988 resultados para germ plasm
This paper empirically analyzes changes in the supply of non-stop intercontinental flights from European airports. We take advantage of OAG data for air services from a rich sample of European airports to intercontinental destinations in the period 2004-2008. Results of the empirical analysis indicate a tendency towards a more balanced distribution of intercontinental flights across European airports. We also find that the demographic size of a region, its sector specialization, the political role of its central city and the proportion of connecting traffic explain the amount of and changes in long-haul air services supplied from European airports.
This paper analyses the factors that determine solid waste service costs. The empirical analysis is based on information derived from a survey conducted in a sample of Galician municipalities. The results reveal economies of scale in municipalities of fewer than 50,000 inhabitants, such that cooperation between these municipalities could lead to cost savings. It also appears that private delivery is not cheaper than public delivery. Finally, designating a larger proportion of the total waste volume to recycling does not imply greater costs.
Este artículo examina los factores que influyen en la privatización de los servicios de residuos sólidos y suministro de agua. Se aprovecha la disponibilidad de datos para una muestra de municipios de Aragón para identificar los aspectos de mayor importancia en municipios de pequeña dimensión. Los resultados del análisis empírico muestran que, para ambos servicios, la situación financiera de los municipios influye de forma significativa en la decisión de privatizar de los municipios pequeños, mientras que los aspectos ideológicos no parecen tener importancia. Las motivaciones referidas a los costes varían en función de las características específicas del servicio considerado. En este sentido, la dispersión de los núcleos de población y la cooperación inter-municipal juegan un papel particularmente relevante en municipios de pequeña dimensión.
Academics and policy makers are increasingly shifting the debate concerning the best form of public service provision beyond the traditional dilemma between pure public and pure private delivery modes, because, among other reasons, there is a growing body of evidence that casts doubt on the existence of systematic cost savings from privatization, while any competition seems to be eroded over time. In this paper we compare the relative merits of public and private delivery within a mixed delivery system. We study the role played by ownership, transaction costs, and competition on local public service delivery within the same jurisdiction. Using a stochastic cost frontier, we analyze the public-private urban bus system in the Barcelona Metropolitan Area. Our results suggest that private firms tendering the service have higher delivery costs than those incurred by the public firm, especially when transaction costs are taken into account. Tenders, therefore, do not help to reduce delivery costs. Our results suggest that under a mixed delivery scheme, which permits the co-existence of public and private production, the metropolitan government and the regulator can use private delivery to contain costs in the public firm and, at the same time, benefit from the greater flexibility of private firms for dealing with events not provided for under contract.
Drawing on a database for 1988-2006 containing information on 157 countries, we investigate the effects on military spending of government form, electoral rules, concentration of parliamentary parties, and ideology. From an OLS regression on pooled data, our results show that presidential democracies spend more than parliamentary systems on defense, whereas the presence of a plurality voting system will reduce the defense burden. Our findings suggest that, in contrast to theoretical predictions in the literature, institutions do not have the same impact on the provision of all public goods. We present as well evidence regarding the effect of ideology on defense spending.
A sodium mordenite zeolite (Na-MOR) was synthesized and modified by dealumination with chloridric acid solution (H-MOR). X-Ray Diffraction (XRD), Inductive Coupled Plasm (ICP) and Scanning Electron Micrograph (SEM) techniques were used for sample characterization. The zeolite catalytic behavior was evaluated through toluene disproportionation at 435°C. It was verified that mordenites were very selective for the disproportionation reaction and the samples with higher aluminum content showed larger initial activity, however, these samples showed too a higher deactivation velocity due to a blockage of the unidimensional porous system of the zeolite by coke deposits. The selectivity to xylene isomers was practically not influenced by the Si/Al ratio and changed with the time on stream, due to coke formation. Transition state shape selectivity inside the mordenite pores is also discussed.
Samlingen med signum HF Germ. finns vid Humanistiska biblioteket i anslutning till ämnet Tyska. I samlingen ingår litteratur om tysk språkvetenskap och litteraturvetenskap liksom en del tysk skönlitteratur. Akademibiblioteket har fått emotta flere större donationer tysk litteratur såsom Maud Greulings, konsulinnan H. Pacius och FD Gudrun Lundströms boksamlingar. Inköp har kompletterat samlingen. Litteraturen i samlingen söks i Alma med sökfunktionen Signum och söktermen HF Germ.
Local public service provision can vary greatly because of differences in institutional arrangements, public service markets, and national traditions regarding government intervention. In this paper we compare the procedures adopted by the local governments of the Netherlands and Spain in arranging for the provision of solid waste collection. We find that Spain faces a consolidation problem, opting more frequently to implement policies of privatization and cooperation, at the expense of competition. By contrast, the Netherlands has, on average, larger municipalities, resorting somewhat less to privatization and cooperation, and more to competition. The two options - cooperation and competition - have their merits when striving to strike a balance between transaction costs and scale economies. The choices made in organizational reform seem to be related to several factors, among which the nature of the political system and the size of municipalities appear to be relevant.
The aim of this paper is to analyze the effects of intermunicipal cooperation and privatization on the delivery costs of urban solid waste services. The results of our empirical analysis, which we conducted among a sample of very small municipalities, indicate that small towns that cooperate incur lower costs for their waste collection service. Cooperation also raises collection frequency and improves the quality of the service in small towns. By contrast, the form of production, whether it is public or private, does not result in systematic differences in costs. Interestingly, the degree of population dispersion has a significant positive relation with service costs. No evidence of scale economies is found because, it would seem, small municipalities exploit them by means of intermunicipal cooperation.
Infertility is a common late effect of childhood cancer treatment. Testicular toxicity can clinically be first detected after the onset of pubertal maturation of the patients when the testis does not grow, spermatogenesis does not initiate and serum levels of gonadotrophins rise. Improved prognosis for childhood cancer has resulted in a growing number of childhood cancer survivors with late effects. In our study, we developed novel tools for detecting cancer therapy-related testicular toxicity during development. By using these methods the effects of the tyrosine kinase inhibitor imatinib mesylate, chemotherapy agent doxorubicin and irradiation on testicular development were investigated in rat and monkey. Patients with chronic myeloid leukemia and some patients with acute lymphoblastic leukemia have fusion gene BCR-ABL which codes for abnormal tyrosine kinase protein. Imatinib mesylate (Glivec®) inhibits activity of this protein. In addition, imatinib inhibits the action of the c-kit and PDGF –receptors, which are both important for the survival and proliferation of the spermatogonial stem cell pool. Imatinib exposure during prepubertal development disturbed the development and the growth of the testis. Spermatogonial stem cells were also sensitive to the toxic effects of doxorubicin and irradiation during the initiation phase of spermatogenesis. In addition, the effect of the treatment of acute lymphoblastic leukemia on germ cell numbers and recovery of reproductive functions after sexual maturation was investigated. Therapy for childhood acute lymphoblastic leukemia seldom results in infertility. The present study gives new information on the mechanisms by which cancer treatments exert their gonadal toxicity in immature testis.
The private sector plays an increasing and relevant role in highway funding and management. For that reason, the regulation designed and enforced by public authorities becomes even more important for the social welfare results generated by this process. In this study, we analyze the current trends in highway funding and management paying special attention on the recent process of privatization and its motivations. Since public ownership and regulation are substitutes for government intervention, we check the hypothesis that highways privatization induces more strict regulation. Indeed, we observe that as the private sector increases its size, toll regulation becomes more detailed.
Congestion costs are emerging as one of the most important challenges faced by metropolitan planners and transport authorities in first world economies. In US these costs were as high as 78 million dollars in 2005 and are growing due to fast increases in travel delays. In order to solve the current and severe levels of congestion the US department of transportation have recently started a program to initiate congestion pricing in five metropolitan areas. In this context it is important to determine those factors helping its implementation and success, but also the problems or difficulties associated with charging projects. In this article we analyze worldwide experiences with urban road charging in order to extract interesting and helpful lessons for policy makers engaged in congestion pricing projects and for those interested in the introduction of traffic management tools to regulate the entrance to big cities.
Recent theoretical developments on concession contracts for long term infrastructure projects under uncertain demand show the benefits of allowing for flexible term contracts rather than fixing a rigid term. This study presents a simulation to compare both alternatives by using real data from the oldest Spanish toll motorway. For this purpose, we analyze how well the flexible term would have performed instead of the fixed length actually established. Our results show a huge reduction of the term of concession that would have dramatically decreased the firm’s benefits and the user’s overpayment due to the internalization of an unexpected traffic increase.
The use of tolls is being widespread around the world. Its ability to fund infrastructure projects and to solve budget constraints have been the main rationale behind its renewed interest. However, less attention has been payed to the safety effects derived from this policy in a moment of increasing concern on road fatalities. Pricing best infrastructures shifts some drivers onto worse alternative roads usually not prepared to receive high traffic in comparable safety standards. In this paper we provide evidence of the existence of this perverse consequence by using an international European panel in a two way fixed effects estimation.
The empirical literature about factors explaining local government delivery choices has traditionally focused the attention on the public or private production dilemma. However, hybrid organizational forms such as mixed public-private firms are increasingly used in several European countries. This paper makes use of survey data from Spanish municipalities to examine motivations of local governments for engaging in hybrid organizational forms. Data refer to two very relevant local services: water distribution and solid waste collection. The empirical analysis indicates that the use of mixed firms emerge as a type of pragmatically based ‘third way’ between pure public and pure private production. Indeed, local governments make use of mixed firms when cost considerations (scale economies, transaction costs and soon), financial constraints and private interests exert contradictory pressures. On the contrary, political and ideological factors do not play any significant role on the local government decision of engaging or not in joint ventures with private partners.