989 resultados para glucose urine level
PURPOSE OF REVIEW: The control of glucose and energy homeostasis, including feeding behaviour, is tightly regulated by gut-derived peptidic and nonpeptidic endocrine mediators, autonomic nervous signals, as well as nutrients such as glucose. We will review recent findings on the role of the gastrointestinal tract innervation and of portal vein glucose sensors; we will review selected data on the action of gastrointestinally released hormones. RECENT FINDINGS: The involvement of mechanosensory vagal afferents in postprandial meal termination has been clarified using mouse models with selective impairments of genes required for development of mechanosensory fibres. These activate central glucogen-like peptide-1/glucogen-like peptide-2 containing ascending pathways linking the visceroceptive brainstem neurons to hypothalamic nuclei. Mucosal terminals comprise the chemosensory vagal afferents responsive to postprandially released gastrointestinal hormones. The mechanism by which the hepatoportal glucose sensor stimulates glucose utilization by muscles was demonstrated, using genetically modified mice, to be insulin-independent but to require GLUT4 and AMP-kinase. This sensor is a key site of glucogen-like peptide-1 action and plays a critical role in triggering first phase insulin secretion. PeptideYY and ghrelin target intracerebral receptors as they are bidirectionally transported across the blood brain barrier. The anorectic functions of peripherally released peptideYY may however be mediated both via vagal afferents and intracerebral Y2 receptors in the brainstem and arcuate nucleus. SUMMARY: These recent findings demonstrate that the use of improved anatomical and physiological techniques and animal models with targeted gene modifications lead to an improved understanding of the complex role of gastrointestinal signals in the control of energy homeostasis.
With the intensive use of information and communication technologies, governments are transforming into e-governments. While public management research has given increased attention to this subject lately, this article reviews the limited literature that deals with the impacts of e-government technologies on street-level bureaucracies. A twofold argument is being developed. First, what can be called the 'curtailment thesis', stressing the reduction or disappearance of frontline policy discretion, is addressed. Second, the 'enablement thesis' gets attention, highlighting how technologies provide frontline workers and citizens with additional action resources. The article concludes with propositions for a future research agenda on the topic.
The first finding of a Capillariid in the urinary tract of a free ranging maned wolf (Chrysocyon brachyurus) is described. The individual was an adult male attacked by dogs in the locality of Cayastacito (Santa Fe, Argentina, 31º05' S, 60º 34' W). Eggs found in urine measured 64.6-66.9µm (mean 65.4µm) x 26.9-31µm (mean 29µm). Further studies are needed to determine whether this finding corresponds to a new Capillariid species, related to C. brachyurus, or it is an already described species that has been introduced by domestic dogs.
Résumé grand public :Le cerveau se compose de cellules nerveuses appelées neurones et de cellules gliales dont font partie les astrocytes. Les neurones communiquent entre eux par signaux électriques et en libérant des molécules de signalisation comme le glutamate. Les astrocytes ont eux pour charge de capter le glucose depuis le sang circulant dans les vaisseaux sanguins, de le transformer et de le transmettre aux neurones pour qu'ils puissent l'utiliser comme source d'énergie. L'astrocyte peut ensuite utiliser ce glucose de deux façons différentes pour produire de l'énergie : la première s'opère dans des structures appelées mitochondries qui sont capables de produire plus de trente molécules riches en énergie (ATP) à partir d'une seule molécule de glucose ; la seconde possibilité appelée glycolyse peut produire deux molécules d'ATP et un dérivé du glucose appelé lactate. Une théorie couramment débattue propose que lorsque les astrocytes capturent le glutamate libéré par les neurones, ils libèrent en réponse du lactate qui servirait de base énergétique aux neurones. Cependant, ce mécanisme n'envisage pas une augmentation de l'activité des mitochondries des astrocytes, ce qui serait pourtant bien plus efficace pour produire de l'énergie.En utilisant la microscopie par fluorescence, nous avons pu mesurer les changements de concentrations ioniques dans les mitochondries d'astrocytes soumis à une stimulation glutamatergique. Nous avons démontré que les mitochondries des astrocytes manifestent des augmentations spontanées et transitoires de leur concentrations ioniques, dont la fréquence était diminuée au cours d'une stimulation avec du glutamate. Nous avons ensuite montré que la capture de glutamate augmentait la concentration en sodium et acidifiait les mitochondries des astrocytes. En approfondissant ces mécanismes, plusieurs éléments ont suggéré que l'acidification induite diminuerait le potentiel de synthèse d'énergie d'origine mitochondriale et la consommation d'oxygène dans les astrocytes. En résumé, l'ensemble de ces travaux suggère que la signalisation neuronale impliquant le glutamate dicte aux astrocytes de sacrifier temporairement l'efficacité de leur métabolisme énergétique, en diminuant l'activité de leurs mitochondries, afin d'augmenter la disponibilité des ressources énergétiques utiles aux neurones.Résumé :La remarquable efficacité du cerveau à compiler et propager des informations coûte au corps humain 20% de son budget énergétique total. Par conséquent, les mécanismes cellulaires responsables du métabolisme énergétique cérébral se sont adéquatement développés pour répondre aux besoins énergétiques du cerveau. Les dernières découvertes en neuroénergétique tendent à démontrer que le site principal de consommation d'énergie dans le cerveau est situé dans les processus astrocytaires qui entourent les synapses excitatrices. Un nombre croissant de preuves scientifiques a maintenant montré que le transport astrocytaire de glutamate est responsable d'un coût métabolique important qui est majoritairement pris en charge par une augmentation de l'activité glycolytique. Cependant, les astrocytes possèdent également un important métabolisme énergétique de type mitochondrial. Par conséquent, la localisation spatiale des mitochondries à proximité des transporteurs de glutamate suggère l'existence d'un mécanisme régulant le métabolisme énergétique astrocytaire, en particulier le métabolisme mitochondrial.Afin de fournir une explication à ce paradoxe énergétique, nous avons utilisé des techniques d'imagerie par fluorescence pour mesurer les modifications de concentrations ioniques spontanées et évoquées par une stimulation glutamatergique dans des astrocytes corticaux de souris. Nous avons montré que les mitochondries d'astrocytes au repos manifestaient des changements individuels, spontanés et sélectifs de leur potentiel électrique, de leur pH et de leur concentration en sodium. Nous avons trouvé que le glutamate diminuait la fréquence des augmentations spontanées de sodium en diminuant le niveau cellulaire d'ATP. Nous avons ensuite étudié la possibilité d'une régulation du métabolisme mitochondrial astrocytaire par le glutamate. Nous avons montré que le glutamate initie dans la population mitochondriale une augmentation rapide de la concentration en sodium due à l'augmentation cytosolique de sodium. Nous avons également montré que le relâchement neuronal de glutamate induit une acidification mitochondriale dans les astrocytes. Nos résultats ont indiqué que l'acidification induite par le glutamate induit une diminution de la production de radicaux libres et de la consommation d'oxygène par les astrocytes. Ces études ont montré que les mitochondries des astrocytes sont régulées individuellement et adaptent leur activité selon l'environnement intracellulaire. L'adaptation dynamique du métabolisme énergétique mitochondrial opéré par le glutamate permet d'augmenter la quantité d'oxygène disponible et amène au relâchement de lactate, tous deux bénéfiques pour les neurones.Abstract :The remarkable efficiency of the brain to compute and communicate information costs the body 20% of its total energy budget. Therefore, the cellular mechanisms responsible for brain energy metabolism developed adequately to face the energy needs. Recent advances in neuroenergetics tend to indicate that the main site of energy consumption in the brain is the astroglial process ensheating activated excitatory synapses. A large body of evidence has now shown that glutamate uptake by astrocytes surrounding synapses is responsible for a significant metabolic cost, whose metabolic response is apparently mainly glycolytic. However, astrocytes have also a significant mitochondrial oxidative metabolism. Therefore, the location of mitochondria close to glutamate transporters raises the question of the existence of mechanisms for tuning their energy metabolism, in particular their mitochondrial metabolism.To tackle these issues, we used real time imaging techniques to study mitochondrial ionic alterations occurring at resting state and during glutamatergic stimulation of mouse cortical astrocytes. We showed that mitochondria of intact resting astrocytes exhibited individual spontaneous and selective alterations of their electrical potential, pH and Na+ concentration. We found that glutamate decreased the frequency of mitochondrial Na+ transient activity by decreasing the cellular level of ATP. We then investigated a possible link between glutamatergic transmission and mitochondrial metabolism in astrocytes. We showed that glutamate triggered a rapid Na+ concentration increase in the mitochondrial population as a result of plasma-membrane Na+-dependent uptake. We then demonstrated that neuronally released glutamate also induced a mitochondrial acidification in astrocytes. Glutamate induced a pH-mediated and cytoprotective decrease of mitochondrial metabolism that diminished oxygen consumption. Taken together, these studies showed that astrocytes contain mitochondria that are individually regulated and sense the intracellular environment to modulate their own activity. The dynamic regulation of astrocyte mitochondrial energy output operated by glutamate allows increasing oxygen availability and lactate production both being beneficial for neurons.
Glucose-induced thermogenesis was studied in 12 overweight patients (9F and 3M) before (mean body weight +/- s.e.m. 83 +/- 2 kg) and after weight loss (68 +/- 2 kg), and in eight of the same patients following relapse of body weight gain (84 +/- 5 kg). Expressed as a percentage of the energy content of the 100 g oral glucose load, glucose-induced thermogenesis was lower in the overweight before weight loss (6.5 +/- 0.5 per cent, P less than 0.05), after weight loss (3.9 +/- 0.6 per cent, P less than 0.01) and after weight regain (6.3 +/- 0.9 per cent, P less than 0.05) than in a group of lean control subjects, matched for sex and age (8.3 +/- 0.5 per cent). Basal energy expenditure was lower after weight reduction than before (1.16 +/- 0.04 vs 1.41 +/- 0.08 kcal/min, P less than 0.01). In the formerly overweight patients, the combined effect of a decreased basal energy expenditure and an attenuation of glucose induced thermogenesis resulted in a postprandial energy expenditure which was markedly lower than in the overweight state (P less than 0.001). Following relapse of obesity, glucose-induced thermogenesis remained attenuated compared to control subjects. These results suggest that a lowered basal energy expenditure and a reduced glucose-induced thermogenesis contribute to the positive energy balance which results in relapse of body weight gain after cessation of a hypocaloric diet.
College students (N = 3,435) in 26 cultures reported their perceptions of age-related changes in physical cognitive, and socioemotional areas of functioning and rated societal views of aging within their culture. There was widespread cross-cultural consensus regarding the expected direction of aging trajectories with (a) perceived declines in societal views of aging, physical attractiveness, the ability to perform everyday tasks, and new learning; (b) perceived increases in wisdom, knowledge, and received respect; and (c) perceived stability in family authority and life satisfaction. Cross-cultural variations in aging perceptions were associated with culture-level indicators of population aging, education levels, values, and national character stereotypes. These associations were stronger for societal views on aging and perceptions of socioemotional changes than for perceptions of physical and cognitive changes. A consideration of culture-level variables also suggested that previously reported differences in aging perceptions between Asian and Western countries may be related to differences in population structure.
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AIMS/HYPOTHESIS: High- vs low-glycaemic index (GI) diets unfavourably affect body fat mass and metabolic markers in rodents. Different effects of these diets could be age-dependent, as well as mediated, in part, by carbohydrate-induced stimulation of glucose-dependent insulinotrophic polypeptide (GIP) signalling. METHODS: Young-adult (16 weeks) and aged (44 weeks) male wild-type (C57BL/6J) and GIP-receptor knockout (Gipr ( -/- )) mice were exposed to otherwise identical high-carbohydrate diets differing only in GI (20-26 weeks of intervention, n = 8-10 per group). Diet-induced changes in body fat distribution, liver fat, locomotor activity, markers of insulin sensitivity and substrate oxidation were investigated, as well as changes in the gene expression of anorexigenic and orexigenic hypothalamic factors related to food intake. RESULTS: Body weight significantly increased in young-adult high- vs low-GI fed mice (two-way ANOVA, p < 0.001), regardless of the Gipr genotype. The high-GI diet in young-adult mice also led to significantly increased fat mass and changes in metabolic markers that indicate reduced insulin sensitivity. Even though body fat mass also slightly increased in high- vs low-GI fed aged wild-type mice (p < 0.05), there were no significant changes in body weight and estimated insulin sensitivity in these animals. However, aged Gipr ( -/- ) vs wild-type mice on high-GI diet showed significantly lower cumulative net energy intake, increased locomotor activity and improved markers of insulin sensitivity. CONCLUSIONS/INTERPRETATION: The metabolic benefits of a low-GI diet appear to be more pronounced in younger animals, regardless of the Gipr genotype. Inactivation of GIP signalling in aged animals on a high-GI diet, however, could be beneficial.
Mutations in the Bacillus subtilis gene that affect the activity of the uridine diphosphate (UDP)-N-acetylglucosamine (GlcNAc) 4-epimerase (EC were shown to map to galE, the structural gene of the UDP-glucose (Glc) 4-epimerase (EC This genetic evidence that the same enzyme can catalyse the epimerisation of hexoses as well as of their N-acetylated forms is confirmed by in vitro assays with purified enzyme. It appears that in B. subtilis, Gne (GneA, GalE) is involved in two distinct and essential functions, i.e., cell detoxification under certain growth conditions and the biosynthesis of anionic cell wall polymers. We discuss the evidence that such enzymes capable of utilizing both UDP-hexoses and UDP-N-acetylhexosamines are present in other organisms.
BACKGROUND: After sub-total hemi-section of cervical cord at level C7/C8 in monkeys, the ipsilesional hand exhibited a paralysis for a couple of weeks, followed by incomplete recovery of manual dexterity, reaching a plateau after 40-50 days. Recently, we demonstrated that the level of the plateau was related to the size of the lesion and that progressive plastic changes of the motor map in the contralesional motor cortex, particularly the hand representation, took place following a comparable time course. The goal of the present study was to assess, in three macaque monkeys, whether the hand representation in the ipsilesional primary motor cortex (M1) was also affected by the cervical hemi-section.¦RESULTS: Unexpectedly, based on the minor contribution of the ipsilesional hemisphere to the transected corticospinal (CS) tract, a considerable reduction of the hand representation was also observed in the ipsilesional M1. Mapping control experiments ruled out the possibility that changes of motor maps are due to variability of the intracortical microstimulation mapping technique. The extent of the size reduction of the hand area was nearly as large as in the contralesional hemisphere in two of the three monkeys. In the third monkey, it represented a reduction by a factor of half the change observed in the contralesional hemisphere. Although the hand representation was modified in the ipsilesional hemisphere, such changes were not correlated with a contribution of this hemisphere to the incomplete recovery of the manual dexterity for the hand affected by the lesion, as demonstrated by reversible inactivation experiments (in contrast to the contralesional hemisphere). Moreover, despite the size reduction of M1 hand area in the ipsilesional hemisphere, no deficit of manual dexterity for the hand opposite to the cervical hemi-section was detected.¦CONCLUSION: After cervical hemi-section, the ipsilesional motor cortex exhibited substantial reduction of the hand representation, whose extent did not match the small number of axotomized CS neurons. We hypothesized that the paradoxical reduction of hand representation in the ipsilesional hemisphere is secondary to the changes taking place in the contralesional hemisphere, possibly corresponding to postural adjustments and/or re-establishing a balance between the two hemispheres.
Background: Urinary human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) concentration is routinely measured in all anti-doping laboratories to exclude the misuse of recombinant or urinary hCG preparations. In this study, extended validation of two commercial immunoassays for hCG measurements in urine was performed. Both tests were initially designed for hCG determination in human serum/plasma. Methods: Access (R) and Elecsys (R) 1010 are two automated immunoanalysers for central laboratories. The limits of detection and quantification, as well as intra-laboratory and inter-technique correlation, precision, and accuracy, were determined. Stability studies of hCG in urine following freezing and thawing cycles (n = 3) as well as storage conditions at room temperature, 4 degrees C and 20 degrees C, were performed. Results: Statistical evaluation of hCG concentrations in male urine samples (n = 2429) measured with the Elecsys (R) 1010 system enabled us to draw a skewed frequency histogram and establish a far outside value equal to 2.3 IU/L. This decision limit corresponds to the concentration at which a sportsman will be considered positive for hCG. Intra-assay precision for the Access (R) analyser was less than 4.0 A, whereas the inter-assay precision was closer to 4.5 % (concentrations of the official external controls contained between 5.5 and 195.0 IU/L). Intra and inter-assay precision for the Elecsys (R) 1010 analyser was slightly better. A good inter-technique correlation was obtained when measuring various urine samples (male and female). No urinary hCG loss was observed after two freeze/thaw cycles. On the other hand, time and inappropriate storage conditions, such as temperatures above 10 degrees C for more than 5 days, can deteriorate urinary hCG. Conclusions: Both analysers showed acceptable performances and are suitable for screening urine for anti-doping analyses. Each laboratory should validate and establish its own reference values because hCG concentrations measured in urine can be different from one immunoassay to another. The time delay between urine collection and analysis should be reduced as much as possible, and urine samples should be transported in optimal conditions to avoid a loss of hCG immunoreactivity.
This is a publication of The National Council on Ageing and Older People The Conference took place on October 3, 2005 . It attracted almost 250 delegates from across the statutory, voluntary and private sectors, and from every county. The Conference provided the opportunity for delegates to focus on the issue of social inclusion of older people at local level and the challenges it presents. It also gave us the opportunity to examine the issue in the context of work done at the international and national levels as well as work done at local level. Read the Report (PDF, 317kb)
The glucose transporter isoform GLUT2 is expressed in liver, intestine, kidney and pancreatic islet beta cells, as well as in the central nervous system, in neurons, astrocytes and tanycytes. Physiological studies of genetically modified mice have revealed a role for GLUT2 in several regulatory mechanisms. In pancreatic beta cells, GLUT2 is required for glucose-stimulated insulin secretion. In hepatocytes, suppression of GLUT2 expression revealed the existence of an unsuspected glucose output pathway that may depend on a membrane traffic-dependent mechanism. GLUT2 expression is nevertheless required for the physiological control of glucose-sensitive genes, and its inactivation in the liver leads to impaired glucose-stimulated insulin secretion, revealing a liver-beta cell axis, which is likely to be dependent on bile acids controlling beta cell secretion capacity. In the nervous system, GLUT2-dependent glucose sensing controls feeding, thermoregulation and pancreatic islet cell mass and function, as well as sympathetic and parasympathetic activities. Electrophysiological and optogenetic techniques established that Glut2 (also known as Slc2a2)-expressing neurons of the nucleus tractus solitarius can be activated by hypoglycaemia to stimulate glucagon secretion. In humans, inactivating mutations in GLUT2 cause Fanconi-Bickel syndrome, which is characterised by hepatomegaly and kidney disease; defects in insulin secretion are rare in adult patients, but GLUT2 mutations cause transient neonatal diabetes. Genome-wide association studies have reported that GLUT2 variants increase the risks of fasting hyperglycaemia, transition to type 2 diabetes, hypercholesterolaemia and cardiovascular diseases. Individuals with a missense mutation in GLUT2 show preference for sugar-containing foods. We will discuss how studies in mice help interpret the role of GLUT2 in human physiology.
Glucose transporter-1 deficiency syndrome is caused by mutations in the SLC2A1 gene in the majority of patients and results in impaired glucose transport into the brain. From 2004-2008, 132 requests for mutational analysis of the SLC2A1 gene were studied by automated Sanger sequencing and multiplex ligation-dependent probe amplification. Mutations in the SLC2A1 gene were detected in 54 patients (41%) and subsequently in three clinically affected family members. In these 57 patients we identified 49 different mutations, including six multiple exon deletions, six known mutations and 37 novel mutations (13 missense, five nonsense, 13 frame shift, four splice site and two translation initiation mutations). Clinical data were retrospectively collected from referring physicians by means of a questionnaire. Three different phenotypes were recognized: (i) the classical phenotype (84%), subdivided into early-onset (<2 years) (65%) and late-onset (18%); (ii) a non-classical phenotype, with mental retardation and movement disorder, without epilepsy (15%); and (iii) one adult case of glucose transporter-1 deficiency syndrome with minimal symptoms. Recognizing glucose transporter-1 deficiency syndrome is important, since a ketogenic diet was effective in most of the patients with epilepsy (86%) and also reduced movement disorders in 48% of the patients with a classical phenotype and 71% of the patients with a non-classical phenotype. The average delay in diagnosing classical glucose transporter-1 deficiency syndrome was 6.6 years (range 1 month-16 years). Cerebrospinal fluid glucose was below 2.5 mmol/l (range 0.9-2.4 mmol/l) in all patients and cerebrospinal fluid : blood glucose ratio was below 0.50 in all but one patient (range 0.19-0.52). Cerebrospinal fluid lactate was low to normal in all patients. Our relatively large series of 57 patients with glucose transporter-1 deficiency syndrome allowed us to identify correlations between genotype, phenotype and biochemical data. Type of mutation was related to the severity of mental retardation and the presence of complex movement disorders. Cerebrospinal fluid : blood glucose ratio was related to type of mutation and phenotype. In conclusion, a substantial number of the patients with glucose transporter-1 deficiency syndrome do not have epilepsy. Our study demonstrates that a lumbar puncture provides the diagnostic clue to glucose transporter-1 deficiency syndrome and can thereby dramatically reduce diagnostic delay to allow early start of the ketogenic diet.
Neurotensin (NT) is secreted from neurons and gastrointestinal endocrine cells. We previously reported that the three NT receptors (NTSRs) are expressed in pancreatic islets and beta cell lines on which we observed a protective effect of NT against cytotoxic agents. In this study, we explored the role of NT on insulin secretion in the endocrine pancreatic beta cells. We observed that NT stimulates insulin secretion at low glucose level and has a small inhibiting effect on stimulated insulin secretion from isolated islets or INS-1E cells. We studied the mechanisms by which NT elicited calcium concentration changes using fura-2 loaded islets or INS-1E cells. NT increases calcium influx through the opening of cationic channels. Similar calcium influxes were observed after treatment with NTSR selective ligands. NT-evoked calcium regulation involves PKC and the translocation of PKCalpha and PKCepsilon to the plasma membrane. Part of NT effects appears to be also mediated by PKA but not via the Erk pathway. Taken together, these data provide evidence for an important endocrine role of NT in the regulation of the secretory function of beta cells.