recrystallization histories, but negligible intersite offsets in benthic d18O and d13C values. We infer that diagenetic alteration of benthic foraminiferal calcite (in sedimentary oozes) must predominantly occur at shallow burial depths (<100 m) where offsets in both the temperature and isotopic composition of waters in which the foraminifera calcified and pore waters in which diagenesis occurs are small. Our results suggest that even extensive recrystallization of benthic foraminiferal calcite results in minimal shifts from primary d18O and d13C values. This finding supports the long-held suspicion that diagenetic alteration of foraminiferal calcite is less problematic in benthic than in planktic foraminifera and that in deep-sea sediments routinely employed for paleoceanographic studies benthic foraminifera are robust recorders of stable isotope values in the fossil record.