957 resultados para gut mucosa


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Los objetivos globales de esta tesis han sido estudiar el efecto que los carbohidratos de la dieta ejercen sobre los rendimientos productivos, la barrera intestinal, y la digestión de animales destetados a 25 días de edad. Además se ha estudiado cuál es el mejor periodo para determinar la digestibilidad fecal tras el destete a esta edad. En el primer experimento se estudió el efecto de la fibra neutro detergente soluble (FNDS) sobre la barrera intestinal, digestión, microbiota intestinal y rendimientos productivos de gazapos en gazapos en la fase post-destete. Se diseñaron tres piensos isonutritivos en los que la única fuente de variación fueron los niveles de fibra soluble. A partir de una dieta control (AH) con 103 g/kg de materia seca de FNDS y alfalfa como fuente principal de fibra, se sustituyó la mitad de esta alfalfa por una mezcla de pulpa de remolacha y pulpa de manzana (75:25) en el pienso B-AP y por una mezcla de cascarilla y concentrado de proteína de soja (88:12) en el pienso OH, obteniéndose 131 y 79 g/kg de FNDS sobre materia seca, respectivamente. Los conejos se destetaron a 25 días y fueron alimentados con los piensos experimentales hasta los 35 días de edad, momento en el que se sacrificaron para la determinación de la digestibilidad ileal aparente (DIA) de la materia seca (MS), proteína bruta (PB) y almidón, la morfología de la mucosa, y actividad enzimática en el yeyuno, el tejido linfoide asociado a la mucosa, así como la microbiota intestinal. Para la determinación de la morfología de la mucosa se utilizaron adicionalmente 19 animales lactantes de 35 días de edad. Para el estudio de la tasa de mortalidad, se utilizaron 118 animales más por tratamiento que recibieron los piensos experimentales durante las dos semanas post-destete y posteriormente un pienso comercial hasta los 60 días de edad. Los animales recibieron durante todo el experimento medicación en el agua de bebida (100 ppm de apramicina sulfato y 120 ppm de tilosina tartrato). El nivel de fibra soluble mejoró los parámetros que se utilizaron para la caracterización del estado de la barrera intestinal. Los conejos alimentados con el mayor nivel de FNDS en el pienso presentaron una mayor longitud de los villi (P=0.001), un mayor ratio longitud villi/profundidad de las criptas (8.14; P=0.001), una mayor actividad disacaridásica (8671 μmol de glucosa/g de proteína; P=0.019), así como una mayor digestibilidad ileal (96.8%; P=0.002), observándose una reducción en el flujo ileal de almidón a medida que se incrementó el nivel de fibra soluble en el pienso (1,2 vs 0,5 g/d; P=0.001). Los animales lactantes a 35 días de edad presentaron un ratio longitud de villi/profundidad de las criptas menor que el observado en aquéllos alimentados con el pienso B-AP (6.70), pero superior al de los piensos AH y OH. Niveles inferiores de NDFS tendieron (P=0.074) a incrementar la respuesta inmune de tipo celular (linfocitos CD8+). El pienso también afectó a la producción de IL2 (CD25+; P=0.029; CD5+CD25+; P=0.057), pero sin llegar a establecerse una clara relación con el nivel de fibra soluble. La diversidad de la microbiota intestinal no se vio afectada por el pienso (P ≥ 0.38). Los animales alimentados con las piensos B-AP y AH presentaron una reducción en la frecuencia de detección de Clostridium perfringens tanto en íleon (P=0.062) como en ciego (4.3 vs. 17.6%, P =0.047), comparado con el pienso OH. Además la tasa de mortalidad (118 gazapos/pienso) disminuyó de 14.4% en el pienso OH a 5.1% en el pienso B-AP. Entre los 32 y los 35 días de edad se determinó la digestibilidad fecal aparente (14/pienso) de la materia seca (MS), energía bruta (EB), proteína bruta (PB), fibra neutro detergente (FND), fibra ácido detergente (FAD) y almidón. Este grupo, junto con otros nueve animales por tratamiento se utilizaron para determinar el peso del estómago y el ciego, la concentración cecal de ácidos grasos volátiles (AGV) y amoniaco (NH3), así como las tasas de similitud de la microbiota intestinal. Además se estudiaron los rendimientos productivos (35 animales/tratamiento) de los gazapos durante todo el período de cebo, consumiendo los piensos experimentales desde el destete hasta los 35 días y posteriormente un pienso comercial hasta los 60 días de edad. Niveles crecientes de FNDS mejoraron la digestibilidad fecal de la materia seca (MS) y energía (P<0.001). La inclusión FNDS aumentó de manera lineal el peso del contenido cecal (P=0.001) y el peso del aparato digestivo completo (P=0.008), y en los días previos al sacrificio disminuyó de manera lineal el consumo medio diario (P=0.040). Se observó además, una disminución lineal (P≤0.041) del pH del estómago. No se encontró relación entre el pH, la concentración y proporciones molares de AGV y el nivel de FNDS. El pienso pareció tener un efecto, incluso superior al de la madre, sobre la tasa de similitud de la microbiota, y los efectos fueron mayores a nivel cecal que ileal. La eficacia alimenticia aumentó de manera lineal en un 12% entre piensos extremos tras el destete (25- 39d) y en un 3% en el período global de cebo con niveles mayores de NDFS. El consumo medio diario durante la fase post-destete y durante todo el período de cebo, tendió a aumen tar (P≤0.079) con niveles mayores de FNDS, sin embargo no se apreció efecto sobre la ganancia media diaria (P≥0.15). En conclusión, el incremento del nivel de fibra soluble en el pienso parece resultar beneficioso para la salud del animal ya que mejora la integridad de la mucosa, y reduce la frecuencia de detección de potenciales patógenos como C. perfringens y Campylobacter spp. Conforme a estos resultados, debería tenerse en cuenta el contenido en fibra soluble en la formulación de piensos de conejos en la fase post-destete. El objetivo del segundo experimento fue determinar el efecto de la fuente de almidón sobre la digestión, la microbiota intestinal y los rendimientos productivos en conejos destetados con 25 días de edad. Se formularon tres piensos isonutritivos en los que se modificaron las principales fuentes de almidón: trigo crudo, trigo cocido y una combinación de trigo y arroz cocido. Dos grupos de 99 y 193 animales se destetaron con 25 días de edad. El primero de ellos se utilizó para la determinación de los parámetros productivos conforme al mismo protocolo seguido en el experimento anterior. El segundo de los grupos se utilizó para la determinación de la digestibilidad fecal de 32 a 35 d, la digestibilidad ileal aparente (DIA) a 35 d, la morfología de la mucosa intestinal, los parámetros de fermentación cecal; así como, la caracterización de la microbiota intestinal. Se utilizaron además dos grupos adicionales de animales 384 (medicados) y 177 (no medicados) para estudiar el efecto de la suplementación con antibióticos en el agua de bebida sobre la mortalidad. El procesado térmico del trigo mejoró ligeramente la digestibilidad ileal del almidón (P=0.020) pero no modificó el flujo final de almidón que alcanzó el ciego, observándose una mayor frecuencia de detección de Campylobacter spp. y Ruminococcus spp. en ciego (P≤0.023), pero sin cambios a nivel ileal. El procesado térmico del trigo no afectó tampoco a los parámetros productivos, la mortalidad, la digestibilidad ileal y fecal o la morfología de la mucosa. La sustitución parcial del trigo cocido por arroz cocido, penalizó la digestibilidad ileal del almidón (P=0.020) e incrementó el flujo ileal de este nutriente al ciego (P=0.007). Sin embargo no afectó a la mortalidad, pese a que se detectaron cambios en la microbiota tanto a nivel ileal como cecal, disminuyendo la frecuencia de detección de Campylobacter spp. (en íleon y ciego), Helicobacter spp. (en íleon) y Ruminococcus spp (en ciego) e incrementando Bacteroides spp. (en ciego) (P≤0.046). El empleo de arroz cocido en las piensos post-destete no tuvieron efectos sobre los parámetros productivos, la mortalidad, la digestibilidad ileal y fecal a excepción del almidón, o la morfología de la mucosa. La suplementación con antibiótico redujo la fre cuencia de detección de la mayoría de las bacterias estudiadas (P≤0.048), sobre todo para Campylobacter spp., Clostridium perfringens y Propionibacterium spp. (P≤0.048), observándose un efecto mayor a nivel ileal que cecal, lo que se asoció a la bajada significativa (P<0.001) de la mortalidad. En conclusión, los resultados de este experimento indican que la fuente de almidón afecta a la microbiota intestinal pero no influiye sobre la salud del animal. En relación al procesado, el uso de trigo cocido junto con arroz cocido no mejora los resultados obtenidos con trigo duro, si bienserían necesarios más experimentos que confirmaran este punto. El último de los experimentos se centró en un aspecto metodológico. Dado que, los conejos destetados presentan un patrón digestivo diferente al de un animal adulto resultado de su inmadurez digestiva, el objetivo buscado era tratar de determinar el mejor procedimiento para la determinación de la digestibilidad fecal en los gazapos en la fase post-destete. Para tal fin se utilizaron 15 animales/tratamiento de tres camadas diferentes que se destetaron con 25 días, suministrándoles un pienso comercial de crecimiento-cebo. Se registró el consumo medio diario y la excreción diaria de heces desde el día 25 hasta el día 40 de edad para la determinación de la digestibilidad de la MS. La camada afectó al consumo medio diario y la excreción de heces (P=0.013 y 0.014, respectivamente), observándose una tendencia (P=0.061) en la digestibilidad. La edad afectó (P<0.001) a todos estos factores, incrementándose de manera más evidente la excreción que la ingestión de materia seca en la primera semana de vida, para aumentar de forma paralela a partir de la segunda. La correlación entre el consumo medio diario fue mayor con la excreción de heces del mismo día que con la del día siguiente, por lo que se utilizó el primero para la determinación de la digestibilidad de la MS (MSd). La MSd disminuyó de manera lineal hasta los 32 días de edad (2.17±0.25 unidades porcentuales por día), mientras que permaneció constante desde los 32 a los 40 días (69.4±0.47%). Por otro lado, la desviación estándar de la MSd se redujo cuando se incrementó el período de recogida de 2 a 6 días en un 54%. Conforme a los resultados obtenidos, se puede concluir que no es aconsejable comenzar las pruebas de digestibilidad antes de los 32 días de edad y que el número de animales necesario para detectar diferencias significativas entre tratamientos dependerá del período de recogida de heces. ABSTRACT The global aim of this thesis has been to study the effect of dietary carbohydrates on growth, performance, digestion and intestinal barrier in 25-d weaned rabbits. In addition there has also been studied which is the best period to determine the fecal digestibility after weaning. The first experiment focused on the effect of Neutral Detergent Soluble Fibre (NDSF) on gut barrier function, digestion, intestinal microbiota and growth performance n rabbits in the post-weaning period. Three isonutritive diets which only varied in the levels of soluble fiber were formulated such as it described as follows: a control diet (AH) containing 103 g of neutral detergent soluble fiber, including alfalfa as main source of fiber, was replaced by a mixture of beet and apple pulp (75-25) in the B-AP diet and, by a mix of oat hulls and soybean protein concentrate (88:12) in the OH diet, resulting 131 and 79 g of NDFS/kg of dry matter, respectively. Rabbits, weaned at 25 days of age, were fed the experimental diets up to 35 days of age, moment in which they were slaughtered for apparent ileal digestibility (AID) of dry matter (DM), crude protein (CP) and starch, mucosa morphology, sucrose activity, characterization of lamina propria lymphocytes and intestinal microbiota. To assess mucosal morphology, 19 suckling 35-d-old rabbits were also used. For mortality study, besides these animals, 118 additional rabbits per treatment were fed the experimental diets for two weeks period and thereafter received a commercial diet until 60 days of age. Rabbits were water medicated during the whole experimental period (100 ppm de apramicine sulphate and 120 ppm of tylosine tartrate). Level of soluble fiber improved all the parameters used for the characterization of the intestinal barrier condition. Villous height of the jejunal mucosa increased with dietary soluble fiber (P=0.001). Villous height of jejunal mucosa increased with dietary soluble fiber (P = 0.001). Rabbits fed the highest level of soluble fiber (BA-P diet) showed the highest villous height/crypth depth ratio (8.14; P = 0.001), sucrase specific activity (8671 μmol glucose/ g protein; P = 0.019), and the greatest ileal starch digestibility (96.8%; P = 0.002). The opposite effects were observed in rabbits fed decreased levels of soluble fiber (AH and OH diets; 4.70, 5,848 μmol of glucose/g of protein, as average, respectively). The lowest ileal starch digestibility was detected for animal fed OH diet (93.2%). Suckling rabbits of the same age showed a lower villous height/crypt depth ratio (6.70) compared with the B-AP diet group, but this ration was higher that the AH or OH diet groups. Lower levels of soluble fiber tended (P = 0.074) to increase the cellular immune response (CD8+ lymphocytes). Diet affected IL-2 production (CD25+, P = 0.029; CD5+CD25+, P = 0.057), with no clear relationship between soluble fiber and IL-2. The intestinal microbiota biodiversity was not affected by diets (P ≥ 0.38). Animals fed B-AP and AH diets had a reduced cecal frequency of detection compatible with Campylobacter spp. (20.3 vs. 37.8, P = 0.074), and Clostridium perfringens (4.3 vs. 17.6%, P = 0.047), compared with the OH diet group. Moreover, the mortality rates decreased from 14.4 (OH diet) to 5.1% (B-AP diet) with the increased presence of soluble fiber in the diet. Between 32 and 35 days of age, faecal apparent digestibility of dry matter (DM), gross energy (GE), crude protein (CP), neutral detergent fiber (NDF), acid detergent fiber (ADF) and starch was determined (14/diet). This group, plus another nine rabbits/diet were used to determine weight of stomach and caecum and their contents, cecal fermentation traits and similarity rate (SR) of intestinal microbiota. Besides, growth performance parameters (35 rabbits/diet) were studied during the whole fattening period, in animals consuming the experimental feed after the weaning up to 35 days of age and later on a commercial diet up animals reached 60 days of age. Increasing levels of Neutral Detergent Soluble Fiber improved faecal dry matter and energy digestibility (P<0.001). NDSF inclusion improved linearly weight of the caecal content (P=0.001) and the total gastrointestinal tract (P=0.008), and in the previous days to slaughter a linear decrease of daily feed intake in diet with highest level of soluble fiber was also observed. Stomach pH decreased linearly with increasing levels of NDFS (P≤0.041). No relation between NDSF level on pH, concentration and molar proportion of VFA was found. Treatments appeared to influence the similarity rate of microbiota, even higher to mother effect. These effects were higher in ileum than in caecum. A linear positive effect of feed efficiency was observed, which increased around 12% in the two weeks post-weaning (25-39d) and 3% in the whole fattening period between extreme diets with highest levels of soluble fiber. Average daily feed intake during the two weeks after weaning and in the whole fattening period, tended (P≤0.079) to increase with highest levels of NDSF; although there were no effect on daily weight gain (≥0.15). In conclusion, an increase of soluble fiber in the feed seems to be beneficial for animal health, due to improve mucose integrity and reduce detection frequency of those poten tial pathogens like C. perfringens and Campylobacter spp. According to these results, level of soluble fiber should be taking care in feed rabbit formulation in the post-weaning period. The objective of the second experiment was to determine the effect of source of starch on digestion, intestinal microbiota and growth performance in twenty-five-day old weaned rabbits. To accomplish with this aim three iso-nutritive diets were formulated with different source of starch: raw wheat, boiled wheat and a combination of boiled wheat and boiled rice. Two groups of 99 and 193 rabbits were weaned at 25 days of age. The first group was used for growth performance determination following the same protocol than in previous experiment. The second group was used to determine faecal digestibility from 32 to 35 d, apparent ileal digestibility (AID) at 35 d, jejunal mucosa morphology, caecal fermentation traits and characterization of intestinal microbiota. For mortality, two additional groups of 384 (medicated) and 177 (not medicated) were used in order to study the effect of antibiotic water supply supplementation. Heat processing of starch slightly improved ileal digestibility of starch (P=0.020) but did not modify the flow of starch to the caecum. An increase in frequency of detection of Campylobacter spp. y Ruminococcus spp. was observed in the caecum (P≤0.023), with no changes at ileal level. Heat processing of wheat did not modify growth performance, mortality, ileal or faecal digestibility and mucosa morphology. Partial substitution of boiled wheat for boiled rice in the diet impaired ileal starch digestibility (P=0.020) and increased the ileal flow of this nutrient to the caecum (P=0.007). However, it did not affect mortality rate, although changes in the ileal and caecal intestinal microbiota were detected, decreasing the frequency of detection of Campylobacter spp. (both ileum and caecum), Helicobacter spp. (at ileum) and Ruminococcus spp (at caecum) and increasing the Bacteroides spp. (at caecum) (P≤0.046). The effect of boiled rice supplementation did not alter growth performance, mortality, ileal or faecal digestibility of other nutrients than starch, and mucosa morphology. Medication of rabbits reduced the ileal frequency of detection of most bacteria studied (P≤0.048), especially for Campylobacter spp., Clostridium perfringens y Propionibacterium spp. (P≤0.048), resulting the effect higher at ileal than caecal level and relating it with a strong reduction of mortality rate (P<0.001). In conclusion, the results of this experiment make think that the source of starch affects the intestinal microbiota but they do not seem to influence animal health. In relation to the effect of heat processed the use of cooked wheat or cooked rice it does not seem to im prove the results obtained with hard wheat, but there would be necessary more experiments that were confirming this point. The last experiment focused on a methodological aspect. Considering that, weaned rabbits have a different digestive pattern than older animals due to their digestive immaturity; the fixed objective was to determine the best procedure for faecal digestibility determination in young rabbits in the post-weaning period. Fifteen rabbits from 5 different litters were weaned at 25 days of age and fed with a commercial feed. Feed intake and faeces excretion were recorded daily from 25 to 40 days of age for dry matter digestibility (DMd) determination. Litter affected daily DM intake and excretion (P=0.013 y 0.014, respectively) and tended to affect DMd (P=0.061). Age affected all these factors (P<0.001), but ingestion increased slowly than dry matter excretion during the first week buth they evolved similarly in the second week. The correlation between daily feed intakes was higher with the faeces excretion of the day than with faeces excretion of the next day, and the first values were used to determine daily DMd. The DMd decreased linearly from weaning to 32 d of age (2.17±0.25 percentage units per day), whereas from 32 to 40 d remained constant (69.4±0.47%). On the other hand, average standard deviation of DMd decreased by 54% when the length of collection period increased from 2 to 6d. Consequently to the obtained results, it could be concluded that it would not be advisable to start digestibility trials before the 32 days of age and that the number of animals required to detect a significant difference among means would depend on the collection period.


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High performance silk fibers were produced directly from the silk glands of silkworms ("Bombyx mori") following an alternative route to natural spinning. This route is based on a traditional procedure that consists of soaking the silk glands in a vinegar solution and stretching them by hand leading to the so called silkworm guts. Here we present, to the authors’ best knowledge, the first comprehensive study on the formation, properties and microstructure of silkworm gut fibers. Comparison of the tensile properties and microstructural organization of the silkworm guts with those of naturally spun fibers allows gain of a deeper insight into the mechanisms that lead to the formation of the fiber, as well as the relationship between the microstructure and properties of these materials. In this regard, it is proved that an acidic environment and subsequent application of tensile stress in the range of 1000 kPa are sufficient conditions for the formation of a silk fiber.


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IA, JNP, and MP were partly supported by the NIH, grants R01-AI-100947 to MP, and R21-GM-107683 to Matthias Chung, subcontract to MP. JNP was partly supported by an NSF graduate fellowship number DGE750616. IA, JNP, BRL, OCS and MP were supported in part by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, award number 42917 to OCS. JP and AWW received core funding support from The Wellcome Trust (grant number 098051). AWW, and the Rowett Institute of Nutrition and Health, University of Aberdeen, receive core funding support from the Scottish Government Rural and Environmental Science and Analysis Service (RESAS).


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Molting or ecdysis is the most fundamentally important process in arthropod life history, because shedding of the exoskeleton is an absolute prerequisite for growth and metamorphosis. Although the hormonal mechanisms driving ecdysis in insects have been studied extensively, nothing is known about these processes in crustaceans. During late premolt and during ecdysis in the crab Carcinus maenas, we observed a precise and reproducible surge in hemolymph hyperglycemic hormone (CHH) levels, which was over 100-fold greater than levels seen in intermolt animals. The source of this hormone surge was not from the eyestalk neurosecretory tissues but from previously undescribed endocrine cells (paraneurons), in defined areas of the foregut and hindgut. During premolt (the only time when CHH is expressed by these tissues), the gut is the largest endocrine tissue in the crab. The CHH surge, which is a result of an unusual, almost complete discharge of the contents of the gut endocrine cell, regulates water and ion uptake during molting, thus allowing the swelling necessary for successful ecdysis and the subsequent increase in size during postmolt. This study defines an endocrine brain/gut axis in the arthropods. We propose that the ionoregulatory process controlled by CHH may be common to arthropods, in that, for insects, a similar mechanism seems to be involved in antidiuresis. It also seems likely that a cascade of very precisely coordinated release of (neuro) hormones controls ecdysis.


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The tsetse thrombin inhibitor, a potent and specific low molecular mass (3,530 Da) anticoagulant peptide, was purified previously from salivary gland extracts of Glossina morsitans morsitans (Diptera: Glossinidae). A 303-bp coding sequence corresponding to the inhibitor has now been isolated from a tsetse salivary gland cDNA library by using degenerate oligonucleotide probes. The full-length cDNA contains a 26-bp untranslated segment at its 5′ end, followed by a 63-bp sequence corresponding to a putative secretory signal peptide. A 96-bp segment codes for the mature tsetse thrombin inhibitor, whose predicted molecular weight matches that of the purified native protein. Based on its lack of homology to any previously described family of molecules, the tsetse thrombin inhibitor appears to represent a unique class of naturally occurring protease inhibitors. Recombinant tsetse thrombin inhibitor expressed in Escherichia coli and the chemically synthesized peptide are both substantially less active than the purified native protein, suggesting that posttranslational modification(s) may be necessary for optimal inhibitory activity. The tsetse thrombin inhibitor gene, which is present as a single copy in the tsetse genome, is expressed at high levels in salivary glands and midguts of adult tsetse flies, suggesting a possible role for the anticoagulant in both feeding and processing of the bloodmeal.


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Genetic modification of the vectorial capacity of mosquito vectors of human disease requires promoters capable of driving gene expression with appropriate tissue and stage specificity. We report on the characterization in transgenic Aedes aegypti of two mosquito gut-specific promoters. A 1.4-kb DNA fragment adjacent to the 5′ end of the coding region of the Ae. aegypti carboxypeptidase (AeCP) gene and a corresponding 3.4-kb DNA fragment at the 5′ end of the Anopheles gambiae carboxypeptidase (AgCP) gene were linked to a firefly luciferase reporter gene and introduced into the Ae. aegypti germ line by using Hermes and mariner (Mos1) transposons. Six independent transgenic lines were obtained with the AeCP construct and one with the AgCP construct. Luciferase mRNA and protein were abundantly expressed in the guts of transgenic mosquitoes in four of the six AeCP lines and in the AgCP line. Expression of the reporter gene was gut-specific and reached peak levels at about 24 h post-blood ingestion. The AeCP and AgCP promoters can be used to drive the expression of genes that hinder parasite development in the mosquito gut.


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Developing chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.) seeds 12 to 60 d after flowering (DAF) were analyzed for proteinase inhibitor (Pi) activity. In addition, the electrophoretic profiles of trypsin inhibitor (Ti) accumulation were determined using a gel-radiographic film-contact print method. There was a progressive increase in Pi activity throughout seed development, whereas the synthesis of other proteins was low from 12 to 36 DAF and increased from 36 to 60 DAF. Seven different Ti bands were present in seeds at 36 DAF, the time of maximum podborer (Helicoverpa armigera) attack. Chickpea Pis showed differential inhibitory activity against trypsin, chymotrypsin, H. armigera gut proteinases, and bacterial proteinase(s). In vitro proteolysis of chickpea Ti-1 with various proteinases generated Ti-5 as the major fragment, whereas Ti-6 and -7 were not produced. The amount of Pi activity increased severalfold when seeds were injured by H. armigera feeding. In vitro and in vivo proteolysis of the early- and late-stage-specific Tis indicated that the chickpea Pis were prone to proteolytic digestion by H. armigera gut proteinases. These data suggest that survival of H. armigera on chickpea may result from the production of inhibitor-insensitive proteinases and by secretion of proteinases that digest chickpea Pis.


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In insects, neurotransmitter catabolism, melatonin precursor formation, and sclerotization involve arylalkylamine N-acetyltransferase (aaNAT, EC activity. It is not known if one or multiple aaNAT enzymes are responsible for these activities. We recently have purified an aaNAT from Drosophila melanogaster. Here, we report the cloning of the corresponding aaNAT cDNA (aaNAT1) that upon COS cell expression acetylates dopamine, tryptamine, and the immediate melatonin precursor serotonin. aaNAT1 represents a novel gene family unrelated to known acetyl-transferases, except in two weakly conserved amino acid motifs. In situ hybridization studies of aaNAT1 mRNA in embryos reveal hybridization signals in the brain, the ventral cord, the gut, and probably in oenocytes, indicating a broad tissue distribution of aaNAT1 transcripts. Moreover, in day/ night studies we demonstrate a diurnal rhythm of melatonin concentration without a clear-cut change in aaNAT1 mRNA levels. The data suggest that tissue-specific regulation of aaNAT1 may be associated with different enzymatic functions and do not exclude the possibility of additional aaNAT genes.


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Many peptide hormone and neurotransmitter receptors belonging to the seven membrane-spanning G protein-coupled receptor family have been shown to transmit ligand-dependent mitogenic signals in vitro. However, the physiological roles of the mitogenic activity through G protein-coupled receptors in vivo remain to be elucidated. Here we have generated G protein-coupled cholecystokinin (CCK)-B/gastrin receptor deficient-mice by gene targeting. The homozygous mice showed a remarkable atrophy of the gastric mucosa macroscopically, even in the presence of severe hypergastrinemia. The atrophy was due to a decrease in parietal cells and chromogranin A-positive enterochromaffin-like cells expressing the H+,K(+)-ATPase and histidine decarboxylase genes, respectively. Oral administration of a proton pump inhibitor, omeprazole, which induced hypertrophy of the gastric mucosa with hypergastrinemia in wild-type littermates, did not eliminate the gastric atrophy of the homozygotes. These results clearly demonstrated that the G protein-coupled CCK-B/gastrin receptor is essential for the physiological as well as pathological proliferation of gastric mucosal cells in vivo.


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It was previously shown that the Haemonchus contortus apical gut surface proteins p46, p52, and p100 induced protective immunity to challenge infections in goats. Here, it is shown that the three proteins are all encoded by a single gene (GA1) and initially expressed in adult parasites as a polyprotein (p100GA1). p46GA1 and p52GA1 are related proteins with 47% sequence identity, including a cysteine-containing region, which appears to confer secondary structure to these proteins, and a region with sequence similarity to bacterial Tolb proteins. GA1 protein expression is regulated during the life cycle at the level of transcript abundance. Only p52GA1 has characteristics of a glycosylinositolphospholipid membrane-anchored protein. However, both p46GA1 and p52GA1 were released from the gut membrane by phosphatidylinositol specific-phospholipase C, suggesting that p46GA1 membrane association depends on interactions with a glycosylinositolphospholipid gut membrane protein. Finally, GA1 proteins occur in abomasal mucus of infected lambs, demonstrating possible presentation to the host immune system during H. contortus infection. The results identify multiple characteristics of the GA1 proteins that should be considered for design of recombinant antigens for vaccine trials and that implicate a series of cellular processes leading to modification and expression of GA1 proteins at the nematode apical gut surface.


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The alpha-subunit of the trimeric G-protein complex specific for taste receptor cells of the tongue, alpha-gustducin, is described here to be also expressed in the stomach and intestine. The alpha-gustducin-containing cells were identified as brush cells that are scattered throughout the surface epithelium of the gut and share structural features of taste receptor cells of the tongue. These findings provide clues to the long-sought molecular and cellular basis for chemoreception in the gut.


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The gastric mucosa of mammalian stomach contains several differentiated cell types specialized for the secretion of acid, digestive enzymes, mucus, and hormones. Understanding whether each of these cell lineages is derived from a common stem cell has been a challenging problem. We have used a genetic approach to analyze the ontogeny of progenitor cells within mouse stomach. Herpes simplex virus 1 thymidine kinase was targeted to parietal cells within the gastric mucosa of transgenic mice, and parietal cells were ablated by treatment of animals with the antiherpetic drug ganciclovir. Ganciclovir treatment produced complete ablation of parietal cells, dissolution of gastric glands, and loss of chief and mucus-producing cells. Termination of drug treatment led to the reemergence of all major gastric epithelial cell types and restoration of glandular architecture. Our results imply the existence of a pluripotent stem cell for the gastric mucosa. Parietal cell ablation should provide a model for analyzing cell lineage relationships within the stomach as well as mechanisms underlying gastric injury and repair.


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Millions of people die every year in the tropical world from diseases transmitted by hematophagous insects. Failure of conventional containment measures emphasizes the need for additional approaches, such as transformation of vector insects with genes that restrict vectorial capacity. The availability of an efficient promoter to drive foreign genes in transgenic insects is a necessary tool to test the feasibility of such approach. Here we characterize the putative promoter region of a black fly midgut carboxypeptidase gene and show that these sequences correctly direct the expression of a beta-glucuronidase reporter in Drosophila melanogaster. By histochemical staining and mRNA analysis, we found that the gene is expressed strongly and gut-specifically in the transgenic Drosophila. This gut-specific black fly carboxypeptidase promoter provides a valuable tool for the study of disease vectors.


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Tobacco plants were transformed with a cDNA clone of chymotrypsin/trypsin-specific potato proteinase inhibitor II (PI2) under the control of a constitutive promoter. Although considerable levels of transgene expression could be demonstrated, the growth of Spodoptera exigua larvae fed with detached leaves of PI2-expressing plants was not affected. Analysis of the composition of tryptic gut activity demonstrated that only 18% of the proteinase activity of insects reared on these transgenic plants was sensitive to inhibition by PI2, whereas 78% was sensitive in insects reared on control plants. Larvae had compensated for this loss of tryptic activity by a 2.5-fold induction of new activity that was insensitive to inhibition by PI2. PI2-insensitive proteolytic activity was also induced in response to endogenous proteinase inhibitors of tobacco; therefore, induction of such proteinase activity may represent the mechanism by which insects that feed on plants overcome plant proteinase inhibitor defense.


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L’utilizzo di nanomateriali, ovvero una nuova classe di sostanze composte da particelle ultrafini con dimensioni comprese fra 1 e 100 nm (American Society for Testing Materials - ASTM), è in costante aumento a livello globale. La particolarità di tali sostanze è rappresentata da un alto rapporto tra la superficie e il volume delle particelle, che determina caratteristiche chimico-fisiche completamente differenti rispetto alle omologhe macrosostanze di riferimento. Tali caratteristiche sono tali da imporre una loro classificazione come nuovi agenti chimici (Royal Society & Royal Academy of Engineering report 2004). Gli impieghi attuali dei nanomateriali risultano in continua evoluzione, spaziando in diversi ambiti, dall’industria farmaceutica e cosmetica, all’industria tessile, elettronica, aerospaziale ed informatica. Diversi sono anche gli impieghi in campo biomedico; tra questi la diagnostica e la farmacoterapia. È quindi prevedibile che in futuro una quota sempre maggiore di lavoratori e consumatori risulteranno esposti a tali sostanze. Allo stato attuale non vi è una completa conoscenza degli effetti tossicologici ed ambientali di queste sostanze, pertanto, al fine di un loro utilizzo in totale sicurezza, risulta necessario capirne meglio l’impatto sulla salute, le vie di penetrazione nel corpo umano e il rischio per i lavoratori conseguente al loro utilizzo o lavorazione. La cute rappresenta la prima barriera nei confronti delle sostanze tossiche che possono entrare in contatto con l’organismo umano. Successivamente agli anni ‘60, quando si riteneva che la cute rappresentasse una barriera totalmente impermeabile, è stato dimostrato come essa presenti differenti gradi di permeabilità nei confronti di alcuni xenobiotici, dipendente dalle caratteristiche delle sostanze in esame, dal sito anatomico di penetrazione, dal grado di integrità della barriera stessa e dall’eventuale presenza di patologie della cute. La mucosa del cavo orale funge da primo filtro nei confronti delle sostanze che entrano in contatto con il tratto digestivo e può venir coinvolta in contaminazioni di superficie determinate da esposizioni occupazionali e/o ambientali. È noto che, rispetto alla cute, presenti una permeabilità all’acqua quattro volte maggiore, e, per tale motivo, è stata studiata come via di somministrazione di farmaci, ma, ad oggi, pochi sono gli studi che ne hanno valutato le caratteristiche di permeazione nei confronti delle nanoparticelle (NPs). Una terza importante barriera biologica è quella che ricopre il sistema nervoso centrale, essa è rappresentata da tre foglietti di tessuto connettivo, che assieme costituiscono le meningi. Questi tre foglietti rivestono completamente l’encefalo permettendone un isolamento, tradizionalmente ritenuto completo, nei confronti degli xenobiotici. L’unica via di assorbimento diretto, in questo contesto, è rappresentata dalla via intranasale. Essa permette un passaggio diretto di sostanze dall’epitelio olfattivo all’encefalo, eludendo la selettiva barriera emato-encefalica. Negli ultimi anni la letteratura scientifica si è arricchita di studi che hanno indagato le caratteristiche di assorbimento di farmaci attraverso questa via, ma pochissimi sono gli studi che hanno indagato la possibile penetrazione di nanoparticelle attraverso questa via, e nessuno, in particolar modo, ha indagato le caratteristiche di permeazione delle meningi. L’attività di ricerca svolta nell’ambito del presente dottorato ha avuto per finalità l’indagine delle caratteristiche di permeabilità e di assorbimento della cute, della mucosa del cavo orale e delle meningi nei confronti di alcune nanoparticelle, scelte fra quelle più rappresentative in relazione alla diffusione d’utilizzo a livello globale. I risultati degli esperimenti condotti hanno dimostrato, in vitro, che l’esposizione cutanea a Pt, Rh, Co3O4 e Ni NPs determinano permeazione in tracce dei medesimi metalli attraverso la cute, mentre per le TiO2 NPs tale permeazione non è stata dimostrata. È stato riscontrato, inoltre, che la mucosa del cavo orale e le meningi sono permeabili nei confronti dell’Ag in forma nanoparticellare.